Chapter Ten: Only Human

Cid sighed as he lowered himself onto his couch. He'd missed being home. He sat with a steaming cup of tea in his hand. After explaining things to Shera he was finally able to relax. Vincent was changing into his own clothing because he was tired of 'looking like a child wearing his father's over sized hand-me-downs', according to him. Cid thought he looked just fine, maybe a little too thin and pale, but that wasn't because of the clothes.

He wondered where they could go and if not flying the Highwind on a regular basis was feasible. So lost in thought was he that he didn't notice Vincent come in and take the cup in his hand away to place it on the coffee table. Cid did look up when he felt the man sit next to him. Vincent wasn't wearing his cloak, armor, or golden gauntlet. He was sitting there in only his black t-shirt, pants and glove. His headband was also missing.

"Thought you were gonna get that awful red thing on."

"I was." Vincent said quietly. "Then I realized there wasn't much point to it anymore. What I was hiding from can no longer be escaped. I will still see the pity in their eyes and yours if I put it on, so there is little point to the garment now."

"What d'ya mean pity?" Cid growled. "I don't pity you." Crimson eyes met his slowly.

"It is not my strength you pity Cid. It is the circumstances in which I received these." He pointed at the scars on his neck. The pilot sighed.

"I will admit to sympathy, because I know you been through hell, but I would not belittle yer suffering by pitying you." Cid leaned towards him. "There is a slight difference between pity and sympathy Vince and I, for one, don't hold an ounce of pity. If anything its just sympathy. There's more than a little admiration too, because I know I couldn't survive what you been through. I don't reckon there's many out there who would." He looked up at Vincent, who seemed a bit surprised. "I'd just be so goddamn lonely cuttin' people off and bein' scared of my own-" He was cut off by Vincent's lips on his. It startled him at first because he couldn't ever recall the other man initiating contact. He slowly brought his arms up to wrap around those thin shoulders.

"I am lonely. I can admit that much. The scared has been mostly in the past several weeks." The older man said quietly. "I am used to the demons fighting me so It wasn't so much fear of them as it was fear for you." His voice was soft but tight with emotion. "If I ever hurt you in one of the demon phases I would be devastated. You were the first to accept me. My first human friend." His crimson eyes lifted. "I don't know if what I am feeling could be considered love. It's definitely close and I would like to try a relationship, but you have to be patient with me. I have more emotional scars than physical ones and I may not always be open with you."

"Vince. I know that I love you and if yer willing to try you will make me so happy and I know that we're in fer a rough road. I also know that relationships take two." He held up the corresponding amount of fingers. "I need to compromise too and be more understanding."

Vincent stared at the younger man, barely believing that his words had gotten through. It made him happy to see the goofy grin on Cid's face and was a bit perturbed when it disappeared. "What about the Highwind? I don't know about giving up the sky to live in a forest." Ah.

"I do not care where we are so long as there are no towns near by." Vincent gently took the other man's hands in his. "I could never ask you to give up the sky."

"So we could stay in my ship by a lake or something?" Cid looked at him with hope in his blue eyes.

"What about your crew?"

"Most of them live in the ship anyway and you already know yer safe with them."

"Yes, but are they safe with me?" Vincent asked calmly. "I know I have been able to control my transformations before, but I cannot guarantee that I can every time. That puts them at risk."

"I thought you were getting your control back?"

"Getting yes. As in it isn't all back yet." He smiled sadly. "I could not ask them to risk their lives and I can't ask you to give up the sky to be with me."

"Why are you being so negative? You're just making it impossible to-" A finger to the pilot's lips silenced him.

"Have you ever known me to be positive? Really, Cid." A smile tugged at his pale lips. "I am trying to be realistic here. I want to be selfish. But it is not just your crew I am worried about. I could live with the guilt that I inadvertently hurt them. Not you though. I can deal with a lot of things, but never that." His face grew serious again. "What you are asking of me, the chance at a relationship is nice, and do not misunderstand me. I want to try. Unfortunately until I can control what's going on in my head-"

"But your demons like me!" Cid burst out. Vincent closed his eyes and sighed.

"Galian likes you." He stressed. "The other two don't even like each other and they are what have me concerned."

"You know I can handle myself."

"Yes." Vincent sighed again. "I do know. I also know that Hellmasker and Death Gigas are unpredictable."

"So you want to just be alone and not even try?" Cid exploded.

"No. Chief listen to me." Vincent grabbed the other man's face so that their gazes met. "What I am saying is that I don't think living on your ship is a good idea and I think that I still need to be on my own only until I get this figured out. I'm asking you for time is all, time to work out all the kinks. Time to stop being afraid that I'm going to hurt you." He let go and stepped back. "It wouldn't be forever and I can be in the forest just outside of town. I've regained enough control for that. Not for living with someone else just yet." His words seemed to get through. Vincent watched as Cid's face slowly lit up.

"So ya aren't wantin' ta get rid of me. Ya jus' want some space while we figure shit out together?" It took a second to parse out what Cid was saying. He could mean 'shit' in reference to their relationship, in general, or Vincent's demon problem, however, it ultimately didn't matter. The focus on together and temporary separate living were the only ideas that needed understanding.

"Essentially." He nodded. "I am most definitely not saying you should leave me alone." He moved back in to the other man's space and put his ungloved hand on the side of Cid's neck, tipping it up with his thumb then brought their lips together briefly. "You are the only one that reaches into my darkness to pull me out before I drown and I never wanted to leave or stay away. I want you with me always. It was only fear holding me back. It still is in a way, however, there is one key difference right now."

"What's that?" Cid asked breathlessly, staring up into Vincent's face.

"You want me just as much." He leaned down and kissed the younger man deeply. Cid's arms went around his neck, tightening and bring their bodies together. There wasn't anything else that needed saying said right then and an infinitely more pressing need building between them. It was as though a fire had been lit in his nether regions and no one except the man in his arms could quench it. First, though, it needed to be fed.

Vincent grabbed Cid's hips, with a soft growl, and pulled them into his so that their erections pressed against each other through their clothes as he deepened the kiss. He wasn't usually the aggressor-couldn't remember a time when he had been, but following his instincts was both easy and rewarding.

Cid moaned and arced into him, creating delicious friction and stoking the fire in him into an inferno. In no time they were in Highwind's bedroom, shirts falling to the floor in their frenzy. Everything but the glove joined them. Vincent pushed Cid onto the bed then climbed on top of him and reversed the situation, their lips locked together in passion. As soon as their naked groins met; they pulled apart to gasp in unison.

"Vincent." Cid breathed out then attacked the older man's mouth with his as he let his legs fall to either of Vincent's sides. They moved together with identical moans. "I need ya somethin' fierce." Cid whispered, breath tickling Vincent's ear as he retrieved a bottle of gel like liquid from the table by his bed.

"I was under the-" Vincent cut off I a hiss as his cock was coated in a lubricated oil. "-impression that-" He lost his voice to a groan as Cid impaled himself slowly, moaning out his appreciation of being filled. Vincent forgot about being gentle. He flipped them over and drove his hips forward.

"Gaia, Vincent, more!" Cid gripped him, nails scoring the older man's back, as he lifted his own hips in invitation. Vincent didn't need to be asked twice. He drew back and pushed deeper. There was a growling need in him to lay claim to the pilot. Mine a voice seemed to say as he pistoned his hips. He didn't realize it was him until Cid pulled his head close and whispered "All yours" as he came. Vincent felt the muscles gripping him tighten and that was all it took to send him flying over the edge.

They collapsed together, breathing hard. "I love you Cid Highwind." Vincent murmured softly as he pulled free. "But I draw the line at resting in our bodily fluids." Cid laughed.