My Rewrite
Author's Note: Thank you for reading. I started this story back in middle school, but due to unfortunate circumstances, the story was put on hold, and I honestly never stopped coming back to it. I wanted to continue it, but could never work up the courage to do so. It's been nearly three years since I've written this story, and I'll be headed to college soon.
My reasons for leaving this story and then what can be called the Team Crafted Fandom vary, including things like:
First: I never really was confident in my writing. I knew my writing skills were awful, and I wanted to portray these awesome visions I had in my head, but could never do so. It really hurt at some points and started to discourage me.
Second, the drama. I really don't think I have to elaborate on this one. We were all fangirls/fanboys at one point, but as soon as the Team Crafted Drama spurred to life, it honestly all just went downhill from there. I didn't want to associate with that kind of negativity.
Third, I began to 'grow up', as I would say. I moved on, I didn't need Minecraft and I moved on from my obsession with it. Sure, I now obsess over new things, but I guess it could be called maturing. I don't know how to put it, but it just felt like I was moving on from the dark middle school days.
But, I know I disappointed a lot of people by dropping not just dropping this story but every single one I've written, and I truly am sorry. I didn't mean to drop it, but it just happened, you know? If you're reading this, I'm completely unworthy of your dedication, but I am sincerely grateful, and I wouldn't be able to thank you enough.
Anyways. Moving on.
I'm rewriting this story.
I'm rewriting them all.
Now that I've grown up, I want to finally put this story and all of the others I've written to rest and be able to move on. These stories are a part of me, and I want to close the door on my past.
If you're an old follower, thank you, friend, for continuing to follow this story.
If you're a new follower/reader, please, embark with me on this new and rewritten journey.
This is Crystal signing off, for now.
See you soon!