Okay, this is kind of a prompt from the Rizzles fanfic page (except several days late), and it's also for Megalooch1 who wanted sex during work hours. Features established!couple, frustrated!Maura and office!sex. I can't think what else to warn for so... enjoy! ;-)
Very, VERY rough draft, I've not even read through it properly as it's late and I'm tired, so if you see any stupid mistakes... like Maura seems to have three arms or something... please point it out! Thanks xo
Maura jumped and cursed softly as her newly poured coffee scalded her skin. "Hi Jane," she said irritably as she hurriedly put her files down and wiped her hand off with a tissue that was readily supplied by a chastened looking Jane. Maura narrowed her eyes suspiciously then looked down at her own body to ensure no spots of the beverage stained her clothes. When she was satisfied her clothes were stain free, she glanced up and noticed Jane still holding the tissue box out, still looking like a kicked puppy.
Maura barely suppressed a growl.
"What is it, Jane?"
Jane replied in an impossibly tiny voice, making Maura feel even worse than she already did. "I missed you."
It was surprising, Maura mused absently, how sweet Jane was in a relationship. It had taken them a long time to get to this point for sure, but now they were here, Maura wouldn't change it for the world.
Even if right now she was unbelievably annoyed because of Dr Pike and his stupid mistakes and inane arrogance.
Maura sighed. "I'm sorry. I just..." she shook her head, her temporarily subdued ire beginning to rise again, "I'm just... annoyed!"
Jane drew her head back, looking at Maura warily. "About what?"
"Never mind," Maura muttered; it would take too long to explain and she was well aware that thinking about it, talking about it, was unlikely to soothe her anger. If anything, it was apt to double or even treble it, and considering Pike was the only one who was able to incite such a reaction, Maura felt it best not to focus on her anger lest she do something not exactly law abiding.
She was a mob boss' daughter, after all, and while under normal circumstances she could not ever see herself harming another human being, Pike created abnormal circumstances. Plus, she thought almost rabidly, it was hardly like he was human after all. No one that annoying could be.
"Are you sure?" Jane pressed, walking a few steps closer and Maura twitched, a muscle jumping in her jaw.
"I'm sure." She breathed deeply a few times, trying to calm herself down. It didn't work. "Look, I'll be fine. I just need to be alone for a little while." She turned her back on Jane and began busily tidying papers on her desk. She was barely aware of what she was doing, she only knew that she had to stay busy so that she didn't do anything she regretted.
The sound of Jane's retreating footsteps didn't come. Instead, Maura listened as Jane walked even closer. "Jane..." she growled softly.
"Come on, Maura! You can talk to me!" Jane insisted.
Maura rolled her eyes back in her skull. Was everyone determined to irritate her today? "I'm. Fine," she gritted out through clenched teeth.
There was silence for a few moments, but still no sounds of retreating footsteps. Maura could almost hear Jane's brain ticking over, and she opened her drawers and slammed them shut several times, trying to drown out the overwhelming loudness of the quiet. It was too quiet... the only sounds the muffled conversations and footsteps of the crime scene techs walking up and down the corridor outside Maura's office, a machine beeping off in the distance somewhere and why was Jane still here?
"Jane..." Maura began, a warning tone in her voice, but she was interrupted before she could say another word.
"I've got it! I know why you're annoyed! Pike was here today."
Maura closed her eyes, deliberately keeping her back turned away from Jane. Relax, she told herself firmly and, she feared, uselessly. Start at the feet... relax your toes... no, my toes are still curled up. Your feet...I want to kill him. Calves? Why won't Jane leave?
"That's it, isn't it? That's why you're annoyed?"
Knees... oh fuck it.
"I am not annoyed, Jane."
Even though she had not yet turned around, she could almost hear Jane's frown. "But..."
"I am angry."
"Okay..." Jane said slowly, and... was that a touch of amusement in her voice? "Look, I get it. The guy pisses me off too. But you can't..."
"Can't what, Jane?" Maura said, finally whirling around. "Can't let him get to me? Can't let him irritate me? Can't let his stupid inability to do a decent job have any sort of effect on me?"
Jane blinked. "Uh... well, yeah. That's what I was gonna say. Maybe not in so many words, but..."
"He fucked up a case today, Jane. He fucked it up." Finally, Jane didn't look so amused, Maura noted with a vindictive sort of glee. In fact, she looked mildly... worried.
"What... what did he do?"
"He missed vital clues," Maura spat. "He missed vital clues, and now two other women are dead. Their bodies..." she pointed towards the morgue drawers, "are in those drawers right now, waiting for me to process them. Waiting for me to tell them why they died. Why they were allowed to die, and I have nothing. I have no fucking clue, Jane, except to tell them that he is hopeless and should never be allowed to work in this field again."
Jane chewed at her lip. "Can you... fire him? I mean, you are his boss."
Maura shook her head, walking over to her seat and sitting down in it with a certain degree of primness that she did not feel. "He has a contract with the mayor. I have no power over it."
"But if you brought it up with the mayor..."
"I've tried," Maura said shortly, and Jane stopped mid sentence, her jaw hanging open for several seconds before she snapped her mouth closed.
"So," Maura said, once more sorting through paperwork on her desk with no real clue as to what she was handling, "now that you know, you can return upstairs, detective."
"But..." Jane began, and the note of hurt in Jane's voice caused Maura to look up impatiently once more, "I missed you." She smiled tentatively. "I... I was hoping we could have lunch?"
Maura stared at Jane for long moments as she began internally cataloguing her body's symptoms. The colours in the room seemed sharper somehow, and the noises outside the door more grating on her ears; almost certainly an increase in adrenaline, the hormone that thrill seekers yearned for. Her heart rate had increased to more than 1 and a half times its normal rate; almost certainly a response to the excess adrenaline in her bloodstream, while that and the extra oxygen in her body caused by her rapid breathing were causing her extremities to shake.
She needed to calm down. And soon.
"Fine," she said shortly, making a spur of the moment decision. "Shut the door and lock it."
Jane frowned. "You have food here?"
Maura bared her teeth in her best imitation of a smile. "You'll be eating."
"Right..." the frown did not leave Jane's face as she turned and closed the door, twisting the knob to lock it.
"Test it."
"Test... the door?" Jane questioned. "Maura, I locked it! You just saw me do it!"
"Test. It."
Jane sighed heavily but turned and gave the doorknob an overly dramatic twist. Maura was happy.
"Close the blinds."
It was at that moment, Maura noted with a sort of dark glee, that Jane realized something was different. She turned to look at Maura curiously, those expressive eyebrows of hers drawn tight over dark and troubled eyes.
Troubled, yes... but Maura could also see that Jane's curiousity was piqued. She was not going to give in and ask questions though... she was going to wait and see what Maura had planned, and Maura smiled slightly at the thought. She watched as Jane walked around and methodically shut every blind, even checking the ones that were already closed to ensure they were closed properly.
Maura smiled even wider. Jane's newly found methodical nature (only truly cultivated once she and Maura had become a couple) was usually sweet to Maura... now, however, her rage was channelling that emotion in a whole new direction.
Maura was aroused. And she wasn't afraid to show it.
"Get over here," she said finally when Jane was finished, every blind personally checked. Jane turned to her, eyes hooded and yet, cautious.
"Maura? What do you have planned?" Jane asked tentatively. "Because you know that we're at work... we could get in serious trouble if you're planning what I think you're planning..."
"Shut up."
Once more, Jane's mouth snapped shut, and there was no doubt about it... her eyes darkened. Maura stood up. Jane's eyes trailed slowly down her body and Maura preened proudly. She was sexy. She knew she was, and Jane knew it too... and now, it was Jane's turn to worship her. Pinching her skirt with two fingers at each thigh, Maura slowly began drawing her skirt up. Jane's eyes instantly snapped to the exposed skin, her tongue unconsciously coming out to lick at dry lips.
"Maura..." she whispered.
Maura continued the devastatingly slow movements.
"Fuck, Maura, we can't... you know we can't..." Jane murmured, her eyes still glued to Maura's newly exposed lower thigh. "Let me... let me drive us back to my place, and then..."
Maura briefly considered advising Jane to shut up again, but decided against it. She would shut up soon enough. Drawing her skirt up even higher, she finally had the material bunched around her waist, and her thumbs hooked into the sides of her underwear. Jane followed her movements with her eyes greedily.
"Wrinkles," she murmured absently, pointing to the skirt with a shaky hand.
"I don't give a fuck," Maura replied in a low voice, and with one swift movement that left Jane gasping, she sent her panties to the floor. Jane followed the movement once more, but almost instantly her eyes snapped up again, her gaze focused on the small, shaped patch of hair at Maura's centre. "What do you want to do, Jane?"
"I... I want..." Jane stammered, then swallowed heavily. "I..."
"Tell me."
Jane looked up, her expression pleading, even though she was clearly nearly overwhelmed by arousal. "Maura... please. Not here. Not here, please..."
"What," Maura began again forcibly, ignoring Jane's words, "do you want to do to me?"
Jane breathed in and out harshly, and Maura watched intently. She saw the exact moment that Jane's arousal overcame her good sense. "I want to taste you."
"You want to taste me?" Maura asked, and slowly trailed a hand down her own body. It skirted over nipples – their tightness apparent even through two layers of material – down her stomach, over her bunched skirt and... Maura threw her head back and groaned softly as she dipped her finger into a pool of wetness. "Where do you want to taste me, Jane? Here?" She brought her wet fingers up and trailed them down her neck. "Here?" She slowly ran her fingers down her arm. "Or here?" Finally, she brought the fingers up to her mouth but before she could do more than catch the briefest scent of her own arousal, Jane was in front of her, her eyes impossibly dark as she drew Maura's fingers into her mouth. When the juices were all gone, Jane leant down, pressing a row of kisses up the arm that Maura had lathed with her juice, then stood up once more, running her tongue up Maura's neck, finally finishing with a soft kiss behind her ear. "Fuck..." Maura moaned.
"Okay," Jane grinned wickedly, moving in to kiss her neck once more but Maura frowned. No. That was not the way the game was going to be played today. She was too angry. Too angry and too frustrated to let Jane set the rules. This was her game. And Jane was just going to have to play along.
"No," she said abruptly, and pushed Jane away. Dark eyes turned to hers in confusion, but Maura didn't care. She simply sat down in her chair with her legs spread wide, and stared up at Jane haughtily. It was up to her to figure out what came next.
It didn't take her long. Jane let out a stifled groan and instantly sank to her knees, her hands coming naturally to rest on Maura's thighs, and there she waited, staring at Maura patiently.
Such a good little learner. Maura narrowed her eyes at her and made her wait for 7 agonizingly slow seconds before giving the tiniest nod of her head, and when Jane leant in, Maura bit deep into her lip, her short fingernails digging grooves into the arms of her computer chair as she struggled to remain silent.
It had always surprised her that Jane had never been with a woman prior to Maura. She certainly knew what she was doing when it came to oral stimulation.
"Fuck, Jane..." Maura breathed as Jane dipped her tongue into Maura's centre, greedily sucking at the juices that were so readily supplied. Her tongue dipped in and out several times before she moved up to Maura's clit. She placed several gentle kisses to the area surrounding it, but Maura was not in the mood for gentle... loosening one hand's death grip on the arm of her chair, she instead placed it on the back of Jane's head, pushing just hard enough to let Jane know it was time to get down to business. She felt Jane's grin, but before she could push on her head again, Jane's tongue had come out, the tip of it expertly licking at Maura's clit, expertly enticing it out from under its hood before pressing her whole mouth firmly to Maura's core and sucking at the clit like a vacuum cleaner. Maura let out another hastily stifled groan, the hand that wasn't on Jane's head also letting go of the chair arm so she could stuff it in her mouth and, without warning, her orgasm struck. Letting out a muffled shriek, Maura's back arched as she chased the pleasure, wishing that Jane had had the chance to begin fucking her with her fingers, so at least there was something inside of her for her to clench down upon.
Finally, what seemed like minutes later, Maura began to come down from her high, her muscles slowing their spasms slowly, so that she was still twitching long after the high of the orgasm had passed. When she finally opened her eyes, Jane was still sitting on her knees between her legs, a look of ridiculous self satisfaction on her face.
"I'm good," she said with a smirk. "So... lunch?"
Maura growled and, despite her shaky legs, leapt to her feet, pulling Jane up too. Jane gasped as Maura turned her around, her hands rapidly reaching around to unbutton and unzip Jane's pants, sending both pants and underwear flying to the floor, and, with one firm hand between her shoulder blades, Jane found herself bent over Maura's desk, aroused and, Maura could tell, utterly bewildered with no real idea of how she found herself in her current position.
"Maura?" she asked softly, and Maura leant over, thanking heaven for the fact that she had chosen to wear heels that day while Jane was wearing flats; it made them almost on par with their height, and it was much easier to whisper in Jane's ear.
"Now, did I say I was done?" she murmured, 'walking' her fingers down Jane's spine.
"N-no..." Jane shuddered as Maura continued her slow methodical movements. She was still angry, but she thought fucking Jane might just cure her of that anger. "P-please Maura..."
"Please what?" Maura asked, pressing her whole front against Jane's side, and feeling the full body shudder that went through Jane at her murmured words.
"P-please... please f-fuck me!" Jane gritted out, her hips bucking into Maura's obscenely. Maura grinned and pulled back, looking over Jane's body hungrily.
"I wish you were naked, Jane... I love your back... and your abdominal muscles... but you should see what I'm looking at right now."
Jane groaned, bucking once more but by now, Maura had pulled back enough so that their bodies did not come in contact. Maura grinned wickedly.
"I can see your arousal, Jane," she whispered evilly, raising a hand to move it across the surface of Jane's skin, mere millimetres from its surface. She could see a wave of goosebumps appear in its wake. "It's practically dripping down your thigh. Does having sex at work turn you on that much? Does the fear of getting caught..." Maura watched as Jane's eyes, suddenly panicked, turned to the door, "make you wet?" Maura's hand suddenly came down, her middle finger dipping into Jane's centre without warning. Jane's head fell to the desk with an audible 'thunk', and Maura was certain that Jane's fist now had the same job that Maura's own fist had had not too long ago... filling its owner's mouth so she could not make too much noise. Even so, Maura could still hear her muffled moans as she pressed back eagerly into Maura's finger. Maura hastily replaced her spare hand upon Jane's back and pushed hard, keeping her in place.
"Fuck, Maura..." Jane gritted out, as Maura dipped in and out slowly, barely going beyond the first knuckle. Maura didn't particularly care that Jane was frustrated though... she herself was frustrated still, and why shouldn't someone else share that irritating emotion? Though, she thought absently as she rotated her finger and pushed it in deeply only once before resuming her shallow movements, the frustration was slowly getting replaced with something else.
"What do you want from me, Jane?" she asked, leaning in as close as her thrusting finger would allow.
Jane had her cheek pressed to the desk, her eyes squeezed shut. "More," she almost sobbed.
"More... what?" Maura knew that her faked cluelessness was agonizing to Jane but she couldn't help but enjoy the response. Jane whimpered before replying.
"More... more fingers. T-two... or even th-three. And..." she groaned as Maura readily acquiesced, the extra digits joining their partner in the slow, shallow movements, "and d-deeper, like... oh fuck!" The cry was hastily cut off by Jane's fist but still Maura paused briefly, looking at the door. When no knock came, she continued her slow movements.
"Anything else?"
Jane whimpered again, but slowly removed the hand from her mouth – Maura looked down and saw the deep indents from Jane's teeth in the flesh – and whispered, "F-faster. Please. Faster..." she put her fist back to her mouth just in time, because as Maura obediently moved her fingers faster, Jane let out a muffled scream.
"And?" Maura asked as her hand worked furiously, waiting for the order that had to come if Jane was to orgasm.
"And... and..." Jane gasped, her brain seemingly unable to come up with the final puzzle piece.
"Do you want to orgasm, Jane?" Maura murmured, and Jane nodded furiously. Her chin bumped on the desk a few times but she didn't seem to notice. "So what do I need to do?"
"I... oh..." Jane grunted, and one of her hands – the one that had previously been above her head, began to creep downwards. Maura slapped it hard. Jane whimpered.
"Tell me what to do, Jane."
Jane gritted her teeth, still bucking furiously against Maura's working hand, her eyes closed in frustration at the orgasm that was just out of reach. Maura's hand was aching by now, but there was no way she was going to stop, not when Jane was so close... she just needed to... "My clit," Jane finally gasped out, and Maura grinned widely, centring herself now against Jane's back, her legs spreading wide to brace her body against what was sure to be a powerful orgasm from Jane.
"What about your clit, Jane?" she asked, unable to help herself from adding the extra torment, and Jane groaned deeply.
Maura wasn't frustrated at all now.
"Rub it, Maura, t-touch it and, and... m-make me..." Jane trailed off at this point; Maura's hand had come down from her back and snaked its way around to the front of her body. Pushing aside shirt tails, she had expertly found Jane's clit by the time Jane had said her name, and, allowing her other hand to stop briefly so she could collect some lubricant, she had brought the fluid up and began tracing her finger in small, furious circles right over the clitoris. Jane froze in her arms, her body becoming gradually more stiff until she was almost standing up (Maura was almost bent double in her efforts to keep her hands moving) and then almost without warning, Jane slumped forward again, her body bucking wildly as Maura continued to move her fingers, only stopping when, minutes later, Jane's hand come down and covered her own, silently conveying her sensitivity. Maura pulled her aching hands away and began sucking her fingers clean while Jane still lay across her desk half clothed, breathing heavily.
Maura looked at her in amusement before looking around on the floor, finally locating her underwear and pulling them on, then smoothed her skirt down over the top of them. Looking down at it, Maura wrinkled her nose: the skirt did have wrinkles. She sighed and looked up again; Jane had not moved.
"Can I please get my hand sanitizer?" Maura asked politely, an amused smile dancing around her lips.
"Where is it?" came the exhausted reply.
"Hmm..." Maura studied the desk, attempting to remember the location of the items that had been on it prior to their... adventure. "Somewhere underneath you," she finally said, and Jane groaned.
"It's gone. Lost forever."
"Trust me Maura," Jane said, finally lifting her head with what looked like a great degree of difficulty and looking at Maura beadily, "you wouldn't want it. It's not very sanitary anymore. It's been traumatised."
Maura laughed. "It's hand sanitizer, Jane. It can't get traumatised. Perhaps you were thinking of moisturiser."
Jane narrowed her eyes. "You know, I love you. But I really don't get your jokes sometimes."
Maura laughed again and reached out a hand, pulling Jane to a standing position. Jane groaned but finally stood up, then looked down at her bunched up pants and panties around her feet and groaned. "Soo far awaaaay..." she whimpered, looking at Maura pathetically. Shaking her head, Maura bent over and picked up the pants, drawing them up Jane's long legs until Jane could finish the job herself. "Thank you honey," Jane cooed when the job was done, leaning in for a kiss when, with a quick perfunctory knock, the door was flung open.
Maura and Jane stared at Korsak wide-eyed. "Hi Maura, I just wanted to..." he looked up and saw Jane, then took a breath in through his nose. His eyes widened. "Uh, you know what, it's okay... it can wait."
"Detective Korsak, I..." Maura started, with no idea of how to finish, but he had already beat a hasty retreat. She turned to Jane sheepishly. "Do you think he smelled...?"
"Yeah." Jane nodded, a wince on her face. "Oh, and before I forget to tell you... I didn't actually lock the door before."
"You..." Maura frowned. "Why?"
"You were being bossy!"
"I am not bossy."
"Oh, you so are..."
Please let me know what you think! Lots of love, -Katie xoxo