Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC'S, All right go to Hasbro and Michael Bay. Naduah Creed belongs to Kovy- Closet Romantic who approached me with this idea the first time this story was published.

Beta read by: cmfanreidsgirl

'Naduah and Lioness talking'

"Is Sam a flier?" I asked from Solus Prime's shoulder as they showed me their finished work. The Primes and the All-spark chuckle.
"No little one he is not, he has door wings like Bumblebee and Prowl." Alpha Trion explained.
Their frames were dull gray, 'Kea was shaped much like Momma with two wheels instead of one and a spike coming off her helm. Sam looked like he was as tall as 'Bee but he was slimmer than him with more of a humanoid face like Sideswipe. Vector Prime held out another body this one was smaller than the other two frames, the frame was still silver but had a different look than the other two. The frame had two wheeled feet attached to slender legs, the middle seems to have metal wrapping around it till it came to the back in the middle of the shoulders were it split into two and became wings, the head was helmet shaped bordering the face in an oval shape coming to a sharp end on both sides, there was also a small visor like Jazz's.
"Is that . . .?"
"Yours. I decided you needed a proper youngling body."
I looked at the All-spark questioningly. "But will I be able to go back to being human?"
"Don't worry chosen one you will."
I nodded then stepped onto Vector Prime's hand next to my Cybertron body; I brushed my hands over the metal.
"How do I?"
The All-spark walked over to us and placed a soothing digit on my back. "Place your hands on the spark chamber and send some of your power into the spark chamber."
I did as I was told and focused my power into the spark chamber, the world swirled around me.
~Naduah POV. The base.~
On our way back to the Lennox's farm Sideswipe was contacted and told to head to the navy base to be brought back to Diageo Garcia. A day-in-a-half later we arrived on base and were greeted by chaos. Some of the human Soldiers were walking around tense with their hands close to their guns, while the other half walking around quietly with a slightly solemn expression, the robots on the other hand all but six of them were either spitting mad looking like they were ready to tear something apart and the others were trying to comfort two of their own while looking really depressed. Sideswipe took off toward the six indifferent robots; I lead Peter and his dogs over to the human soldiers where Lennox stood talking to Epps.
"Coronal what happened?" Lennox looked from Peter and his dogs to me. "He knows Coronal."
Lennox sighed rubbing a hand over his face. "While you were gone the bots took Goldheart to meet with that sheriff, Jazz was watching her and they met up with Sam, Mikaela, Bumblebee, and Arcee. Flareup was with them in disguise as a deputy. They were ambushed in the park by the Decepticon, the new arrivals saved Goldheart but Sam and Mikaela were killed, when Goldheart found out she used her powers to do something. Sam and Mikaela's bodies disappeared and Goldheart fell unconscious."
I heard Peter whistle and saw his dogs sniff the air out of the corner of my eye.
"It's all your fault you fragging Decepticons!" Goldheart's father, Ironhide, roared and lunged for the red eyed robots. Optimus Prime, Sideswipe and one of the new robots grabbed Ironhide holding him back while some of the female robots grabbed Goldheart's mother, Chromia, holding her back as well.
"Ironhide! Chromia! Stand down!" the Prime ordered. I felt Peter tense next me as his dogs started growling then took off into the base. Peter, Epps, and I ran after them, we followed them through the halls till they came to a large set of doors where they started pawing and whining.
"The med bay?" Epps muttered waving for us to follow as he walked through a smaller human sized door. Walking into the med bay we were greeted by the site of the two medics standing in front of three giant bed things.
"Ratchet? Jolt?"
"Uncle Epps?" Epps took off at a run going up a long set of steps to one of the bed things and was tackled by a silver blur.
Peter, his dogs, and I made our way up the steps at a slower pace. At the top I saw a small robot sitting on Epps grinning as much as its metal face allowed it, on the other two beds sat to new robots who were looking at themselves in shock.
"Hi Ms. Naduah, who are your friends?"
I looked back at the metal robot, it had a female, childlike voice. My cat purred in the back of my mind. "Hi Goldheart, this is my friend Peter and his dogs."
The now robot Goldheart got off Epps and walked part of the way toward us before stopping and holding her metal hand out to the dogs. The two walked over to her and sniffed her hand then pushed her down licking her face. Goldheart let out high pitched giggles as she squirmed under them. Ratchet looked at the still two unnamed robots, a red light shot out and scanned over the unnamed two. "Sam? Mikaela?"
"Heya Ratch," the one sitting furthest away from us croaked out in a hoarse voice that was distinctly male, the other one waved and grinned cheekily.
"Do you not want us here Ratch? We can always leave," the second one said with a female voice, Ratchet scowled at both of them. A wrench appeared in Ratchet's hand from out of nowhere and he hit the two robots upside the head.
"If you even attempt to leave this med bay I'll wield both your afts to the berths."


Bee4ever: :)

ManyGamePlayer: :)

LadySilverstreak: I'm glad my story can help, and Don't worry Sunstreaker is going to stay as close to character as I can get him for a long time *evil grin* so if he happens to get his aft kicked . . . :)