Ever After

%$& Lemon &%$

"Traffy…. Come on do it.. quick… quick" a raised bare buttock was calling out to me on our bed, once I returned from work. I created a sex hungry monster who was naked and on his four limbs. It was over six months that Luffy turned eighteen. In six month we had done it everywhere- in every nook and corner of the Manson, on the couch, on the roof, in the pool, out in the stables, in the garden, our cars and where not...! I sighed in happiness at the thought of amount of sex we had.

I always knew the floodgates would never close again once the forbidden apple was tasted, but I never expected my little husband to be so hyper aware of the pleasure. "You do know the saying right love? Too much of anything is bad" I removed my hoodie and trousers. A starved soul never refused his dinner. "No…. one can never have enough of sex with Traffy and meat" he was cheerful like always. "Finally" I grabbed his beautiful buttocks pulling towards me and rubbed his rare against my bastard.

"Finally? What Traffy?" Luffy was rubbing his warm crevice against my pole faster like a feline attracting another. "I officially defeated Meat! You said you can't have enough of sex with me than meat" my hand found the lube lying near the pillow from last night's activity. "Both are equal" Luffy hissed up at the cool over-moistured finger that I pressed against his entrance.

"Equal? After five years of… marriage and almost having a…. literal war with Ace for the torture you did on him and six months of rigorous… l…lll…ove making. You still call meat my equal" I was bemused and in my emotional bemusement I entered second and third finger inside him. "But I… love Traffy the most" Luffy pushed back against my fingers, panting and accurately brushed his pleasure spot on my tips. I was making him a little sadist. "You better do love me the most, I am never letting you leave me" I bent forward and bit his nape.

"And so the prince and knight married each other and lived happily…. ever after" Luffy giggled up.

I circled him with my fingers, soon enough warm wet vacant space awaited me. "I married you Traffy… I love you" every time he said those words. Every bloody time my heart stopped. I entered my bastard inside Luffy. Luffy's back inverted beautifully under me in an arch of passion, his hands now clutching the sheets, legs parted, buttocks raised, loud moans escaping and my eyes focused on the back of his raven head. I was hitting him hard, it took me a week to realize, that he was well not a fan of soft union. He found it ticklish and would laugh out breaking when I entered him slow. So I had to revert back to letting my passions rule me and my husband hardly required any touching he simply came with me tickling his pleasure spot.

I was holding my moans hard while he was shouting out "Traffy, Traffy, Traffy" all the while I knocked the stars out of his sky. We were beyond help, we were sex addicts.

After spluttering out our seeds for innumerable time Luffy fell on the bed and I began cleaning him with the wet tissue. A healthy blush was powdered over his face. "Vivi called" Luffy turned around. "And how's Ace?" I brushed my fingers against Luffy's cheeks. "He will need few more days of counseling. Poor him, he still can't get a grasp of reality!" Luffy was chuckling; unintentionally I may have passed on a little percentage of my cruelty into Luffy. "You should call him up and apologize once Luffy and he will get grasp of it once Vivi gives birth to future heir" I kept cleaning him. "Well… he deserved it, if you say so I will say sorry, I hope that baby suffers no fate like mine" he grinned.

"Well I have a present for you" I stood up from bed and tossed the tissue in the bin. "We are going to Fishmen Island for Mini-Honeymoon?" Luffy sat up. "I think we just had a sex marathon on our fifth marriage anniversary, three months back on Lovely Island? Did you forget already?" I smirked, he shook his head lightly. "Yeah those people in the hotel actually thought we died and were rotting inside" Luffy grinned. "Because we locked ourselves up for three days doing it all the time" I sighed.

It was so embarrassing to explain to the hotel staff later.

"Here is your present" I handed a sketchbook. "Choose" Luffy was already flipping through the pages as I began rampage in my medical kit. "You never forgot the promise" Luffy was mumbling as he checked each sketch with concentration. "I never forget love, I told you I will draw a tattoo on you once you turn eighteen did I not?" I smiled.

"This" he pointed his finger on. I had a feeling he would choose that very sketch, which was the first sketch I drew up when he demanded a tattoo five years back.

"Is that a Tramp Stamp?" I blew out my coffee and chocked myself when my father spoke breaking away from our game of chess, a month later. "What?" I fixed myself. "That thing you tattooed on my son-in-law? Above his hipbones, it's peaking out. Does Ace and family know?" my father pushed his glasses up as he looked at Luffy on the couch and ShuShu resting on his chest and his hipbone peeping out of his t-shirt and the tattoo was partially visible. "It's not a butterfly okay. It's a ship" I sighed. "Ou… a striped Ship, like zebra right?" god why did he ruin the beautiful image in my head with his words

"No, wake up Luffy. Love come here please, Dad needs to talk" Luffy rose up with ShuShu in his arms two minutes later, both sleepy as summer drunkards.

"What do you want fatheringo?" Luffy pouted he was swaying like a single leaf in winter, tired from all the studies and part time jobs he took up. I lifted Luffy's shirt up above his waist, "See". "Law's Luffy, you wrote it in shape of a ship" my father cheered up, not shape of a ship! God… it was more like my L made the first arc of the ship and Luffy's Y connected it. "Any way lets come to the point, my dear you can go back to sleep" my father grinned patting Luffy on the back and my husband returned to the couch with Shushu. I could see mischief in my father's lips and trouble for us.

"Fufufufu….I am kicking you both out of the Manson" okay it was not trouble, just mischief.

"Our love making has been troubling your sleep right?" I smirked. "Yes it is one of the major reasons! You both are too loud; I had always wanted my little Law to grow up and do it, but you both trouble the maids with too many soiled sheets, dustbin filled with tissues and stained clothes. I am going away next year for a philanthropic tour, the tour may last year or two, overall I may stay out of this country for next three years. Perona needs someone to look after Natsu as soon as she starts working next year and Pan Fry wants to help her and cook for little Natsu" my father looked around our drawing room.

"You are trying to detach yourself from this house? You are moving to Captial Manson, it's always about Mom isn't it? You want to live in that house? Face your demons! You grew up Dad!" he was not leaving on a tour because he wanted too. His work was done, to make Mom's dream come true- marry her son to her best friend's child. He was giving us a way out.

"What are you talking about? It's been over a decade Baby left us, I moved on" my blonde father smiled, his wedding ring still shinning and bright on his finger, like hell he moved on. "And you see Tashigi has finally decided on leaving us, I am so sad, I see no point in you guys being in this huge mansion alone. You can have the smaller house on Sunflower hill, ShuShu is coming with me on my travels, he was Baby's gift to me! Vergo and Kalifa will check on the place now and then" only thing I could register was Tashigi leaving the house. She had been with us for years; she was as much a sister to me like Perona was.

"Tashigi is leaving? Why?" I asked. She had technically moved out once her police academy days were over, but it was still a shock. "You will see the reason yourself in a year" my father winked.

A year later I got the reason."Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked Tashigi for the infinite time, she was tumbling and tripping around in the drawing room. "Honestly no, yes… Shit… I don't know… don't freak me out Law. But I …" she smacked my head and flopped near me, soon she rested her head on my shoulder as I helped her sit on the fancy couch without spoiling her attire. "Off all the people you had to fall in love with him?" I patted her head. "You do know how persuasive he is" Tashigi my sister by tongue** puffed her cheeks. "You want lemon tea?" I picked up the cup from the coffee table she shook her head.

"All the best, you do know he is worse than Sanji-ya" I kissed her forehead. "Hmmm" she nodded reclining to my warmth. Her hair was made into a simple bun decorated in flowers and her gown was flowing bell off-white silk. "Here" I handed her a box. "What is this?" Tashigi asked. "I don't want a nerdy bride in the photographs! Its contact lens" I pulled her glasses away as she opened the box. I took each tiny delicate lens and placed them on her large eyes.

She was elegant.

"Traffy… Tasigi…. Everyone is waiting for the bride" my husband rushed in. "Wow.. you look beautiful" I smiled at Luffy who was already snapping photographs of the bride, he finally agreed to suit up. "You both are the best bridesmaid and I promise I will return the favour by nine times" Tashigi clung to our arms and she did return the favour twenty years later by nine folds. "We love you" Luffy and I spoke.

Before leaving this Manson, this was going to be the last huge celebration. The hall in which Luffy and I married was now decorated in flowers of all possible colour. I could see Perona and Coby weeping, Natsu the little ring bearer walked in pink suit beside him the red haired flower girl Scarlet in metallic tiny frock, I finally discovered why children ended up hating their childhood pictures when they grew up, because they have parents like Perona and Kid obsessed with pink and metals. Killer was sitting with his rooster head husband. Pan Fry, Vergo, Kalifa and house-staff were waiting at the door for Tashigi to enter.

Smoker and Hina for first time in their life were in something fancy, out of their uniform and home clothes. Hina was in mauve dress and Smoker was in custom made suit. Their daughter Bonney was with a blonde guy who was too depressing to look at. Ussop and Kaya were glued together behind the teen couple. Brook was on piano and Franky was doing the guitar and their adorable son Chopper was playing the drums.

Bepo and Penguin were best men and Luffy and I we were maid of honour or bridesmaid or whatever people called us.

The door opened, my father was giving away the bride. He was giving away one of the sweetest and kindest girl to a fucking perverted flirt.

Scahi was in tuxedo, blushing like his red hair which was tame-less without the usual cap, looking at Tashigi with all the adoration he had. I could see the glow on his face, after years of rejection, on and off relation, fights and hiding they had realized that both needed each other.

I always knew both were attracted to each other, but none of us ever figured that all this desperation to keep dating one after another girl, sexist jokes he made at others expense, comments on everyone's love life, wrong pushes about my and Luffy's marriage, for Sachi all this was his way to tackle reality. Tashigi's closed and caring nature was always secretive of her heart, it was so fogged by pride that it took the idiots' years to come to alter.

Love was indeed deaf, dumb and blind. Each of us attending the wedding was an example of love's miracle. Cavendish was not here to attend the wedding of a fellow doctor, he was not looking at the bride, but his eyes were for the parrot haired nervous priest. The narcissist who always loved carefree, cute and confident human was married to this priest with foul mouth and honest heart. Bartolommeo, and he was a nice nervous fellow who was overwhelmed by the glitter of wedding, this was first time he was officiating a marriage.

Franky and Brook had been falling apart after fifteen years of marriage, but they were saved by love. A love that came in form a bundle wrapped and put in basket. Chopper was abandoned in front of Franky House, the real parent had thought it was a shut down warehouse. And here they were a happy family fourteen years later.

Everybody attending this wedding was saved by love in their life. Vergo and Kalifa found solace as friends with benefit and ended up living together for the rest of their lives. My father was saved by my mom; a rich arrogant teenager fell for a strong girl who beat the shit out of him. Killer and Kid had come long way as well, with Scarlet they found a meaning. Perona saved Coby in her bossy over protective way who in return soothed her.

Bepo found love when the new nurse who once had been Luffy's school senior bumped into him one night. A sweet chubby girl called Lola stole my fluffy buddy's heart.

Ussop and Kaya were very much like Luffy and me, put into an arranged engagement. Instead of being strangers and awkward they decided to fall in love the rom-com way. But to irritate their family they married only after they turned forty with a teenage daughter as maid of honour and young son as best man.

Penguin found love in a confusing way, but when he did he knew it was love. It was when Luffy and my gang we went clubbing to celebrate Lola's pregnancy news and Sachi's report confirming low sperm count. It was a joke, but he did have trouble becoming a father. That night after one pint of sherry, my little husband was down, that was the first and last time Luffy drank alcohol after our wedding ceremony and mishap in honeymoon with wine.

A lamenting BastardCunt happened to join as Luffy's guest. Soon he was having heated conversation with Penguin. It was about the topic they loved most- social reform and politics. Out of the blue love broke on Penguin's lip in form of Bascud, it was cold, little bitter and soft, that's what Penguin said to his parents when he introduced Bascud as his better half.

So when I look back to the wedding of Tashigi and Sachi, I see how love saved all of us, eventually.


"I am divorcing you Traffy" Luffy slammed inside my study in the house we moved in after my father kicked us out.

I looked up from my notebook, his beautiful eyes glaring at me. He was not supposed to be home for next two weeks.

"Were you not supposed to be on your flight to Raftel? You have an international exhibition in like five hours! And why am I getting divorced?" I closed the notebook and provided him my absolute concentration. God after almost twenty six years of marriage he still stole my heart. "You…" he dropped his bag of instruments and hissed at me. I was in no mood for fight, oh yes we did fight now and then, but they were never serious. One of us was always horny and ending the wordless hour, the maximum our fight lasted was three hours. At thirty nine he was dashing handsome. I could see his messy tiny ponytail resting on his shoulder in anger. I already agree whatever it is without a thought, and words slipped out of my mouth unconsciously "it's my fault". "You…" he gulped after the halt, his chin was un-shaved, he hardly had beard to flaunt, but still he needed shave for the small stubble that grew out in a week full of stress. His dressing sense was same, ripped trousers, slippers and vest. My Luffy twenty six years ago and my present Luffy twenty six years from then were same.

"Yeah? Me? What?" I replied consciously now. "You… have left me handicapped, mentally" he was accusing me of not raising him properly. "I raised you better than any parent ever did" I glared.

"I am addicted to you! I sit on the flight and think okay this is my biggest break, after years of hard work I finally get featured In Raftel de Arts Gallery. I have the exhibition of my dreams two hours from me. So what if Traffy is busy and can't accompany me on my big-day? I console myself that Traffy was with me on my high school graduation, my university orientation and graduation, he always attended the jamming exhibition where only ten of my works were featured, sometimes I was given the last slot which most of the visitors over looked or gave up going to the furthest corner, you read my photoblog when no one read, you bought my books on photography when publishers wanted to bail out on me. Hence I want Divorce to get sober of my addiction" he was nervous.

"Calm down love" I stood up. "So here I am on the flight and I realize if you are not with me on the biggest day of career there is no point in me going to Raftel alone" the fool he always was. "Idiot… I said I would go to Raftel if not on first day, on the second or third or the closing day, but I will. I have three critical surgeries scheduled and I can't back out now. I trust Kaya and Chopper with surgery but when you have three back to back operations we will need all the brain power and each surgery needs twenty to forty hours, Bepo, Penguin and I we still have to guide the new surgeons. With Tashigi and Penguin's sudden epiphany and Cavendish nursing a sick Parrot, we are short on man power, I may get delayed, but I will come" I hug him.

"It's your fault, I need you always I am nervous without you. You are my lucky charm" he hugs me hard.

"I love you, I will be there and Natsu must be freaking out in Raftel alone" I shivered up. "Shit… I have to run or he will burn down the exhibits" Luffy ran to the door and picked up the bag. "Take care" I walk behind him he is already running out of the garden. He stops and rushes back towards me. His wonderful lips press against mine. I kiss him back. We almost lose our heads, but a clumsy Natsu's face erupts in our head. Luffy rushes out- my clumsy little lunatic.

Two weeks later

"You made it Traffy" Luffy yawned in my arms, his fingers playing with my salt & pepper goatee. "I told you I would" I rubbed circles on his bareback. "You were a hit darling" I smile at him. "Of course, I had the best model" Luffy kissed me, his hair brushed against my cheek. By model he meant, one segment of his exhibition read Dark Adonis**, surprisingly they were pictures of me- in various poses, gestures, moods, none given on intentions but stolen over a period of twenty five years. That segment was under the label not for sale and people called me possessive- Luffy never sold my photographs.

"Is it true?" my pink haired nephew slams inside our hotel room. "Get out! You have Perona's habit of never knocking!" I hiss up. "Gosh… you are naked and you have done it already" Natsu is very much like Luffy, big innocent grin, bright eyes, black hole for stomach and almost as shameless as Luffy. "What did you expect? Debate on politics in bed like Penguin and Shuraiya Senpai or sleep and talk like Ussop and Kaya! You have no ideeaaaa... how it feels when you have had no sex for two weeks!" Luffy melted further in my arms.

"Perverts" Natsu smirked. "What were you talking about Natsu?" I asked pulling the sheets to cover our naked body. "Lucy heard from her mom that Uncle Law you are planning something special for uncle Luffy" that long nose's daughter was big mouthed just like him. "What plan?" Luffy sat up, small crow's feet formed around his eyes. "It's a surprise and ask your big mouthed girlfriend to concentrate on studies" I glare at Natsu as he rushes off.

"Tell me" Luffy sat on my chest.

I smirk back and he realized he had to wait for the surprise.

Six months later

And the Surprise came in nine folds; Tashigi was peacefully sleeping on the hospital bed. My evergreen father was already jumping in excitement. Penguin was sitting beside Tashigi nervous, still in shock but happy he too read the reports Bepo mailed us. I pulled Luffy by the hand inside the room. Penguin rushed to me and hugged me hard. "We did it Law, they are all safe and healthy" Penguin sighed on my shoulder. "Where is Sachi?" I asked. "An emergency case of premature delivery came up" Penguin informed.

"What's going on? I thought you told me Tashigi was promoted to capital and I won't see her for a year" Luffy frowned. "Well, we lied" my father spoke and gestured Luffy to go to him. "Look at them" my father spoke. Three cots stood, in them three newborns, just five days old, were fast asleep.

"I did not tell you because, it was a gamble and Tashigi's life could have been in danger and you would have refused it. For a woman to get pregnant after forty is risky. But chances of having twins gets high when you are in forties as well"** I walked towards Luffy, he was confused as hell. "I don't get it Traffy" Luffy took a step back and collided on my chest.

"Sachi had cultivated his sperm so that this time the fertilization happened outside and Tashigi doesn't have to go through with the initial struggle to conceive" Penguin spoke. "Penguin comes up with idea to plant our cultivated sperms in her to test against probability of one sperm making to final round; we actually hoped that one of the sperms would click. It was a hope against hope Luffy, Tashigi gave her consent and so Penguin also inserted yours and mine cultivated sperms inside her womb. And she conceived, but you see, she gave birth to triplets. And the girls are our" I gave a nervous laugh.

"How do you know they are ours?" Luffy asked. "Bepo ran DNA test as soon as they were three days old. We just did not know how to tell you, they were so small and fragile" Penguin smiled.

"Wait that means we are fathers now?" Luffy now looked at the infants, deep in sleep. "And Tashigi won't mind? Us taking her babies away" I asked. "It was her idea and yes we are fathers" I hugged Luffy from behind.

"The girls are waiting for their name" Penguin spoke. "Let me do that Law and Luffy have terrible sense" my father spoke. "They are girls? Both of them? They will have black hair like us?" Luffy asked and I nodded. "Don't name them Blackie" my father was being melodramatic. "Baby" Luffy looked at me. "And Luna" I smiled.

Luffy pulled me towards his lips.

"Thank god it's not Blackie" my father was on his knees. "Drama Queen" Penguin laughed as he wrote their names on birth certificate. "Let's make them sisters Traffy" Luffy broke away from the kiss with a smile.

%$# Final Lemon #$%

It only hit me that it was my birthday when the colourful lights blinded my eyes and a birthday wish hung above the mantle. I found the whole house was free of relatives. My toddlers were not in the house. There was no pouting Baby with her ribbon, sitting in corner nor was naughty Luna trying to climb out of the crib. That meant no Natsu chugging my beer away, no Ace and Sabo spoiling my little girls or Perona and Coby reciting baby food recipes or Vivi and Koala dressing them up or their teenage children Mocha and Aisha having pillow fights over who was going to bathe the twins. There was no Scarlet cajoling Luna and no Lucy telling Baby stupid stories.

It was peaceful.

"Happy birthday to you…" he was seducing me just with a simple wish. His voice came from bedroom. "Where are the girls?" I asked. "In care of their beloved grandfathers, Fatheringo and Dad decided to give us some lone time" Luffy replied. "What do I get for turning forty seven?" I finally reach our bedroom.

He was on the bed, his hair flowing above the shoulder, his eyes twinkling. He was naked and wrapped around in red ribbon. "Untie your present Traffy" Luffy blew me a kiss. How many times had he stopped my heart? I gave up counting.

"Monkey D Luffy Law is there a limit to how much one can love?" I dropped rest of my clothes.

"No" I kissed him as he replied, my lips traveled down his nape and bit his collarbone. The first red knot was on his neck, I untied it with my teeth, while Luffy's hands traveled up and down my shoulder, tracing my tattoos. Bites traveled further down his chest where two more knots were ripped off just above his tattoo. "Traffy… your gift is getting impatient…" he moaned as my lips wriggled his navel.

"When have you not been impatient" I undid the final bow that was wrapped around his shaft. I swallowed the whole of his pole. Luffy's legs spread wide apart. I licked him to my heart's content and wet his mushroom head with all my passions, he was all mine tonight. I sucked and Luffy moaned. After days we were alone, Luffy was letting his voice echo throughout the house. With two toddlers we were exhausted most of the time and house full of relatives kept us on toes, in-between his work and children he did become creative tonight, just for us.

Wrapping himself up in ribbon and waiting for me, only he could do it.

I sucked him hard and fast and Luffy came in full force. Next moment he throws lube at me. "Are we on some schedule?" I was already layering my fingers. "I am starving to get Traffy inside me" and I could never let him starve. After years of adventuring with our body, we knew how fast we could do things. After exactly two minutes forty seven seconds of preparing we were good to go, knock heavens out of each other.

"The ribbons were a nice touch" I pulled out my three fingers from his hungry entrance.

"Taffy… god… do it…" he was at his limit, too many repressed feelings were leading him. I entered him, and it would be another lie if I said I was not starving. Luffy hugged me hard as I rammed inside him. My bastard was as lusty as always. I hit Luffy's warm pleasure bundle and my husband gave out heavy pants, one after another. Luffy's hands left my shoulders and lay still on the mattress. My hands left his waist and intertwined with his. I kept hitting him and he closed his eyes in extreme excitement. I rolled in and out, friction made us go wild, our huge bed creaked, we were animals in breeding season and finally we came like always, loud, proud and in love.

"Happy birthday my love" Luffy snuggled in my arms.

"I want to go for another round but I think we deserve some sleep" I kissed his forehead. "Yeah.. it's been months we got some decent sleep" Luffy yawned hugging me hard. "I love you Monkey D Luffy Law" I kissed his sleeping eyes.

I woke up relaxed and warm with Luffy still deep in sleep, our little girls were crawling all over the bed. When did they come back I had no idea, I looked around but neither my father nor my father-in-law were in sight. When I adjusted my eyes I could see the trouble both were up to creating. "gaa..nbbbuu …biii" Luna grinned at me with her two new milk teeth. "Good morning dearie" I pulled her cheek lightly, there was no doubt she was carrying Luffy's blood. She was holding the bottle of lube in her hand splattering it on the sheets, fearless little girl was creating a painting. Baby on other hand was my blood, I could see the family frown in her and she was busy kissing and chewing Luffy's cheek who was smiling in his sleep unaware of the reality.

"aooo… beeee,…mmm… Maaa.. Maa" my eyes grew large. Baby just spoke mama with her almost toothless gum. "heee…heeee Ma…maaa" Luna followed the trend. I looked at Luffy, he needs more rest and he could wait to see the new development. I climbed out of bed. "Shhhhhh… let Mama sleep" I pulled the nearest boxer I could manage. My girls understood me and watched me curiously as silently as they could; big dark eyes blinking behind messed up raven hair and chubby cheeks smiling at me.

"Come to Daddy… we are going for a bath" I picked both of them up in my arms as they tumbled in.

"You look tired but happy" my father came to check on us. I turned around and looked at my source of happiness sleeping with a smile. It all began because he jumped on a palanquin to marry me. He chose to love me and create a family with me. Once he was my little husband, today he is more than a husband. He is my present, my best friend, my partner, my adviser, my first child, my parent and my better half. I close the door as lightly as possible to let him sleep a little longer and smiled at my father.

"Well I am happy because I have my girls and my no longer little, but my husband with me" I grin.

What I had in my present was true happiness.


Disclaimer- After 30 chapters I still have to say this? One Piece is not mine.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAW, I had a plan to put up a One-Shot as Law's birthday special, sadly I am super ill again. I have hit a jackpot of illness and exams are taking place every two days. I have not edited that one-shot, will upload it soon.

**Tongue Sister- in my second language Hindi we have a term called Muh Bolli Behen/Bhai- it means to become siblings with someone who has no blood ties, in general a brother-sister relation is made by oral bonding.

**The Fertility lecture Law gave- its pseudo-scientific, I have watched a documentary on surrogacy where they showed a woman gave birth to triplets from three different parents as a surrogate. Pregnancy is complicated matter after 40's actually 30's in India. I mixed up facts and fiction.

Final Lemon with Ribbon- Lionel Orlando's request

crazyAnime, sef. renaldi, Dragonstar94, meep15, Lyraldamaria, goldmoon123, sasuhinaop, Oogey, Trafalgar. Monkey. D. Lawlu, Apikins, Scrittorebee, and to previous and future readers for Follow and Favourites THANK YOU.

Lionel Orlando & Johnathan Walker, 86fran, sef. renaldi (aka Guest Again), daydreamfoxy, LunaSkye23, Marcechii, Sarge1130, poyochin, nachtwolke, SEllen23, Ninadawn316, and previous reviewers and future reviewers THANK YOU.

Guest- slothed cow- Thank you for your support and excitement for this story. I promise you more are to come. From next week I will begin uploading new chapters on I Breathe, I am almost done with its next chapter. Sorry it was un-updated for long and Wild Wind at Dressrosa will get a new chapter soon.

Hope you enjoyed the end. You guys might think I left many loose ends, but I think I summed it up. It was more of an epilogue than a chapter, I hope it was good. All major recurring characters were answered for I think. Ace eventually accepted Law and Luffy, now he troubles his daughter Mocha with queen Vivi's guidance. Sabo and Koala have Aisha to look after. Garp and Dadan are too old now to trouble people, Shanks and Makino are still the first couple. Sanji and Nami run the restaurant with their sexy smart children and Zoro and Robin are sparring in bed well. If I left any character out, that's because they were just passing ideas in a tale.

It was a wonderful Journey writing this story, making so many friends because of this story and I learned so much from the reviews you guys showered on me.

If things go well, sef. renaldi who is our last Review Bait has asked for a one shot for this LawLuffy, if , I mean if things go well, a sequel- My Stalker Husband (Three-Shots at best) will come out with her request/review bait.


