Of Mice and Men
A man's voice called up from the river, and another man answered, "Go on." It was Lennie. George raised the gun and his hand shook. It dropped, his hand, to the ground again. The voices got closer and closer by the second. George didn't have the will power to shoot. He loved Lennie with all his heart and wanted, needed to spare him. George thought Lennie deserved another chance, yet again. " Listen Lennie this is the plan: Whatever happens, keep your mouth shut. Don't say a word, not one word." George whispered. Of course Lennie would obey George's command. Soon, Slim and Carlson followed as Curley sprinted towards Lennie and George with the gun in hand. "Look, both of them, right where I want em'." Curley was telling the men. Curley had the advantage. He raised his gun to Lennie's head, " Look you little bastard, you're going to get what's been coming to you for a long time." He looked him straight in the eyes and lifted the gun, "And I'm gonna be the one to do it." Lennie was a lost puppy looking up in silence. George raised his voice, " jus' put the gun down Curley, Lennie did't mean no harm". "Bullshit he didn't! Slim, raise you're gun!" as Curley pointed in the direction of George. George had sudden sense of nervousness and a rush of emotion, a feeling that he wasn't familiar with. George looked in the way of Slim and Carlson as they both winked, knowing that they had a plan to help. Slim then pointed his gun at George. Lennie then cried, " please Curley, just leave George alone!" Everyone, including George was surprised that Lennie spoke in that moment of time. Curley then got angrier than ever and took a shot in the air. " Please Curley, I'm all he's got and he's all I got. You don't need to do this". " Well, good thing you'll be the last thing each other sees." Proclaimed Curley. Lennie and George closed their eyes in despair. The gunshot was fired. The shot flew by, but never hitting either George not Lennie. When opening their eyes, they both found Curley lying there. Astonishment clung to the heavy air. They hugged each other then looked at Slim, with his head down. He yelled " LEAVE! I'll take care of this, don't let anyone see you." Lennie and George then both ran and ran till they couldn't run no more. Nothing in and nowhere to go but they still kept running, running to the next town on their journey. George knew that nothing will ever change when it comes to his life, it will always be the same story line. They'll never be able to get that farm of their own, and he'll never be able to feel that sense of true freedom.