The Ari search

Little girls, Lisa and Scout were best friends and loved Ariana Grande. One fateful day destiny called for them to meet their favorite celebrity, and not only that but also do an early interview with her! When the week came they decided to have a camp out outside the studio so they wouldn't have to rush in the morning cause they had to be there at 6:00 am.

As soon as night fell a part of their plan took a turn. As soon as they set up the tent a big wind blew it away. They tried to catch it but had no luck. Lisa wondered what to do until she noticed a tree right near the studio, and it was strong enough to hold them. Luckily they still had some rope left over and their food supplies . As soon as they reached the branch, Scout used her ability to talk to animals to ask a bird to wake them up at 5:30

Things did not go exactly as planned. The bird got lost so the girls ended up waking up at 7:45, late for the interview. "Oh man, how could we have screwed this up." Scout replied that that wasn't important and they needed to try to find Ariana. Maybe they still had a chance

When they asked the guard if she was at the studio, he replied she went to do some shopping. So for a whole hour Lisa and Scout searched a street down every shop. When an hour had passed an d they had no luck, they decided to split up. Lisa got to search for about 15 minutes until she tripped on a pipe and fell in a hole! She yelled for help for a long time but no one was there. Eventually Scout found heard and tried desperately to get her best friend out , but as soon as she reached for her, she fell in the hole to!

After 7 minutes of yelling for help they needed a plan. Scout thought maybe they can dig their way out but decided that would be too risky. Lisa got the idea of tying a white piece of paper to a stick she found, problem was the stick wasn't long enough. After thinking a while Scout saw some birds flying and got an idea. She asked Lisa to break a twig on the stick and tie the white paper on it, then write, " 2 girls, Lisa and Scout stuck in a hole on 4th avenue please help". When that was done Scout called to a bird and asked him to take the message to the first person he sees.

After minutes of searching he saw Ariana walking into the mall. Being a bird he didn't know who she was of course. He dropped the note at her feet. She picked it up and as soon as she read it, she immediately called asked a body guard to help.

When she arrived at the hole she called to the girls " are ya'll alright, are you hurt?" Scout replied " no we're not hurt but we can't get out of here can you help us? The security guard lowered a ladder and Lisa climbed out. When it was Scout's turn there was a problem, she had her foot tangled in a tree root. There was no way she could free herself. So Ariana asked the security guard to hold the ladder while she climbed down to get her. As they frantically watched from above, Ariana climbed out with the ladder and Scout was behind her. The girls were relieved and thanked Ariana with all their heart and apologized for being late. " You weren't late" she said, " the interview is at 11:00 your clocks were wrong because of daylights savings time!. So the girls got to do their interview after all, and to thank Ariana, they invited her to a smore-out. They had a great night and Ariana and the girls made great friends.