Hey guys! I thought I would try to write something a little different. The title is self-explanatory. :P
This is the third story out of three that I'm writing during the summer. The other two are Eyes of the Beholder and Sugar and Spice, so check those out if you want!
The chapters will not be that long. It depends on the game.
Enjoy the first chapter! :D
Title: Let's Play: Eren and Levi
Rating: T for language
Warnings: Game bashing is not allowed. Complaining about the games chosen is not allowed either. For games I have not played, I will do as much research as I can, but let it be known that everything WILL NOT BE 100% ACCURATE! This is a parody, so I will poke fun at the games. I will not bash them.
Pairing(?): Maybe some slight Riren.
Disclaimer: I do not own Attack on Titan or any of the games titles used in this fic. Credit goes to Hajime Isayama and the appropriate video game companies respectively.
Chapter 1 Flappy Bird
"Hey guys! I'm glad you two volunteered to participate in my experiment!" Hanji Zoe grinned widely.
Levi and Eren Jaeger glanced at each other, and back at Hanji.
"More like you gave us no choice." Levi spat. "You're extremely lucky that you're an important asset to defeating the Titans, or else I would have thrashed you for suggesting such a foolish idea."
"All I suggested was that I had an awesome way of relieving you guy's stress!" Hanji protested. "And you two have a lot of it."
"Yeah… but how will playing games relieve stress?" Eren asked, raising an eyebrow. "Do we even have time to waste doing that?"
"Simple: you'll release all of your emotions that you keep hidden on a daily basis. And, these sessions will only take place once a week." Hanji explained. "This game is not a console game, and it's not that complicated."
Levi narrowed his eyes, still not completely convinced. "I guess we'll try this one time, just to prove you wrong."
"Great!" Hanji clapped her hands together excitedly. "Sit down right here!"
She gestured towards two chairs. Eren sat down, sort of getting excited. Sighing, Levi sat next to him.
"Let's get this shit over with. What are we playing, four eyes?" Levi asked.
"Flappy Bird!"
"What the fuck is a Flappy Bird?" Levi asked.
"You'll see!" Hanji whipped out her iPad. "And the controls are simple. You just tap the screen."
"That's it?" Eren tilted his head.
"Yeah. So have at it!" Hanji opened the Flappy Bird app. "Who wants to go first?"
"I will!" Eren took the iPad with childish excitement and curiosity.
"Brat." Levi muttered, rolling his eyes.
Eren stared at the yellow bird flying across the blue sky and green grass. He was fascinated at the scrolling buildings.
"Whoa! We need buildings like these. They look cool." Eren grinned.
"Play the damn game already." Levi snapped.
"Yes, Corporal!" Eren tapped the screen once.
Whoop. The flappy bird fell immediately.
"You have to keep tapping the screen." Hanji told Eren.
"Whoa! Whose high score is 527?" Eren asked, looking at the score box.
"Mine!" Hanji grinned proudly.
"This game should be no problem." Eren said, tapping the screen to try again.
Eren tapped the screen, watching the bird flop up and down. "Whoa, what? What is this bird doing?"
"Flapping." Hanji replied.
Eren noticed green pipes approaching. "So I just pass through these, huh?"
Eren tapped a bit too much, hitting the top of the green pipe.
Bump. Whoop.
"What? It just tapped the pipe and it died." Eren frowned in disbelief.
"Having a little trouble there, Eren?" Hanji giggled.
Levi smirked.
"No, no, I see what I have to do now." Eren tried again.
Ding! Eren passed through one set of pipes.
Bump. Whoop.
"What the hell? I did not hit that pipe!" Eren restarted again.
Levi crossed his legs and sighed, bored. "Are you serious? How the hell are you humanity's hope, but you can't make a stupid looking fowl go through suspended pipes?"
"This is harder than it looks!"
Bump. Whoop
"Damn it!"
Hanji cracked up. "Oh man, this is priceless!"
Eren's brow furrowed, concentrating on the bird as hard as he could.
"There we go!" Eren said, satisfied.
Bump. Whoop.
"Why the hell are there pipes coming from the sky?!" Eren cried.
Hanji laughed harder.
"No bird flies like this!" Eren seethed, trying again. "And its head is its entire body. What kind of deformed creature is this?!"
"It's Levi in bird form!" Hanji laughed, holding her stomach.
Levi glared at the bespectacled brunette. "And it'll be you if you don't shut up."
Bump. Whoop.
"This thing is starting to remind me of Jean." Eren said, starting again.
"How so?" Levi asked, amused.
"It has a big head, a big mouth, and… it's fucking incompetent! I tapped below the fucking pipe!" Eren shouted as the flappy bird fell to ground again.
Hanji whipped out her notebook and scribbled in it excitedly. "So you have some pent up aggression against Jean Kirstein? Interesting!"
"You know, this piece of crap is in a nice looking city." Eren spat, tapping the screen intensely. "It should be flying around town, enjoying the peace and the people. But no! It decides to fly through fucking pipes!"
Bump. Whoop.
"Goddamn it!"
Eren started again. "You know what, we should replace the Walls with these stupid pipes! Because obviously nothing can get through them! Not even a small bird! We won't need our maneuver gear ever again! Imagine the Colossal Titan trying to get through this space!"
Bump. Whoop.
"Okay, that's enough." Levi snapped, snatching the iPad away from Eren. "You only got six? Pathetic."
Eren crossed his arms. "Okay, Corporal. Let's see how you do."
Levi started the game. "Unlike you, I have patience. How do you think I put up with you brats every day?"
"Ouch." Eren pouted.
Levi focused on the yellow bird as it flapped in the air. As expected, Levi missed the first pipe.
"Okay, let me try again."
Levi tapped the screen calmly.
Bump. Whoop.
"Oh, I see. This isn't so hard." Levi restarted.
Bump. Whoop. He didn't make it through the first pipe.
"…" Levi tried again.
Bump. Whoop.
Bump. Whoop.
Bump. Whoop.
Eren covered his mouth to contain his laughter. The calm expression on Levi's face started to crack slowly.
Bump. Whoop.
Hanji scribbled away in her notebook. "He's breaking down! I can almost taste it!"
Bump. Whoop.
Eren flinched at the scary look on Levi's face before he stood up and faced Hanji.
"Hey shit glasses." Levi called.
"Yeah?" Hanji looked up from her notes.
"Pretend this is your neck." Levi slammed the iPad over his knee, almost snapping it in half.
"Levi!" Hanji scooped up her broken tablet.
"I'm leaving." Levi walked out, feelings a lot more relaxed and satisfied than he did before.
"Um… see you later, Hanji." Eren followed Levi out, also feeling better.
"No! What has Levi done to you?!" Hanji mourned her tablet. "Nooooo!"
"Corporal!" Eren caught up to his superior.
"What?" Levi turned around to face him.
"Can we… come back next week?" He asked shyly.
Levi turned back around. "Definitely. Any opportunity to break Hanji's toys is one I'll always take."
Eren chuckled before heading back to the rooms.
Ha ha, Levi is the silent raging type. XD
For those who have played Flappy Bird, share your experiences with me! Did you rage? Or were you flapping like a boss?
In the next chapter, Levi and Eren will be playing either a horror game or a normal (but rage inducing) game! I haven't decided yet. It'll be a surprise!
If you want to suggest games for Levi and Eren to play and/or rage at, leave it on my tumblr page. Because I am lazy and I do not feel like piling through PMs and stuff. XD
If you've liked the story so far, add this to your favorites and alerts.
And remember...
I really appreciate feedback. See you in the next one!