Chapter 3

Disclaimer: All rights to J.K. Rowling

All eyes were on Lily Luna and Teddy when they stepped into the Gryffindor common room. "Who are you?" the raven haired boy named Sirius yelled. "Sirius!" a sandy haired boy chided, "That's rude." The sandy haired boy walked up to Teddy and Lily Luna and shook Teddy's hand. "Remus Lupin," he said "It's very nice to meet you. I'm a fifth year."

Teddy stared for a moment before composing himself and saying "My name is Teddy Granger, and this is my little sister, Lily Luna. Our parents are Aurors and are away for a few weeks, and Dumbledore is letting us stay here until they return. I am supposed to be staying with the fifth year boys and Lily Luna is supposed to stay with the fifth year girls, do you mind helping us out?"

"Of course!" Remus replied, noticing that the whole common room was staring at them, he yelled "Don't you all have something better to do?!" and they all looked away. Except for three boys, Sirius, the boy who looked like Harry, and a small, mousy boy.

Sirius bounded up to Teddy, shook his hand, and said "Pleasure to meet you, the name is Sirius Black." The boy who looked like Harry walked up and said "My name is James Potter, and sadly this idiot is my best friend," He said pointing to Sirius. "Idiot!" Sirius screamed, "I don't think so," and the two broke out into friendly bantering. "Sorry about that," Remus said "And this is Peter Pettigrew," he said pointing to the mousy boy staring at Sirius and James.

Teddy smiled at all of them and was about to ask where Lily Luna should go when James yelled "Oi, Evans!" A girl with fiery red hair turned to look at James, and if looks could kill, he would be dead. "What Potter?" she hissed.

"This is Lily Luna and Teddy Granger," he announced pointing to the two newcomers "They are staying in Gryffindor tower, and they are both staying in the fifth year dorms, Lily Luna needs someone to take her up to the girls dorm, while Teddy follows us." The redhead gaped at James for a minute before turning to Teddy and holding out her hand. "I'm Lily Evans, it's nice to meet you." "And you too," Teddy responded. She pointed to Lily Luna, "May I take her?" "Yes, but can I have a few words with her first? She is going to be really nervous around new people," Lily nodded.

Teddy pulled Lily Luna over to a secluded corner of the common room, "Lily Luna, I know that you know who these people are, but they can't know who you are. Your grandma and grandpa don't know that they have a granddaughter, much less a son. You cannot tell them about Daddy or Mummy or Nana Weasley or Papa Weasley or any of your Aunties and Uncles, okay?" Lily Luna nodded and gave Teddy a hug, before running over to Lily, grabbing her hand, and walking to the girl's dormitories.

Teddy watched for a minute, but then walked over to the Marauders and following them up to the steps of the boy's dormitories. Teddy followed them all the way to the top of the tower, and to the last door at the end of the hallway, which held a sign stating 'Fifth Year Boys', and beneath that 'Marauders Room', and 'Do Not Enter'.

The room itself was exactly how Teddy remembered it, the four poster beds with their maroon curtains, the window facing the Black Lake. The only thing that Teddy didn't remember was the explosion marks on the walls, and the carvings into the wood on the beds.

The boys quickly got ready for bed, and as Teddy was falling asleep, he couldn't help but wonder how he was going to fix this mess.

Meanwhile, in the girl's dormitories, Lily Luna was having a great time with the fifth year girls. Lily was brushing her hair, while the other girls were sitting on the other beds, telling her all about Hogwarts and how much fun it is. In return, Lily Luna was telling them about home. How her dad takes her to see Muggle movies and ice cream, how her mum taught her how to play Quidditch, how her brother, James, carries her around the house, how Albus reads her stories at night, and all about her uncles, aunts, and cousins.

Lily Luna loved spending time with the girls, but she missed her family and couldn't help but cry herself to sleep that night. Lily Evans, who was in the next bed over, heard her, and decided that she would do whatever she could to make Lily Luna happy to be at Hogwarts.

A/N: I know this isn't very long but I hope you like it. Please review, and especially about any grammar or spelling mistakes. I have also decided that I am not going to be able to update on a certain time interval, so there won't be a definite schedule for when I am going to update things.