Disclaimer: Hunter x Hunter belongs to Togashi. Not me and I think everyone knows that haha.

Review Replies:

Pri-Chan 1410: Thank you again for another kind review! Well don't worry there's some in this chapter! Haha

chani: Thank you! Your encouragement means a lot! I'm glad this story has fans!

Milye6: I was waiting for someone to mention that. They do indeed have somethings in common but there will be major differences of course. As for those questions... You'll have to wait and see ;)

Chapter 4:

Kalluto was looking at the red-head curiously, how did she know this woman? The brunette had reached the floor now and was hysterically looking around and sobbing, "Please someone, anyone help me!"

Sidhe wasted no time running up to the woman, "Ran, what's wrong? Are you hurt anywhere?" He had no idea the girl could sound so serious.

"N-no, its not my blood i-it's my brothers," the woman chocked out just as Serenity walked up to them. The rest of the examinees were enjoying the short unexpected break from exercising although some showed enough concern to walk closer and try and figure out what was going on. Kalluto made sure to stay close enough to listen and see what was going on but made no mood to try and comfort the woman, Ran, like Sidhe was.

"What's going on Reim-san?" The examiner questioned coolly, "Your family agreed not to interfere with the exam as long as we all stayed in the basement."

'Why would any family want to have the Hunter Exam in their home?' Kalluto thought incredulously. The Zoldyck's were very private people despite their large wealth and would never even considering having so many stranger's inside their home. That was the whole reason the family bought Kukuroo Mountain. They had plenty of space all to themselves which was thoroughly guarded. Sure outside the Testing Gates was a popular tourist spot but that was completely different.

"S-Serenity-san! It's- I know what my family agreed to but-but its an emergency! My brother's hurt and m-my little s-sister was taken!" Ran wailed before bowing on the floor, "Please I need your help!"

Serenity stared, expressionless, at the young woman before scoffing and turning her back to her, "Forget it! We have a contract ya know! No one here is obligated to help you. We have to go on with the exam,"

Her cruel indifferent words stunned everyone, sure the exam was important but couldn't she help the Reim's and then come back to finish instructing the first phase?

"Are you out of your mind?!"

"Please I beg you!"

The two cries rang out over the crowds uncertain mutterings. Kalluto couldn't find it in himself to be surprised that on of them came from Sidhe.

"Sidhe.." Kalluto turned his head slightly to see it was Sideburn-san (AKA Zepile) that spoke his face colored in concern as his eyes went from the twelve-year old to the slightly peeved examiner, "Be careful of what you say,"

The advice went ignored.

"Ran and her family are in trouble! Who cares what any stupid contract says! Your a Hunter! Aren't Hunter's suppose to help people?!" The angry exclamation earned a laugh, of all things from the blonde.

"There are many different types of Hunter's kid-" Her voiced raised as she swept her gaze over the crowd of examinees, "I don't know about what kind of Hunter's you all want to become, but I know I didn't desire to become some super hero after risking my neck already after getting my license!"

People who had originally looked on in outraged shock by Serenity's disregard like Sidhe were now looking uncertain.

"The Reim family is always surrounded by body guards, that's something that comes with wealth, so if they managed to hurt one of the family's heir's and kidnap another that means all their guards were taken out! Trained professionals. If you all want to get mixed up in that business its up to you, just know if you leave this basement you fail the exam." The last few words were spoken with indifference, after a small shrug the woman started to walk back to her platform.

Over the sound of urgent murmurs Kalluto could practically hear Sidhe grind her teeth in rage. Her first were clenched at her sides and she looked like she was about to attack Serenity.

He didn't understand why she cared so much about the woman sobbing on the floor or the brunette's family.

"Sidhe calm down! Attacking her won't change anything!" It was Zepile again who spoke. Kalluto nodded in agreement and threw his own two-cents in, "Why do you care so much Red? You came here to become a Hunter, not some rich family's hero."

Zepile shot the boy a scolding look but Kalluto didn't even acknowledge him, he opened his mouth to say more but Serenity beat him to it with a loud call that echoed throughout the huge room.

"You all have one minute to get back to your mat so we can continue! If you don't your disqualified!"

60 seconds wasn't a long time. Human minds were fast but when presented with a situation like this the more likely outcome was obvious. More than three fourths of the group immediately scrambled back to their mats. 'Human's in the end only care about themselves after all,' Kalluto mused.

"Your all wrong! This whole situation is wrong! What kind of person can turn their back to something like this?!"

Sidhe's scream echoed throughout the basement even more then Serenity's. It turned a few head's and kept the small group around them stationary, yet most simply ignored her.

"Fine be selfish! Think only of yourselves! I hope you can sleep at night knowing you abandoned a ten year old girl for a stupid piece of laminated paper you could have tried to get again next year!" Sidhe turned and bent slightly, offering the older teen a hand, "Come on Ran! Let's go save Rei!" Her voice was strong and sure. Kalluto stared at her in shock; she was really going to let herself get disqualified?

Ran looked stunned herself but let the girl help her up, "S-Sidhe, thank you," it was whimpered out quietly but those close heard.

Kalluto watched as the girl gave a small grin and a quick nod before they turned to hurry up the stairs. Several people followed and Zepile turned to Kalluto with a grim expression, "Well kid? Are you coming or not?"

Kalluto blinked at the man and then stared at the back of Sidhe's head as she moved up the steps. Why was he even hesitating? He told Feitan he would get a license! So why couldn't he turn and walk back to his mat?

Somehow the girl must have felt his eyes on her since she turned her head slightly and looked at him with one of her bright green eyes. She didn't glare at him or bother to call anything over her shoulder. She just looked at him.

Kalluto found his feet moving in her direction of their own will. Zepile grinned and slapped a hand to his back, "Maybe you aren't so bad after all kid!"

Kalluto didn't even hear him. He only saw the bright smile she gave him.

A/N: I know its short, gomenasai! Writing was really hard this week .. But next week's chapter will be longer for sure! My friend is actually working on drawing a picture of Kalluto for me for a cover image! Isn't that awesome! His kimono is a little different from the anime but hey... Killua changed clothes all the time so why not his brother? Haha. By the way wasn't the latest episode AMAZING?! I love the Zoldyck's (except for Illumi) and Alluka is the cutest thing.