Hello Everyone! This is my first Fanfic I've ever written, so don't be too harsh please! Please Review! Constructive Criticism is appreciated :) Now about the Story! I've always loved this pairing, GajeelxLaxus. Gajeel has always been my favorite character in the Manga/Anime. Follow this story and me if you want to read more! I'll be making a NatsuxGajeel Fanfic soon so stay tuned :) I hope you enjoy! I'm having a lot of fun making this story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, or it's characters (although that would be pretty freaking awesome).


It was a quiet morning in the guild, mostly because Natsu, Gray, Erza and Lucy were on a mission. Laxus sat at his usual table with Evergreen, Freed, and Bickslow. Evergreen was going on about her boy troubles, not realising that any of them didn't care at all. Bickslow was busy talking to his puppets, while Freed was making sure his bright green hair looked perfect. He started getting annoyed at Evergreen's talking, so he turned on his music and got lost in his thoughts.

He noticed that Gajeel wasn't here yet; he usually got to the guild earlier than him. They never got along; they always argued and fought whenever they were near each other. Mostly because Laxus knew he was more dominant than Gajeel, but he was too stubborn to admit it.

Just as he was thinking about the iron dragon slayer, he walked through the guild doors. He wore his black torn up shirt, white worn out pants, and leather boots. His hair was as black as night, and spiky like a porcupine. He also had piercings all over his body. He never understood why people get piercings, they hurt a lot and they must be annoying. Laxus noticed something else about him though... 'He smells really good...' Laxus thought to himself. He wondered why.

Gajeel was at the job board, looking for a mission to go on with his partner cat, Pantherlily. After he found a job he went to sit down at the bar to make sure Mira knew where he was going. "Ooo a few people have had their eyes on this one! Be careful though, Vulcans are pretty tough!" Mira says with a huge smile. "Tch... Nothing's a challenge for me. I'm staying here for a bit though, Lily needs to talk to Carla about something". As he said that Mira poured him a beer. As she finished pouring it Cana collapsed on the ground laughing hysterically, so Mira went to go help her.

Laxus walked over to Gajeel and sat beside him. "What do you want lightning freak?" Gajeel says confused why Laxus would sit beside him. "Just want to talk that's all. Are you wearing some special cologne or something?" Laxus asked angrily. "No are you? You smell amazing!". 'How can he be so blunt like that?'' Laxus said to himself, surprised at Gajeel.

Laxus shook his head and Gajeel shrugged.

"Oi Gajeel let's go!" Lily shouts from the guild doors. Gajeel growls at Lily and shouts back, "Just wait a minute or two will you!".

"Hey Gajeel, want to have a drink at my house sometime?", Laxus immediately regretted what he said, why would the Iron dragon slayer want to be around him? "Uhh... I'll be back late tonight from Onibus if that's fine with you".

Laxus was surprised that he wanted to, but he was glad he said yes. "Alright, well come over whenever you get back, I'll be waiting", "Ok se-" "GAJEEL!" yellled Lily, sounding really mad at Gajeel for not hurrying up. "Ok ok... Calm down, See you later Laxus!", Gajeel said with a small grin. Laxus smiled back waving at him while he left.

Laxus still didn't know why he invited Gajeel over; they had nothing in common and just didn't get along. He never wanted to admit it, but he actually hated fighting with Gajeel. He just wanted to be friends with him. Laxus decided to lie down on his couch while he waited for Gajeel. He rested for a bit, and woke up to a knock on the door. He opened the door and there stood the Iron Dragon slayer. "So where's the booze?" Gajeel said with a wicked grin.

Laxus chuckled, and welcomed him in. "Your house is huuuge!" Laxus smiled at this comment, he was really proud of his house. "Being an S-Class Mage helped me a lot", replied Laxus. He brought Gajeel to his kitchen, and he poured him a glass of whiskey for him and himself. They sat down and started drinking.

After about 15 minutes of random talking, they started feeling the effects of the hard liquor. "So how's you and Levy?", Laxus asks. 'Why did I ask him that? Why would I care about his relationships...?' Laxus asked himself.

"Me and the shrimp? It aint like that. She's been annoying me lately", he replied with a frown. "Oh really? How so?", "All she does complain abou her team. Jet and Droy are together now and they don't give her any attention anymore". 'Jet and Droy? I've never heard of any guys having relationships since I've been in Fairy tail...' Laxus thought to himself. "I thought you two were dating for sure", Laxus says with a laugh. "I would never, she aint my type." "Fair enough", Laxus says as he gets up to get another bottle, almost falling over in the process.

He pours him some more whiskey. "Ahh... Whiskey really hits the spot", Gajeel says as he gulps down the last of it. He walked to the other room to lie down on Laxus' couch, about to pass out. Laxus stayed in the kitchen. He doesn't know why, but he enjoys being around Gajeel a lot, and he smells fantastic. He decides to join Gajeel and goes into the other room.

Gajeel was sitting up on one side of the couch, so Laxus sat beside him. Laxus puts an arm around him, and Gajeel looks into his baby blue eyes, 'This smell is too much for me...', Gajeel says to himself. Gajeel puts a hand through Laxus' hair, Laxus looks into his red eyes, and leans in to kiss him.

They passionately kissed for a couple minutes , then they began exploring each other's mouths with their tongues. They broke apart for air, and while they were catching their breath Laxus, got on top of Gajeel and dives in for another kiss. He ran his hand through Gajeel's spiky hair. He noticed it was really soft, which is not what he expected. Laxus began stripping Gajeel of his clothes, and continued to take his own off too. Laxus sat on top of Gajeel, his eyes wild with lust, "Are you sure you want this?", Laxus asked. Gajeel responded with a nod. He smiled at this, and began stroking Gajeel's cock, and he began running small jolts of electricity through his hands.

Gajeel moaned with ectasy, his lightning combined with his piercings on his cock was too much.

Laxus leaned in to kiss him again, feeling every one of his moans with his tongue. He noticed he was going to finish soon, so he started pumping his cock faster. As Gajeel came he gave out a big yelp, "Ahhh.. Yes!" Laxus loved how vocal Gajeel was.

Gajeel just laid there, but Laxus wasn't done. He moved closer so his cock was right in Gajeel's face. Laxus didn't need to remind him, he started licking his member, and began to suck it once he felt comfortable. Gajeel took Laxus' whole cock in his mouth, and gagged a few seconds later. Laxus felt incredible. Gajeel felt his cock twitching in his mouth, so he knew he was going to finish soon. He took all of Laxus' seed into his mouth, and swallowed it. They were both exhausted, but Gajeel had a lot more to drink than Laxus. Gajeel passed out, and Laxus smiled at this. "You look so cute when you're asleep", He said out loud. Laxus got up and carried Gajeel to his bedroom. He placed him on the bed and Laxus laid down right beside him. He put his arms around Gajeel, and kissed him on the head goodnight.

Gajeel woke up confused. He wondered why he wasn't in his house, and then all his memories came back to him. He blushed thinking of the things he did with Laxus. Gajeel wondered if it was the alcohol, or if he actually wanted to do that. But he knew that he enjoyed it, he wouldn't deny that. He noticed that his clothes were on the nightstand, so he got changed.

Gajeel, with his dragon-like nose smelled Laxus making food. He walked into the kitchen and was greeted with a warm smile. "How are you feeling?" Laxus asked. "I Feel like shit", he replied. Laxus laughed, and got him to sit down.

He made eggs and bacon, and the minute Gajeel started eating he felt a lot better. This was actually the first time they've been nice to each other, and he appreciated Laxus' kindness to him. Laxus was waiting for Gajeel to bring up last night; he didn't want him leaving without talking about it. In a way, Laxus felt bad for last night. He got Gajeel drunk, and they had sex. Laxus didn't know if he actually wanted to, but he needed to straighten things out. "So about last night..." Laxus said nervously. "I enjoyed it, if you feel bad for doing that to me. Don't", Gajeel explained. This made Laxus feel a lot better. "I don't want this to be a onetime thing though", Gajeel added. "Yeah I feel the same way".

All of Laxus' worries were gone. Once Gajeel finished his breakfast, they decided they were going to go to the guild. Gajeel wondered how Lily would feel, knowing he stayed the night at Laxus' house. He knew they never got along, so he would be really suspicious. Just as they got out the front door, Gajeel asked, "Do you think I should tell Lily?" Laxus stopped to think for a second.

He forgot they were bestfriends, and partners. "If you trust telling him, I dont mind", Laxus said smiling. Gajeel was glad; he didn't like to hide anything from Lily. They stood at the front of the doorstep, and kissed. It wasn't a long kiss, but it meant the world to both of them.

They got to the guild together, everyone looked at them and they could hear whispers from across the room. "I thought they hated each other?", "Why are they walking together?". They just ignored them, and they kept walking until Natsu stopped them.

"What do you want, Salamander?" Gajeel asked. "I want to FIGHT YOU!" Natsu yelled as he tried to punch Gajeel, but he just dodged and knocked Natsu out with one hit from his iron club. Gajeel sighed, while Laxus stood there laughing hysterically. Gajeel looked around for Lily, but couldn't find him, so he decided to ask Mira where he went. "Lily, Happy, Wendy and Carla went on a mission! They'll be back in a few hours at most", Mira said with her typical warming smile. "Alright, thanks Mira", Gajeel said with a grin. Mira looked confused as he walked away. She's never heard him thank anyone, or even smile. Mira noticed him and Laxus walked in together, and he's in a good mood too. She decided to let it go and serve some beers around the guild.

After Natsu woke up from being knocked out, he realised something wasnt right with Laxus and Gajeel. He needed to see Makarov. Natsu knocked on Master Makarov's door on the upper floor of the guild. "Who is it?" He said loudly, "It's me gramps!" "Oh Natsu.. Come in". Natsu opened the door and Makarov was confused why Natsu would want to talk to him.

"Something the matter Natsu?" the worried master asked, as he took a sip from his herbal tea. "I just thought I should let you know, Laxus and Gajeel are mates." Makarov's eyes widened and he spit out his drink. "WHAT!?" He yelled at the pink haired boy.

As he calmed down, he sighed, and said. "Natsu, you can't just assume these things, why would you think this?". "They smell like each other." Makarov remembered that all dragon slayers have an amaIng sense of smell, so he trusted that Natsu was telling the truth. "Can you send Laxus up here? I need to have a chat with my grandson." "Sure thing gramps", Natsu said this as he bolted out of the room.

He yelled from the top floor, "LAXUS! Gramps wants to speak with you!" The entire guild looked up to see where all the commotion was coming from. Laxus started walking up the stairs, and Gajeel was staring at him while he walked up. For master to talk to him in person hasn't happened since the incident before, where Laxus, Freed, Bickslow and Evergreen tried to take over Fairy tail. He was worried for Laxus, and he hoped everything would be ok.

He walked into his office and asked, "What's this about?" Laxus was really confused why he called him here. "Natsu just told me that you and Gajeel are mates, is this true?" Laxus' eyes widened. How did he know that something happened? "Uh... I'm not sure if we're considered mates yet", Laxus said uncomfortably. "Well let me tell you this Laxus. Love isn't a game. I know you're young and wild and free, but I would suggest thinking things over before you take this relationship seriously". Laxus already thought this over though; he wanted a serious relationship with Gajeel. He knew that for sure. "I understand". They were silent for what seemed a few minutes, then Master Makorov said, "Alright, that is all. You may go now." Laxus nodded and proceeded to leave his office.

Gajeel saw Laxus leave Makarov's office, so he decided to find out why he called for him. He was going to wait until Laxus was alone though; he was busy talking to the Evergreen, Freed and Bickslow. Plus, Gajeel needed to figure out what he was going to tell Lily when he got back.

Gajeel passed out at a table in the guild, but he woke up once he heard Natsu yell to his best friend Happy. He looked for Lily, but he couldn't find his partner. He approached Wendy and asked, "Where did Lily go?" Wendy responded quietly, "He decided to go home, it was a tiring day for him!" Gajeel nodded and left the guild to go home.

Once his house was in distance, he saw Lily sitting outside. He looked like he needed to talk to Gajeel about something. Gajeel ran over to him and smiled, "How was the mission?" He asked, "It was ok, Kind of boring really..." the exceed said with a frown.

Wanting to change the subject, Lily asked, "So anyway, how was Laxus' house?" Right when he said it, Gajeel's face turned red. Lily noticed of course, which made him even more curious. "About that, I actually need to tell you something." He said. Lily raised an eyebrow, not sure what to expect from him. "We're kind of in a relationship, I'm not sure what to call it right now... But yeah."

Lily's expression didn't change at all; Gajeel thought for sure he would be surprised. Gajeel wasn't even sure if Lily would approve of their relationship.

"Are you happy?" Lily asked. Gajeel was confused why he would ask that question, but he knew the answer. "Yes, I've never felt like this before, being with anyone else". Lily smiled at this statement, "Then it's fine with me, I don't want to see you get hurt."

Gajeel was shocked at his reaction to all this, he was glad though, that his best friend approved of it. Gajeel smiled, "I'm glad I picked you to be my cat", Lily rolled his eyes, laughing. 'Oh damn! I was supposed to talk to Laxus at the guild.' Gajeel remembered. "Lily I just remembered I have to do something, I might be back late though, can you leave the door unlocked?" "Sure thing, See you!" Gajeel waved as he ran towards the guild.

Once he got there, he looked the blonde lightning mage. Gajeel couldn't find him anywhere, so he decided to go to Laxus' house instead. As he started walking towards Laxus' house, he began to think about Laxus. He couldn't stop thinking about last night. Gajeel wished the same thing could happen, over and over again. He's liked Laxus for as long as he's been in the guild. He always wanted Laxus to look up to him, so he would always act tough, and never let Laxus beat him. Gajeel knew Laxus was a lot stronger though, it was just hard for him to admit that about anyone.

He got to Laxus' doorstep, and knocked. In a few seconds he heard feet moving to the door. Laxus opened the door and smiled at him. "Hey Gajeel, I tried to find you when I left the guild but I guess you went home already". "Yeah I had to talk to Lily". This made Laxus curious, "And? What did he say?" The blonde asked. "He doesn't care, as long as I'm happy". Laxus looked relieved. "Well that's good". "So are you going to let me stand out in the cold forever or what?" Gajeel asked sarcastically. Laxus laughed, "Sorry! Come in!" He walked into Laxus' house, and sat down on the couch beside Laxus.

Gajeel snuggled up into Laxus' arms, and they both relaxed. Gajeel was smiling, he loved every moment being with Laxus, and Laxus shared the same feeling. "What did Makarov talk to you about?", Gajeel asked curiously. "Funny story..." Laxus said chuckling, "He asked if you and I were mates". This made Gajeel turn around and look at him with huge red eyes, "What?!" "I think Natsu told him, he could probably smell it."

Gajeel knew that Natsu had the same sense of smell as him, even better probably. "Well, what did you tell him..?", Gajeel asked. "He told me to be careful, and to think things over before our relationship gets serious." Gajeel blushed at this, 'So we do have a relationship', he thought. Gajeel knew that he wanted this, and he knew that Laxus did.

He kissed Laxus, and he kissed him back. Gajeel stuck his tongue into Laxus' mouth almost instantly, not wanting to wait. Laxus broke apart the kiss and quickly said, "Let's go to my bedroom, it'll be more comfortable". Gajeel nodded. Laxus picked him up to his surprise, bridal style. Gajeel stared into his blue eyes, while he carried him.

Once they got to his bedroom, he shut the door and laid Gajeel on the bed. Laxus got on top of him and kissed him passionately. Laxus started taking off his clothes, then he helped Gajeel get rid of his. They continued kissing while their hands were touching each other's bodies. Laxus licked a line from Gajeel's mouth to his stomach. He loved the taste of him, and Gajeel loved the pleasure.

Laxus then lied down, and Gajeel didn't need to be told, he placed his mouth on Laxus' cock, and enjoyed every inch of it. Laxus played with his hair while Gajeel gave him head, he moaned at the pleasure of Gajeels tongue moving around.

Gajeel took his mouth off Laxus' member and said something that surprised Laxus. "I want you inside me Laxus". This made Laxus hornier beyond imagination.

He stuck one finger into Gajeel's entrance, and he moaned loudly. Laxus couldn't imagine how loud he's going to be when the real thing goes up there. Laxus stuck in another finger, and scissored them, stretching his hole.

Gajeel was so loud, and Laxus loved that about him. Laxus took his member and placed it on his entrance. He took a look at Gajeel, and he was about to put it in him, until Gajeel spoke up, "I love you Laxus", he said smiling. Laxus didn't know what to say to that, he lost his words.

Laxus began thrusting into Gajeel, and he became a moaning monster. He picked up the pace once Gajeel had gotten used to it. He bagan to stroke Gajeel's cock and that got Gajeel even louder. Laxus even used some of his magic to give Gajeel more pleasure, and It was definitely working.

Gajeel was begging for more, "Harder! Faster!". Laxus leaned into kiss him and Gajeel gladly accepted it. Their tongues fought for dominance, while Laxus kept thrusting harder and harder. He knew he was going to finish soon, and Gajeel felt it too.

"Finish off inside me Laxus!" Gajeel yelled as Laxus filled him up with his seed. He pulled once all of it had gotten in him. Gajeel was exhausted, and was about to pass out.

Laxus got close up to Gajeel, their noses were touching.

"I love you too", Laxus said with a smile. Gajeel smiled at this, and then passed out for the night.

Laxus turned him over so he was facing him, and he put his arms around Gajeel. He kissed him goodnight, and went to sleep as the happiest man in the world.