The front door of the house swings open freely, opening and closing with the wind. The door hits the interior wall every time it opens, making the noise echo throughout the empty house. The door leads to an empty living room. The single couch was caked with dust, obviously showing that no one had been in the house for some time. The flat-screen that hung on the wall parallel to the couch was on, but it only showed static. The stagnant sound of static, the randomly banging door and the sharp whistle of the wind outside made the place seem eerie, almost haunted. Numerous pictures were on the room's walls, also covered in a thick layer of dust. A picture of a light blue creature standing next to a green and yellow creature was hung to the left of the television. The blue creature obviously was happy to be there, but the green creature just seemed to be angry. To the right of the flat-screen was a picture of the same blue creature, but instead, he seemed to be ice skating happily with no winter gear on at all. In the top-left corner of the picture was a different light blue creature who seemed to be making the ice that the first creature was skating on.

On the wall where the door was, there was another picture that featured the light blue animal. This time, he seemed to be standing on the ceiling with a brown animal also doing the same. Numerous random objects floated in the air in the picture. On that side of the room and to the left of the picture was a small table. The table had a larger portrait on it, which was unfortunately also caked in dust. The picture was the biggest of them all. It was a group picture of all of the creatures that were in the other pictures. However, new animals were also in the group. A total of six four-legged and colorful creatures were in the group, all looking very cheerful. Numerous other creatures like the one before were also there, such as a blue one, a yellow one with two strange appendages, a brown one that looked liked it was a warrior of some sort, a blue and red-striped one, and others. There was also a thing that looked very different from all the others. This one didn't have fur all over like the rest, but only had "fur" on his head. The creature looked to have some kind of metal arm and leg, and even one of its eyes looked to be metal. It was quite a nice picture, it was quite obvious that all of the creatures in the picture were friends.

Suddenly, the front door swung open and hit the wall with a loud bang. This was not the wind however. A worn and brown bag hit the ground near the door, making some of the dust near it jump. The visitor to the house looked around with his deep blue eyes, scanning the interior of the lonely house. The visitor threw his gray sweatshirt with a zipper onto the couch, making more of the dust move and dance in the air. The visitor's three tails swept the ground unconsciously, making a spot on the ground with no dust. The visitor whistled to himself and spoke.

"Well...I have some explaining to do."

Hello everyone! It is me, Gold the Fox! Or maybe you knew that...I wouldn't doubt that you don't, I've been gone for a long time. I haven't posted anything for about 8 months, give or take. I haven't even given any updates to you guys in about that same time. So, I guess I should explain myself.


Where was I?

As you guys may or may not know, I am a freshman in college right now. I am a Computer Science major (which I absolutely love). Obviously, this is part of the reason why I was gone for so long. But, that begs the question, where was I during the months that I was still a senior in high school? Well, I will be one hundred percent honest with you guys...I lost interest. I lost inspiration. It's mostly my fault. I got completely lazy with my stories and just FanFiction in general. Another part of it though was I started to feel like I was the only one left from back when I first started. People started to stop updating, they started to stop reviewing. They stopped reviewing stories, even if they were amazing or even if their own Original Character was in the story. And that made me feel...uninspired. It made me feel kind of like...alone, I guess. I honestly tried to keep going despite how everyone seemed to disappear. But I couldn't keep it up. And trust me, I'm not mad at those people. Just like me, they obviously had better and more important things to do than update their FanFiction account.

But mostly, my disappearance is my fault. I got lazy. I got really lazy.

Why am I here now?

You may be wondering, if I'm really lazy and really uninspired...then why am I giving this update? Well first of all, I'm on my break between semesters right now, so I do have tons of time. And I was thinking, "Huh, maybe I should say hey to everyone." And here I am. Second of all...well, I'll get to that soon.

So where do we go from here?

Listen...I'm not gonna lie to you guys. I may disappear again. (Just remember though, I'm only a PM away.) Once college kicks back in, I'll be a bit more busy. I may lose interest again, especially if no one really looks at this. It's entirely possible.

But for now...for now that I'm on vacation...for now that I have a bit of spark left in me...I'm gonna try again. I'll try to write a bit. I'll try because I want to believe that I can get the spark back. I'll try because I look at the new writers and read the new stories of today and I just see the same thing and the same ideas and the same high school Equestria Girls stories...


and over...



So I'll try to show this place that new ideas are possible. That the vanilla story of Sonic and Tails somehow accidentally going to Equestria, befriending the girls and defeating Eggman and company does not need to be the same thing over and over again! That can be used effectively! I will try!

So that being said...what am I gonna try? And what about my stories now? Well...


As you may see, this update is going on both Six and on The GG Connection. As for Six...Six will not be updated at all this break. I'm putting in on the back burner. The reason? While the whole story is already generally planned out, the characters that are within the story put it bluntly, unsupported. What I mean is that those characters that are in the story don't have their creators to back them up in the form of reviews. Honestly, if the creators of these awesome characters can't review, not even a little bit, then I'm not going to continue to support it. Six may be one of my best stories, but it's also the most tiring to write. I'm basically required to put some kind of drama or intense fighting scene in every chapter. Along with that, I do feel like this story requires longer chapters. It's pretty tiring. Maybe when summer comes around and I don't have to deal with college for a couple months, maybe I'll return to it. But for now, please enjoy what there is so far.

The GG Connection

As you can see, this update is going live on The GG Connnection and Six. The reason I put it on both is to announce...I will be trying to continue The GG Connection. Captain, Glimpse and IcyAngels are some of best friends and they are honestly awesome. So, I think I want to try to continue this story. The plans for this story are awesome and the story really goes well with my writing style. It's that combination of adventure, action, and drama with the hints of humor and fluff that I really love to write. I don't really feel like I'm forced to write this story. The plot of this story is something I haven't really dealt much with, and I forgot how awesome the future of this story is. So, I'll try.

The Eon Chronicles

Why am I bringing this up? It seems so long since Gold's first leap into FanFiction. It's crazy how far he's come. And soooo...IT'S TIME FOR THE LONG AWAITED REHAUL OF THE EON CHRONICLES. That's right! I'm gonna try to reboot this. I look back at the (almost) trilogy of the Eon Chronicles and I cringe every time I see it. But now, I think it's time to fix it. The rehaul will be A COMPLETE REBOOT of the Eon Chronicles. This means new plot, new fights, and new changes...namely...NO MORE FUCKING GOLDLIGHT! IT'S GONE! The Eon Chronicles will be more focused on the development of the Eon Warrior, Gold the Fox. Before, Gold was pretty much just randomly thrown into the mix with Sonic and Tails with no sound reason why. I'm gonna change that. Also, I'm definitely changing how they get into Equestria. The whole "oh-no-Eggman's-portal-is-sucking-us-in-helppp" idea is just dumb. Also the whole "Tails's-invention-is-going-haywire-oh-no-where-will-it-take-us" idea is also out of the question. The story will have much more depth than the original. Gold the Fox's story will be better and more focused, but the story will still not completely focus on him. Like I said, I'll try.

All of my other stories

The other stories are still on hold or canceled as I've said in the past. If anything changes, I'll update everyone.

So, something I realize...I'm in a completely new place. There are new writers, new stories, and also new ideas. To anyone who has never seen me before, lemme formally introduce myself.

Hi! I'm Gold the Fox! I'm a Sonic and MLP crossover writer just like the rest of you! I am mainly an OC writer, and I have an OC named Gold! I've also created my very own and complicated energy system called Eon Energy. Obviously, you can see who he is and what Eon is in my previous stories, or just wait until the reboot of Eon Chronicles. I hope you all will say hi to me! I'm excited to be trying to write again, and I can't wait to meet all of you! Seriously, I hope you say hi to me! I'll be reviewing stories soon, so stay tuned.

I think that's all I want to say. The new reboot and an update to GG will come in time. Just don't expect it to be tomorrow. And with that, thank you all for reading this enormous update, I hope you're all excited, and as always...