The snow was falling hard. Great gusts of wind swept up a cluster of snowflakes, thrashing and swirling into whirlwinds. This weather was not suitable for anyone to endure.

So thus, two young earls were huddled before a fire. A thick blanket surrounded them both. Alois hugged a pillow close to his body and sighed. He watched the fire flicker and dance before his eyes. He shivered a little. He had insisted in playing in the snow before the blizzard had begun. And of course, he could not play alone. A new environment called for a new adventure, and the land of Ciel's estate was yet to be explored by the blonde. He would be a great explorer and Ciel his sidekick. Ciel did not seems so fond of the idea. But Alois did not care. He threw snowballs at the Phantomhive earls window until he was so aggravated that he came out of the manor to try to dismiss the blond.

That was far from successful. A snow ball fight broke out, sending the blonde into fits of giggly glee until a swift snowball sent him tumbling into a snow covered pine. A downpour of snow covered him. He was trapped…and terrified.

But now he was curled by the fire, dressed in Ciel's clothes, shivering slightly and sipping a warm cup of hot chocolate. The blue haired earl was grumbling incoherently about not getting his work done. The harsh storm left the manor to be frigid. the only inhabitable areas were those with large fireplaces.

The last drops of hot chocolate was savored and the cup was set aside. The shivering blond scooted closer to Ciel, nuzzling against him for warmth. "Alois! What are you doing?" He tried to push the boy away but he only moved closer. "I'm coooold!" He whined. "You better keep me warm, its your fault for getting me stuck under a tree avalanche. He stuck out his tongue then laid his head on Ciel's shoulder.