
Hey guys, this is the start of the second in the Story of Albion. I have finally finished my first year of university! Yay! So I now have the whole summer to write for you. Isn't that brilliant? Anyway for the first time I don't own Merlin, but Elizabeth, Laudine and Kay are mine.

"There are some that are born great, some will achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them."

My mother used to say that quote to me when I felt alone in the world. I couldn't help but think about it the first time I arrived in Camelot as I met the men who I was supposed to protect. Arthur-the prince born one day to become the greatest King that Camelot had ever seen, great enough even to unite Avalon, and Merlin-the young man servant, who had a destiny bigger than anyone else in the world.

My job in it all was simple, I am a Guardian, a protector of destiny. I make sure everything takes the course it is supposed to. What I didn't expect when I entered Camelot was to fall in love with a man who was as pig-headed as Arthur Pendragon.

But the time is upon us for the next part of my journey. This is the time greatness, and the changing of men.

So that's the prologue over with, onwards and upwards.

So until next time

