The team traveled along, everyone driving at a slow 10 kilometers per hour to save fuel. they weren't necessarily in a hurry, but when they crested the hill, you could see the group's delight. It was sunset, the sun reflecting beauty on the hills, the water sparkling. Immediately, they claimed the territory.

"Okay! Listen up everyone, we have 700,000 silver from recent engagements….and I think we should spend it. Is everyone okay with that?"Adelina asks.

The tanks nod eagerly. "I was thinking everyone should at least get to tier four. Colonel, you would be an M3 Lee. Dent, Panzer III for you. Prime, we would have to buy you a tier three tank, but immediately buy the tier four module and give that to you, which is the AMX 105 AM mle. 47. Roman, you would be a Somua SAu 40. Is everyone good with these decisions?"Adelina says.

Everyone gapes. "What! I had some free time, so I spent it on calculating costs and upgrades."

Soon after, the four tanks enter the garage and start to get upgraded. The tiny little MS-1 decided he wanted the T-26 light tank, but had seen a picture of a monstrous KV vehicle, and wanted to be a heavy tank when he got to that point.

"The team is growing. Soon they're going to surpass my tier,"Adelina says. Lucius snorts.

"You've been a Stug III for god knows how long. When are you going to consider getting a JagdPanther IV?"he asks.

"I don't know. I just don't feel like it. I've grown so used to this body."

"I'm not far behind. Soon I'll be a Stug like you, and I was born three days ago!"Alek says proudly.

"That's not necessarily a good thing…..Have you trained at all?"Adelina says, and Alek quiets down.

"Uh...Well, I shot the D.W. 2!" Alek says, but the two tanks shake their turrets.

"I think everyone will need to train tomorrow morning, as most of us have very new bodies to get used to."

Okay, I know over the chapters they upgrade fast, but now it will slow down a lot more. They might upgrade to a tier five, but progression will be much slower.

Adelina-Stug III Tank destroyer-tier V

Alek-Hetzer Tank destroyer-tier IV

Lucius-G.W. Tiger SPG-tier IX

Prime-AMX 105 AM mle. 47-tier IV

Roman-Somua SAu 40 Tank destroyer-tier IV

Dent-Panzer III medium tank-tier IV

Colonel-M3 Lee medium tank-tier IV

All the tanks slowly recovered with their new bodies, and the seven tanks quickly got into training exercises. They played a match where it was Colonel, Dent, and Roman, v.s. Adelina Prime, and Alek. Colonel's team had won by taking out both Adelina's and Alek's tracks, rendering them unable to move their gun, and Prime had been flanked by Dent while he was firing at Roman.

The tiny little MS-1, now a T-26 named Raven, decided not to participate.

Lucius had watched quietly, and every now and then popped a 170mm shell into the battlefield, blinding teams as they tried to attack each other. Dent was the new designated scout, as for his rather small low profile hull and a quick speed of 65 kph, and all the rest of the team watched as he zipped through obstacle courses.

Most often he would practice tactics against every single type of tank. Against other fast light tanks, he would have to nimbly dodge enemy shots while keeping his gun trained on the target accurately, which was extremely hard but he managed. Against other medium and heavy tanks, he sped around them and kept shooting, knowing their turret traverse speed couldn't keep up with him.

SPG's he would simply flank and attack, along with TD's, destroying both SPG and TD tracks to render them unable to fight.

The rest of the tanks used their own tactics. Prime practiced constantly on moving to new positions and firing, making sure Dent couldn't flank him, while Adelina and Alek constantly tried to predict Dent's patterns and general light tank patterns, in order to know where he was going to strike so they could shoot him before he started to circle them.

Dent often practiced against Colonel, but Colonel knew his friend well, and his 75mm howitzer repetitively struck Dent before he could start circling. The clan was in the middle of another team elimination, when THEY appeared.

"Got you!"Prime yelled as his shell struck Adelina, who stopped immediately.

"Idiot, you led me here by the sound of your voice!"Dent says, closing in on Prime's thinly armored rear fast, but cut off by a shot to the track by Colonel.

"Careful to look around to see any enemies guarding their SPG's, that could kill you,"Colonel said.

"And make sure they don't have more company,"Roman says grinning as he comes up behind Colonel, who simply shrugs.

"Who said I had more than one guard?"Prime asks, and Alek comes out from the shadows behind Roman.

"Well, talk about a chain reaction,"Colonel said, and the rest of the team laughs, and made their way to their respective starting points when an "Ahem!"sounded through fields.

Everyone slowly turned their turrets to two tanks, one a T29 and the other a T34-85. The two tanks immediately pull back a bit, the pure force of seven turrets turning towards them in curiousness intimidating them, but they quickly rolled back and a confident proud aura surrounded them.

"Do any of you know the route to Fisherman's bay?"