Silver had no idea what he was doing here. His heart was racing and he was filled with fear. Not the fear of possibly falling off this roof but rather the fear of being caught. If he was caught he'd get in trouble and he'd be sent away again. He didn't want that, rather he just wanted the pain to go away and disappear. But it never would.
Silver had been about eight or nine when this wave of anguish had hit him. He hated it so much but he never knew what he could do. His Father was never there to help him and he just suffered alone. Going through every day with repugnant in his mind. He hated his life and hated living. The years had gone on and Silver had no help. He was still alone and suffering. Each day was nauseating to Silver, watching everyone around him go on and being happy. It was why today he had chosen to end it all.
Now here he was, standing on the roof. Holding onto the rail. He was ready to jump. Yet Silver was feeling apprehension and wasn't sure what to do. He knew the longer he took the more likely he'd be to get caught. Silver closed his eyes and begin to envision what would happen next. He'd hit the ground and all would be over it was as simple as that. Silver slowly released the rail and leaned over...
"What the hell are you doing?" Came a voice.
Silver was startled and ended up stumbling backwards, right into the rail. He felt his legs slip and he panicked. He wanted to end it but not like this! Silver felt a strong grip wrap around his right arm. He could see shapes moving along in his vision, it was the blood pounding in his eyes. Silver was feeling lightheaded and was utterly terrified. How could this have gone so wrong? Silver squeezed his eyes shut tightly and felt his body start to go limp. He was out like a light.
"Get up." A voice said softly. Silver just let out a groan. His head was pounding. As he opened his eyes he saw a boy around his age. Just great. Some loser had stopped him from committing suicide. Just wonderful. The boy had golden yellow eyes and just messy raven hair. He was wearing what looked like a school uniform of some sort. Just great. A prep at that.
"You okay? It's fine to go sightseeing but not good to be on the wrong side of the rail. That was dangerous." The boy said as he frowned, concern was in his eyes. Silver felt so nauseated, how dare this complete and utter stranger feel worried about him?! Who the hell did the kid think he was?! "I don't need you to worry over me. I am fine. Please just go away." Silver snapped as he scowled. "My name is Gold. I'm sorry... I was just worried when I saw you standing there... I thought you were going to jump..." The boy mumbled. Silver just snorted before shoving the other. "I was going to jump but you got in my way!" Silver replied. Gold stared at Silver with a shocked look on his face. "...You were going to jump?! But that's insane! How could you feel so down?! You don't have to think like that! There's lots of good things in this world!" Gold shouted. Silver rolled his eyes and got up. "Leave me alone Gold. I hate people like you."
Gold just watched as Silver got up and walked away. He was feeling so confused. Silver seemed like a good kid, so why would he feel so... Horrid? It didn't make any sense to Gold. Silver seemed somewhat familiar to him. Gold just shook his head to clear his thoughts. He had to understand this. He just had to make sense of this. Something was nagging him, something inside of him...
Silver continued to walk on, trying to put as much distance as he could between him and that Gold kid. His rotten day had turned utterly rancid. Silver had spent the better half of his day coming up with the plan of the denouement. And of course that dumb Gold kid had to ruin it. Silver was feeling utterly infuriated. Who the hell did Gold think he was?! Coming along and ruining a wonderful suicide plan... Damn that Gold kid really pissed off Silver. It made his blood boil. Never before had someone gotten under his skin so fast. Hopefully there would be a better place and time to committing suicide. Gold would probably forget all about the encounter and move on with his life. Silver was easily forgotten anyways...
"I never did get his name. I should have asked for it. Dammit... I'm so stupid. Maybe I can catch up to him or... I can ask around and see if anyone knows him..." Gold mumbled. It couldn't be that hard to find out about some kid with red hair and silver-grey eyes. After all, how many people looked like that? Gold hurried to find his best friend Crystal. If anyone could find out who that suicidal kid was, Crystal was the person for the job.
"Hey Crys! I need your help again!" Gold called out as he entered the house. "Gold. I thought I told you to knock before entering. What do you need my help with?" Crystal asked as she entered the room. Crystal was an interesting person. She had dark blue hair and light blue eyes. Her hair was up in pigtails again. "I'm trying to find out about this guy I met today." Gold replied as he sat down on one of the couches. "Okay then. What does this guy look like? Did you get his name?" Crystal asked as she stared intently at Gold. "Um... I didn't get his name, that's why I'm asking for your help. He has red hair and these silver-grey eyes." Gold answered as he sighed. "Sounds like you're talking about that Silver kid. I wouldn't get mixed up with him. He's bad news Gold. Better stay away."