A/N: Man it has been ages! I'm so sorry, Legolas and I went on a holiday (against his will) so any who here's the next and last chappie!!!

Draco stared hatefully at the gun; he raised it to his head and BANG!!!!!! Draco saw everything go white and all he could see were little singing hamsters every where he looked. Then it all went black.

(A/N: darkness utter darkness, sorry our house lights have gone out…)

Complete darkness….Then a light shone.

(A/N: YES! We have electricity!!!)

Draco suddenly sat up, cold sweat around him, and a tiny bit of sand.

"What the?" He stuttered.

He got out of his bed and looked in his mirror. "I'm alive….It was a dream! IT WAS A DREAM!!!!"

(A/N: tee hee)

He ran down straight into the great hall, in just his heart covered boxers. Then he spotted Harry and his team. Draco rushed over.

"Weasly your still here!!!" He hugged Ron and then hugged Hermione too. "AND POTTER YOUR STILL HERE!!" He kissed Harry on the lips.

"AHH!" Harry pushed Malfoy away. "Are you turning gay?!"

"NO! Potter, I'm just the happiest wizard alive!" Jumps around all happy and cheerful. Some witches wolf whistle at him.

"But where did Gimili, Strider and Legolas go?" Draco questioned.

"Who?" Hermione stuttered.

"The dwarf, human and elf..."

Ron, Harry and Hermione looked at Draco like he was a crazy gopher.

"Get Madame Pomfrey..." Harry whispered. Ron nodded and left.

Second later Draco was being dragged up to the hospital ward, and on the way passed George, Fred and Cho.

"YEAH! YOUR STILL ALIVE!!!" Draco yelled at them.

"Um...Draco lay of the drugs ok?" Fred commented.

Draco was finally thrown into a bed and given huge amounts of medicines. He laid there, and they had kindly put him in a straight jacket.

He sighed to himself, they were all alive still it was a dream. He was so happy. He rolled over and looked at the student in the bed next to him. It was a 13 year old girl.

"What happened to you?" Draco asked.

"I was beaten up by a certain elf." Jenny answered.

"Elf?" Draco turned white.

"Yes Draco…it wasn't a dream!" She laughed "IT WAS REAL!!!"


"YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!" Jenny screamed.

A/N: um ok…..this is now classified as the most random story ever written, no plot what so ever! Tee hee! And Draco is now home at the local nut house! *evil voldie laugh*

Ok hope you enjoyed this fanfic I know I did! TEE HEE!