Chapter. 4

"Ah yes! This place is perfect for testing out my new invention!" Nana scanned the wailing plains as the rain lightened up.

"Then let's get started!" Beside Nana was Roddick's mech which kneeled down as its cockpit opened, releasing its pilot. Coming out was a eighteen year old with messy red hair and light brown eyes, dressed in a dark green flight suit.

Nana reached into her pack to pull out a gold colored flash bang. "Here you go! Hold on tight!" Nana held out the grenade to Roddick.

Roddick took the grenade and looked it over. "Anything I should know beforehand?"

"It could be dangerous. So, I was hoping you'd help me and test it out." Nana looked at Roddick with hopefully dark pink eyes.

Roddick smiled at her. "You know I can't say no when you look at me with those eyes." Roddick took the flash bang, he stepped away from Nana and threw it down.

The flash bang exploded and Roddick was thrown to the ground. "Roddick!" Nana ran to his side and stood over him.

Roddick pushed himself up and rubbed his head. "The hell was that?!"

"Sorry! I think I may have kind of accidentally maybe kinda totally given you the wrong one." Nana then holds out a pink stun grenade "But this is the right one. I promise. Here!" Roddick stared at Nana. "I promise it'll be okay this time, really!"

Roddick smiled widely and shook his head. "I can't get mad at you." Roddick took the grenade and threw it down. The grenade launched into the sky and exploded into several fireworks.

Nana cheered as she watched the lights in the sky. "Yay! The magic grenade test is a total success!"

"It's very pretty Nana. I'm happy for you."

Nana turned to Roddick, laughing slightly. "I... wanted you to be the first to see it."

"Why's that?" Roddick tilted his head.

"It may be strange, but... it's moments like this that I'm so incredibly glad I became a Gods Eater. We get to protect people, and that's wonderful... but being able to meet you all and even just sit around and laugh together is... amazing." The two Gods Eaters returned their attention to the sky. "I wanted to show you this, so you know how grateful I am. Thank you for being a wonderful captain and a wonderful friend."

"Only a friend?" Roddick placed his hands on his hips.

"Aw, you know what I mean." Roddick grabbed Nana's hands. "Now you're embarrassing me."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about." Roddick pulled Nana close as they watched the fireworks come to an end. "Thank you Nana. Every moment with you is a blast." Roddick leaned close and kissed her forehead.

"We should head back together. I can make tons and tons more and we can have a big show for the whole branch!"

"Everyone will love them, I know it."

"Sweet! I've got my work cut out for me. You'll help too, won't you?"

"Do you even need to ask?"

A loud roar was heard close by. "Ouroboros." Roddick dashed to his mech and jumped inside. "Get in!"

Nana jumped into the mech as well. "Let's get out of here!"

"No way. This is a great chance to test out the new weapon." Roddick's hands rapidly tapped on the controls. "This is gonna be fun!"

Roddick ran around the tornado and spotted the ouroboros, Roddick raised the mech's hands and fired on the aragami. Large orbs of divine energy struck the ouroboros' face. It staggered back and Roddick rushed the aragami, he extended his blade and sliced into the aragami's arm.

The ouroboros stands up on its hind legs and jumps. Roddick extended his other blade and held up both weapons. When the ouroboros came down it was impaled on Roddick's swords.

Roddick sliced his blades through the beast's chest then ran out from under it while cutting into its arm. The ouroboros' arms separated into multiple tentacles and swiped them at the mech.

Roddick grabbed onto the tentacle and when it stopped moving he pulled to drag the aragami down. Roddick let go of the controls and typed on a side panel. "Let's try this." Slots opened on the mech's back revealing two dozen missiles. "Time for some more fireworks!" Roddick slammed his fist on the panel and fired all of the missiles, each one striking the ouroboros' back.

"You got it!" Nana hugged Roddick as the ouroboros fell with fires raging on its back.

"Hang on." Roddick held onto his controls tightly.

The ouroboros pushed itself up and howled to the sky.

"Why would it go down?"

"I got a plan." Nana glanced to Roddick who wore a wide smirk. Nana turned back to the ouroboros, knowing it was in trouble.

The ouroboros hands separated and impaled the ground. The tentacles burst out of the dirt, Roddick grabbed onto one and pulled on it. The ouroboros pulled on its tentacle but was locked in a stalemate.

Roddick opened the mech case and pulled out his god arc. He took aim and fired at the ouroboros' face. The hit connected and caused the aragami to stagger. Roddick twisted on his on his controls and pulled the tentacle up.

The ouroboros crashed into the ground and glared at the mech. It tried to stand up but Roddick pulled on the tentacle again to drag it down. Roddick closed the mech casing then rushed towards the aragami with his blades fully extended.

The ouroboros rose up and the mech leaped on its head. Roddick drove both of his blades into the aragami's skull, pulling one out to repeatedly stab the beast. The ouroboros swung its head around to throw the mech off.

Roddick kept both of his blades. in the aragami's head as it flailed about. It dropped it's head and the mech fell off, the blades cut through the aragami's skull and split it's head open and killing the ouroboros.

"Not the best of ideas now was that?" Roddick opened the mech hatch and turned to Nana. "Can you get this?"

"You got it!" Nana leaps out with her god arc to take the core out of the aragami.

Roddick leaned back and took a breath as he patted the side of his mech. "This baby is getting better everyday."

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