Chapter 1 Train Ride

Harry Kousaka, an eleven-year-old boy who was taller than his peers, was walking into the bustling King Cross train station. He was dressed in a nice clean casual suit and a nice black and dark green tie. He wore a dark jacket, a white collared shirt and dark slacks. A brown belt could be seen around his waist. His business shoe clicks on the cement floor while he made his way to his destination. Harry's long black hair was pulled into a ponytail. On top of his head rest Orochi who was a green scale snake. Orochi's yellow eyes glared at anything and anyone. That is the reason why everyone gave more room for Harry. In his hand was leather bound briefcase.

Harry rubs his wrists a little and it was the manacles that Negi sensei gave him two years ago. The old and silver manacles glisten whenever Harry lets it out from underneath his sleeves.

King Cross was one of the train hubs spot for England. The crowds were thicker for a morning rush and like Mahora Academy everyone was making their way off and on the trains. Harry, for his part, was making his way towards a special train. It was fifteen minutes before eleven and he knew that he was going to get there on time. If Harry knew his history right, King Cross rail way station or London King Cross opened in 1852 and one of the United Kingdoms major backbone. It has a rich history that can never be replaced and it will continue to be part of England's culture. Also thanks to Chisame Hasegawa, Harry was told that there was a Manga depiction of King Cross Station in accurate proportion about a maid and a master set in 1890 called Emma. Thanks to the author, Kaoro Mori, the maid theme café had boom in Japan ever since this anime and manga aired.

Our young fighter was making his way to a special train that only a few can board. This train was on Platform 9 and 3/4 but there isn't one. Harry was standing in front of the pillar that had the platform number nine on one side and ten on the other. He digs into his inside pocket and pull out a letter. Harry glance at the pillar and the letter several times before pocketing it and nodding his confirmation. Before he was about to make his trek towards the wall he was interrupted.

"Where in the bloody hell is that platform?" Someone said in agony.

The black hair boy turns around and spots two people. One was a tall six foot five very well built person and another was a girl around his age with bushy hair. She was wheeling a trunk that had an emblem that Harry knows all to well.

"Excuse me sir, do you need help?" Harry asks getting the man's attention.

"I doubt you can," the man said and he was looking at Orochi, "That looks pretty life like kid."

"No, he's real, sir," Harry said and Orochi lifts his head to say hello.

The man immediately pulls his daughter behind him and back away from Harry.

"It's okay sir, he won't hurt anyone," Harry said trying to calm the man down, "My name is Harry Kousaka and the platform is through that pillar over there." He said pointing to the pillar holding up the nine and ten sign.

"Jon Granger," Jon said a little hesitant, "My daughter, Hermione."

"Please to meet you Granger-san and Granger-san," Harry greet, "On my head his name is Orochimaru but he likes to be called Orochi."

"Orochimaru?" Jon asks, "Isn't that the name of the villain in one of the Japanese folklore?"

"Yes, Orochimaru was a Snake magic user," Harry answer nodding his head.

"Say hello Hermione," Jon said trying to encourage his daughter.

"Hello," Hermione whispers.

"Please to meet you, Granger-san," Harry bow, "Please, follow me."

"You're not from around here are you?" Jon asks observing the boy's extremely respectable behavior towards him. Not to mention the word 'san' was used right after his Surname name. "You're from Japan aren't you?"

"I am," Harry said kindly, "I am sorry if my address in a foreign manner makes you uncomfortable."

"No, it's okay, I was stationed in Japan for a couple years, Kousaka-san," Jon said instantly. "So are you sure it's behind that pillar?"

"Through the pillar, yes," Harry answers and he walks through the barrier and made it on the other side. There he was greeted with hordes of parents and kids. The kids were getting on the scarlet train and the parents were saying their good byes. He turns around and waited for the Grangers but when they didn't follow. Harry went back to King Cross and sees the two Grangers standing there awestruck.

"Magic," Harry said smiling gently at the two, "I take it this is your first time?"

"Yes," Jon answer and his daughter nod her head.

"Please close your eyes and give me your hand," Harry said putting his briefcase handle in his left hand and held out his right. They did as he asks and when the Grangers were told to open they're eyes again and there was a steaming scarlet train waiting to greet them.

"Wow," Jon said amazed at the crowd and the train.

"There is a spell on the pillar that fires up whenever someone walks through the barrier. It deters the mundane from remembering anyone ever entered the barrier," Harry explains seeing the curious looks on Hermione's face.

"You know your stuff kid," Jon said a little impress, "You must be an older student then?"

"No, this would be my first year," Harry answers, "I just like to dabble in a lot of things particularly history. History has a lot of attachments to everything."

"Oh," Jon said.

"Just go back through that wall again to return to King Cross station Granger-san," Harry said and points to another wall with an archway. He then bowed to the older man and said kindly, "Have a good day."

Harry enters one of the train compartments and sits down. It had been a long day since it started and he knew it was going to get even busier. The young child places his right hands on his left manacle and in a blinding light he pull a sword out. The sword was a katana and it was wrapped in a cloth and had no handle. This sword was a given to him by his mother and made several years ago by her father before he died.

Harry Kousaka was a child who had a terrible child hood until he was adopted into a family of Martial Artist. Each member of the family was a master in their own martial arts. There was the Chinese Martial Artist named Ba, Akisame who was the Jujitsu Master, Sakaki the Karate Master, Apachai the Muay Thai Master and his mother Shigure Kousaka the blades and weapons Master. Each of these members taught Harry all he knew about martial arts and Harry thank them daily.

He places his hand in his shirt and pull out a red pouch charm that had a kanji for Luck. The resident Youkai Master of Japan gave this charm to him. It was strange to receive a gift that pertains to luck from a spirit that deals with mischievous and theft.

"Harry, are you okay?" Orochi said and Harry nods his head, "Harry, I know you."

"It's alright," said Harry smiling, "I know."

"Will that's good," Orochi said and he slither onto the seat next to Harry, "Lets go out and inspect the girls, come on Harry you're at that age! I saw a good one with great big-"

"Orochi," Harry warns and the snake gave a deadpan look that said, 'ruined my fun'.

"Besides their too young anyway, I'm not a loli type," Orochi smirk, "I like 'em big and bus-"

A large paper fan came out of nowhere and hit Orochi's head. This stop him from continuing and Harry debating why he was bringing Orochi to this school. It was bad enough at Mahora where every student were girls. Now Harry will hear nothing but complaints from Orochi just because every female student wore heavy sets of robes for their school uniform.

He left the knocked out perverted snake alone and reach into his briefcase to pull out a tome after putting his mother's katana back into his left manacle. This ancient leather bound book was title of 'Hogwarts, A History'. This tome has one of the most thorough histories ever happened in Hogwarts. Although Harry knew that there will always be some sort of biased views in any history medias. So he had several books in his briefcase about Hogwarts written from French too Italian Scholars.

The train slowly lurches forward and it was time for the student's journey to Hogwarts. From what Harry read this train system was created not long ago. This was the solution to get kids to interact before school starts. Even though most magical raise students could use other means to travel to Hogwarts. This train ride was more for the mundane who just entered the magical world. Although the first time the train system came into the magical world it didn't go too well with those who were born and raised in the magical world. The only reason why the train system is still used is because the Crown proposed it and enforced it but you won't hear it anywhere because the magical Britain doesn't like to admit that they're under someone else's rule.

Harry was interrupted from his reading when someone opens his compartment door. There stood a red hair boy in what Harry thought was the most mismatch clothes. This red hair had a red fuzzy feature and wore a pajama pants that was so dirty it reek and his shirt dirty. He was wearing tennis shoe that had holes in it. Also his teeth were so brown and dirty it wasn't funny.

"Ca-can I sit here, everywhere else is full," the red head asks.

Harry nods his head and the boy came in with his trunk. The red hair boy didn't see Orochi slither into Harry's left sleeves.

"Hi my name is Ron Weasley," Ron introduces.

"Harry Kousaka," Harry introduce and shake the boy's hand.

"Wow, you really look like the Potter's." Ron said staring at Harry with amazement.

"I get that a lot," Harry answer and then he said, "Statistically speaking, Weasley-san, you could look like someone from down the road or half way across the world. Genetically speaking we are related by several genes codes."

"Well," Ron stammers not knowing what this boy was talking about, "I-I-'ve…what's jeanatics?"

"Genetics is a term used to describe a characteristic in a genetic level," Harry begin, "It could be hair color, or the size of the nose or even the eye color."

"Okay, okay," Ron huffed out not even understanding a shred of word Harry said, "Wanna see magic? My brother taught me this one to turn a rat yellow!"

"No thank you Weasley-san," Harry said flipping his book open again.

The door slid open suddenly to reveal a chubby sweating kid. He was huffing really heavily and looked like he was about to have a heart attack.

"Ha-avve y-y-ou se-se-een a toa-a-dd?" The boy asks.

"No," Ron snaps.

"Why don't you summon it?" Harry suggested.

"I-I-I don't know that spell," the round face boy stammers.

"You could asks the older students," Harry suggested.

"Okay," he answer and left the two alone.

During the entire train ride Harry was constantly being asks about things from this boy. He didn't stop talking about his life and how great Quidditch was. Also he was talking about how the school had dormitories that were divided in four houses and how one of them was greater than the rest. This boy also told Harry that he had brothers who were all in Gryffindor house and how Harry should be there so both of them could be friends.

Suddenly Harry notices a rat poking its head out of his pocket. It was disgusting and Orochi even agreed that he wouldn't eat anything like that ever again. Why would a parent allow their kids to keep a wild rat as a pet was beyond Harry? Though he didn't really voice it that much since Harry had a wild snake as a pet, hypocrisy anyone?

Finally Harry knew that they were nearing Hogwarts because the train was slowing down. Harry got to his feet and his clothes change from a suit to a nice black robe with a Hogwarts crest. Ron was staring at Harry's clothes transformation with astonishment.

"Wow, how you do that!" ask Ron.

"Magic," Harry answer nonchalant.

"Off course its magic!" Ron playfully said, "It looks like some high level transfiguration and stuff. You've got to teach me that sometime."

"We'll see," Harry answer and made his way off the train.

"First year, first year 'ver 'ere," a loud booming voice came and Harry made his way towards it.

"Whoa! He's huge!" Ron said and Harry quite agrees.

This man stood taller than his Hayate-outou-san and if he had to guess this man stood over eight foot tall. This person had black bushy beards and brown beady eyes that showed kindness like Apachai-tou-san. He wore skin hides boots and had a large coat that was made from different animal hide. In his hand he had a metal lamp that was magically brighter than a single candle would ever hope to be.

The entire group of first years dressed in black cloak made their way down a slight of stone stairs and onto a landing. There in the water were small boats and a candleholder hanging in front of it. The large bearded man took on whole boat to himself and everyone was told only two to a boat.

Harry got into one and Ron automatically follows in afterwards. The boat felt old and held together with magic. It felt nice that magic was involve but the boat felt like it was going to break and magic was getting weaker. It was like trying to build a bridge and only using glue to hold it together. It works at first but overtime it will break down.

The ride over the lake was calm and gentle. The skies were cleared so the stars could shine over the hordes of boats gliding over the soft water. Harry spots a tentacle bursting out of the water and put one boy back into his boat. The young fighter put one hand in the water and closes his eyes. With his hand in the water he could hear and feel thousands of whispers.

There must be others in the lake, Harry thought.

Crossing the Black Lake and towards Hogwarts Castle was one of the traditions he read about. The Four Founders crossed the lake the first time they came to Hogwarts. It was written that walking around the lake takes several hours and crossing the lake was a lot faster. So the Four Founders decided to make it into a tradition for all new students to cross the lake. They said it symbolizes the journey the students will take to learn magic.

"Here we ar', out 'veryone," said the large man and he got out of the boat on guide the students to a large oak door.

There stood a tall lanky woman with black hair. Her eyes were on everyone and at the same time Harry felt like he was being sized up like an animal. This woman had an instinct of a cat and very strict.

"Thank you, Hagrid, I am Professor McGonagall, Head of Gryffindor, Transfiguration Professor and Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts and welcome to Hogwarts," Professor McGonagall said sternly, "You all are about to be sorted. In this house you will be a family. There are rules everyone must follow. Break them and your house loses points and points will be award for hard work. Wait here."

She twirls around and enters the large oak door. The first years only consists of about twenty or so students. Most of them were excited but select few were nervous.

"My brother told me we have to wrestle a troll to get sorted," Ron said louder than he thought.

"A troll?" Someone snaps, person was a sleek blond hair person, "Oh a hand me down robe, red hear and a stench of mud, must be a Weasley. Only an idiot like you would think like that."

"Shut up," Ron said.

"Unlike you I know what the sorting pertains," the blond boy said with an air of arrogance and he looks at Harry, "You shouldn't be around rift raft like him. He will only bring you down. Name's Draco Malfoy."

"Harry Kousaka," Harry said and bow his head slightly.

"See even this Kousa-whatever name knows how to treat a pureblood like me," Draco sneer at Ron.

"I give a courtesy bow to everyone Mister Malfoy, that is how I was raised," Harry answer in a manner that wasn't British and it made the Malfoy boy quirk his eyebrows, "And thank you but I wish to reserve judgment before I make a decisions on whose a riff raft and whose not. Although I do wish to continue to talk to you because you seems to know a lot about British goes on, after all the Malfoy name are very will known in Europe?"

"Off course it is, my great grandfather established the name long ago and yes my father is a well respected man in Brittan's," Draco said and he looks at Ron again, "Unlike someone."

Suddenly numerous ghost pops out of the wall talking.

"Forgive and forget that's what I always say," The fat looking friar said.

"But peeves has enough of it," another ghost said and then he looks down at the new students, "What do we have here?"

"First Years off course," The fat friar said, "I hope you join me in Hufflepuff, my old house."

"Mister Malfoy back in line," Professor McGonagall said at the stun looking blonde, "Follow me."

Everyone follow Professor McGonagall and they enter a large room. This was like entering a church with arches near the ceilings. Thousands of candles floating above and the candle wax don't seem to be falling on anyone. The night sky was visible through the ceiling.

"I read it in Hogwarts: A history that-" Hermione was saying but she fell silent when no one was listening.

There were four long tables, two to each side of Harry. Four large banners hung at the respective tables. Each of them had an animal of lion, raven, badger and a snake and each had their own sets of colors to them. There was a fifth table at the front of them and it looks like it was the staff table.

Harry spots a lone three-legged stool. It had an old ragged hat on it. There were numerous patch jobs and lines of stitches all over it.

"Insert sorting hat song"

"When I call out your name come up and sit," Professor McGonagall announce lifting the hat up, "Abbot, Hannah."

A blonde hair pigtail girl stumbles up to the stool and Professor McGonagall put the sorting hat on her.

"HUFFLEPUFF," it shouts.

"So that's what we have to do, I'm going to kill Fred for this," Ron whisper to Harry who wasn't even listening.

All of Harry's attention was on the hat. If the rumors were true than that hat is sentient and very old. When you combine sentient and old together you get historians greatest relic. This hat was a talking relic that holds over a thousand years of knowledge and the greatest gift to any historians. Harry had a glint that outshine any stars far and near. The prospect of learning from this hat exceeds all Harry's great expectations from this school.

"Potter, Harry."

The entire hall became a storm of gossips. Every student was whispering and trying to see where Harry Potter was. It was another minute before everyone saw that no first year's was moving.

"Did they skip K?" Harry asks a nearby first year.

"Yeah," an African English boy said.

"I see," Harry said mulling over the fact that they skipped his name, 'Harry Kousaka.'

"Blaise Zabini," Blaise introduces and Harry shakes his hand.

"Harry Kousaka, I don't ever recall reading the Hogwarts Student Ledger missing a student name's before," Harry whisper to Blaise, "Even the ones that just came in with the first year group. The ledger would've picked on it."

"Agree," Blaise whisper back.

"Mister Potter care to be sorted?" Professor McGonagall said.

Harry look to the left and to his right. There were only eight students left and no one was moving. Harry was a little confused at this.

"Do you know this Potter?" Harry whisper to Blaise who shakes his head in reply.

"Mister Potter please you're holding up the ceremony," Professor McGonagall strictly commands. After a few minute the headmistress march up to Harry and snaps, "I would advice you go up to the stool and be sorted."

"I didn't know you're Harry Potter," Harry look at Blaise who snort, "Why did you lie about who you are?"

"No I am not talking to him," Professor McGonagall snaps out, "I was talking to you Mister Potter."

"I'm sorry but you must be mistaken," Harry said and gave a slight bow to Professor McGonagall, "My name his Harry Kousaka, I am a recent addition to Hogwarts."

"Mister Potter stop this tomfooling and get to the stool!" Professor McGonagall bark, "School haven't even started and you're acting like your father."

"I am sorry McGonagall-Sensei, again you are mistaken," Harry said and reach into his pocket and pull out a letter, "I am Harry Kousaka not Harry Potter."

The letter that Harry gave Professor McGonagall was his Hogwarts acceptance letter. On the top of the page stated, "Dear Mister Kousaka, we are please to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"I applied two days before September first," Harry said, "I just got that letter yesterday."

"Oh Please forgive me," Professor McGonagall apologize after reading the acceptance letter, another that stated his approval to the school and the Hogwarts crest to verify that the letter was authentic, "We don't get many late applicants, forgive me, you reminded me of a former student of mine."

"I accept your apologies," Harry said and gave her a smile, "Please I can wait till the end while you continue with the other students."

So the ceremony continues and Harry was going to be the last to sit on the three-legged stool. Everyone in the entire hall was silent and staring at Harry. His black ponytail gave the male populace a good snickering and his manacles were the girl's center of attention. The black robe that he wore looks so comfortable on him as if the robe itself was part of him even though he dislikes robes a lot. Harry would rather wear a cloak and a comfortable suit underneath it but the school rules insist he must wear his robe for class and feast.

"Kousaka, Harry."

Our young fighter made his way up to the stool and sat down. The Sorting Hat covers his head and rim shield his eyes.

"Oh my!" The hat said, "Thirst for knowledge and wise beyond your years, a lot of bravery and just, oh such loyalty and hard working, plenty of cunning and ambitions. Such a mature child you are. Difficult, very difficult."

While the hat contemplates about Harry's house, Harry was meditating. His eyes were shut even though no one could see his eyes and he let his mind blank. In his mind Harry was going through several forms of Katas in his Kenjutsu arts. Then he switches to his Karate katas for a while.

"Excuse me," someone said and Harry came back to reality, "Thank you, you are by far the most difficult to sort."

"Why?" Harry asks

"You have the quality of every house, you are brave and not fool hearted to jump in, smart and a thirst for knowledge yet you don't take things in plain value, your loyalty are commendable and hardworking to achieve your goal, also such cunning and ambition to achieve your goals but you won't do it if the cost are too high. Lord Gryffindor, Lady Ravenclaw, Sage Slytherin and Dame Hufflepuff would all fight over you like school kids fight over candy," the hat said with giddy.

"Sorting Hat-san?" Harry said, "Why do we have four houses even though we do not have the founders to help the students? I can sense the bravery and just in Professor McGonagall and I believe that the Head of House do share the quality in each of the founders."

"Correct child," The hat said nodding his head.

"Yet isn't Hogwarts meant to be a place to teach young and old to become a good witch and wizard for the communities?" Harry asks again.

"You speak words that would make every descendent of Hogwarts proud," The Sorting Hat said proud. "By far you are correct."

"Then can I not be in any house but the house of Hogwarts?" ask Harry.

"Ah there lies the problem," The sorting Hat said, "All four houses are Hogwarts."

"I see," Harry said.

"Are you done yet?" Professor McGonagall asks and the hat look at her with glee.

"Flynn?" The Headmaster asks.

"I can't sort him," The hat said who was named Flynn, "He has all the qualities that would make my creator proud."

"Can you make your decisions?" the Headmaster said with the glint in his eyes.

"If it was me I would put him in all the houses but I can't since the rule of-"

"In 1632 that no student shall be affiliated with more than one house," Harry interrupts the hat. "If it is all the same to you I could be a Specter after all I will only be in Hogwarts for a short period of time."

"Then it shall be done," the Hat said, "Minnie please have the one of the ghost lead Young Kousaka to Relic Private Chamber."

"Of course Flynn," Professor McGonagall said and took the hat off Harry.

"I would like to talk to you sometime Flynn-san," Harry said turning around and bow.

"Come by any time my boy," Flynn said happily, "Or better yet call my name and I will be there to have a nice chat with you."

"Domo Arigatou gousamesu," Harry said.

"Doutashimashita," Flynn answers.

"You can sit anywhere," Professor McGonagall said and vanish the chair and the Hat.

The moment the hat told Professor McGonagall that Harry would not be in any house. It caused quite a stir among both the student bodies and the staff members. Harry took a quick look among the crowd and decided to sit at the Ravenclaw table. When Harry sits down the headmaster stood up to make his announcement.

"Welcome to Hogwarts for those who are new and to those who have been here before welcome back," the Headmaster said, "and now tuck in."

Suddenly food of all kind appear on the ones empty long table. There were chicken, pork, steak and vegetables of all kind. The goblets suddenly were full of juices and water.

"Hi Granger-imouto-san," Harry kindly said to the bushy hair girl sitting next to him.

"Hi," Hermione meekly said and hid her face in her food.

"You took quite sometime up there," an Indian girl said, "My names Padma Patil."

"Harry Kousaka," Harry return, "how long was I up there?"

"About thirty minutes," Padma answer, "that's the longest time anyone have ever been up there and not to be able to get the hat to sort you!"

"We are only here to learn how to control and utilize our magic. What does getting sorted have to do with our education?" Harry asks.

"To answer you it is to group us with our most comfortable quality we have. Ravenclaw are for the brainy so we don't get picked on by our dorm mates," an Asian girl said.

"I see but I find a lot of flaws in it," Harry said eating his food with care and elegant.

"Like what?" Padma asks.

"We're young and our prior qualities will change as we grow," Harry answer and continue to talk with everyone around him.

Then Padma excuse herself and made her way to the bathroom.

Several of the students he talked too were very intelligent but Harry could tell that the first years were nervous save for a handful. He was looking around the hall with eyes that would make a hawk jealous. The boy, Ron Weasley, wasn't looking at him and if Harry had to guess Ron now accepted that Harry wasn't a Potter.

The famous Potter Family, a name that was coined ever since the downfall of the recent Dark Lord. Stories have it that the Potter family fought against the Dark Lord but lost yet the Dark Lord was defeated and the One of the Potter somehow survived the killing curse. This curse was the equivalent of a gunshot to the head, sword chopping the head off, or burned to death. This spell ends all life if it hits the intended target.

From there the Potter name became so famous it eclipse Merlin's name. From what Harry knew this Potter had been in hiding and only came out during the elections of the new Minister of Magic. The Potter's influence was renown in Europe and Harry knew that the Potter's are not one to pick fights with.

Yet surviving a killing curse that has never been done before and is amazing in Harry's opinion. It was like getting ones heart crushed and pulled out and yet you can still live.

Suddenly the foods vanish from the table and the Headmaster stood up.

"Students," The Headmaster began, "Welcome, lists of banned items are posted at Mister Filches office and posted on dorm bulletins. The Forbidden Forest is out of bounds for all students and lastly the Third Floor corridor on the right hand side is off limits unless you wish to meet a gruesome death. Off to bed now."

"Has he ever announced something like that before?" Harry asks the closest older student.

"No," someone answer.

"Ah Mister Housaka, how do you do?" A ghost said flying towards Harry, "You may call me, Friar."

"Please to me you Friar-san," Harry said and bow to the ghostly being.

"Come along now," the Friar said as they made they're way out of the Great Hall and into a stone corridor, "Hogwarts has many passageways and corridors that leads to one area or another. If you are lost you can talk to the portraits and any ghost to help you."

Harry glance at the walls and indeed the painted portraits were moving and talking to those who walked by. The corridors were really will lit and again it was magic that was making the torches a lot brighter. If Harry didn't know magic he would have thought that the castle would be cold but it wasn't. It was never hot or cold, it was just right. Goldie Lock's would love this castle.

Finally Harry made it to a portrait after taking a couple flights of stairs and weaving through corridors. This portrait depicting a grassy meadows and a Victorian dressed blonde sitting near a tree.

"Good evening," The girl said, "My name is Elizabeth Van Bastreas please set your password and you may enter."

"Cycle of life," Harry said and the portrait frame swings out ward to show a passageway into a large room. There was a large fireplace to his right that could fit a horse. There was a large couch and two-lounge chair facing the fireplace. A window on the far wall and underneath it was a table with writing utensils and parchment. To Harry's left were two doors and from the look of it the left door was the bathroom and on the right door was his room.

"Good night child," the Friar said and floats away.

Harry notices his briefcase resting on the table and he made his way to it. He opens the window and whistles several times. After five minutes a snow-white owl flew in and land on the coat hanger.

"My apologies Lady Hedwig," Harry said closing the window and pull out several papers, "I know you do not like to socialized with others and since I have my own dorm you can stay."

"Good to hear!" Hedwig bark and began to preen herself.

After five minutes Harry was folding a letter and put it into an envelope.

"Please take this when you're ready," Harry said and hand Hedwig the letter, "thank you."

"It's my job Harry," Hedwig said, "I will return when she writes her reply."