Back with a new chapter. Man, life has so many obstacles, but when life gives you lemons, you close the door and make sure you have some privacy. Hehe, always wanted to make that joke.

Anyway, in this chapter, the Genin Teams will finally have their real test to become Genins. How would they do? Would they pass or would they fail? Man, so many things could happen. Whelp, go ahead and enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 11: Real Genin Test

Having three hours before officially meeting their sensei, the newly graduated Genins decided to have lunch and relax while they have the chance. Danny, Naruto and their friends decided to spend the three hours relaxing in their favorite spot in the park.

"So, wonder what kind of people our teachers will be," Ino asked as she watched Danny and Shikamaru play shogi. Despite not being the smartest, Danny was still a good strategist, so he was giving Shikamaru a run for his money.

"Well, Jazz-neechan told us a few things about Kurenai," Dani said. "She specializes in Genjutsu, so that's something good to you Yakumo-chan."

Yakumo nodded, feeling a little excited. Since her family was known for its Genjutsu. So having a Genjutsu specialist be her sensei would help her a lot.

"Though I feel sorry for you, sis," Naruto said, reading a book about seals. "I heard that Anko is an out of control woman who likes to chase people with snakes and knives."

"I'm sure that's not true," Naruko said, waving off the comment.

"That info was from Jazz-nee, so it might be accurate," Danny said as he turned to Dani. "Try not to get killed. I don't think I can survive handling Jazz-nee alone."

"Hahaha…" Dani said in a deadpanned tone. "What about you? Aren't you worried about this Kakashi Hatake?"

"Not really," Danny said with a shrug as he turned back to the game and moved a piece. "From what I gathered, this Kakashi guy is one of Konoha's finest."

"He's also the last remaining student of the Yondaime Hokage," Satsuki said.

"Really? Awesome!" Naruto said, his eyes sparkling, looking up from his Fuinjutsu book. He looked up to the Yondaime Hokage, despite the fact that he was the reason Kurama was sealed inside him, which caused him years of depression. He admired the man for his sealing skills and being the youngest Hokage in history. "We get to learn from someone who was taught by the Yondaime!"

"Let's just hope he lives up to his reputation," Satsuki said before she leaned over to Naruto, looking at the book he was reading. She blinked as she tried to make head or tails of the material. "Geez, how can you understand this stuff? They all look gibberish to me."

"I'm just awesome like that," Naruto said with a smug tone.

"I can do it to, brother," Naruko said in a deadpanned tone. "Don't get all smug. You don't want Tsunade-baachan thinking you got a big head again."

Naruto flinched, rubbing the spot where Tsunade bonked him when he was getting too smug for his own good. He couldn't help himself; he's never been good at anything before, so learning he was great at Seals just made him want to brag.

Tsunade, who saw what a big head does to a Shinobi-in-training, put a stop to that immediately with good, old fashion, tough love. Since then, Naruto vow to never get his ego the best of him, otherwise he would get another lump on the head.

"I guess we won't be able to hang out much now that we're shinobi," Yakumo said in a sad voice. Hanging out with her friends was the thing she looked forward too the most, especially Naruto, and now she can't hang out with all of them due to her new status as a shinobi.

"I'm sure we can find a way," Dani said before she pouted at Satsuki. "But I'm so jealous that you got on a team with our future husband!"

"Don't worry, I'll just make sure he won't get ahead of himself," Satsuki said with a smirk directed at her fellow CRA sisters. "Though maybe I would get a cuddle or two."

"You know I'm part of the team, right?" Danny asked with deadpanned eyes. "Don't go making googly eyes when I'm around. It'll be weird."

Everyone laughed at that while they enjoyed their remaining hours together. Soon, their lunch time was over, and they all headed back to the classroom to wait for their assigned Jonin sensei. A lot of the newly graduates were there, talking to their teammates, excited about finally being a shinobi.

Ever since Sandaime changed the school's curriculum, a lot of the students struggled, and most didn't survive the first year. Danny remembered that there used to be about eighty of them, but as the years go by, a lot of them couldn't handle it and quit. Now, there were only thirty-six of them left, resulting in twelve teams, which wasn't much compared to the previous graduating classes years ago.

The air was tense with excitement and nerves as they waited for their Jonin senseis. Iruka could feel the nervousness and can't help but smile in nostalgia. Suddenly, the door opened and a bunch of Jonins entered, looking serious and intimidating.

Among them were Kurenai Yuhi, Yugao Uzuki, Asuma Sarutobi, a tanned man with black, spikey hair and a pointy beard with amber eyes, wearing the Jonin outfit, plus a sash with the symbol of the Fire Capital on his waist, Aoba Yashamiro, a guy wearing shades, spikey brown hair and wearing the Jonin outfit.

Suddenly, the windows break as a pair of kunais hit the ceiling as a couple of smoke bombs hit the floor, causing smoke to surround the front of the class. All the Genins looked shock while the Jonins simply sighed. A blur appeared from the windows as the banner that was attached to the kunais unfurled, and on it was "THE SEXY AND SINGLE ANKO MITARASHI HAS ARRIVED."

Once the smoke cleared, Anko stood proudly in front of the shocked students, grinning widely. A lot of the boys, Kiba included, were staring at her almost exposed breasts, drooling and blushing and a lot of the girls stared at her in jealousy, looking at their underdeveloped chest.

"Okay, Team 11, follow me!" Anko declared before jumping out the window in a blur.

Dani, Naruko and Sam looked at the window before at each other before shrugging. They waved at their friends before they jumped through the broken window, following their Jonin sensei while the Genins just blinked.



"Team 8, with me," Kurenai Yuhi said. Hinata, Yakumo and Shino stood up, nodded to their friends before following Kurenai.

"Team 10, follow me," Asuma said.

"See you later, Danny-kun," Ino said with a wink as she and her team stood up and followed their sensei out the door.

"Team 12," Yuago said. Sai, Lydia and Dorathea quietly stood up and walked towards their Jonin sensei, who led them out the classroom.

"Team 13, with me please," Aoba said. Sasuke stood up, ignoring Sakura as Kiba walked behind them.

Danny, Naruto and Satsuki watched until the last Jonin left with the last team. They looked around, but only saw Iruka there.

"Um…where's our Jonin sensei, Iruka-sensei?" Naruto asked.

"Oh, well, your sensei has a unique sense of time," Iruka said awkwardly. "He'll be here, don't worry. Just sit tight. Good luck."

The three students watched as Iruka left the classroom, leaving the three alone.

"So... how long do you think we have to wait?" Danny asked his two friends.

"Well, he's a Jonin, so I guess not too long," Satsuki said.

Two Hours Later…

"Got any threes?" Danny asked Satsuki as they played Gold Fish.

"Hm…Gold Fish," Satsuki said.

"Gaaah!" Naruto exclaimed, not taking it anymore. "I can't wait anymore! Where the hell is he!?"

"He probably got lost," Danny said, though from his tone, he was also annoyed.

"He must be an idiot to get lost," Satsuki said, her delicate brow twitching in annoyance.

"That does it!" Naruto exclaimed before he grabbed something from his pouch, a scroll and some tripwires. Danny and Satsuki watched as Naruto set up a trip wire trap, using his chakra to connect it to the scroll, which he placed on the ceiling right in front of the door.

Once he was done, he took a step back and enjoyed his handiwork. Suddenly, the door suddenly opened and a figure step in. He stepped on the trip wire, which activated the seal, and rainbow-colored dust suddenly exploded from the scroll.

"Ha! That's for being late!" Naruto declared.

"My, that wasn't nice," a voice said behind Naruto as Danny and Satsuki looked shock. Naruto, shocked to see a colorful log. He then turned and saw a tall, lanky-looking man with gravity-defying, gray hair, a Konoha headband that covered the man's right eye, revealing only one, black eye, a face mask and the standard Jonin outfit. "You could have hurt that log."

The three students stayed silent as the man looked at them, like he was analyzing them.

"Hm…My first thoughts about you, you guys won't be so boring," he said. "Now, meet me at the roof top."

Suddenly, he disappeared in a swirl of wind and leaves. The kids weren't surprised by that, since they've seen the Shunshin a couple of time.

"So, that's Kakashi Hatake, huh," Danny commented as he and Satsuki walked towards Naruto. "He seems fun."

"Let's go before he decides to leave for us being late," Satsuki said in a sarcastic tone. The three left the classroom, leaving the mess they made.

The trio finally arrived on the roof of the academy, where Kakashi was leaning on the rails, pocketing an orange book.

"It's about time you got here," he said, causing them to look at him in annoyance. The trio then sat on the stone stairs right in front of their sensei, with Naruto in the middle, Danny on his right and Satsuki on the left. "Now then, let's start with getting to know each other."

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked, looking confused.

"You know, your name, hobbies, likes, dislikes, dreams, the basics," Kakashi explained.

"Well, how about you start first?" Danny suggested. "We don't know a thing about you."

"Fair enough," Kakashi said with a shrug. "My name is Kakashi Hatake. My hobbies, you're too young to know. My likes, you don't need to know. My dislikes, that's something I like to keep to myself. For my dreams, that's personal."

The three students gave their sensei an annoyed look, since all he gave them was his name.

"Well then, ladies first," Kakashi said, pointing at Satsuki. She nodded and sat straight.

"My name is Satsuki Uchiha," she said. "My hobbies are training with my big brother and mother. My likes, hanging out with my friends, learning new jutsus and tomatoes. My dislikes, my twin brother. As for my dream, I want to be the new head of the Uchiha clan and show the people that we are trusted members of the Leaf," she then had a teasing smirk as she looked at Naruto. "And to bear a lot of Naruto-kun's children to help him rebuild his clan."

Naruto blushed at what she was implying, causing Danny to chuckle. Kakashi mused at that. It seems someone told Naruto and his friends about the Uzumaki Clan, one of the founding clans of Konoha.

"Well then, lover boy, it's your turn," Kakashi said, looking at Naruto as he calmed his blush.

"Well, my name's Naruto Uzumaki!" Naruto declared with a grin. "My hobbies are eating and trying out different types ramen, training, learning Fuinjutsu, gardening and hanging out with my friends. My likes, ramen, my friends and my family. My dislikes, the three minutes it takes for instant ramen to cook and bullies. My dream, to become the greatest Hokage and rebuild the Uzumaki Clan!"

Kakashi nodded before looking at Danny, who also nodded.

"I'm Danny Phantom," Danny introduced himself with a grin. "My hobbies, training and reading. My likes, my family, friends, learning my family jutsus. My dislikes, bullies, jerks and…someone. My dreams…to rebuild the Phantom Clan."

"I see," Kakashi said, noticing Danny's pause about his dreams and dislikes. "Well then, it's time to explain your test."

"Test?" Satsuki said, confused. "What do you mean, Kakashi-sensei?"

"I mean the test to see if you should be Genin or not," Kakashi said, making the three look confused.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked. "We already did the Genin Exams!"

"That? That wasn't the real exams," Kakashi said, shocking them. "That was just a way to weed out the weak and useless and get the pick of the crops. Now, we're going to see if you're good enough to be Genins."

Danny, Naruto and Satsuki stood straighter as he said that, a look of determination replacing their shock and confusion. Kakashi was slightly impressed by their recovery from the shocking news.

"We will meet at Training Ground 3 at 7 am sharp," Kakashi said as he started walking, before he suddenly stopped. "Oh, and I highly suggest that you don't eat breakfast. I don't want you throwing up."

With that Kakashi disappeared in a whirlwind of leaves, leaving the three alone. They exchanged looks before nodding, standing up and leaving the place together.

It was time for them to start planning for whatever this test was about.

The Next Day…

On Training Ground 3, Danny, Satsuki and Naruto were sitting near a lone tree. They got there earlier to prepare themselves for the test Kakashi was going to give them. They weren't sure what kind of test it was, but they set up traps all around the forest.

They also ignored the no eating breakfast part. They were taught at young age to always eat as much as they could, since they never know when their next meal would be during a mission.

Danny was currently on watch while Satsuki and Naruto took a nap. It was already passed 7 am, just a few more minutes until it's 9 am. They've been taking turns after they finished setting up the traps. Just as he was about to wake up Naruto, Kakashi appeared in a swirl of leaves.

"Well, aren't you all getting comfy," he said with an eye smile as Danny woke his friends up.

"You're late again," Satsuki grumbled as she rubbed her eyes while Naruto yawned, stretching his arms.

"Well, I could have gotten here sooner, but a kind old lady asked me to help her, since she threw her back carrying groceries," Kakashi said, and the three looked at him with deadpanned eyes. "Now then, let's begin the test."

As the three Genins gathered in front of him, Kakashi pulled out two bells attached to some strings and a stop clock.

"Now then, your test is simple," he said, looking at them. "You have three hours try and take this bell from me. Whoever gets the bell passes the test. The one who doesn't, fails and gets tied up on one of those three poles," he gestured at the training poles that were worn from constant punching and kicking. "They get tied up while we eat our lunch," he finished as he suddenly pulled out three bentos.

"So that's why you didn't want us to eat breakfast…" the three thought with a sweatdrop at the Jonin's sadistic punishment.

"Hm?" Naruto suddenly noticed something. "Hang on, Kakashi-sensei, there's only two bells."


"But how are all of going to pass?" Naruto asked, looking confused and concerned.

"I guess that means only two of you will pass and one of you goes back to the academy," Kakashi said, shocking the three Genins.

"You mean…" Danny thought, sweat dropping from his head.

"For us to pass this test…" Satsuki thought as her hands trembled.

"One of us has to fail," Naruto thought with wide eyes.

"Well then, are you three ready?" Kakashi asked, noticing their internal struggle, waiting for their reaction.

The three friends just kept looking on the ground, struggling with their dilemma. They studied and trained their entire lives to be shinobi, to accomplish their dreams, but to finally become one means abandoning one of their friends. They suddenly looked up, meeting each other's eyes. After what felt like a long time, they all took a deep breath and looked at Kakashi, who was waiting for them.

"I refuse to do the test," Danny said, looking straight at Kakashi.

"Me too," Satsuki said, crossing her arms.

"Ditto!" Naruto exclaimed with a nod.

"Oh?" Kakashi said, looking interested. "Are you sure? You guys might have to spend a year in the academy if you won't do the test."

"Even so," Danny said, his determined expression not wavering. "I'm not gonna abandon my friends! If me passing means leaving them behind, then forget it!"

"Yeah!" Naruto said with a nod. "Danny and Satsuki-chan are my friends! We've trained and studied together! To leave them behind…then I can't call myself a Hokage if I do that!"

"Besides, what's another year in the academy gonna change?" Satsuki said. "We can always just power through it, maybe even get a sensei that isn't late."

"I see," Kakashi said as he looked at their unwavering determination, impressed by their dedication. "Well then, how about we change the rules then. Just try and land a punch on me for the next three hours. It doesn't matter who lands it, just make sure you hit me. Is that better?"

The three students look surprised by that, but they nodded, accepting the change. Kakashi then walked towards the poles, the three following them. He put the bentos and stop clock on the middle pole before turning to the Genins.

"Now, remember, fight with the intent to kill," Kakashi said. "Now…Start!"

In a blink of an eye, the three Genins disappeared in a blur, impressing Kakashi by their speed. He then leisurely walked through the Training Ground, using his senses to search for the three.

After a while, he finally detected Danny, hiding on top of a tree, and Satsuki, crouching in some bushes.

"Hm…they're good," Kakashi thought. "I had to concentrate to actually notice them. Now…where's-?"

He heard something whizzing in the air, flying towards him. He slightly moved his body, easily dodging the shuriken that curved gracefully through the air. He then heard some laughter and rustling coming from the forest.

"Surprising," Kakashi thought as he walked towards where the projectiles came from. "I figured Naruto would try and attack me head on, seeing how his personality is. Oh well, this seems more entertaining."

He entered the forest, looking for Naruto. As he did that, he noticed Danny and Satsuki moved from their hiding spots. Before he could sense where they were, the ground he stepped on suddenly sank.

He quickly jumped as the ground he was standing on, which revealed to be a pitfall trap. He mused as he looked down the hall, which had a seal painted on the ground, a seal made for traps.

"Impressive," Kakashi commented as he studied the seal from a safe distance. "I heard that the Uzumaki Twins are excellent Seal masters, but this is a high-level seal, surprising for Naruto's age."

His musings were cut short when a barrage of shurikens flew towards him from behind, which he jumped to avoid. The shurikens hit the trees, and he was surprised when it activated some seals hidden in the trees, causing kunais and shurikens to fly towards him from the seals.

Kakashi quickly pulled out a pair of kunais and used them to repel the projectiles effortlessly. He looked impressed, staring at the weapons that fell on the ground.

"Hm…they probably did this when they were waiting for me," he said with an appreciative nod. "Good, at least they don't waste time."

Kakashi then spent the hour looking for the three students, setting traps one after another. He had to admit, they were very well hidden, impressive for a couple of greenhorns. Still, it took him little effort to dodge the traps he activated, despite being well hidden.

He then finds himself in a clearing, looking around the place. He must have set off a dozen traps looking for the three Genin.

"You know, you only have an hour left before the test ends," he called out as he stood there, hands in his pocket. "By this rate, you're all going to fail together."

As soon as he said that, three sets of kunais and shurikens flew towards him. Just as he was about to dodge, the kunais and shurikens suddenly erupted to smoke, surprising him as a lot of Narutos came flying towards him.

They all roared as they flew towards Kakashi, fists raised, but Kakashi then easily dodged the flying blonds, avoiding every hit and grabbing their limbs and tossing them aside. Soon, all the blonds puffed to smoke, leaving Kakashi alone.

"Well, that was almost surprising," he muttered before Satsuki jump towards him, quickly flashing through some hand signs.

"Wait…those hand signs! She can't possibly use that!" Kakashi thought in shock.

"Katon: Fireball Jutsu!" she exclaimed as she made a small circle with her hand and blew out a big fireball.

Kakashi was about to jump, but then felt something constricting his feet. Surprised, he looked down and saw his earth wrapped around green earth. He then looked behind him and saw Danny kneeling on the ground, his hands glowing as he held the ground, his Shinigan showing.

"Ekuton: Earth Trap Jutsu!"

Kakashi was then engulfed by the giant fireball, unable to jump away due to the earth restricting his feet. The two looked at the blazing fire, still tensed, ready to continue the fight. When the fire dispersed, they saw that Kakashi was replaced by a burned log.

"Not bad," Kakashi's voice rang through the area. "Impressive teamwork. But still not good enough."

Suddenly, Danny quickly jumped away from the ground, just in time to dodge a pair of arms that erupted from the ground, attempting to grab him. He and Satsuki regrouped as Kakashi walked out of the ground, dusting the dirt off him.

"Good reflex," he commented with an eye smile. Suddenly, a rock behind Kakashi suddenly poofed and Naruto appeared, his fist cocked back to punch Kakashi. Suddenly, Kakashi disappeared, causing Naruto to stumble a little before regaining his balance.

"Huh? Where'd he go?" Naruto asked, looking around to see the silver-haired Jonin.

"You almost got me there," Kakashi said, appearing behind Naruto, crouching. "Impressive to get behind me. Let me return the favor."

Danny and Satsuki's eyes widened when they saw Kakashi form the Tiger seal. They were shocked to see him use such a dangerous seal towards Naruto. Before they could act, Kakashi moved.

"Secret Konoha Technique: Thousand Years of Death!" Kakashi exclaimed as everything turned white from his move.

Danny and Satsuki then deadpanned as they saw Kakashi's fingers giving Naruto an enema. Naruto took a few seconds to comprehend what was happening before he flew to the air, holding his bottom, screaming in pain.

"What the hell just happened?" Danny commented as he watched Naruto on the ground, rubbing his ass, trying to relieve the pain, though his pride might never recover. "You doing okay there, buddy?"

"I'm going to kill him," Naruto growled, leaking killing intent directing at Kakashi, who merely gave him an eye smile.

Danny sensed another wave of killing intent. Surprised, he looked and saw Satsuki glaring murderously towards Kakashi.

"What's wrong?" he asked, taking a few steps away from Satsuki.

"That bastard…Naruto-kun's ass was mine to take!" she yelled in anger, causing Danny to sweatdrop before looking at Naruto, who temporarily forgot his anger in favor of starring at Satsuki in shock and a bit of fear.

"Well, you guys are funny," Kakashi said, causing the three to look at him. "But time's running out. If you don't punch me, you might not pass the test."

"We still have time," Danny said, his Shinigan shining in an eerily green. "Let's go!"

"Right!" Naruto and Satsuki exclaimed, charging together towards Kakashi, who merely gave an eye smile.

For almost an hour, Kakashi dodged, blocked and parried any attacks the three throws at him. Every attack they did, they coordinate to help the other. He couldn't help but be glad to meet such a team.

Suddenly, he stopped moving, surprising him. He looked down and saw a seal paper on the ground he was standing on, with the kanji for paralyze on it. He looked at Naruto, who smirked, doing a one hand seal.

"Now!" Danny exclaimed as he charged from the right while Satsuki charged from the left just as Naruto jumped towards Kakashi, hands clasped together, ready to bring it down towards Kakashi. Just as they were about to hit him, he suddenly shined brightly, before he disappeared in a flash of electricity, surprising the three before Kakashi appeared behind them.

"Time's up," he said as they heard the stop clock ringing. The three fell to the ground, groaning.

"Damn it, we didn't hit him," Naruto groaned, rolling on his back. After all that hard work, they didn't get to hit him once.

"I guess him being a Jonin isn't a mistake," Satsuki commented, panting.

"At least we failed together," Danny said, causing the two to glare at him.

"Oh, you didn't fail," Kakashi said in a nonchalant tone, causing the three to look at him in surprise. "You three pass my test."

"What!?" they exclaimed as Kakashi eye smiled at them.

"But we didn't hit you," Naruto said, confused.

"Oh, you already passed my test before I decided on that," Kakashi said, waving his hand, confusing the three even more.

"Why?" Satsuki asked, looking suspicious.

"Because you didn't abandon your teammates," Kakashi said simply, causing them to look at him, not sure what he meant by that. "In the ninja world, we do whatever we can to complete our mission, an unspoken law to us shinobi, for those who break the rules are trash…"

The three noticed a somber look on Kakashi's face, the atmosphere turning uncomfortable.

"…But, those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash," he finished as he looked at the three. "When you refused to do the Bell Test because you believed you would leave the other one to fail, that is why you pass."

Suddenly, Kakashi took out a scroll and opened it. The three looked and saw some a lot of names on the lists, which were all crossed.

"What are these?" Danny asked, looking to Kakashi.

"These are the students who failed to pass my test," Kakashi said. "Unlike you, they didn't understand the concept of teamwork, refusing to work together and even using their comrades as a shield. You are the first ones I've passed, so congratulations. As of right now, you are now officially Team 7!"

It took a few seconds for Danny, Naruto and Satsuki to understand what Kakashi said before they all cheered with wide smiles.

"We did it! We did it!" Naruto exclaimed as he had his arms around Satsuki's and Danny's shoulders, who laughed along with him. Kakashi watched the trio before he smiled behind his mask.

"Hm…Maybe this team will go far," he thought before he went and grab the lunch boxes on the wooden posts. "Alright then, here, eat and celebrate your formation as Team 7."

The trio looked at the lunch boxes. After that fight, they were feeling a little hungry. And who are they to refuse a free lunch?

They took the lunch boxes from Kakashi and walked towards the three to enjoy it. Kakashi watched them go and he was about to leave before Naruto turned around.

"Hey! What are you waiting for, sensei?" he called, waving an arm at him. "Come join us!"

Kakashi looked at him before he saw Danny and Satsuki waiting for him. With an eye smile, he decided to join them. He can afford being a little late to the Jonin meeting.

Four Hours Later…

In the Hokage's Office, a lot of the Jonins and Hokage had irritated looks on their faces as they waited for Kakashi. He was an hour later than usual. Suddenly, Kakashi entered the room, chuckling sheepishly for being an hour late than usual.

"Sorry I'm late, Sandaime-sama," he said, scratching the back of his head. "I was-."

"Okay, let us begin," Sandaime said, getting into business, causing Kakashi to deflate a little. "Genin Teams Status Report."

All the Jonins listened as one Jonin reported the status of their Genin Teams. Teams 1 to 6 failed, much to the Jonins disappointed look on their faces. Kakashi wasn't listening, he was reading an orange book, which seems to annoy Kurenai.

"Kakashi-san, status report?" Sandaime asked, causing Kakashi to look up from his book.

"Team 7 passes," he said before returning to his book. He then felt a lot of the Jonins staring at him. Soon, he got irritated and looked up from his book. "Yes?"

"Well…it's just that you passed a team," Asuma said, smiling in disbelief.

"What can I say, those kids got potential," Kakashi thought, returning to his book.

"Team 8 passes," Kurenai said, a hint of pride on her voice.

"Team 10 passes," Asuma said, putting an unlit cigarette on his mouth.

"My Team 11 passes with flying colors!" Anko declared with a wide grin, a dango stick on her mouth.

"Team 12 passes," Yugao said in an emotionless voice.

"Team 13…passes," Aoba said with a tired sigh.

"Well, this is the first that we have so many potential Genins passing," Sandaime said, looking impressed. "I made the right choice changing the Academy's curriculum. You are all dismissed. Be sure to send daily reports on your team's progress."

"Man, never heard Sandaime-sama say those words before," Anko commented as the Jonins exited the office.

"At least your students do," Aoba said before sighing tiredly. "The only reason I passed them was on a technicality."

"Yes, a lot of this generation's Genins have great potential," Kakashi thought as he followed them, still holding his book not reading it. "But, out of all of them, the ones with the greatest potentials are Naruto and Danny. Makes me wonder what the future holds for them."

"What do you think, Kakashi?" Asuma asked, causing Kakashi to look at Asuma.

"Hm? You say something, Asuma?" he asked, causing Asuma to sweatdrop at him.

"You should stop doing that," he asked, a tick mark appearing on his head. "Well, let's go celebrate!"

"Yeah, drinks and dango is on Asuma!" Anko declared.

"Sure, I could use a drink."

"I am craving something sweet."

"Hey! I didn't agree to that!"

Finally! First, let me say sorry for the delay. Ever since I got a job, my fanfic writing type has been reduced, since I'm so tired that I fell asleep in front of my laptop. Then there's school until December. I have four work days and two school days, so only one free day for me, but don't worry, I'll update the other stories, and maybe post some new ones from my Future Stories File.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the small change I did with the Genin Test. I had many ideas, but then I decided with this one, since the purpose of the test was to show their teamwork, and since Danny, Naruto and Satsuki were friends, so I doubt they would let one of them go to pass.

Anyway, five teams passed the Genin Exams, so we're finally over that point. Man, didn't think it would take me plus ten chapters to finally pass this part of the story. Oh well, the more the better I guess.

Well, next chapter, Shinobi missions! A Genin's life is not so glamorous. See you later!