Dolph had kept to his word- had not kissed Lana, but they had flirted just enough that Zack finds himself facing down another restless night, watching Dolph sleep on like nothing's wrong. He'd wrestled Bad News Barrett, had beat him, but Zack has no doubt that he's going to be sore in the morning. Eyes widening as he realizes that they'd forgotten to get ice, he slips out of bed amd goes for the untouched bucket and scoops up his keycard on the way out of the door, shutting the door as quietly behind him as he can.

Not quietly enough, unfortunately, as Dolph startles awake and blinks into the darkness, his breath catching when he reaches out for Zack and feels nothing but cool sheets next to him. "Kid?" he asks, sitting up and looking around the empty room. "Not again," he mumbles, remembering how Lana and he'd been flirting earlier before pulling himself out of bed and groaning as his muscles protest even that minor movement. "Where-" He quickly leaves the room, not even caring that he's only wearing one of Zack's shirts and some boxers. "Kid?" He looks left to right down the hallway, quickly moving to the elevator. It's not in use, none of the lights lit up, and he breathes a little easier, though now he's trying to remember who all else are staying on this floor that Zack could stay with.

He's about to go from door to door and check when he hears a loud clatter of the ice machine, stopping short. "Kid?" He walks up to the small room where the ice machine and vending machines are, breathing a little easier when he comes face to face with Zack.

"Bro! What- I was trying not to wake you," Zack says, putting the ice bucket down and walking over to him, gripping his arms. "Are you ok?"

"I woke up and you were gone again," he confesses wearily, Zack's face falling as he leans forwrd, pressing his forehead to Dolph's. "I was scared... that the flirting Lana and I did earlier was too much for you..."

"I didn't like it," he confesses softly. "But no, I just... I remembered we hadn't gotten ice, and you're gonna feel rough after that match against Barrett, so I decided to get some to store in the freezer so I can prepare you an ice pack when you wake up. I'm sorry I scared you, bro."

Dolph shakes his head, smiling shakily. "It's ok, kid. I'm just glad I found you."

Zack rubs his arms a few times before pulling away and picking up the ice bucket. "C'mon, bro, back to bed with you," he says, sprawling his hand out over Dolph's lower back, gently pushing him back down the hall to their room. After he unlocks the door and puts the ice away, he guides Dolph to bed and settles in next to him, brushing his hair out of his eyes and slowly kissing him. "Good?"

"Great," he mumbles, eyes open only a few inches. "Love you, kid."

"Love you too, bro," Zack whispers, kissing him. "Rest well now. I'll see you in the morning."

Dolph smiles and curls up against Zack, once more asleep within minutes. Zack watches him for a little bit before he too drifts off, some of his worries fading away as he holds Dolph close.