This is mainly a Jun Pyo and Jan Di story


"I do not own Boys over Flowers or any of the characters, only the ones that I create.

Jun Pyo and Jan Di have been married for about three years now and everything was great. Yi Jung and Ga Eul were married two years after Jun Pyo and Jan Di were. Woo Bin had been dating Jaekung for a while since everyone has been back to Seoul, Korea. And Ji Hoo was lonely for a while until Seo Hyun came back into his life.. After Much talking and getting to know each other again they decided to give it a try. Everyone is happy and living the good life

One Sunday morning in the Gu mansion (Jun Pyo and Jan Di live in a different mansion so that they wouldn't be living with his parents and so they wouldn't feel uncomfortable) it was a very peaceful morning.. Jan Di was resting comfortable on Jun Pyo's chest after what happened last night, they both needed all the rest that they could get.

Jan Di stirred a little in her sleep which woke Jun Pyo up. He had a huge smile plastered on his face.. It's been three years and he still acts like it was his first night with Jan Di. "Good Morning beautiful" said Jun Pyo kissing the top of Jan Di's head.. Jan Di mumbled something but reached up and kissed his cheek. "Morning.." said a tired Jan Di. Jun Pyo smiled wider and pulled Jan Di closer to him to snuggle some more.
"Last night was great!" said Jun Pyo. Jan Di smiled a little annoyed, "Yeah and my back is sore." Jun Pyo gently started rubbing his wife's back. "Sorry baby" before kissing Jan Di on the lips passionately to which Jan Di responded quickly to. Jun Pyo started kissing Jan Di's neck and then her collarbone... Jan Di moaned with pleasure and was rubbing Jun Pyo's back.
She started to feel his member harding and pressed to her stomach and grabbed him and started stroking him which she quickly received a response from him. Moans were exchanged back and forth between them.. Jan Di started rubbing against him so that he could just thrust into already. So he worked his way back up to her lips leaving his mark on her breasts and other places. Kissing her passionately he positioned himself into her entrance and swiftly entered her..

"OHHHHH Jun Pyo!" exclaimed Jan Di. Jun Pyo started thrusting fast and harder getting an louder response from Jan Di.. "Mmmmmm Jan Di-ah! shouted back Jun Pyo. Finally Jan Di came and Jun Pyo soon followed. Jun Pyo laid on his back and Jan Di laid back onto Jun Pyo's chest both trying to catch their breaths. "Do you think we did it this time?" he asked Jan Di. "I think we did it the last seven times Jun Pyo." responded Jan Di. "No I mean you think you're finally-"

Jun Pyo stopped when he heard a knocking a knocking on their bedroom door. "Sorry young master and miss but you and miss have visitors" said their butler, Mr. Lee behind the door.
Jun Pyo and Jan Di looked at each other confused, "Who could be visiting us this early?" they both thought.

Sorry it's short!

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