Day 3

The coach didn't think he had ever had a phone convocation as draining as the one he had just made to sawamura's home. When he had called sawamura's mother had answered the phone and after explaining what had happened to her son he had spent an hour trying to calm the woman down, since she was the only one home since her father in law and husband had come down to see the game. After she had calmed down and was thinking clearly she had informed him that she would be making the trip down so she could see her son, coach had offered her one of the free room in the dorm so that her and her family would not have to look for a place to stay.

After calling rei and informing her what was going on and being told that both Eijun's father and grandfather were at the hospital, coach could hear the voice of what he assumed to be Sawamura's grandfather it the background demanding that his grandson stop ignoring him and wake up. Chris will also be returning to the school soon, he should be back just in time for practice. Thinking of practice coach decided to get some sleep because he knew that getting to boys motivated for practice tomorrow will a struggle.

In the dorms all the regulars were gathered in Miyuki's room, but it was too silent even though it was the middle of the night and they all should be in their own rooms but they didn't feel like it especially Kuramochi and Masuko they felt strange being in there room knowing that Sawamura is laying in a hospital bed.

Ryo-san decided to break the silence "I think we should all go to our rooms" everyone looked towards him "Some of us are going to see Sawamura tomorrow and the others are going to have practice so we need rest" as much as they didn't want to they could see the logic in his statement and they all got up slowly and headed to their rooms.

Upon arriving at their room Kuramochi and Masuko took a minute to stare at the bottom bunk where Sawamura should be sleeping. Kuramochi started to imagine the scene he had seen in the hospital and Sawamura's pale face, he hoped that he would wake up soon.

The next morning the whole team was gathered in the canteen but the depressing mood from yesterday still hung over everyone. When Chris and the coach entered the canteen they could physically see the depressing aura hanging over the room. Chris had returned that morning after spending the night at the hospital, meeting Sawamura's family had been interesting, let's just say that he now know where Eijun gets his personality from.

The coach cleared his throat and all the boys turned towards him "ok I told you that you'll take shifts to go see Sawamura the first group will be Furuya, Tanba, Masuko and Kawakami" all of them nodded at the coach "I will be going with you to the hospital so that I can pick up Sawamura's relatives who will be staying with us for a couple weeks" the team looked shocked they were going to meet Sawamura's family.

Ignoring everyone's shock the coach continued to talk "Since I won't be at practice this morning Chris I want you and Yuki to make sure everyone is doing what there suppose to" both of them nodded.

"Furuya, Tanba, Masuko and Kawakami I want you to meet me outside in 20 minutes take this time to get changed" the boys nodded and left right away to get prepared.

Tetsu stood up and addressed the team "Ok I want everyone done and on the field in half an hour" before he as well left the canteen.

Miyuki couldn't believe what he just heard, Sawamura's parents were coming to the school as if he didn't feel guilt enough just seeing Sawamura yesterday now he was going to see his possible crying parents. Maybe batting practice today would help since he had no pitchers to work with today. When Miyuki looked up he saw Kuramochi looking a bit twitchy as well, a glance around the canteen shows him that the news that they were going to meet Sawamura's family was making everyone a bit twitchy. Weather it was because of what happened or because they were meeting the people who had created someone like Sawamura.

Practice started with the mandatory 20 laps of the field, Tetsu was now going to let them slack off just because coach wasn't or because of what happened yesterday, because he knew they need to keep their minds off of what happened and this was the best way to do it.

It would have to be batting and fielding practice for everyone today since there starting pitchers where not here, and it would help some of them work off their frustration if they participated in some batting practice. As Tetsu was helping one of the second string work on their form he noticed that some people where entering the field, the next thing the captain heard was Jun's voice ringing out across the field.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" everyone turned to look at the people who had just entered the field. It was Inashiro's pitcher Narumiya Mei and there catcher Harada Masatoshi and let's just say no one was happy to see them.

"I'm here to see if that first year is ok?" Mei's voice was a bit happier then any of them thought he should be allowed to be.

Everyone could see that Jun was about to blow his lid, so Tetsu went over and wrapped his arm around Jun's shoulder. He didn't need a fight to happen while the coach was away and he was in charge. Luck for Tetsu Chris had come over to deal with the situation, but one look at Chris you could tell he was mad to but Tetsu could trust Chris not to do anything stupid.

"He's not here maybe you should go see him" Chris told Mei. Mei's face looked confused as he turned to Chris.

"Ok where is he?" Mei asked smile still on his face like he could feel the tension in the air.

"He's in the hospital" Miyuki's cold voice cut through the silence that had descended Upon them, and everyone watched as Mei's smiling face morphed into one of shock.