The night before Christmas Eve

Christmas is coming, Sawamura and Miyuki was making plan for their Christmas Eve on the night before Christmas Eve.

Most of the Team members all go back to visit their home and to spend their time with their family from Christmas to New Years before coming back to practice. It was a good opportunity for the battery to spend their time together without getting disturbed.

"What do you want to do on Christmas Eve, Sawamura?" Miyuki asked, lying his chin on Sawamura's chestnut colored hair beneath him.

"I don't really know what…couple usually do during Christmas Eve in Tokyo but if you were to ask me…I would be fine to stay here, Miyuki-Senpai. As long as I can spend this time with you, that's enough for me." Sawamura clasped Miyuki's hand with his, gently.

The warmth from Sawamura flows toward Miyuki, and Miyuki slowly holding their hand together. "Then how about we go to see the big Christmas tree? You have never seen it before right?" Miyuki lower his head and slowly lean on Sawamura's shoulder.

"Is it somewhere couple usually go?" Sawamura asked, curious. Up until this year, he never really paid attention about the dating and relationship, all that goes around in his head was only about baseball, but Miyuki was there, and changed that part of his.

"Yeah, have you heard about kissing under mistletoe?"

"Nope, never heard about it." Sawamura replied.


"Doesn't seem like one of the topic you're interested in either." Sawamura shifted himself around and lies on Miyuki's lap instead.

"Well, I heard the girls in my class talking about it all the time, so, yeah…I guess…that's where I picked it up" Miyuki spoke while patting the chestnut hair gently.

"So what about it?"


"The mistletoe thingy…" Sawamura asked, curious as about what about the mistletoe could catch Miyuki's attention.

"Oh, I heard they said that if you kissed under a mistletoe, you will have long lasting relationship."

"I didn't know you were one to believe in such a thing."

"Shaddup." Miyuki blushed, normally he wouldn't care about such thing, but to him right now. Sawamura and Baseball is the only important things to him that he didn't want to lose no matter what happens. "Well, I don't really believe it but I wouldn't mind a precaution so my boyfriend won't get bored of me."

Sawamura giggled, he was happy to see another side of Miyuki outside of baseball. "I'll never get bored of you, Miyuki Kazuya…" Sawamura lifted himself up before he gently pressed his lips against Miyuki, their eyes looking at each other, saying how happy they were that they're here together.

"Oh, but I might." Miyuki said and smirk, after their lips parted.

But instead of getting irritated like usual, Sawamura remained calm and simply tell Miyuki. "Try it if you can, I'm sure you can't get bored of me." Sawamura grinned.

"Now where did you get that cheeky attitude from, I wonder." Miyuki pinched Sawamura's cheek. "But I don't really hate it…"

"It's from you of course, Miyuki Kazuya." They both leaned forward to share another kiss, before they slowly hugged each other gently. They cuddled with each other for several minutes, sharing their warmth during the cold winter night in the dorm, smiling.

"The dorm is so quiet without everyone…" Sawamura spoke up.

"Yeah, say…how about we go and take a walk outside?" Miyuki asked up while shifting their position to look into his boyfriend's golden colored eyes.

"I thought you hate cold weather, especially in the night?"

"Well, you can keep my warm, won't you?" Miyuki smiled. "I want to treasure my time slowly with you Sawamura, each minute spend, would become the treasure in my memories."

"Don't speak like you're going somewhere off faraway…and even if you go somewhere faraway, I'll definitely find you…and kick you for leaving me behind."

"That doesn't sound like a joke."

"It's not a joke, I mean it…all I can think of right now, is baseball and you."

Miyuki smiled before he put a kiss on Sawamura's cheek and whispered, that he feels the same, all he could think of right now is Sawamura and Baseball with Sawamura as a pitcher, and he never enjoys himself to this extent.

Normally he would enjoy catching for Furuya and Kawakami, but when Sawamura was on the mound, it was different, the golden eyes that stare at him 18.44 meters away, it captivated him and he wouldn't want that pair of golden eyes to look at anyone else but him.

"Don't forget to take your coat with you." Sawamura nodded, he wore his coat before he followed Miyuki out of the room.

"Arghh, it's freezing out here." Miyuki shoved his hands into his pockets, trying to warm it up.

Sawamura slowly put his hand inside Miyuki's pocket and held his hand. "There, better?"

"Yeah, thanks."

They both walked hand in hands, towards the field, the field where they met each other for the first time, and fall in love at the first sight. "It's been half year already, huh? Since we first met each other. Time sure flies quickly isn't it?" Miyuki said while looking at the mound.

"Yeah, honestly, I could still remember the sound my ball flying into your mitt. I couldn't get it out of my head the whole night." Sawamura couldn't help himself but to grin whenever he thought back to that moment. "I couldn't stop grinning to myself, I was under the impression that if I were able to play with you, I would be able to improve a lot."

"And you really did. You've walked a long distance since that first day I've met you, this I can tell you."

"Hey, let's lie down here and watch the star." Miyuki nodded, both of them lied down on the grass, holding hand with each other. "The stars are so pretty tonight. They're shining in the darkness, in the vast skies."

"Just like you, you're my little star, Eijun. You've brighten up my life, you may haven't noticed it, but never in my life before, could I feel this happy." Miyuki pulled Sawamura into his arms, hiding his embarrassment on his face.

"For me…you're not just a star, Kazuya…you were everything to me…never could I have thought that I would find someone that could make me feel…so full of happiness, each day, my life has never been a dull one with you." Sawamura gazed up to meet Miyuki's pair of golden eyes. "Your glasses, take it off…I want to look at without eyeglasses."

"No, I can't see anything without them." Miyuki replied

"But you only need to see me right now…so does it matter?" Sawamura smirked, and Miyuki's face reddened.

"F-Fine…" Miyuki slowly took off his eyeglasses, folded it before he slowly put it away. "Happy now?"

"Yes, more than ever. Kazuya…" Sawamura leaned his face up and slowly lessen the distance between them before they finally shared a kiss, they could feel the warmth on each other lips, before Miyuki slowly drives his tongue into Sawamura's lip, this time, Sawamura just gave in and let Miyuki be the one to control the flow.

It was a few minutes later before they broke apart. "Pervert." Sawamura whispered.

"Said the one who gave in…" They looked at each other before they smiled, and laughed. They were both enjoying tonight together, they couldn't ask for anything more. "Let's go back…it's getting late…uh…where're my glasses…?"

"It's here, with me~" Sawamura said, his tone was joyful.

"Oh, thanks." Miyuki held his hands out, waiting for Sawamura to return the object to him, but much to his wonder, the object didn't drop into his hand, rather Sawamura still hold it over.

"Not gonna~" Sawamura said

"Oi, return it to me." Miyuki asked again

"Nope, you gonna go back without wearing glasses."

"Hey, It's not even-"

Before Miyuki could finished his sentence, he could feel someone holding his hands. "Tonight, I'm going to be the one who lead you, Miyuki Kazuya." Sawamura said before he slowly start to walk, leading Miyuki.

Miyuki, who could barely see anything except the blurry figure in front of him, reach out for the figure's neck, and bit it softly.

"H-Hey, what're you doing!" Sawamura shouted.

"That's for being cute and getting me all worked up." Miyuki said and smirked.

Sawamura was speechless against the catcher, he just start walking while still holding hands with Miyuki, he didn't notice Miyuki's expression, he didn't notice how Miyuki was smiling behind him, but neither Miyuki could see the embarrassment of his boyfriend.

That night, they sleep, curling up together while holding hands, smiling. They couldn't wait for tomorrow, the night of Christmas Eve. Miyuki had prepared a present for Sawamura but neither did he know that Sawamura already prepared one for him as well.

It won't be long now, until they would have to go back to their practice routine after New Year, with Senbatsu coming up, meaning they would have less time to spend together, so they decide to use the time they have now up to its fullest.

A/N : It might be so inconsistent due to how I left the series for awhile...due to some reasons. (I reread this story and try to make it consistent as much as possible, still there might be some mistakes.)

My writing may have changed a bit? I don't know myself, after reading the last chapter of Daiya Act II, I just had to slap back into the series, It's time for Sawamura to shine finally! (With Miyuki that is)

Another note, due to how I couldn't remember the plot I was planning to lay down for this story, I changed a bit around. Cultural Festival in school in Japan was usually around November, if I'm not wrong, therefore I skip the time to Christmas which is one of the next event in calendar. Next Chapter could be the last, or I might extend into 2 last chapter but it will end with Christmas.

Thanks to everyone for picking this up to read again.