"Ich brauchen jetzt seine Zimmernummer und ich meine jetzt." Gilbert remained stoney-faced and hard eyed as he demanded so little of the receptionist. He just needed the room number, just a simple three digit number. Three digit because there was no way a Vargas would be in a non-private room if any of them can help it and three digit because the phone call said that his Italian had been in an accident but thankfully it wasn't fatal so he would be recovering now.

What better way to get better than to have your boyfriend by your side, right? Of course you'd have to forget the fight they just had (a semi-big one mind) and just think of how fast (crazy fast) Gilbert had run out of their house just before he realized that yes he had a car and that yes they can drive it to the hospital and get there ten times faster that way. Antonio had to threaten scratching his Porsche Macan for him to see his senses because… Mein Gott Lovi.

"Dies ist das letzte Mal." Gilbert growled his patience wearing thin. He raised a fist, one that he had been previously smacking on the counter top and prepared to… ask… yes, ask, for Lovino's room number again when a hand on the back of his head made him gasp in surprise.

"Ő nem beszél németül idióta." Gilbert scoffed underneath his breath but he still managed a small smile. Even in scrubs the woman managed to make herself look so damn fierce. Her light brown hair was tied up in a very messy bun (probably going against staff code in the hospital) and her green eyes were narrowed at him but he saw the familiar shine of worry in them. Worry for him… she must already know and also found out that he was in the hospital and most probably ditched whatever job she had at the moment.

"Erzsé." Gilbert pulled Elizabeth into his arms and buried his face into her hair. She smelled like antiseptic alcohol and sausage. Mein Gott he'd missed her.

"How you holding up?" Elizabeta whispered, her grip on him tightening. She let her best friend hold onto her for a moment, not caring if the chatty nurses brewed up whatever crap about her. When had she ever?

"They won't give me his room number." Prussia choked out bitterly. "I wanna see him. Did you see him? How is he? Is it bad? You know he gets cranky when he can't move about? What did he hit? Is he okay?"

"Ő jól van, Gilbert, he's fine." Elizabeta assured him, rubbing his back in comfort. She glanced over Gilbert's shoulder, or tried too because the man was so tall (damn his legs) and saw that Francis had taken over asking the nurse and no doubt calming her down after being bombarded by a worried Spaniard (Antonio had asked first) and a frantic Prussian. Mentor and boyfriend of the patient-whose-room-number-was-in-question respectively. "I saw him when the paramedics brought him in. It was a car accident near Feliciano's place, some drunk asshole nearly run him off the road but he only hit his head a little bit-."

"He hit his head?!" Gilbert yelled then yelped when Elizabeta stomped on his foot and tightened her arms around him. He would sulk about that later but for now he lowered his voice and respected that this was Erzsé's work place. Again he asked, "He hit his head?!"

"Yes, and considering the state of his car he's lucky that's all that happened." Elizabeta murmured and noticed Francis waving his hand at her, Antonio by his side looking ready to start running. She pulled back away from Gilbert and glared at him with a warning in her eyes. "No more shouting and no running in the halls. Francis probably knows but he's in room three sixteen."

"Danke!" Gilbert kissed Elizabeta's hair and hugged her one last time before he moved in a fast walk remembering her words on running and grabbed Francis and Antonio to the elevators.

Elizabeta watched that happen and sighed softly to herself. She waved at them when they faced her once inside the elevator before the doors closed on her and she turned back to the counter. Her coworker eyed her with a raised brow.

"How do you know them?"

Elizabeta smirked. "Good friends of mine."

"And Sir Vargas?"

"The German one?" Elizabeta caught herself. "I mean, the Prussian one? With the white hair and the red eyes?"


"That's his boyfriend."

Her fellow nurse stared dumbfounded for a second before she slumped in her chair. "Leche! Bakit ba lahat ng pogi may boyfriend? Where is the justice?!"

Elizabeta sighed as well and settled down in her own chair. "The upside to all of this Melchora is that they make for good yaoi."

Melchora rolled her eyes before she realized something. "You're married."

"Yeah so?"


Antonio willed the elevator to move faster. He would later admit that he hadn't done a very good job of conversing with the nurse but he was so agitated. Gilbert had gotten a phone call from the hospital at three a.m. of all times and his heart just fell out of his chest. Their circle of friends was incredibly diverse and it was such a small world that their friends new the other's friends. Yes.

The circle began with him, Gilbert, and Francis. From him came Lovino, from Gilbert came Ludwig, and from Francis came a sweet darling named… uh… what was his name… M… M something. Well there was him. Then from Lovino stemmed Feliciano, and from Ludwig came Kiku the two meeting each other in engineering courses, from… Marshal! That was his name… maybe… well from him came Alfred, his brother. Then from those three came even more people like Arthur who he didn't like too much but oh well, Francis' lover was to be respected. With bros came the hoes (not like he'd ever call Lovi or Arturo hoes) and he respected them since his friends respected his own beau. From there though the connections grew more complicated, as people knew people and people were getting together with people and people just randomly came into their lives and just plain stuck.

It was weird, but a good weird. Antonio liked it.

Which was why he wasn't surprised to see that the hall where Lovino's room was located was already crowded with nearly every nationality in the world (mostly Europe but it was really close). They were all pacing with pensive looks on their faces, a solemn silence in the air. They said nothing as Gilbert rushed through them and into the room that bore the numbers three, one, and six only to be ushered out by a nurse who was obviously not letting him in. Gilbert wouldn't let her leave without an argument and he followed her all the way back to where Elizabeta was to secure whatever slip it was she said he needed.

Arthur broke the silence the Prussian had left in his wake as he stormed up to Francis, eyebrows pulled together and scowling. "Where in bloody hell have you been?"

Francis wasn't so surprised his lover was here but he was shocked that everybody else got their faster. "Je suis désolé, nous avons pris un certain temps."

"Explain." Arthur demanded. "Now."

"We had Gilbert with us." Francis readily answered. "It was bound to take a while to get him to calm down."

Arthur turned his head away from them, sniffing indignantly. "You could have at least called someone and said you were on your way. We've been bloody worried."

"Aww Touffu." Francis beamed and pulled the Englishman into his arms. The Brit didn't protest as much as everyone half expected him too but let it go. "I'm sorry for making you worry. We're all right."

"I can see that." Arthur murmured. He let out a breath of air. "So is the brat but only Feliciano's been allowed in to see him. Poor lad's been in such a fit since his video call with his brother broke off with tires screeching and his brother's voice screaming in the background."

"Has his family come by though? I mean aside from Feliciano?" Antonio asked, chewing nervously on his bottom lip. What he had heard had done nothing calm him and he was sort of sure he already knew the answer to what he had just asked but he was also hoping that he was mistaken.

"No one's come." Mathew (that's his name!) whispered. He was sitting on a bench chair and beside him was Alfred who had a dozing Kiku in his lap. The Canadian looked pretty cheerless about what he had just said but sadly someone had to say it.

Antonio, on a normal day, would have cooed at how adorable the two were as well as thank the sweet blonde for answering him (as often people ignored him too) but right now he was worried or maybe relieved… with a touch of disappointed. No one had come again. Their family had enough time to invite nearly everyone to get together every Friday and yet no one came when Lovino's reported to be in the hospital.

"We got a call though." Alfred spoke up, voice low which only ever happened when Kiku was in the room. He glanced up at them from where he was combing his fingers through his boyfriend's hair. "Said they knew Lovi was in the hospital, Feliciano called them and they hoped Lovino realized that he kept Luciano and Feli up."

Antonio cursed and turned on his heel, intent on finding a phone with unlimited calling services and trying to remember what the damn Vargas family hotline was. Again his wake left them all in silence until…


"Hush Touffu."

"I agree though. You'd think they'd be more worried. I mean, he's in the hospital and all. I'd be worried…" Mathew frowned, shuffling what seemed to be a basket on his lap. He blinked as if he realized that it had been there this whole time. "Oh, this is from Yao. You guys just missed him because Jia Long was fussing and Mei couldn't handle it because she has exams."

"Ah." Francis nodded. "Merci Mathieu. You look tired."

"Un peu." Mathew confessed. He slumped in his chair. "I was looking after Mikhail when I got the call, Ivan has him now though."

"You can go home Mathew, we'll keep you guys informed." Arthur assured the Canadian who seemed unsure for a moment before nodding.

"Mikhail freaks out when he wakes up and I'm not there."

"He's just like you." Francis chuckled and ran his fingers through Mathew's hair. "I remembered when your mother got me as your baby sitter. You were such a darling baby."

"Still can't believe that someone would hire a ten year old to baby sit a five year old." Arthur scoffed.

"I had credentials. It's a big coincidence that I was Mathew's baby sitter and you were Alfred's non? In a way I guess since Emily did leave Alfred at your house and not specifically in your care still… talk about fate." Francis returned, kissing Arthur's messy blonde hair then turning to Mathew. "Did you bring your car with you?"

"Oui." Mathew nodded and got up. He carefully shook his brother's shoulder, and Alfred snapped awake from his slight doze and nearly pushed Kiku off of his lap. Thankfully the Japanese man did not stir. "Sorry, I'm leaving."

"You take care bro." Alfred murmured, sleep making his voice heavy. "Get a cup of coffee or something. Don't need another car crash this soon."

"I'm not sleepy." Mathew insisted. "And I'll be fine. I'll text you when I'm home."

"Okay." Alfred breathed deeply and nodded towards his brother seeing as his hands were full of pure Japanese man. "Love you bro."

"Love you too." Mathew threw back just as easily.

Francis beamed and wrapped an arm around Mathew's shoulders and steered him away. "I'll walk you to the parking then."

"Take care." Arthur called after them as they left. Mathew looked over his shoulder and waved at him and he sighed. He then turned to Alfred. "Don't you have work today?"

"That's the funny thing about being the boss." Alfred chuckled lowly. "You can skip work whenever you want to."

"I sure hope you don't do it often." Arthur frowned and settled on Mathew's previous seat. He rested his head against the wall.

"I don't." Alfred promised. "Kiku makes sure I don't, at least."

"I'm so glad you found him." Arthur smiled. "Granted at first I thought you'd be bad for him but in the end he was good for you."

"We all meet that special someone." Alfred murmured.


Ludwig was incredibly shocked when the door to the room opened and was glad the nurse with him was quick on her feet. She'd ushered Gilbert out of the room and back into the hallway. He had asked the previous visitors to kindly take turns so as to not overwhelm his patient because yes even someone who had just been in an non-fatal car crash could still be traumatized. Seeing as he taught Psychology he would know and Lovino's doctor had asked the same thing before he'd gone and fetched a second copy of his patient's lab scans.

Of course, a key helper in keeping patients calm was family, which Ludwig had stressed on. It explained why Alaric was sitting on Lovino's lap, dozing but perfectly comfortable in his Zio Lovi's arms. Feliciano was also being a very good medium at the moment but Ludwig was being careful as they weren't so sure just how much Lovino could take.

He had reacted to Alaric well enough that he was several parts shocked, horrified, and angry but had the presence of mind to remember that there was a child in front of him and so it would not do for him to swear. It was a good sign. Lovino was still Lovino just… less of the Lovino they'd known for the past three years. Regarding the memories at least.

Ludwig wasn't so sure he wanted to be there when his brother showed up. Just… it would be too hard for all of them. Alaric hadn't liked not being recognized by his Zio Lovi. Ludwig was sure Gilbert would also not appreciate not being recognized by his Vyes.

Gott. If his bruder came in here... he couldn't even begin to imagine how many circles of hell would rise to earth.

"Ve~ Ludwig..." Feliciano sidled up to him and curled his arms around one of Ludwig's own. He nuzzled his face into the captive arm and let out a breath. "Luddy... can you give fratello and I a minute?"

Ludwig hesitated. "I don't think that's a good idea Feli..."

"We'll be fine." Feliciano's eyes lowered. "Per piacere Ludwig."

The German couldn't say no to that. Heck... who was he kidding, he could never say no to Feliciano. With a heavy sigh he wrapped his arms around Feliciano who melted in his embrace. After years of being together he could finally hug his Italian like a normal human being and not a robot learning to feel.

"I'll be with Gilbert outside." Ludwig promised and stepped out. Once he entered the hallway he was surprised to find that the only person still present was Elizabeta and his brother. Gilbert was sitting on the floor, resting his side against Elizabeta's leg, eyes blankly staring at the wall across from him. Elizabeta had a hand in Gilbert's white hair, loosely threaded to the soft locks. A gentle reminder; she was here for him.

Ludwig cleared his throat to gain their attention and when they looked up at him he raised a brow. "Where's everybody else?"

"I sent them home." Elizabeta answered. "They can't do anything here plus they've been falling all over themselves and it doesn't help that they all have jobs in six or so hours today. They need sleep."

"And so do you." Ludwig eyed his fellow hospital staff warily. "When did your shift end?"

"An hour ago." Elizabeta sagged in her seat. "I'm good here though. Don't wanna be anywhere else."

"And Roderich?" Ludwig pressed. He didn't miss the way Elizabeta's lips thinned. "Elizabeta you need rest too. Go home. I've got Gilbert."

"No." Elizabeta glared.

Gilbert seemed to zone into the conversation and he shook his head. "Erzé... Erzé he's right. Go home. This isn't awesome."

"Shut up." Elizabeta snapped.

"No. You need to take care of yourself." Gilbert pulled his head away from Elizabeta's reach and he looked over his shoulder to stare at her or more accurately... her stomach. "I know you know."

Elizabeta gasped. "You... bastard."

"Awesome godfather bastard." Gilbert grinned weakly. "Now go home Erzé, please. For Roddy's sake."

"Fine." Elizabeta huffed but turned to face Ludwig. "Not before you tell Gilbert what's wrong with Lovino though."

Gilbert's breath caught. "Wait a minute... you were in there with him... and you didn't tell me how he was doing? What the fuck West!"

"I wasn't allowed to Gilbert! You know that." Ludwig protested, not at all surprised when his brother got to his feet and nearly slammed him into the nearest wall. Not even a second after that Gilbert deflated against him, weak and numb.

"Just... he's okay." Gilbert whispered. "Just tell me he's okay and I'll... I'll be okay."

Ludwig chose his words carefully. "He's... okay..."

Gilbert held his breath knowing his brother well.

"He just doesn't... remember you."

Feliciano stared hard at the figure on the bed. It was almost like staring into a mirror only there were things that were different. The hair was longer, darker but seemed like it had highlights everywhere as if the sun couldn't help itself but bury its rays into the soft locks. The skin darker, used to the outdoors. The eyes a different shade of brown, like chocolate.

But the most noticeable difference was the shin they had now.

The figure on the bed had glassy eyes staring at the small bundle on his lap. Feliciano was out for blood, his own eyes glaring heavily with disbelief and dare he say it... disappointment.

"I don't believe you."

The figure on the bed hunched over itself.

"Fratello... he loves you."

Feliciano took long strides forward.

"He loves you and he's been willing to make an honest man out of you for years. You deny him, you deny him and you won't tell him why!"

Lovino said nothing and Feliciano would have cursed if his son wasn't in the room.

"Sei così egoista." Feliciano spat.

Lovino's head snapped upward and he glared straight at his brother. "That's rich coming from you. Just once can't I do something for myself?!"

"Twelve times!" Feliciano deadpanned. "He has proposed to you for twelve freaking times and you've said no again, and again, and again and you still have the balls to tell me you've done nothing for yourself?!"

"Shut up Feliciano and when the fuck did you start talking to me like that?" Lovino glared.

Feliciano was having none of it. "Oh no you're not getting away from me by cursing and thinking I'll let it go just that! It'd be all right if it was just your life you're wasting but no- this is someone else's life! Someone who loves you very much!"

"And I love him just as much, hell, maybe even more!" Lovino yelled.

Feliciano winced and hoped Ludwig wasn't anywhere near the door or that Alaric would wake up. His brother had some major explaining to do. "Spiegare."

"He deserves better Feli." Lovino snapped. "He deserves someone who'll love him or at least show him just as much as he shows me. I can't keep up with him. I can't be as open as him. It's hard. God fuck it's hard but I try and I try but I can't do it just like I couldn't do it with you and I couldn't do it with Antonio. I ruined those relationships and I am gonna fucking do all I can to not ruin what Gilbert and I have!"

Feliciano stared hard. "What? Seriously? Fratello... don't you think by lying to him you're already ruining what you two have? You don't lie to people you love! Haven't you learned?"

"Oh fuck you!" Lovino growled. "Just- Just fuck you Feliciano and leave me alone! I'm old enough to make my own decisions."

"And aren't you making some very mature ones right now ve?" Feliciano glared, a little of his ire on the fact that his verbal tic made an appearance of all times. "Faking your amnesia and getting the doctors in on it too! I thought you didn't want to be like Nonno?"

"Shut up. Just... fuck it, get out of my room Feliciano I don't wanna see you." Lovino glared out the window his room had.

Feliciano gaped and fumed but took deep breaths to calm himself. Stiffly, he walked up to the door to leave his brother to his thoughts and that would hopefully make him see sense. "I'm getting Ludwig then we'll come back for Alaric. Be sure that when we come back, Gilbert will be with us. I hope you've brushed up on your acting skills fratello and I hope you know how much I love you since I won't tell ve."

Lovino didn't look up when Feliciano left the room. Instead he stared harder out the window and pretended that he wasn't crying. Because he wasn't! His eyes were just... sweating. Fuck.

I'm doing what's right.

Lovino's logic is twisted... but that's the way he feels.

Anyways it's been a while. Hope you guys are still looking forward to this story.