Sitting across the candlelit table from Elsa, wearing what could possibly be called one of his finest suits, was Mitchell Black, or in her eyes, Pitch Black, an ex of hers with a vendetta against her husband. Elsa watched him cautiously across the candles flame as he scanned the menu. One reason she was here, to find out how he'd acquired her phone number, no other reason, much to the dismay of the slimy git sitting before her. Looking up from the menu his beady eyes stared questioningly at the woman. "Not going to order anything to eat, my dear?" he asked in a polite tone. To anyone on the outside it would look like two individuals on a first date, she mentally hurled at the image.

"I won't be staying for dinner, my husband and I have plans for this evening and I don't wish to spoil my appetite." She simply responded, feeling it necessary to enlighten him to get a move on, though her message may have been a little cryptic, so further indication would be needed. "What I mean to say is, get to the damn point of why I am here, Pitch." She glared.

"Now, now Elsa. All in good time. I don't wish to miss any details of your husbands sticky secrets out." His twisted smile sent chills down her spine.

"You know perfectly well that I am not here to discuss the secrets you have fabricated. I want to know how the hell you got my cell phone number. Did you blackmail one of my friends or my sister? How did you get it Pitch? Don't dance around the question either." She took a sip of her wine as she awaited his response. The man before her smirked before summoning a waitress to take his order, knowing it would highly annoy Elsa, but the woman held her tongue, not wanting to push any more, knowing that Pitch was like a ticking time bomb, and although the man did not scare her in a way that he wanted to, she didn't want to give him anymore reasons to bother her.

Turning her head to the side she spotted a familiar head of long ginger hair, and across from that head of long ginger hair sat a woman with short black hair. She held the warm smile in as she saw the disguises of her husband and her sister.


They walked around Fiona's Costumes in search for the perfect disguise for Jack to wear whilst Elsa was on her 'date' with Pitch. They'd discussed on the way there that it wasn't a usual occurrence that you would see people alone in the restaurant that Pitch was taking her to. It was a well-known fact that couples were mainly found wining and dining at Be Our Guest as its romantic French atmosphere gave couples a warm and bubbly feeling when they ate together there.

Elsa took it upon herself to ask her younger sister Anna to join in on their little plan, playing Jack's date, obviously this was through much persuasion that she had Kristoff agree to let her act as a date for Jack, warning the man that if any funny business were to happen, then the larger man's fist would make a nice indent on Jacks face. Oh, family.

Perusing the shop Elsa found a wig of ginger hair, unruly and unkempt like Jacks signature silvery locks, but long, almost shoulder length. Jack grudgingly agreed to wear the wig agreeing that it would cover up his noticeable hair and that Pitch wouldn't notice him being in the same restaurant with them. Anna, being overly enthusiastic had picked out a short black wig, saying she always wanted to know what she would look like if she'd been born with black hair instead.

Flashback End

And now as she spotted the two heads of hair in the sea of people she felt a wave of confidence rise inside of her. Jack would never have allowed her to be alone in this situation if she didn't want to be. And Elsa didn't.

"I'll give you a deal." Pitch's voice snapped Elsa back to the current events unfolding before her. "and, my dear, keep in mind that I am being much more lenient and kind than I would usually, considering your refused my request." He pointed down at her floral green dress, and smirked at her, "I propose that in exchange for me telling you all about how I came into the possession of your number, you will give me the opportunity to tell you all about Jacky's dark little secrets."

The bony hand he held out was a sign of Elsa agreeing to these terms. Granted, she had felt extremely rebellious before she came and decided that instead of his requested black dress she should wear her cheapest and tackiest dress she owned, when she'd bought the dress she'd felt inspired to make one of her own, but much better in quality, style and in comfort. Any woman would feel like a garden of weeds in this dress. Taking his hand and shaking it swiftly she signed her soul to the devil and awaited his response.

"Good girl." He smiled, or it seemed to be a smile. "So, you believe I accomplished gaining your number through blackmail of sorts, yes? Well you're not far off." He smiled, taking a sip of his own red wine. "I pulled a few strings and convinced a staff member of your husbands company to find me the number of his boss's wife. Didn't take the boy long, turns out that your number is quite important in the company. I wonder why." Pitch placed his glass back down on the table and watched Elsa calculatingly.

"Boy?... Po?" She asked, feeling both sympathy for the boy, but also anger for his stupidity.

"That his name is it? Well that's of no concern of mine, I just asked the first person I came into contact with and he seemed willing enough to comply to my orders, maybe I should make him one of my own employees, he is rather willing to do anything I ask."

"How dare you. Use that poor boy to do something as ridiculous as get my number. He could be fired for something like that." She snapped, not caring for the man's tone of nonchalant towards Po.

"Not my concern dear Elsa. As for your number, I had to ensure some way of getting you to agree to meet me." Pitch smiled sweetly. Sickly sweet in Elsa's opinion.

"So when you approached me and Jack that time, you really wasn't going to give me an option were you? You wanted me to meet you, and if I didn't agree to do so, which you knew I wouldn't you would take matters into your own hands and make me feel so unsafe that I needed to ensure you left me alone." His nod was a confirmation enough for her to lose her cool and snap, "You bastard!" she slapped the smile off his face and began to put on her coat.

"Do you really think it wise to leave now Elsa? You haven't held your own end of the bargain." Pitch snarled, slamming his fist down on the table, causing Elsa to jump, her eyes darted around the room noticing the multiples of people beginning to stare at them, across the room where she knew sat Jack and Anna she saw how her husband had stood up and was struggling against Anna to come to her. A quick glance down at Pitch was enough for her to see him begin to calm down and unclench his fist. "Now, Elsa, if you would kindly sit, it would seem you are causing a scene."

More out of fear of Jack carrying out his impulse to come to her aid and ruin their plans than to obey his rude command, Elsa sat back down. "Fine. Tell me what this 'dark secret' is then Pitch. But whatever it is, I will never think any differently of Jack." She snapped.

"Well, that's not entirely true now is it Elsa?" He asked, with a sneer, "I mean, you and Jack have been having counselling sessions because you believed him to be unfaithful. All I'm merely saying is, would you rather here his secret from someone you know, although, true we may not be on the best of terms, or would you prefer for it to be from some strangers?"

Elsa genuinely began to think about this for a moment, she looked towards the opposite side of the room where Jack was and bit her lip. She knew that Pitch liked to play these mind games with everyone, but would it be best to here something that could be true from someone like Pitch, a man whom she and her husband had hated for years now. Or, to here it from someone else, someone who neither she nor possibly Jack knew, someone who could destroy Jacks company. Granted, Pitch could do that as well, but Jack wouldn't just lose his company if a stranger revealed whatever this was, he may very well lose some of his friends.

"Come on, Elsa. I know you, and you know me, some may even say, given our history," as Pitch spoke he stroked his fingers along her hand, Elsa looked disgusted at the gesture but felt she couldn't move her hand away, "that we know one another better than anyone else." Pitch declared.

"Some would also say, that given our history I should have avoided you like the plague."

"You loved me once, Elsa. Perhaps not as much as you love Jack, but, you did love me." Pitch reminisced, leaning back, his soft touch left Elsa's fingers as he sat back in his seat.

"I loved the thought of being in love, I didn't love you, Pitch, let's get that straight." Elsa too leaned back in her seat, sitting with her back upright rather than bent forward as she spoke with the man in front of her. "Pitch, I won't tell you again, get to the point. What is this damn secret?" her patience had worn thin and now she was on the verge of leaving without the secret.

Pitch stopped, his expression changed from false innocence to vague annoyance. "Fine, you want the truth, short and sweet. I'll tell you his little secret, but don't go shooting the messenger." Pitch's tone was hoarse as if he had been eating gravel, taking a large sip of the water that was provided on the table, Elsa waited in silence until he had had his drink. "Your husband is not as innocent as he makes himself out to be." Pitch declared, as Elsa was about to snap at him he continued, "You remember all those women who dreamed of one day having baring him children, marrying him and becoming the next Mrs. Frost?" Pitch asked, leaning forward on his elbows, resting his head in his hands, "Well one of them did." He stated.

"Yes, and she's sitting right in front of you, Pitch. I am Mrs-"

"Not you!" Pitch snapped before she could finish her sentence. Elsa's eyes almost widened in shock as he composed himself. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction of winning just yet, so as soon as she felt her expression betray her she composed herself too. "Your husband has a love child." Pitch stated.

Once again, her expression almost betrayed her, but Elsa held strong, instead she took a swig of her own water, acting cool and calm. "With whom?" she asked in an equally calm tone as her acting façade.

"Do you remember the girl who used to pay people to push her into Jack? What was her name? Stinker Mell?" Pitch asked rubbing his temple as if trying to remember.

"Tinker Bell… Bell Tinker." Elsa stated simply.

"That's her! Well, after all those years of her trying to get Jack to notice her, it worked." Pitch stated as he slid a picture across the table towards her hand. There in the picture, as true as anything was 'TinkerBell' and a young child, looking no older than two. "Now… tell me, who do you think could be the father to that young blonde beauty?" He asked with a sneer.

Authors Notes: Hey Guys! Sorry I've been unactive, as soon as I posted the last chapter I had started writing this one, but then I had a mental block and froze, literally all my thinking skills failed on me.

I have received some lovely reviews despite my huge gap in not updating, I received an especially beautiful review from someone, she asked me to mail her but there was no e-mail, so here is me responding to you, thank you!

But really thank you all so much for your kind words of encouragement, I know it's not good when an author doesn't publish anything new in a while which is why I haven't done writing as a profession, I suck and keeping on track of what it is I am writing. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

What do you think of the secret? Do you think that the child is actually Jacks? Uh oh more drama!?
