I just want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart who has read my story from beginning to end. I especially want to thank those who have been with me all year continuously waiting for my updates and for putting up with my endless list of excuses. All my wonderful readers, you the real MVPs. As is my tradition to do so, I want to give the biggest shout out to Lady Any De Fanfic for being my very first reviewer in this story, don't think I forgot about you, and I want to thank all those other reviewers who have reviewed in almost every chapter since. Your reviews have made it possible to keep me writing and I can't find any other way or form to thank you enough for what you guys have done. Without your reviews this story would have probably been tossed.

I am both happy and sad that this story is over. It went with me all through my senior year in high school and even saw my early college days. I will always love this story, but now it is time to move on to my next pieces of work. I'm excited to announce and give you two small previews to my upcoming stories.

First off is my preview for Setting the Stars On Fire

I came to realize something while gazing into his onyx eyes. He didn't know how to love and that broke him far more than he would ever let on. He had a hole in his chest where his heart should be, and nothing seemed to be able to fill it. But even through that emptiness I could tell that he was once able to love someone. I could tell by the way his eyes sometimes sparkled when he looked off into the distance. There would be this sort of light that made the people around him feel equally happy and content.

Even I, the person who hardly ever truly smiled or laughed, would feel my own empty chest fill up with a strange warmth. It was at those fleeting moments when I would feel that I understood what true happiness truly was. It was a faintly familiar emotion that came from a strangely familiar person. The feeling was beautiful, but like a rose with thorns, it was also very painful.

We were both empty shells.

We were both broken.

The warm hand holding my arm tightens making me wince and his dark burning eyes search my own with a frantic fury. What does he expect to find? My own brown eyes are as dead, empty, and cold as his. The love I used to hold within them is long gone just like his, so why does he insist on searching for something that we both very well know is not there?

"Why?" he asks, his voice hoarse with bitter anger and confusion, "Why is it that I know you?"

His question doesn't surprise me in the least. I have been expecting him to remember me since the day I walked in through the library doors months ago. It's somewhat taken him long enough to remember, but even so, he still doesn't seem to know in what precise memory to place me in. I'm a familiar stranger to him and this angers him because he doesn't understand.

My silence probably angers him because next he pushes me away from him as if I were disease ridden. His face, always angry and scowling, is contorted in a disgusted expression, but for once it doesn't bother me. What really bothers me is that he still can't completely remember me properly. It's a punishment I'll probably have to live with for the rest of my life.

"GET OUT!" he yells so loud my ears almost bleed as he storms towards his cluttered desk in a fiery rampage, "Go and watch the children like you're supposed to and quit distracting me of my work!"

I watch him grab a random stack of paper that he starts to read as I hold my tongue from words that would no doubt anger him more. Swallowing my unsaid words, I turn on my heel and storm out of the room with angry tears already making their escape. Slamming the door behind me, I rush down the hall to get away from this horrendous monster.

Silence remains throughout the castle for the rest of the night.

This story takes place around the eighteen hundreds and is your basic love triumphs over all kind of story. There will be loss of memory, tension, and dark pasts in this story, but there will be bright and happy moments throughout it as well. I really recommend this story for you to read, especially since I'm writing it, and it shall be pulling at your heartstrings here and there.

There was my preview for Setting The Stars On Fire and I hope it has caught your attention to read it.

Second is my preview for My Immortal

I slowly walk down the unrecognizable, yet familiar street, or at least what had once been a street. The weight of my trusty guitar presses against my back like a warning hand and the strap around my torso is like a restraining pair of arms. The large weapon, which now passes as a gun of sorts, weighs down my arms and even though I know there isn't any threat around I keep it trained in front of me, just in case as I trudge through the waist high grass. Carefully, I step with caution through the grass in case I accidentally trip over the eroded asphalt and protruding plants that tangle against my legs.

Eventually, after what seems like an eternity, I stop while feeling nervous all of a sudden. My hands are now sweaty as I grip my gun tighter and a cold chill runs up my spine. Taking in a deep breath and holding it in for a few seconds, I turn to my right in a quick motion and look on at the crumbling structure before me, one of many on this desolated street. It's a house, or at least it had once been, with faded red brick outer walls that have vines and moss climbing all over it like a coiling snake. The windows, those that aren't shattered or missing, are covered in thick black grime making the inside of the building look haunting and dangerous. I stare at the building from where I stand in the middle of the road starting from the foundation and scanning my eyes all the way up toward the caving rooftop. As I do this I try to imagine what it would have looked like now if the war hadn't happened at all.

Sighing out the air I had been holding, I take a step forward and continue on up the cracked steps to the deteriorated wooden door. The doorknob is missing so instead I puch against the door thinking it'll open immediately, but I didn't count on the vines growing inside the house sealing the door shut on me. I push with all my strength I have causing the weak beaten door to bend and the vines holding it to snap one by one until there's a big enough gap for me to slip through.

I stand there in the small corridor seeming to be waiting in the darkness of the house half expecting to hear a sweet voice call from somewhere in the house. Instead, silence greets me with its suffocating open arms. I pull out my flashlight from my pocket and shine the yellow beam across the small corridor finding a rotten staircase that leads to the second floor in front of me along with a small hallway to its right leading to the back of the house. To my left is the entrance to the dining room and kitchen while to my right leads off toward a living room. Both rooms are empty, other than the long forgotten furniture, and are overrun with plants growing through the floorboards.

After just standing there in the darkness while guiding my flashlight around I finally decide to go on up to the second floor. It takes me a few minutes to finally will myself forward and I take cautious steps up the creaking staircase hoping that none of wooden steps will break under me. Everything goes smoothly and as I ascend I do everything in my power to keep from looking at the untouched picture frames that line the wall to my left. Once I get to the second floor's landing I head to the room at the end of the hall as if by instinct.

I open the deteriorated door, struggling a bit with the rusted hinges, and enter the room to find bookshelves covering every wall with rotted moldy books. If SHE were to see this she'd probably start crying on the spot. I avert my gaze on toward one of the corners of the room where my old long forgotten collection of guitars sit covered in spider webs and moss. My baby grand piano, which had cost me a fortune, sits in the middle of the room completely destroyed, but for once it doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would have.

The last time I had been in this very room had been around seventy-seven years ago, a few years before the evacuation began. Memories try to emerge, but I puch them down drowning them at the back of my mind as I move on into the room toward a nearby box. I lift out a picture and carefylly wipe the grime off with my gloved hand to reveal that it's a self portrait of me. It had been taken in the year 2000 and guessing from my cap and gown and the diploma in my hand it had been the time I graduated from college with my first degree in technology.

Putting the picture back into the decomposed box, I walk out of the room and head on over to my bedroom. The door, unlike the rest of the doors I've seen in the house, is hanging on its hindges and I push it out of my way as I walk into the inside I head on over to my king sized bed noticing the moth eaten covers that are also covered in moss and dead leaves. I sit down on the edge of the bed feeling the weathered down cushion sink drastically with my weight. I don't pay much mind to it as I look around the room at the faded and peeling wallpaper, the torn down fireplace, the shattered rocking chair, ad the large portrait hanging on the wall across the room.

Standing up off the bed, I make my way towards where the portrait hangs leaving both my guitar and weapon on the bed feeling my heart in my throat. I take in everything the image shows me from the mahogany painted background to the taunting chocolate eyes that stare back at me. They're filled with happiness, excitement, and love. The painter who painted this had captured ever miniscule detail up to point and it now radiates to me causing harsh emotions to plague me, emotions I had held back for years now.

The portrait before me is our first wedding picture, back long ago when she had been known as Alia and my name had been Killian, not Lucy and Natsu. She had been so beautiful that day in her white dress and I remember how much I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. Not once had she stopped smiling and I can clearly remember that neither had I. It had been one of the best days of my life, but now the memory has me falling to my knees and causing thick hot tears to stream down my dirt covered cheeks.

WHY DO YOU KEEP ALL OF THESE PICTURES? I remember asking her that day before we had been attacked seventy-seven years ago, IT'S SO ANNOYING TO HAVE TO PACK AND UNPACK THEM ALL THE TIME.

THEY'RE MEMORIES, she had insisted, her lips turning into a small pout.

THEY'RE JUNK, I had retorted while piling another box on my desk causing her to glare at me.


And as always, she had been right.

This junk, as I proclaimed the pictures to be, were now the very last thing I had from her. The last precious memories of hers I had and the thought of this only has me crying even harder.

Lucy, where could you be?

This story takes place many years into the future after an apocolyptic war breaks out between humans and strange alien life forms. Human kind, after a few years of war against these unidentified beings, starts depleting and so a world wide evacuation took place to remove all humans from Earth. During the evacuation the ship the couple, Lucy and Natsu, were one gets attacked and through strange events Lucy disappears.

Fair warning about this story. This will be a complete pulls-your-heart-out-of-your-chest-smashes-into-a-thousand-pieces-and-shoves-shards-back-in-chest kind of story. This story is based on a dream my friend had a few months ago and I've been working on this story for half a year now. I literally bawled my eyes out after he told me his dream and because I have a wonderful mind I decided to write it into a whole story with him.

Now this story, which I hope will be good, will probably take some time for me to upload especially since I need to do a lot of research on it to make it the best story you all have ever read. I am so looking forward to this story and I hope you all are too.

Anywho, those were my two previews for my upcoming stories and maybe I'll add a third story in if I think I can manage. On that note if you all have any ideas for future projects I can do I am all ears.

Both stories will have their first debut on September 1, 2015 so look out for that.

Thank you all immensely for this amazing journey and adventure and I hope to see/hear from every single one of you in my next adventures.

This is DemonHeart42 signing out

Until next time my lovelies.