The tiny tier 1 Cunningham poked it's head out of the garage it spawned in. It squeaked when it saw another tank, and rolled back into the garage again.

"Hello?"a voice says from outside.

The small T1 readies it's 37mm millimeter gun, knowing it won't be of any use if they're a higher tier.

"I don't want to hurt you!" the tank calls out and appears in front of him. It was a German tier one leichttraktor. The T1 sighs in relief.

"Who are you?"The T1 asks.

"I am Dent. See?"the tank says, and turns around, where a large dent was seen on his rear armor.

"I spawned like this. Weird, isn't it?"the tank asks.

The T1 shrugs. "My name's...Colonel!"I say.

"Okay Colonel. Now what?"Dent asks.

"Clan?"Colonel asks.

"We need at least four tanks though,"Dent says. "Do you think we can find others like us?"

"Yeah. Two should be threatening enough that they won't shoot us."

The duo travel through the map they spawned in, Erlenburg. It was a dreary map, and the two tanks wanted to get away from it as fast as they could. Soon however, sounds of battle reaches their ears. The two tanks slowly start to roll forwards, and finally find a tank. An A9 cruiser, to be exact. A tier two British cruiser tank, armed with a 2 pounder (40mm) gun, it was more than a match for the both of them. It turns it's turret towards them, and cocks it's barrel.

"Who are you guys?"it asks, but the duo are already in reverse running away.

"Hey! I'm not gonna hurt you. You're not the enemy, clearly, so what are you doing here?"it asks.

"We just spawned! Please don't hurt us!"Colonel says, and Dent nods in agreement, yet both guns point straight at the A9's hull.

"Lower your guns and I won't."he says.

To his word, it lowers, and so does Colonel's and Dent's.

"You do realize you're in the middle of a battle, right?"the A9 asks.

"We were just wandering around!"Dent complains.

"Well, here. I can make you a deal-"the A9 explodes, it's turret flying forwards and landing a couple feet away from the two tanks.

They both squeak in unison, and start to run, catching a glimpse of a T18 tank American tank destroyer. The large heavily armored tank laughs but makes no move to follow.

"Oh my god! What in Wargaming's name was that! It was huge!"

"It's a T18. I was considering upgrading to it, but never mind now." Colonel shivers.

"Okay, okay. Let's go find someone else,"Dent says.

They travel a great distance, constantly checking up on abandoned towns for garages to refill fuel and sleep. Eventually, they get lucky, and find a great deal of silver and research in an 'ATM'.

"Woah! This must be an abandoned clan base,"Dent says in awe.

"Yeah, but its unlocked. Probably means the clans dead, but there are no tank hulls. Long time ago, by the looks of it,"Colonel confirms.

"We have enough for both of us. What do you want to get?"Dent asks. "I'm gonna get the Panzer II,"Dent says.

"I'll probably the T2 Medium then, so I have the firepower, but can still keep up, while you annoy the enemy, and flank/distract them,"Colonel strategizes.

They both head to the abandoned clan garage, and let themselves be taken apart, and created into a brand new tank.

"Woah…..It's amazing!"Colonel says, Dent nodding his barrel in agreement.

Soon afterwards, they take the remaining 30,000 silver and 2000 research with them, and roll on, and encounter three French Renault FT light tier one light tanks.

"What should we do?"Dent whispers to Colonel.

"Kill them?"Colonel says.

"But that would be mean, and we wouldn't get much from it. Too many to take in, but we could form a clan….."Dent says, and they both nod in agreement.

"Attention! We are bigger badder tier tanks, and we will destroy you if you do attack us!"Colonel rolls out, his form intimidating to the smaller Renaults. All three squeal.

"We surrender! Please don't hurt us! We won't attack!"the chorus of tanks almost sing.

"Okay then. No real threat,"Dent snorts and rolls out also.

"Would you guys be willing to form a clan?"Colonel asks.

"A clan...with you guys?"one of the Renault asks, and gasps, eyes (metaphorically) widening in awe.

"We're only one tier away from you guys….Here's some money. Upgrade in a garage a couple kilometers from here."

With that, the three Renault's squeal in delight, and introduce themselves. Roman, Cracker, and Prime. Roman got himself a good old Renault FT AC tank destroyer, Cracker became a Hotchkiss H35 light tank, and Prime chose the Renault FT 75 BS Self Propelled Gun.

"Well. We're a jolly group, and now we have all the tank classes covered!"Colonel says delightfully.

"What shall we name ourselves?"Prime asks.

"Let's go for miscellaneous right now. Maybe later we can pick another one,"Dent says. The Renault's nod eagerly in agreement.

"We still have five thousand silver left, so I think we can spend it on some extra training shells. Better get training!"Colonel says cheerfully. Thank god for that, because Prime soon realized how hard it was to fire his gun and hit a target accurately, Cracker kept going too fast and driving into buildings, not being able to turn fast enough, and Roman just plain sucked at aiming, even if he was shooting at a rock.

Dent and Colonel were much better, so they 'play fought' against one another. By the time of the end of the day however, Prime went from 11% hit rate to 32% hit rate in birds eye, and Roman was doing better too.

Cracker was also driving better, and the clan was happy with the progress. They managed to find traffic cones (what in the world?) and now Cracker was swerving driving through the course. They settled down in the map called Komarin. There were long beautiful fields, with an islandish thing in the middle of a lake, and two rivers.

"And bam! Out of twenty shots, I hit you 12 times!"Roman says gleefully, who was firing training rounds at Cracker, who was tasked with avoiding them.

Suddenly, a fake training round splatted onto Roman's hull.

"Got you!"A voice yelled some distance away, Prime smiling playfully, Roman snorting and revving his engines to chase after him. Dent and Colonel watch them.

"Well, at least we have some progress. What now?"Dent asks Colonel, who shrugs.

"Do you think we're ready to face other players?"Colonel asks Dent, who snorts.

"We're all n00bs, I doubt it. But maybe with some more training we could accomplish something. For now we should stay low, but our silver is running out. We're down to 400. We have zero research, and we're never going to get above tier two if we don't get our rears out of here and do some battle!"

"So you're suggesting though we're not ready we should 'battle' anyway?"Colonel says questioningly.

"What about a friendly match? You still get money from it, but don't die. I've seen it before. If you get 'hit' in different places, you have to abide by the rules and stop, acting like your track got destroyed, turret damaged, or plain knocked out."

"I like that. I'm gonna go sign us up for that. Sounds good."

"Hey guys!"Prime says, zooming up next to them, Roman in tow, chase forgotten. His anxious turret moves back and forth, and his engine sounds like it's about to explode.

"What's the matter?"Dent asks.

"We may have a problem….There are incoming tanks. And a lot of them."