Stiles moved to hug Kira, which she gladly returned. In the middle of their hug, the kitsunes began to test their long prohibited forms. Many of them were missing many of their sacred tails, somewhere even down to one. They seemed absolutely ecstatic but soon they calmed and showed their gratitude to the two with a deep bow which surprised the three pack leaders.

"They're expressing their gratitude," Kira explained as she turned to her alpha. Derek looked at her and gave a small nod before pulling her into a hug. "Thank you," He told her. Stiles couldn't help but smile as he watched the two hug but when his pack returned to his side he announced to everyone, "I hope our packs can unite with time."

Kira let out a small chuckle before pulling away from the alpha to give her full attention to Stiles, who was standing beside the small portion of his pack that remained at his side. "One day we will be," Kira said before looking to the pack that had become hers. The kitsunes rose to their feet and shielded their weapons while others dropped it, a sign of submission and approval of the union.

They will be united one day, but Kira thought the kitsunes needed time to adjust to the change of being one with their former enemy as well as adjust to her.

Melissa had been called down to the 3rd level in an emergency, leaving the sheriff by himself with the baby. The sheriff's bed was adjusted into a sitting position to make it more comfortable for him as he held his granddaughter in his arms. Baby Suzy was very much awake yet silently staring up at her grandfather as he spoke.

"You know, you might not believe this but you're just like your mom," The sheriff said with an adoring smile as he caressed his granddaughters little hands before continuing, "He's not as calm and quiet now but, believe it or not when he was a baby he was just like you. He hardly was trouble but as he grew up your grandma she encouraged your mom's curiosity."

Suzy was looking up at her grandfather with those big green eyes of her that were identical to her father's. A small smile replaced her pursed lips, clearly enjoying her grandfather talking to her. "When your mom was a 3, he was very amazed by what the potty could do that while your grandma and I were preparing for dinner one day. Your mom decided he wanted to play with the potty. He flushed my wallet, car keys, a few toys and his shoe." The sheriff let out a chuckle at the memory. "I don't even know how a 3 year old even fit all of that, but when your grandma went looking for him the bathroom was flooded and your mom was drenched. Lucky for me, the wallet got stuck in the pipe and the plumber was able to retrieve it. Your grandma, she well, she had a good laugh that day."

It was then that Stiles and Derek choose to appear in the room, which Stiles quickly took notice that his baby girl was smiling. "You got her to smile," Stiles said rather awed as he moved to pick up his baby from his father's arms. The sheriff looked at his son and said, "Your back…" It was a rather awkward thing to say but Stiles knew what he really meant. "Safe and sound, like I promised," Stiles said as he pulled his little girl up and kissed her forehead before adding, "We'll be ok now."

Derek couldn't help but smile as he walked over to his mate and daughter. "Yeah, we will." He whispered as he placed a kiss on his mate's head.

/A Year Later/

Derek and Stiles weren't wrong, things were amazing.

Kira was left orphaned but even so, the pack became her family. They had learned to depend on one another to fill that void in their hearts. Kira had fought hard when the child services became aware of her parents death, although they didn't know the reason of their death. It still was one of the hardest things she had to face. However, with Derek's help, Kira was able to get the court to agree to her emancipation. She even moved into the Hale house, much to Peter's disappointment because it meant more kitsunes where going to be around.

Kira's Kitsunes, some at least, stayed in Beacon Hills and trained with their 'alpha'. It had taken them a large amount of time to gain control of their kitsune forms, but they were managing. At least there hardly ever was fighting between the packs and that made Stiles happy. The kitsunes learned to co-exist among werewolves and demons.

Lydia, well after the near death experience, she changed quite a bit and the pack wasn't sure whether they liked it or not. Stiles didn't really find it surprising like everyone, he had always thought of her to be someone kind, but now that she was showing it more without sarcasm or hidden meanings it was a nice change. She also loved Suzy, much to Derek's annoyance their daughter did too. Lydia was a frequent visitor in their home, and sometimes kidnapped their daughter to take her shopping or out because according to her, 'Stiles and Derek, didn't want to share their baby girl with the world'. Erica second that as well.

Boyd, after the war, he became more vocal about his opinions. He asked Erica to be his mate, and she said yes. The two mated only, after they found a place of their own, with Derek's help, even though he had offered them his home. However, Boyd thought it would be better if they lived on their own. He wanted them to be a bit more independent, not that he wasn't grateful to Derek for everything he's done for them. Boyd was one that never, stopped thanking Derek for coming back for them. Stiles thought it was kind of cute that Boyd and Erica would come by every morning to have breakfast with them.

Isaac, well he stayed Isaac. He even let Derek and Stiles know that he will forever stay home besides both alphas. Derek had no problem with that, and even though he wouldn't admit it, it brought him great relief that Isaac had no plans of ever leaving 'the nest'. Besides, Isaac was great company to Peter. Stiles liked to think of Isaac as the magical source that kept Peter sane and dare he say it, loveable.

Melissa eventually found out about his near death experience and it resulted in Scott being grounded for nearly three months. It didn't really last the full three months because of Derek and Stiles using pack meetings as an excuse to let him out. Although, Scott learned one thing for sure, life is too short.

A month or so later, after his punishment was lifted, he asked Allison to marry him. She said yes, and the wedding was that same winter. It was beautiful to say the least. Allison had wanted her dream wedding to be during winter, because of how magical it would seem when they said their vows while light snow fell above their heads. Stiles was a bit jealous, Derek had yet to ask him for marriage but after they returned to their hotel after the party because Suzy was sleepy, Derek dropped the question and Stiles couldn't be happier.

Even Stiles pack was beginning to settle down, start their families. Stiles couldn't be happier for them, though his heart hurt a bit knowing some of them wanted to go in search of a place they could call home. He didn't blame them, after so many centuries on the run he could understand they wanted to settle. Mr. J and a few others stayed with him.


It was summer time, Suzy was just turning a year old and Derek thought it was a perfect time to take a much needed family vacation. They went to the Caribbean Islands and rented out a very nice vacation house. Everything had gone well until Stiles had found Derek sneak out one night and meet up with a red head. When Stiles saw Derek's face brighten up and his arm wrap around the woman's waist before together they walked down the beach, he couldn't take it anymore. How dare Derek cheat on him, and on their family vacation.

If it wasn't for the fact that he had left Suzy alone in their vacation home, he would have followed Derek, but his baby came first. He walked back as a low grumble in his chest as he mumbled "I can't believe he'd do this to me! He's the one who wanted to come to this trip. I didn't even want to come to this stupid Island. I wanted to take Suzy to stupid Disneyland." He fumed as he walked into the house and into their room, where Suzy was.

Suzy was fast asleep in the middle of the bed with pillows surrounding her, one hand in her hair and the other by her lips. Her shoulder length hair was silky and straight with a small bow holding her bangs out of her face. Just one look at her cute little face made Stiles calm down almost instantly.

"Leave it to your daddy to ruin our family vacation," Stiles said before sighing as he sat down on the bed as tears began to dwell in his eyes. His hand came up in frustration, he refused to shed tears for him. He sniffled as he leaned down to kiss his little girl's cheek before getting off the bed and getting his things straight.

Derek came back thirty minutes later, only to catch Stiles yelling at the suitcase for not closing while his little girl was sitting up crying out to his mate. "What are you doing?" Derek asked with a raised brow, he was confused to say the least. Stiles turned his gaze towards him, and furrowed his brows as he pried his hands away from the suitcase only to cross his arms against his chest. "What does it look like I'm doing?" Stiles nearly growled before he rounded the bed and picked up Suzy, "We are going back home." "Whoa! Stiles, you can't leave." Derek said as he moved closer to his mate and grabbed hold of him, "Did something happen?"

Stiles' eyes flashed blue, he felt like Derek was toying with him and he didn't appreciate it. "I don't know Derek, why don't you tell me?!" He nearly yelled before pushing Derek away from him with enough force to make the alpha stumble back. Derek blinked confused when he was shoved away, what his mate was going on about? He hadn't done anything to upset his mate, he was more than sure about that. "I guess now I know why you insisted we come here to the Caribbean Islands instead of taking Suzy to Disneyland. What your girlfriend couldn't go to Disneyland so you came here? Ugh! How could you do this to me?! To us?! You brought your daughter here! OUR DAUGHTER! Don't you have any respect for your family?! No, I bet it was more convenient this way for you huh? Having both of us in one place."

Derek furrowed his brows as a frown settled in his face, 'girlfriend?' he thought. Stiles was tearing up the more he went on and his voice was faltering. Derek just couldn't take it anymore, he know he shouldn't have but he couldn't help the growl leave his lips as he yelled out, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! WHAT GIRLFRIEND?!" The loudness in his voice made Stiles shut up while it made his daughter start crying even more than she was. He immediately regretted it, the last thing he wanted to do was upset his little girl.

Stiles sniffled as he turned his attention to his daughter, trying to calm her down by rocking her. "I'm sorry baby, we didn't mean to make you cry," Stiles said much softer as he rubbed her back and pressed his cheek to her little head for comfort. He heard Derek sigh before he leaned forward and kissed their daughter's head whispering out an 'I'm sorry'.

Derek let out another breath before his eyes traced back to Stiles, "What girlfriend, Stiles? I haven't cheated on you. So, I don't know why you are accusing me of doing so." It was Stiles who broke contact with Derek as a frown settled once more on his face, "I followed you Derek. I saw you sneak out and meet with a girl." Derek let out a small chuckle at that, he should have known Stiles would end up following him sooner or later.

"You find this funny?" Stiles hissed as he tried to push Derek away. "Stiles, calm down," Derek said as he wrapped his arms around his mate's waist. "I know what you saw, but believe me it wasn't what you were thinking. I can't really tell you, but I will show you in about an hour more or so." Derek assured before kissing his mates forehead, "Show me a little more trust." Stiles let out a sigh out "Okay." He didn't know whether to believe it or not but he would wait, impatiently, but he would wait.

After a while, Suzy had calmed and was now bouncing happily in Stiles lap as she leaned into her mommy every now and then with her little lips pursed, which Stiles responded by kissing her little nose. Derek couldn't help but smile as he watched his mate and daughter shower one another with attention, "Maybe we should try and wing you out of birth control for your next heat." Stiles eyes widen as his head snapped to the side to look at Derek. Did he really just hear that?

Derek got up from the bed and pulled his mate up, "Come on, I want to show you something." Stiles looked at Suzy before looking at Derek, "We'll talk later about your outburst but right now I'm too curious." He grabbed Derek's hand and let him lead him out of the house and down the beach. Stiles didn't know what he expected to find, but it sure wasn't this.

The palm trees where decorated in lights that laced in zigzags feet above their heads, rose petals laid out on the floor marking a path that lead towards a white gazebo decorated in white flowers and white cloth. Rows of chairs laid out neatly and each one was occupied with their friends and family. They were all dressed up and smiling at them, a small candle glowing bright in their hands.

"Derek..." Stiles said as he started to tear up as he looked back at him only to find Derek on one knee. "I know I asked you before, but Stiles, would you marry me right here and now?" Derek asked as held his mate's hand. Suzy let out a squeal as she made grabby hands at Derek, forcing him to get up to take her in his arms. "Yes! Oh my god, I-..I'm so sorry I doubted you and, and accused you of cheating." Stiles nearly cried as he wrapped his arms around Derek's neck and pecked his lips repeatedly.

"Save some for after the wedding," Lydia said as she walked up to them and taking Suzy. Stiles pulled away from Derek, his cheeks flushed. "The woman you saw was a worker here on the resort. She was letting me know they almost had everything set up." Derek explained before kissing his mates head. "Sneaky, sneaky," Stiles huffed.

The ceremony was simple but beautiful. Stiles didn't think he could have wished for anything better. The moment they said their 'I dos' everyone cheered. The party on the beach was the best. The food was to die for! He had to remind himself to ask for the recipes so he could make them at home. And when the soft music started to play, Derek pulled Stiles out onto the dance floor.

"I love you, so so so much you know that?" Stiles said as he wrapped his arms around Derek's neck and began to sway his body with Derek's.

"I know," Derek said as he wrapped his arms around his waist and pulling him closer, closing the gap in between. "I love you too," He said as he closed the space between their lips.

"It took you a while to realize that," Stiles huffed before leaning up and locking their lips in a sweet kiss. Derek couldn't help but smile into the kiss at that.

/A Few Years Later/

Stiles was in bathroom bathing a very grumpy 3 year old while Derek stood by watching his very heavily pregnant mate struggle to bathe their son. When Suzy, who was now 11 years old, walked into the bathroom and said, "Mommy, can I ask you something?" Stiles looked over at his daughter and said, "Sure sweetie."

Suzy had grown up to be such a beautiful werewolf. She was tan skinned like Derek's, she even had his eyes, hair color, and chin. But her eyebrows were thinned out symmetrically like Stiles, her ears were perked out like Stiles, her lips were round and plum like Stiles, her face was structured much like Stiles was and her nose was round and curled up in the air like Stiles. Stiles thought her to be the perfect combination of him and Derek.

However, her attitude, much to Derek's and Stiles' disappointment, was her aunts. Stiles thought it was probably because, even though they were her parents neither were biologically female per say. Suzy, wanted to be a desirable woman like her aunt's Lydia and Erica were. Stiles called it a 'phase' while Derek thought it to be punishment for everything he had done.

"When will I get a mate?" Suzy asked as she looked at her chest, making both her parents blink in confusion and surprise. "It's not going to happen," Derek growled out almost immediately, he refused to even think about a male touching his daughter. Stiles just glared at his mate before looking at his daughter, "When the time comes you'll meet him, or her, but right now you're too young to be thinking about mating, sweetie."

"That's not what aunt Lydia and aunt Erica said," Suzy counter said as she sat beside her mom on the floor next to the tub where her little brother was whimpering like a hurt puppy, like he usually did during his baths. "I'm going to kill Lydia and Erica." Derek growled under his breath as he pushed off the wall. Stiles only let an uneasy laugh as he pull their son from the tub as he wrapped a towel around him. Derek didn't sound like he was kidding about it and that worried Stiles, but he knew he couldn't hurt them no matter what they did but it didn't mean he wouldn't punish them. "But daddy, why not?" He heard Suzy say as she followed her daddy out of the bathroom.

"Can you believe this is our life baby boy?" Stiles said rather fondly as he looked at his son, who giggled rather amused by it all, even though he didn't really understand.

"I kind of regret become a part of it," Mr. J said with a smile as he watched over Stiles and the young demon.

"How mean," Stiles huffed as he looked at his pack mate before adding, "but it's ok cause I know you really love being a part of it."

Mr. J let out a small chuckle before saying, "I think I have to agree with Peter when he says, 'It never gets boring around here'."