A/N: I know it's about two days late, but I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween anyway! Since you've been patiently waiting for the sequel to this story, I decided to give you all a little Halloween treat. This is just a one-shot and it won't really have anything to do with the sequel, I just wanted to give you guys something nice. I am halfway done my Pretty Little Liars story and as soon as that one is done, I'll post the sequel. So, enjoy this little surprise. :)

Halloween Rodeo

The Hudson rodeo grounds was alive with activity, hoofbeats were everywhere and the loudspeaker crackled with the next event. Everyone was feeling the nerves and excitement, especially the eight-year-old girl, who couldn't seem to hold still. She kept rising up on her toes, checking to see what her daddy was doing with her pony. Then, she'd drop back down with an ow and her scalp stinging from where her mother accidentally pulled her hair.

"Katie, honey, if you don't stand still, you're going to end up with one big knot in your hair," Lou warned her daughter, as she started again on the braids.

Katie huffed, but stayed still. "Daddy's doing it wrong," she whined as she watched as Peter attempted to stick a tri-colored feather into one of two braids in the pony's mane. Pogey stretched his neck down for the umpteenth time, then let out a loud snort when Peter pulled his head up again.

"I thought Amy was supposed to help us," Peter said, giving up for the moment and turning to his wife and daughter. "Where is she?"

"She and Ty were running late with the twins, Amy texted me a little while ago," Lou explained, tying the last braid in Katie's hair.

The rodeo was taking full advantage of the upcoming holiday. Everywhere you looked there were fake

spiderwebs, ghosts, witches, and of course, pumpkins. Besides the regular events, there was also a costume contest, pumpkin painting and more spook-tastic activities. Georgie's Extreme Team was even performing a special Halloween-themed show. It was definitely a day for the family, and no one wanted to be left out.

"Ugh, I hate this!" came the fifteen-year-old's voice and a second later, she came round the corner of the row of outdoor stalls, wearing her bright orange Extreme Team outfit, complete with sequins and fringe. "I look like a giant pumpkin."

"I think you look cute," Lou told her eldest daughter. "Besides, if anyone looks like a pumpkin, it would be me." She added that last part in a mutter, her hands on her round belly.

"Even, if that is true," Georgie continued, her hand on her hip, and Lou gaped. "I don't know why we couldn't have cooler costumes, like something actually scary." Georgie walked over to Pogey and took the feather from Peter, sticking it easily in one of the pony's braids. She did the same thing with the other braid. "I mean, that's the whole point of Halloween."

"Georgie, look at me!" Katie exclaimed, finally able to break free from her mother. She twirled around, showing off her First Nation outfit.

"You look awesome, Katie," Georgie said, walking over to her sister and taking her hands. She spun the little girl around a few more times. "You're definitely going to win the costume contest."

"Well, let's not get her hopes up too high," Lou replied, standing up from the chair, with Peter's help. "But she is one of the better dressed kids I've seen."

Peter chuckled a little at his wife. "If anybody asks, we know where they both get their competitiveness," he said to her. His hands slid around her waist, her belly stopping them from getting any closer. From behind them, they heard Katie compliment her big sister's costume and Georgie took it graciously. Lou couldn't help but smile at that.

The kiss came slow and sure as they took their time, savoring one another. They were both aware of the girls standing only a few feet away and they knew that they would be interrupted soon, but they didn't care. For now, if only for a few seconds, it was just the two of them, in each other's arms, together. The kiss broke off just then, when Peter jerked back suddenly and Lou sucked in a breath.

"I guess, someone else wants to get in on all the Halloween fun," Peter grinned, his hand sliding around to rest on top of her extended belly.

"He's definitely getting stronger," Lou noted. She looked up at her husband, just then. "He'll be here any day now."

"Can't wait," Peter said, pecking her lips with his own. Lou rested her head on his chest, her hands on top of his on her belly. His other hand held her against him and she let out a relaxing sigh. They stood there like that for a moment, lost in each other.

"Pogey!" came the squeal of a three-year-old.

Both Lou and Peter stepped apart and turned to see Amy and Ty walking up with their two toddlers in tow. Lily was straining against Amy's grip, wanting to run over to Pogey. Both twins were dressed in jeans, Lily also had on a black, long-sleeve shirt with a cat face on it and Jackson had a gray, long-sleeve shirt with trick-or-treat printed on it. Katie ran right up to them, wanting to know what they thought of her costume. Even Pogey pawed the ground and tossed his head, though it was probably more out of impatience than excitement.

"I see you've come when all the work is already done," Lou teased lightly, crossing her arms over her belly.

"Well, you don't have twins, so you don't know what it's like to get going in the morning," Amy teased back

"No, no, no, I've been there way before you have," Lou contradicted, gesturing toward Georgie and Katie.

"Actually, no," Amy corrected her sister, barely able to suppress a grin. "Georgie's older, so, technically, you've only had to deal with one toddler. Twins are a whole different story." With a satisfied smile, she turned and walked over to where Georgie had taken Checkers out of his stall. The paint gelding was all done up in his matching orange blanket, bridle, and breastplate.

"Can you believe that?" Lou gaped at her husband, turning to her husband. Though, she couldn't help but envy her sister, who, aside from her bloated belly, didn't look eight months pregnant. Her stride was energetic and she even seemed perkier than normal.

"I'm staying out of that," Peter said, chuckling a little, his arm sliding around her waist.

"So, you're riding him in the show?" Amy asked Georgie, patting the gelding's silky neck. Lily copied her, a big smile on her face.

"Yeah, we were short a horse, when one pulled up lame at the last minute," Georgie explained, tightening the cinch on the saddle. "So, of course, I said I had a horse we could use." She grinned knowingly.

"Of course," Amy grinned as well, her gaze flickering over to Ty as he came to stand next to her. She could already tell by the look on his face that something was wrong.

"Hey, I have to leave for a few minutes," Ty told her, pulling her aside. "Caleb's having trouble with a horse and he wants me to take a look at him. I won't be long."

"Okay, do you want me to come with you?" she asked him.

"No, you stay here with the twins, I'll be back soon," he said.

Just then, Jackson caught wind of what was going on and he tugged on Ty's jeans. "Daddy, I want to come with you," he said, a whine starting to creep into his voice. Amy was about to tell him no, when Ty spoke first.

"Sure, buddy, you can come," Ty said to his son, who beamed with happiness. He looked back at Amy. "I don't have a problem with it, if you don't?"

"No, it's fine," Amy agreed. Then, she looked over to where Georgie had lifted Lily up into Checkers' saddle and the little girl was holding onto the reins proudly. "I think Lily is pretty happy right here."

"Yeah, ok, I'll see you soon," Ty replied. He gave her a quick kiss on the lips and then, picked Jackson up in his arms. He walked off, only looking back once to tell Jackson to wave to her and he did. Amy smiled and waved back.


The farther Ty got from the main rodeo arena, the quieter it became, but there were still horses, riders, and trainers milling around. It seemed like everyone was dressing for the occasion, the colors orange and black were everywhere. One rider had even outfitted herself and her horse in fake cobwebs. Ty was curious enough to see if all that would stay on during her barrel run. He adjusted his hold on Jackson, who kept asking him questions about what he was doing. He'd started when Ty had stopped at the car to get his medical bag.

"What kind of animal, you goin help?" Jackson asked.

"A horse," Ty answered, absentmindedly, looking among the trucks and trailers for Caleb.

"Horse," Jackson repeated. "He sick?"

"Well, I don't know, that's what I'm going to find out," Ty explained.

Finally, Ty spotted Caleb, who was adjusting the breast collar on a chestnut gelding. Rebecca was there too, sitting in the doorway of the open side door of the trailer. She was half-turned, looking at something inside the tack room and she also held a bag of crackers. As he got closer, Ty could hear little feet pounding around inside the trailer, so he realized AJ must be playing in there.

"Hey, Becky, how are you doing?" Ty asked, when he approached. Rebecca didn't say anything, instead the glare she gave him was enough to make him take an involuntary step back.


Ty looked over to where his friend was on the other side of the horse. He put Jackson down on the ground and asked Rebecca if she would watch him for a minute. She gave him a curt nod, her gazing flickering to AJ, who was sticking his hand into her bag of crackers. Ty walked over to Caleb and nearly got his arm yanked out of his socket when he walked around the horse.

"Caleb, what are you doing?" he questioned his friend.

"I'm saving you from getting your head blown off," Caleb whispered. "She's been like that all day, everything I say gets chewed up and spat back in my face. It's best just to keep your distance."

Ty chuckled just then, his hands falling to his hips. "You're scared of her."

"Hey, you're damn right, I'm scared," Caleb admitted. "She wasn't like this the first time, I don't know what to do."

"Well, hiding from her is definitely a good idea," Ty smirked, sarcastically. "Do you really think you can hide out with the horses until the baby comes?"

"I only got a few more weeks left," Caleb joked.

Ty shook his head and turned to the horse. "Ok, what's up with this guy?" he asked, then saw the gash above the gelding's left eye. It looked like it had stopped bleeding, but he wouldn't be able to tell how deep it was until he cleaned it.

"This is Inferno," Caleb explained, his voice filling with pride. "He's one of the best rodeo prospects I've trained. I'm telling you, there's nothing this horse can't do." He pointed to the wound. "He did that when he was in the trailer, don't know how or what, please tell me it's nothing serious."

"Let me take a look," Ty said, taking some supplies out of his medical bag and setting it down on the ground.

With Caleb holding Inferno's head, Ty cleaned and disinfected the wound. Luckily, it wasn't deep at all and it didn't need any stitches. Caleb blew out a long sigh of relief when Ty told him. Ty was relieved too, he was also impressed with how long Inferno stood quietly as Ty fussed around his head. Most horses could only take a few minutes of head handling, but the chestnut gelding seemed content to let Ty do whatever he wanted to him. When he was done, Ty packed up his supplies, collected Jackson and wished Caleb good luck. Rebecca actually said a few words to him this time as he turned to leave. Jackson waved to his friend as his little legs stretched to keep up with daddy's.


The rodeo was in full swing now, the stands were packed and the smell of apple cider and horses mixed together in the air. The team roping event had just finished, Caleb and Inferno did a great job. The gelding's eye seemed to have been no problem and he should bring in some good money for Caleb. Now, the arena was being cleared and dragged, getting ready for The Extreme Team's Halloween performance. Everybody was nervous and excited to see Georgie perform.

"I can't believe dad actually talked grandpa into helping again," Amy said, leaning over to Lou, after spotting Jack on a bay horse near the stock gate. Of course, Tim was nowhere to be seen, but you can guess wherever he was, he was working Jack's last nerve.

"I can, it's dad," Lou replied, wrapping her arm around Katie, who leaned into her against the strong wind.

The sun was shining brightly, but the wind was picking up, putting a chill in the air. They could see The Extreme Team lining up getting ready to enter the arena. Georgie sat tall and proud on Checkers, but it also looked like there was a trace of nerves there too. Suddenly, Katie sat up straight, pointing down at her big sister.

"I see Georgie!" she exclaimed, and started waving.

Amy wasn't sure if Georgie actually heard her or not, but the young teen looked up at the stands anyway. Lou and Peter joined in Katie's waving and Georgie returned a small one of her own. She seemed to take a breath and Amy saw her posture relax. Amy smiled at the family, then turned to Ty. Lily stood on his lap, one arm was around her middle protectively, the other one was pointing out at the horses. His lips were moving with words only the toddler could hear and she was giggling. Amy put her hand in the crook of Ty's elbow and he looked over at her with a smile.

Ty leaned over and place a soft kiss on her lips. Amy closed her eyes, melting into the kiss. His body heat radiated off him, chasing the cold away. Their lips lingered a centimeter away from each other, each one not wanting to move away. Amy closed her eyes, breathing in his scent, the way he felt under her fingers. She didn't want this moment to end, she wanted to be next to him forever.

"It's starting," Lou said, nudging her.

Amy and Ty broke apart, looking back toward the arena and, sure enough, Georgie's team were trotting into the ring. The whole crowd started clapping when each girl stood up in a synchronized rhythm. There were only five horses in the ring, each with two girls on their back, but Georgie, being the youngest, was by herself on Checkers. The routine went off without a hitch, the team delighted and thrilled the audience with their stunts. The music was upbeat and Halloween-themed and the girls not only perfected their daredevil moves, but they also engaged the audience. Amy had never seen Georgie like this before, she face was alive with the energy of her teammates and all the people in the crowd, she lived for this. She was still the young, scared girl they'd found in the barn four years ago, but she was more mature, more happy and grounded.

The team got a standing ovation when they exited the arena, the crowd red-faced from the cold, but mostly from excitement. The loudspeaker crackled to life, announcing that they'll be taking a short intermission and called for the entrants in the costume contest to head down toward the holding pens with their horse, or livestock. Peter stood up and held his hand out to his youngest daughter.

"Come on, Katie, let's go get Pogey," he said.

Katie stood up and shrugged out of her coat, pouting a little. "But daddy, I want to go by myself," shes replied. "I'm eight-years-old, I know how to ride."

Before Peter could open his mouth, Lou said, "Katie, we talked about this. Daddy's going to help get Pogey out and he's going to stand at the gate to wait for you to come out. Okay?"

Katie nodded slowly.

They started to walked down the bleachers, when Lou called them back. "Peter, wait, take this," she said, handing him Katie's coat. "So, she can put it on when she comes out."

"Lou, she has about ten layers under her costume," Peter laughed, though he took the coat anyway. He turned back to his daughter and led her down. Amy nudged her sister playfully and Lou looked her, nudging her back.


Dusk had fallen, bringing with it more coldness than the day had. The rodeo had wound down, but there were still a lot people on the grounds, around the picnic tables and campfires. It was one of the main attractions the rodeo officials had advertised, a haunted hay ride with s'mores and hot chocolate. Amy sat at one of those tables watching as her father showed the three toddlers how to roast the perfect marshmallow. Ty stood nearby, just in case anything happened. Lou sat next to her at the picnic table setting out the chocolate bars and graham crackers for when the kids were ready to make their s'mores. Caleb and Rebecca sat on the other side of the table, cuddled together, looking like they made up. Nobody seemed to mind the cold, especially being close to the fire, watching the kids have fun and enjoying the night.

Suddenly, there as a squeal by the fire and AJ darted backward, his marshmallow, stuck on his stick, held high in the air and it was on fire. Ty knelt down beside the three-year-old, telling him to blow it out as he blew on it himself. After a few failed attempts, they got the fire out and Ty sent the toddler over to the table. Rebecca lifted AJ up onto the seat and started to help him get the marshmallow onto the graham cracker.

"AJ, do want a new marshmallow? This one is all burnt," Rebecca asked him.

AJ shook his head.

"Sweetie, it's going to be all yucky, though," Rebecca persisted.

Again, AJ shook his head. "But I made this one, mommy," he said, reaching for a piece of chocolate. Then, he looked up at her. "All by myself. No one help."

"Alright," Rebecca gave in, helping him make his s'more, though she doubted that he would actually eat the whole thing. It definitely didn't look that appetizing to her. When they put the top graham cracker on, AJ was all but drooling with enthusiasm. He picked it up and took a big bite, the cracker broke in half, but that didn't hinder the toddler's excitement.

Rebecca leaned back against Caleb and his arms wrapped around her, his hands resting on her belly. They watched their son devour his treat, laughing when the chocolate and marshmallow almost fell out the bottom. AJ looked at them, confusedly, still munching.

"Is it good?" Rebecca asked him.

AJ nodded, licking the chocolate off his lips.

"It sure does, you're making me want one," Caleb said.

AJ reached across the table and pulled a marshmallow out of the bag and held it out. "Here, daddy," They laughed and Rebecca even took the marshmallow from AJ and stuffed into Caleb's mouth, causing the little boy to let out a huge laugh.

On the other side of the table, Lily was busy trying to stop her mommy from making her s'more. "No, mommy," she said for the second time, separating the three things on her plate. She picked up her marshmallow and started chewing on it.

"You don't want put it all together?" Amy asked her. Lily shook her head, her blonde hair flying everywhere. Amy shrugged and looked over at where both Ty and Tim were trying to coax Jackson to put his marshmallow more into the fire, so that it would get cooked. It actually looked like Tim was just making things worse.

Finally, Ty brought Jackson over to the table and started making the s'more for him. Amy could tell from the look on her husband's face that her father had gotten to him, again. Jackson sat next to his sister and reached out when Ty handed him the s'more.

"Hey," Amy said, reaching her Ty's arm. He looked over at her. "Don't let it bother you."

Ty walked over and knelt behind her. "I'm trying not to, but you're dad just has a way of..." He broke off, apparently not wanting his mood to affect the night. He wrapped his arms around and that's when she felt the sharp pain.

"What's wrong?" Ty asked, when he heard her gasp.

"Someone else doesn't like to see you all worked up either," Amy told him, in a low voice, half-turning in his arms. Ty gave her a soft smile, his hands moving down to her belly, stroking it gently.

"I love you both so much," Ty whispered.

"We love you, too," Amy whispered back.

She leaned down until their lips met in a brief kiss. The baby kicked again, right underneath Ty's hand. "And I think it's past your bedtime," Ty said to the baby. "Don't think you're going to pull this when you're out here." Amy let out a small laugh and leaned her head against his.

"Mommy! Mommy!"

Lou turned around just in time to see her daughter throw herself at her, her third place ribbon fluttering from her coat. Luckily, Lou caught her and she could feel that the eight-year-old was shaking and not from the cold. When Lou looked up, she saw both Peter and Georgie walking toward them. She didn't even have to ask, she knew what happened.

"I told you the hay ride was too scary for you," Lou said, rubbing her daughter's back.

"She had fun, we all did," Peter defended, glancing at Georgie, who had helped herself to a marshmallow, for help. The teenager nodded, putting the marshmallow onto a stick. "We were all laughing, well, until..."

Lou gave him a look.

"Until the end of the ride when the guy with the chainsaw jumped onto the wagon and he grabbed Katie's leg," Peter admitted, looking down at the ground. Lou gaped and held her daughter closer.

"I was really scared!" Katie whined and Lou saw that she had tears in her eyes.

"I know, sweetheart, I know," Lou soothed to her.

"We tried to tell it was just a show, but she was too scared to listen," Georgie added, and then walked off to the campfire.

Peter gave his daughter a sympathetic look, putting his hand on her back. "Can I get you anything, Katie Kat?" Katie mumbled something about hot chocolate and he handed her one from the center of the table. Katie took it daintily, sipping it, still leaning against Lou.

"Oh, yeah, Tim," Peter remembered. "Casey was over by the hayride, looking for you. She said something about you said you'll help."

"Yeah, right, I was supposed to do that," Tim said. He added a quick goodbye, swiped a cup of hot chocolate and hurried off.

The group stayed for another half hour, when the the tiredness and crankiness were starting to set in. Even Katie was curled on her daddy's lap, head resting against his shoulder. They began clearing off the table, making plans for Halloween. Georgie kept boasting about how her and Katie's costumes were going to be the best as Lou kept handing her things to throw in the trash can. Lily was encouraging her, saying that she had the best costume, while the two little boys could hardly keep their eyes open. Everyone agreed that today was a great day, one that they would remember for a long time.

Halloween Night

"Okay, here we go," Amy said as she lifted Lily out of the car. The little girl was dressed as Rainbow Dash, complete with a stretch dress with the pony's cutie mark on the front, a voluminous rainbow tutu skirt and tulle sleeves. She also had rainbow arm warmers, blue wings, and ears headband with a mane attached. Tights and pink converse sneakers, and of course, a tail completed the ensemble. Lily skipped forward, swinging her pink pumpkin bucket.

Ty came around the other side of the car with Jackson. The toddler looked cute in his Chase, Paw Patrol costume. His consisted of the jumpsuit with a police vest, tail and backpack, also a hat and attachable ears. Though, he was having trouble holding onto his blue pumpkin bucket with his hand covers.

"Ok, what are we going to say?" Ty asked the twins as he led the way up the porch.

"Trick o Treat!" the twins echoed.

Amy and Ty grinned at each other, having practiced with the toddlers all week and the whole car ride here. Ty knocked on the front door and they stood there for a few minutes, listening to the voices inside. Amy suppressed a laugh as she listened to her sister give orders to Peter. Being a week late, everybody was ready for the baby to come, Peter more than anyone.

Finally, the door open and Peter stood, a black cape draped over his back, holding a black cauldron full of an assortment of candy. "Candy, pwease!" the twins chorused, holding up their buckets. All three adults laughed.

"No, what did we practice?" Ty asked them.

Lily looked up at him. "Oh, trick o treat," she said.

"That's good enough for me," Peter replied, lowered the cauldron for them. Each twin picked a lolly pop and a piece of chocolate, dropping it into their buckets with a satisfied clack.

Katie was waiting for them, when they came inside. She wore a dress with a blue lace-trimmed gingham pinafore with a white puff-sleeved blouse. She had a big blue bow in her hair and red, sparkly shoes on her feet. Dangling on her arm was a basket with a black stuffed dog in it.

"Wow, Georgie, I love your Dorothy costume," Amy complimented her.

Katie smiled and curtsied.

"I'll get you my pretty and your little dog too,"

They all stopped when they heard the voice, though only Peter was still grinning. Katie wore a mock terrified expression on her face as she ran around the table. She stopped and started clicking her heels.

"There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place-"

Georgie jumped out then, in her long black-and-green dress, matching cape, and pointed hat. She grabbed Katie before she could finish. "Not so fast!" she exclaimed, with an evil grin on her green-painted face.

The skit continued for a few more dialogues and actions, then it ended with a bow. Even Lou and Jack had come out to watch. Everybody clapped for the girls, who had put a lot effort into the skit. Georgie explained that she'd wanted to do something fun with Katie and she when came up with the idea, the younger girl was super excited about it.

"Well, you both did a great job," Lou told them both, sitting down in a chair, unable to stand anymore. Peter helped her, keeping his hand on her back.

Meanwhile, both Lily and Jackson had run up to Jack. "Grandpa!" they each exclaimed.

"Well, don't you two look adorable," Jack said, picking Lily up. "I think I should go put this pony back in the barn." Lily giggled as he pretended to walk outside.

"So, Georgie, are you actually going trick-or-treating?" Amy asked. "I thought maybe you were over it this year."

"I was, but we had a deal, right?" Georgie answered, looking pointedly at Lou and Peter. "If I take Katie trick-or-treating, I can go to Stephan's Halloween party."

"Right, as long as you abide by the rules we gave you," Lou nodded. "Speaking of, do we need to go over them again?"

"No," Georgie groaned, playfully. "The party's in a couple hours, we don't have that kind of time." Amy snickered at that, knowing her sister could be a little overprotective and overbearing.

Five minutes later, Rebecca and Caleb arrived with AJ, who was dressed in a red-and-blue race car driver costume. He even carried his favorite toy race car, that Rebecca said she'd been unable to pry it out of his hand. The excitement was high as everybody was ready to go. Lou and Peter were staying behind, since Lou was unable walk all that distance. They stood on the porch with Jack watching as the rest of them piled into the cars. Hearing a sniffle, Peter looked over and saw his wife wiping away tears.

"They're growing up so fast," she said.

Peter reached over and took her hand, squeezing it. Lou looked up at him and rested her head against his shoulder, her other hand on her belly. He didn't need to say anything, she knew that there would be more moments like this one, but she also knew that he would be by her side through it all.