Authors Note: I have been inspired to write a series of one-shots after reading several of Bellamort500 's stories. I in no way own Harry Potter and company and all rights go to their rightful owners.

All characters are taken from my Dear Order Member's story so if your confused please read that one first. It has bits and pieces that fit with this one and you might get confused otherwise.

After the spectacle with Luna and Hermione at Breakfast the first morning back it had been quiet for the most part. Ravenclaws were watching their back since they knew Luna was a Ravenclaw and could come and go from the tower at will and who was stopping her from telling Hermione Granger. The girl in question was terrifying. She had teamed up with peeves and was often in the halls skipping class with Luna as they drops dungbombs and swamps in the hallway. Often in the middle of a lesson you could hear their laughter as they raced through the halls on rollerblades or scooters.

Draco Malfoy had heard back from his father and the letter had been passed around that yes Hermione Granger was his cousin after his Aunt Bellatrix adopted the girl and Rodolphus seemed to adore his daughter. After telling his son to be nice he asked about what he meant about Lovegood being the lovechild of the dark lord. After Draco had informed his father, he got a reply back saying to just go with it. Since all of Slytherin had seen the letter they went with it and even chimed in in the girls defence when they saw them arguing their genetics.

"NEVILLE!" Hermione screamed as she ran towards the shy Gryffindor and handed him causing everyone in the fifteen foot radius to stop and listen.

"Don't give her back until Filch has sung Mary had a little Lamb twenty times. Here are the words and good luck my little minion of discord" Hermione said before running off again a sugar quill in her lips. Neville looked down at the ruffled cat and smirked. Holding her in front of him he glared at her.

"You bite me, scratch me or anything like that and I'll feed you to the squid" he said seriously before walking with Ms. Norris under his arm like it was perfectly normal.

"LONGBOTTOM, Let go of Ms. Norris this instant" Filch yelled once he caught sight of the teen with his beloved cat.

"Not until you sing Marry had a Little lamb twenty times." Neville said. Seeing the sputtering man Neville turned and kept walking.

"Mary had a little lamb, she was so precious, with wool so fine like Dandylions" Filch tried not knowing the rhyme at all but Neville stopped.

"Not the words but I'll let you get a free pass since that was rather good. No more unless it's the proper words. I need to get to Transfiguration now" Neville said as he entered McGonagall's classroom. This carried on for a week, Filch getting more and more desperate as time went on before he finally begged a student for the right words to sing. Once he had them he made a habit of every time he saw Neville to break out in song until he finally got her back.

"No one is ever going to harm you again my sweet" Filch said as he hugged Ms. Norris and made kissy faces at her in the middle of the great hall causing several people to feel sick.

"Argus, please you're making the students ill" Poppy said from the doorway having come after she received a Patronus telling her that there was something happening in the great hall.

"Bestiality!" Luna yelled pointing at the Filch and Ms. Norris. Luna and Hermione were once again sitting at the Slytherin table, and Luna had been drawing smiley faces with magic marker on people's hands if they weren't fast enough to get away from her. Hermione giggled and nodded her head as EWs were heard around the hall and they smirked in agreement and success.