All Stop

"Are we dead?" asked David as he slowly came round.

"Ask me in ten minutes" Jenny replied.

"Urgh" David groaned from the headache he was feeling. "Report!"

"Shields are down to half strength, Max is piloting the Enterprise and most of our weapons have been disabled"

"What do we have left?"

"The missiles in the tubes and the kinetic rounds. The energy weapons are online, but the firing systems are shorted out"

"Target the lead ship, lock on and fire all the missiles we have left at his engine ports. Max, get us over the magnetic pole – that should confuse their scanners. Do we have any more damage?"

"Nothing major"

"Right… Turn off the energy weapons and the missile launchers and send that power to the shields. Contact command and see if they can help us or not" David felt sick as he saw ships lining up to take a shot at them. "Launch all Gunstars"

"Launch bay systems are offline" somebody said. David looked around and saw the almost complete wreck of the Bridge.

"Order them to blow the fucking doors off with missiles – get them launched. Medical team to the bridge"

"Internal communications are offline" Jenny said, giving working at the Science station and moving to the less damaged Engineering place. "Almost anything that is working is dedicated to keeping us alive or moving… Shields are down to less than half power" she reported. "Gunstars are away"

"David, some of my sublight engines have been damaged" MAX said. "I can maintain course for the moment using thrusters, but the thruster chambers are getting to well beyond their design limits"

"Shut down main engines… Use our speed to keep us going" David looked at the sole screen on his chair that still worked. "Do we have any missiles or weapons left?" he asked.

"No more missiles and kinetic weapons are almost depleted" one of the Phaelon crew members said as they were treated for a head wound by the medical teams. All this time, the Enterprise was being pounded by attacks as enemy after enemy simply fired anything they wanted at them…

"Detecting subspace ripples" Jenny said. "It's the rest of the fleet – they're cleared for action and are engaging"

"Sir!" the Phaelon officer shouted loudly over the sound of battle, "The enemy command ship has turned round and is heading towards the surface"

"Can it land?"


"Damn…" David looked at the readouts. "I have a feeling that I know what its doing"

"So do I" Jenny looked back at him with understanding and nodded.

"Sir, Engineering reports internal comms and transporters are back online"

"About time!" David muttered. "Bridge to Engineering – pass all controls for the FTL engines to the Bridge and then bail out. This is the Commander to all hands… Abandon ship – use escape pods and shuttles to clear the area and make for the surface. Jenny, use what you can to give covering fire to the shuttles and escape pods. Max, plot a jump to put us directly in the path of the enemy command ship. Beam those that are trapped direct to Headquarters"

"Evacuation proceeding, transporters are fully used and the course has been plotted"

"Max, I want you to engage all sublight engines and ram us directly into the path of the ship and then jump us both out" David said. "Jenny, arm the auto destruct" and the pair exchanged looks of understanding as the ship shuddered under a constant stream of fire.

"Shields have failed… Hull breaches on all decks" the sole remaining Phaelon reported. "Engines are failing"

"David, we no longer have the ability to move forwards" MAX called out.

"It doesn't matter" David left the centre seat and moved over to stand by Jenny's side. "Jenny, transport this guy to the surface and then wait an extra five seconds before jumping the ship" he sighed before kissing her lovingly on the lips. "I'm sorry it has to be this way, but nothing else is going to work"

"I know. Max, load any and all beacons with as much of the logs as you can and launch them towards the capital and then transfer to the surface"

"Ensign, you are hereby promoted to Lieutenant" David shook the young Phaelon's hand. "Now, abandon ship… Myself and Commander Richardson will stay behind and activate the auto destruct"

"Sir, the system needs two people to operate it and you can't do that and operate the Helm at the same time. I'm volunteering to stay behind" the officer smiled for a moment. "Maybe they'll name a ship after me"

"Very well – man the Helm"

"Aye, Aye, Sir" and David was saluted before the woman turned and sat at the shattered Helm and brushed off the debris.

"What's your name?" asked Jenny.

"Peerseoclthtaocsihtgllirayaw" she said.

"Bit of a mouthful" Jenny said.

"Oddly, Commander, that's what my wife said to me" and the trio burst into laughter.

"David, the rest of the crew have evacuated the ship, however, the damage has become too great for me to operate any drive systems" MAX said.

"Well its not going to matter anymore" David said. "Power up the jump drive and go when ready"

"Sir, if we wait an extra few seconds, we can jump directly into the target. Once we have confirmed the rather odd ramming, we can jump back into space and detonate" Peerseoclthtaocsihtgllirayaw said.

"Good thinking" Jenny said. "David, I need you over here" and David nodded and moved over to the console Jenny was at. "Engage jump in three… two… one… NOW!" and the controls were pressed – sending an firm order through damaged and half destroyed pathways and connecting two wires that made them blink out of existence in one place and right into the enemy below them.

"Jump complete, but the drive is disabled and I don't think I can get it repaired in time" MAX said.

"Max, using our location, how far are we from the Ipicus Desert?" Jenny asked.

"One hundred and fifty miles"

"Can we get there?" asked David.

"Not on sublights, but we might have enough power in the warp drive to get us close" Peerseoclthtaocsihtgllirayaw said, "But the drives were not designed to move this kind of combined mass"

"If we can get close enough, its okay"

"Aye… Setting course" and the ship creaked and groaned as the combined ships were turned and then made a micro trip into warp which brought them close enough to the desert.

"Close enough, Sir… Sublight engines are failing"

"Auto destruct is offline" MAX said, "But the Gunstars you took from the Sera still remain onboard. With us being in a planetary atmosphere, you can get to them without too much of a problem – all you have to do is set a course for me to crash into the desert"

"But you can't transfer off" Jenny said as Peerseoclthtaocsihtgllirayaw entered a course into the Helm and checked it twice.

"I know" MAX's eyestalk dimmed noticeably. "I am sorry, Navigator, but my primary functions override all other concerns" and there was a flash of light before the Bridge vanished and was replaced with the hanger bay.

"That son of a bitch" David said.

"Come on, we don't have much time" Jenny yelled and the trio rushed towards the Gunstars. Slamming every override into the computers, they flew out and turned round to see the merged Battleships turn on an edge and then hurtle down into the surface – blowing up on impact with all the remaining fuel and ammunition stores causing chain reactions that left little scrap metal. The blast wave sent the small craft tumbling for several danger filled seconds before David and Jenny could get their ships righted.

"He saved us… The AI actually saved us" Peerseoclthtaocsihtgllirayaw whispered.

"Max… His name was Max" David replied sharply as he watched the last of the explosions die down into areas of fire.

"David, I read total destruction – no memory banks jettisoned or log beacons" Jenny read the displays from Tammy's Gunstar. "Gunstars approaching from the capital – weapons are cleared hot"

"Send them our challenge and ID" David turned his Gunstar away for home and thumbed the throttle. "Lets get out of here" he added.

"Sir, they have locked on" Peerseoclthtaocsihtgllirayaw spoke up from the rear seat.

"I have been locked onto as well" Jenny said.

"Are we armed?"

"Full missile and gun loads" replied Jenny as she read the displays in Tammy's Gunstar.

"Then lock and load – standby to open fire with a spread of missiles and then close in for guns" David had just about had enough of the whole thing. He watched as the incoming ships got close enough before reconfirming his target locks on the missile systems and he thumbed the launch button.

"Hail, this Capital Guard 1… All mutiny forces have been defeated… We are not your enemy" a voice came over the very short range radio.

"This is Sera 1" David replied, "Send your ID codes at once"

"NCC 1701"

"Save missiles" David ordered. "Set weapon safety systems to standby. Guard 1, you are one lucky pilot – is Tammy alright?"

"Your wife is perfectly fine and is coordinating the rescue of people from both sides of the fighting and putting the bad guys into jail"

"Understood… Take us to the capital, Guard 1"

"Guard 1 acknowledges"

"Jenny, you there?"


"Have you saved all the readings that you could from the crash?"

"Position noted and logged into navigational beams"

"Okay…" David turned in his seat to see the flames already starting to die down a little more. "People, lets go home"


Although they should have landed at the base near the capital, David and Jenny were too tired, worn out and just too bloody minded to do that and so landed in the grounds of the Phaelon Naval Headquarters with the trio drawing their pistols and heading to the War Room where Tammy had been handling the defence with the senior officers.

"I thought I was going to lose you" said Tammy as she flung her arms around both her mates.

"Well you nearly did" David said. "Tammy, we lost Max"

"Wha… What do you mean?" Tammy stepped back and allowed her orange skin to wrinkle in confusion.

"Me Jenny and Peers over here tried to jump into the path of the enemy ship before jumping away again and activating the auto destruct sequence" David said, but suddenly found he could not speak and fell into a chair.

"We decided to take it into the desert and blow the missiles still aboard, but that didn't work due to the immense damage we took" Jenny continued the tale. "We had a quick discussion and decided to fly the ships into the ground and take them with us. Max, though, had other ideas and transported us to the Gunstar bays where our personal ones were still aboard. We only just managed to get clear before Max tipped the pair forward and there was nothing we could do but watch as they hit the ground… Tammy, they were almost completely vaporised"

"Then we must still hold some sort of service for him – he would have appreciated it" Tammy managed to stop the tears that fell from her eyes and looked at the third member of the group. "Now, who is this?" she asked.

"I am Lieutenant Peerseoclthtaocsihtgllirayaw"

"Your uniform says 'Ensign'"

"I was promoted by the Commander"

"Oh, well if David thinks it is okay…" Tammy chuckled before going serious again. "David, the rest of your fleet came out shooting and either disabled or destroyed their opponants. Oh" she added as an afterthought, "I have been elected President".

"I need to check on the crew that managed to survive, find out their names and contact the families of those killed" David said.

"You and Jenny need to get some rest – you're both exhausted. Lieutenant, you look as if you could do with a rest too" Tammy looked at her.

"Yes, Ma'am" Peerseoclthtaocsihtgllirayaw replied, "But I can help here"

"That was your President giving you an order"

"Yes, Ma'am" Peerseoclthtaocsihtgllirayaw saluted turned round and managed three steps before fainting away.

"Some things never change no matter what planet you are on" Jenny chuckled and pressed the comm panel on the nearest console. "Medical team to the War Room" she ordered. "Where's David?" she asked quickly looking round.

"Madam President, one of the Gunstars on the front lawn just took off and headed towards the desert" an officer said.

"Get me a Drone Ship ready to fly in five minutes" Tammy made the decision quickly. "Maintain alert status and continue rescue operations. Jenny, are you fit enough to fly a Drone Ship?"

"Ready and willing"

"Then let's go… We're going to stand by David's side – if I know Humans as much as I have read, then he's mourning his friend's death" and the sister-wives walked at the hurry to where a small collection of ships was kept for use. As they walked up the floating steps and inside the ship, a chair rose up from the floor.

"Computer, plot a course of the Ipicus Desert"

"Compliance" and both women failed to hide their crestfallen looks when the computer replied.

"Go to non verbal replies – displayed on screen" Tammy ordered.

"I have him on sensors… He's already on the ground and out the cockpit – I can see one lifeform reading nearby"

"Set us down near the Gunstar… I think David just needs a hug"

"I don't think a hug is going to do it" Jenny replied. "Hang on, he's heading back to the Gunstar"

"I could hear you coming a mile off" David's voice filtered through hidden speakers, "And I could guess what you want… Don't bother – I've seen all I want to see"

"At least wait for us to land – me and Jenny would like to go home with you. We have a crew to go over the debris field looking for anything that might hold Max's memory banks"

"I'll wait for you both, but you'll not find anything" and David cut the channel and left Jenny and Tammy to their own thoughts.

# # # # #

"Repairs to most of the fleet are well underway, some of the older and more damaged ships are being scrapped for materials and parts and we've started to form patrols around the system" David said. It was several weeks after the battle over Phaelon and most of the people that had tried to launch a genocide had either been executed by firing squad or imprisoned for various terms. Tammy, with the help of David, Jenny and her advisors had reorganised the armed forces of Phaelon into more sensible sizes – but keeping their larger and most powerful ships and forming fleets around them as they should have been. Plans were made to travel to send people to former colony worlds to see if new bases could be set up and Jenny had suggested using some of the prisoners in exchange for reduced sentences.

"According to the survey team, science bases could be set up on the third moon by the end of the week" Tammy, ever the scientist, had taken a keen interest in the setting up of new research bases that would look into food growth and new environmental systems. Jenny, knowing some stuff about fish, had offered to help her while David spent most of his time at the family home looking after their child but also performing checks on their Gunstars should they ever decide to go somewhere – for trips taken as a family, they would use a refitted drone ship that had been named Max after their fallen friend. The upgraded and one-off ship included the standard equipment except it was fitted with a small bathroom below the main cabin, bunk beds where the specimen containment units used to be and upgraded weapons and shields – the last at the insistence of David who had had enough of drifting through space for days without working engines after a battle. The only major difference iwas that it did not have a sentiment AI system because all three knew it would be too painful for them to hear the tones of their dead friend.

"You know what I wanna do?" asked David suddenly.

"No…?" replied Tammy.

"I want nothing more but to grab a coke, put my stereo on full blast and mow the lawn" and Jenny was startled but agreed with David that it sounded the most human thing they could do on this alien world.

"Hey, you know what it is tomorrow?" Jenny did some mental math in her head.


"Christmas Day"

"Huh – didn't even realise… Mom and Dad would be doing the cooking for tomorrow, presents would be under the tree and we'd watch tons of stuff on the TV" and David sighed.

"Is this Christmas Day an important event?" asked Tammy.

"Certainly more for me then David" Jenny said and explained the concept of Christmas.

"The closest we have is either Lifeday or Familyday" Tammy said after thinking it over. "But if you can do it, I would like to have this 'Christmas' with you both"

# # # # #

"Something bothering you?" Jenny asked David that evening.

"First real Christmas away from the family" he replied. "I mean me and Tammy never did anything while we were on the run – its just weird to be alive and yet everybody that we knew is dead"

"Unless they find another frozen me" Jenny said before sitting down next to her husband.

"We'd have known about it by now" David shook his head. "No, I just wish sometimes that I was back home before all this happened to me"

"Me too, but I know I might have been killed otherwise because of my bad heart" and David simply nodded and folded his head to the side and rested it on Jenny's shoulder. Together, they watched the sun setting and the stars start to come through with pin pricks of light on a velvet sky. "Have you ever thought about death?" she asked after a while.

"Sometimes, but not all that often – well… apart from wondering how it will happen"

"I thought I was going to die on the Enterprise" Jenny said. "Suicide is a mortal sin, for me at least, and I wondered what would happen to me when we blew the ship up and I met God. My thoughts were what I would do if he rejected my soul for heaven"

"You think you will get into heaven?" David murmured sleepily.

"I think so… I've tried to lead a worthy life in His name and honour. I am sure that God knows that, yet I'm worried that he'll think otherwise and damn me for all eternity for taking lives"

"It was all in a good cause"

"They've said that about genocide before" Jenny replied darkly. "The Crusades, the Nazi death camps, Donald Trump's child cages…" she stopped and looked down and noticed David's eyes were closed and his breathing was slow and measured. "Wish I could drop off as easily as you" she said softly and called for a transport to put him on his bed.


Years passed and the trio did many great things to reform the Phaelon laws, expand their knowledge and open trade routes with other worlds – Earth being an important one. In recognition of what she had done and her willingness to stay behind on the Enterprise, Tammy assigned a new scout craft to Peerseoclthtaocsihtgllirayaw who eventually ended up as Chief of Naval Operations with the rank of Grand Admiral.

David and Jenny served together for many years on the flagship of the Phaelon Fleet before Tammy gave Jenny the very last of the Sera class which she took on a year long deep space assignment which meant she spent little time with the rest of the family apart from when she used her personal and upgraded drone ship. After that, she spent a lot of time refitting the ship to 'show the flag' around the worlds Phaelon now had great relations with. Retiring after some fifty years of service to a world not her own, she died peacefully in her sleep surrounded by her family.

Tammy took a long time to sort things out with the Phaelon government, but she ended up presiding over a time that historians would later call the Golden Age of Phaelon. New laws were drafted and implemented, jobs were created, educational programs started in the fields of science and the arts, she reduced the number of weapons of mass destruction deployed on ships with the remainder being stored in a classified base deep in a base underground and lastly, and the thing she was most proud of, she got her science degree as well as officially qualified as a member of the Phaelon Navy having waited many decades. She died as the result of both old age and a heart attack during a memorial service commemorating the 1st Battle of Phaelon.

As for David… David helped Tammy rebuild the Phaelon Navy before his wife appointed him the Fleet Admiral and gave him command of the first of the Legacy class of ships based on the design of the Sera class but with multiple redundant systems, three separate shield systems and a dozen squadrons of the latest Gunstars. Being the flagship of the entire fleet, whenever it appeared people stopped to listen to what he said. He watched as friends and family grew up, lived their lives and then passed away. One day, many years on, he put on his well worn uniform, strapped on the pistol Tammy had given him back on Rigel and walked out to Gunstar 1. Despite many offers, both it and Gunstar 2 from the Sera had never been upgraded despite being now a century out of date. With a flick of a switch, he closed the cockpit canopy and took off into high orbit – electing to ignore the radio chatter demanding to know who he was and what he was doing.

'Request vectors' the computer asked softly in Tammy's voice. Despite loving Jenny dearly, Tammy was always his favourite wife and he had programmed her voice into the computer of his Gunstar so she was always with him when he flew – a picture of Jenny was taped to the cockpit. After he had seen enough of Phaleon, he brought the craft around and thumbed the throttle control so it glided away.

"Set a jump point for Earth" he said. "Put the exit vector point as over Miami" he added.

'Jump vector is engaged' the computer replied.

"Engage" and space seemed to stretch forever before suddenly snapping back into place as light streaked past until everything slowed again and David was in low orbit over Miami where he had lived.

'Jump complete… Request instructions' but the computer got no reply. David stared out through the canopy at the surface below. 'Navigator, I request instructions' and the computer waited another minute before activating internal scanners.

It didn't have to bother as David's hand dropped lifelessly into his lap…


And that, Ladies, Gentlemen and any French people reading this, is the final chapter. I would, as always, appreciate the reviews and will try to reply to as many as possible.

