Here's the last chapter! Please review and send more ideas my way!

"Steve! Go back to bed! You're not helping me out by sneezing in everybody's soup!"

"Bruce! I will get your meds! You being too tired to see straight does not make you able to portion them out correctly!"

"Clint! Get down from the rafters! Hiding from the thermometer does not make your temperature go down!"

"Natasha! Quit sulking and just throw up already! Having to puke doesn't make you any less deadly!"

"Tony! SHUT UP! You're not the only sick one around here, and even if you were, complaining does absolutely nothing to make you any better!"

That had been my entire afternoon and evening, and if Thor hadn't made me take a break and let out some steam by pushing me out of the kitchen and into my room, I would have ripped my hair out and stamped it into the floor. At the moment, I was sitting in a warm bath with a washcloth over my face, breathing in the French scentsy candles Clint got me on a recent mission.

After I had sufficiently relaxed, I put on my comfiest pajamas and walked downstairs, slightly apprehensive about what might be waiting for me.

Instead of everybody dying and the Tower set ablaze, Thor was stirring a pot of what smelled like chicken soup and was quietly humming to himself.

I quietly approached the demigod so as not to disturb his singing. Thor noticed me and smiled as he hummed and continued stirring. After a while his song ended.

"That was beautiful." I complimented and added a dash of pepper to the pot.

"Thank you." he replied. "It is a tune that has been passed down in my family for ages. It is about Yggdrasil, the World Tree that connects the nine realms. My mother would sing it to us as children."

I smiled. "Did you remake the entire batch of soup?" I inquired.

Thor nodded. "Steve sneezed directly into the pot just after you left." he answered.

I snickered in spite of myself. "Our family is a mess when they're sick, huh?"

Thor chuckled. "I must agree with you, Beth. I hope that they heal soon. It is troubling to see my companions in such poor constitution."

"If they all would actually rest for longer than five seconds, they could already be on the road to recovery..." I mused.

We heard a shuffling of footsteps. Clint entered the kitchen, rubbing his face and groaning a little.

I was about to chastise him when he put his hand up. "I somehow smelled the soup through all the snot in my head. Can you pour me some?" he asked.

I giggled and winced at his description and nodded. "Sit at the table. Do you want a blanket?" I offered. Clint nodded and sat down. I wrapped the blanket around his shoulders and squeezed. He grunted in appreciation.

Over a span of about five minutes, the rest of the gang came downstairs, each pale and sniffling every other minute. I gave them all blankets and set bowls of soup and glasses of orange juice down in front of them. Nobody really looked at each other, the just glumly slurped their soup. It was the quietest meal to ever take place in the Tower. Thor and I ate at the bar facing the group.

Tony started coughing up a lung, and Clint simply patted his back until it passed. Tony smiled a little and they went back to eating their soup. It was sweet. Natasha was about to crumble her last cracker into her soup but saw that Bruce has none, so she gave it to him. He nodded in thanks and after sneezing four times in a row, he added it to his bowl.

Thor and I watched these scenes play out as we finished our own bowls. Once everybody was done eating, they silently filed back to their rooms.

I made my bed the couch in case somebody needed another temperature check or cold washcloth in the middle of the night. Sleep came easy after the stress of the day.

I was awoken at nine by Tony. He kept poking me in the face. ""What?" I grumbled, eyes half-closed.

"We were just wondering if you wanted pancakes or waffles." he answered, and I finally noticed that his color had returned and his congestion was gone. He pointed to the kitchen, where the superheroes were all helping make breakfast. Steve was flipping pancakes as Bruce added more batter to the griddle. Clint and Natasha were cutting up watermelon and strawberries while Steve cooked some sausage.

I sat up. "Y'all aren't sick anymore?" I asked, not believing what I was seeing. Nobody looked sick anymore and they were laughing and joking as they prepared the food. Just yesterday the equivalent of the plague was ravaging the Tower.

Tony shrugged. "I don't know how, but suddenly we woke up and we weren't sick anymore. Not even a sniffle. You and Thor must have made magic soup..." he said and rejoined the others.

"Pancakes are fine." I replied, deciding I needed to chat with Point-Break.

I found him on the roof watching the clouds. "Care to join me fair maiden?" he jokingly offered and bowed.

I curtsied. "Why yes, good sir." I sat down next to him. After a moments silence, I nudged him with my elbow. "What did you add to the soup last night?"

Thor looked sheepish and ran his fingers through his hair. "Healing serum. I may or may not have stolen it from the infirmary..." he answered.

I laughed. "I'm sure glad you did. I don't think I could have lasted another day..."

We were gathered at the table. I had stacked my plate high with pancakes and was currently dousing them in syrupy goodness when I felt a tickle in my nose. Oh Lord have mercy.

I froze, bottle in hand, my eyes wide. I was afraid to move. "Beth, are you okay?" Steve asked. Everybody stared at me.

Suddenly, I erupted into the biggest sneeze of my lifetime.


You have got to be kidding me. "Uh, Thor?' I asked, and sniffed. "You wouldn't happen to have any more of that magical stuff leftover from the soup, would ya?"

"I knew it!" Tony exclaimed.

Thor's face dropped into the equivalent guilt of a puppy who chewed his owner's show apart.

"I am afraid not, Beth." he replied.

I let my head drop onto the table and groaned.