Sorry this chapter is going to be short :'( I'M sorry
Hope u like it :3
slowly I push myself off the wooden floor I had been sleeping on and per over at Armin. His arms are hugged close to his beaten frame and legs up into his stomach. I place my left hand on Armin's forehead to feel how warm he is, "God your freezing, Armin, I wish you would wake up soon".
Remembering the crate with bread and water in I grab a bottle of water and place some on my hand to wash my face. Bring my hand up to my face I rub the cool water over my tired eyes. Picking up a role of bread I break a small chunk of and place it to my mouth and chew the hard bread being careful not to eat the mold on it. once done with the eatable bits of bread I look over at Armin and shake him ever so gently. A small noise escapes his dry lips, making my heart go heavy with relief knowing that he isn't dead or in a coma anymore from losing too much blood. carefully I roll him so he is on his back. Not a sound comes from the blondes mouth but I can hear his ragged breathing, so he's ok. Scared I may hurt him even more I leave him to rest a little longer while I go and look for a rout to take to find help or somewhere else to stay. But I'm worried that Armin may wake up and go looking for someone, I'll only be a few minutes he should be fine.
My body is soar, my throat dry and eyes heavy. I'm cold, I can't move anything but open my eyes but it hurts to open them. What should I do, I have no idea where I am. Maybe if I open my eyes a little I will be able to see where I am. Slowly I open my eyes to see a wooden ceiling, looking around I search for something else. A crate with I think bread rolls and what looks like bottles of water. I am covered with blankets. I try to lift myself up with my hands to look around and get a better Idea of where I could have ended up. I fall trying to do so and lay back down. there's no way I can stand up at this rate. Am I the only one that made it out alive, no thats impossible Mikasa, Levi and Eren must still be alive and all my friends they are all so strong unlike me, I'm feeble and weak but I make up for that with my knowledge but that has nothing to do with fighting. tears start to roll down my blood stained face, thats all I could ever do right, was cry, I could never fight well but yet they allowed me to stay in the survey corps. Why?
Raising my hand I wipe away the tears on my face and wince at the pain now in my face. Laying back down I rest my head on the blankets and pull the others on my body around me quickly to reduce the pain in my arms. Laying underneath the blankets I think of all the great times I have had with my friends. I remember once Connie, Sasha and me came back from training one day and found a box of chocolates on Connie's bed, we tried to find who put them there the hole day, Connie's face was hilarious when he found out it was Christa who put the chocolates there. Eren and me used to be so close I remember when we were kids we would run around the market and try and catch each other witch would normally end with me falling over and being hurt really badly meaning we had to stop, or we would get lost in the time and before we knew it, it would be dinner time. Sometimes Mikasa and me used to go shopping for Karla (Eren's mom) and me and her would get into all sorts of fights about what apples to get and witch potatoes where the best. Those where the things that I remember most about my past and some of the most happiest memories I still can remember. Having tired myself out from thinking I snuggle back into the somewhat warm blankets over top of me and let sleep take over my body.
I hope it was ok and yet again I'M sorry about the chapter being so short :(
Please Review :3