No reviews atm of posting to shout out to so...







Well over a year had passed since Layla had returned home only to find that many of her companions that once helped in her journey had been slaughtered. She had attempted contacting others but there were no responses and as time moved on it seemed the toll rose. Between cults worshiping Zeref, demon sightings, cities that were wiped out seemingly overnight, and "accidents" that were not explained, Layla had lost almost everyone but her own little family. Even Heath had lost contact with her over the last few months and she wondered how he and Levi were fairing.

She was a shell of the woman that once traveled the world. She feared the outside. When Jude would leave for a business trip she would convince Lucy to have a "slumber party" so that she wasn't alone at night. And also so that nothing could get to her daughter. Her only interactions were with the servants and guests that came to her home. During the balls they held, ones she had once loved, she was always on guard, always looking out for a particular face among the crowd. Jude's partners thought of her as one of the best socialites, realistically she made her rounds through the room in paranoia.

Her marriage was suffering. She was so closed off it was causing her dear sweet Jude to work harder. Burying himself in paper work so he wouldn't mourn the loss of his once vibrant wife. They would still spend time together. She never once would deny him. However, Layla knew her refusal to leave the estate was taking a great toll on the man that once encouraged his family to come with him on business. Slowly he was becoming distant, as if seeing the woman Layla was now was a painful reminder of what he was losing. And it was, she knew that.

Lucy suffered the most, even if the child didn't realize it yet. She was cut off from the outside world. Servants shopped for the family now. No longer were there days where she and Lucy would go off on a shopping spree and enjoy the outside. No, they stayed on the estate's grounds at all times. Tutors were brought in and the child was being versed in a multitude of languages. She was groomed to be a proper young lady with only minimal lessons on magic. She would not let her daughter repeat this terrible journey. No, Lucy would be raised like any high society child and groomed to become the perfect wife and mother. She would be safe.

Every spare moment Layla had she spent with her daughter. Many times she would sit in on lessons, the moment they would end the duo would go to the gardens or surrounding fields. The lack of friends her daughter had wasn't lost on the women, but she rather her child be safe then risk it.

It was a late summer afternoon that rocked Layla's core once again.

There was a weight in the air. A large cluster of magic was headed to them as they played in the fields. And Layla paled. Her further weakened state taking its toll as she raced to where Lucy chased a butterfly ignorant of the possible danger. She wheezed as she ran to her best ability and called to her daughter. She was so out of tune with magic these days that she couldn't tell what was coming, just that something was. And she feared it was Zeref out to claim the last of his revenge.

Just as she reached Lucy she tumbled to the ground, ignoring the child's indignant cry at being interrupted when she almost had her prey, a shadow fell over them and the ground shook. "I won't let you take her!" she yelled desperately as she shielded her child.

Lucy's small head poked out from under her mother who had been acting stranger than normal and she gasped. "WOW! He's big!"

Layla blinked. Slowly she turned her head and peered over her shoulder. Her grip loosened and she glared as she stood trying to keep Lucy behind her. "What do you want? Were our lives not enough for you?"

The dragon that was once grinning at the small child frowned and looked away sadly. He had not spoken with the woman since that day. He had kept his distance in order to let her grieve her losses. But he needed her assistance and he only hoped her anger toward him would not cloud her judgment. "You know well we never once wished for such a thing."

Before Layla could respond, Lucy pulled out from behind her mother, "He can talk!" The toddler yelled happily. Looking to the small butterfly net in her hands she frowned then looked to her mother, "Mama I need a really biiiiig net!" emphasizing the size by spreading her arms wide.

Despite herself the woman laughed slightly.

"And what would you do with such a creature as I if you were to capture me child?"

Lucy thought it over for a moment, "You could fly me around! And we could have a tea party! I bet Mrs. Sherrido could make a hat for you like she does me and Mama!"

This time Layla snorted her laughter.

The dragon smiled as he hummed in thought tapping his chin lightly with a claw. "I do not think she will have the time to make a hat large enough for such a head as mine." Seeing the child begin to frown he leaned down and mocked a whisper, "Instead I will allow you to play with someone very special as your mother and I have a discussion."

Lucy's eyes lit up as they looked to her mother's very confused ones. However before either female could say anything Igneel's commanding voice rang. "Boy, stop hiding and greet these people properly."

Layla's heart stopped as a tuft of pink hair emerged from behind Igneel's left horn. Scared slanted dark eyes looked down at her from their hiding spot. Slowly a boy crept fully out and slid down the dragon's body to the ground before her. He bowed and stuttered, "H-hello, it is a p-p-pleasure to m-meet you. My n-n-name is-"

"NATSU!" Layla cried out as she lunged for the boy startling him and causing him to run behind Igneel's leg. Her heart fell with the rest of her to her knees. He didn't remember her, and worst of all he was a shy child now. She remembered a time when he would run through the room knocking over all in his path just to reach her and crush her with his hugs. She remembered the child that would follow his Uncle's every instruction giggling along the way, as the two caused mischief. She remembered a child with no fear. "How?" she mumbled out as she looked to the dragon who was frowning at the cowering boy.

"Boy, what have I told you about this cowardice? These people are friends. You should be more welcoming."

The boy gulped and nodded pulling away from the dragon. He took slow hesitant steps in Layla's direction and sniffed the air. He blinked several times. "She smells nice." He mumbled a tint of pink crossing his cheeks as he glanced at Lucy and then Layla.

Once again Layla looked confused but she smiled none the less. At least he was speaking without a stutter. Opening her arms wide she motioned for the boy to come closer. Hesitantly he did and she waited with baited breath until he was finally within reach. In the blink of an eye the young boy found himself within her embrace as tears of joy streamed down her face.

Natsu squirmed uncomfortably in the woman's hold. She felt warm and familiar but his fears were still the better of him. The last time he was near people they gave him a memory he wished to burry. Hesitant arms slowly circled around the woman's neck and for a brief second Natsu felt at peace. Some where his mind told him that this person was someone special in his life and he needed to cherish this moment. He didn't know why but he began to cry as well.

"You're aliveā€¦" was Layla's mantra as she gripped tightly to the child. She had been there to help bring him into this world and she had thought he perished with his family. Pulling her face from the child's shoulder she again whispered, "How?" when she locked eyes with the dragon.

Lucy once more interrupted the dragon by pulling on the little boy's arm, "Come on! He said you're going to play tea party with me!"

Natsu blinked and once again his cheeks flushed. He looked between the watery smile of the woman before him and Igneel. When Igneel nodded for him to go he quickly wiped his eyes with his arm. "What's a tea party?" he asked quietly.

Lucy stopped pulling and stared at him dumbfounded. "You don't know what a tea party is? Do you live in a cave?"

He flinched at her high pitch. "Yes. What's so wrong with that?"he grumbled defensively while rubbing his ear.

Little Lucy's cheeks flushed in embracement. "Oh." She stated simply. "Nothing's wrong with that. I'm sorry." She apologized and bowed slightly.

And for the first time that day the boy smiled brightly. "You're weird."

The sight of his smile caught what little breath Layla had to offer. "He looks just like his father and Jeroomu." She thought as more tears flowed.

Lucy puffed her cheeks out. "I'm not weird!" she grumped as she started walking away.

Natsu's eyes widened in fright. She was the first person he could remember that wanted to play with him. "Oi! W-wa-wait for me!" catching up he smiled, "I'm Natsu!"

Lucy looked over at the boy and began to smile as well. "I'm Lucy."

"Great let's go party with tea Luigi!"

"It's Lucy! And you don't party with tea! You hold a tea party!"

Layla and Igneel alike began to laugh as they heard the children bickering. It was endearing.

Rising once more to her feet, Layla pulled her eyes from the duo, "How?"

Igneel sighed and lay comfortably in the over grown grass. "I found him while tending to the graves two moons back. I would assume he somehow made his way to the village to the east. He does not say much of it, but from what I gather he was out casted and ostracized. He is with magic. The same as his fallen family. During a show of it, the people there, they grew hostile. They had not been kind to him when I found him."

Layla let out a sob. He had survived only to be mistreated. There were small scars she didn't remember on the boy and she could only guess as to how they had gotten there. It explained what had happened to the once vibrant child. "I can't teach him magic. I never understood Jeroomu 's and I can barely teach Lucy ours." She cried full of sorrow.

The dragon hummed. "I am aware of this. I have taken steps so that I may teach the boy."

Her eyes widened. "You didn't!"

"It is the only way to help him."

"He will befall the same fate as my ancestor! At your hand once again no less! Have you learned nothing?!"

Igneel growled at the woman who refused to back down. "You think so little of me now? How am I to repent if I am not able to teach the boy all I know?"

"How are you to teach him when you are on borrowed time? Time that is running short I might add!"

"The same could be said of a mother that brings life to a world she plans to leave!" Igneel's jaw snapped shut at his words and the sight of the woman's eyes growing. He looked away ashamed. He had said too much in his anger. Sighing in defeat he decided to give her his reasons for being here before she shut him out once more. "He is not alone in his situation. There are other children that my kin has taken too. Others that are being taught our magic."

Layla swallowed thickly as she watched the two children run around chasing one another. "Natsu will stay here for three days time. I will get him proper clothing that fits. As well as clothes for as he grows this coming year. I will gather all the literature I can so that you can teach him how to be a respectable young man in our time as well as the dragon-slayer you have cursed him to be. Every six months I will send a currier to the lake with clothing for him until the time I leave this world. I will do the same for any of the children that have survived and been cursed by your kind." Turning to fully face the now startled dragon she glared. "You will take care of that boy for the rest of the time you have. You wish to repent? Then do so and raise that child. Raise him to make-up for the mistakes of my ancestor, for the inability to be the guardian you were asked to be, raise him to redeem yourself and your pride as a dragon." And with that she walked off in the direction of the two playing children.

A sweet smile spread across her face at the sound of their laughter. "Natsu? How would you like to have a sleep over with Lucy and I?"

"What's a sleep over?" he asked tilting his head in confusion.

The smile on Layla's face faltered slightly as her heart squeezed painfully. "It's when you sleep here at our home. We stay up late, eat lots of sweets, and play games all night."

"Really?" He asked while looking to his new friend for conformation.

Lucy nodded, "The pastry chef makes the best cakes too! I bet he'll make us a super big one since it's not just Mama and I!"

The little boy's eyes lit up and caused Layla's own to water at the sight of his expression. He looked to Igneel who nodded to him giving consent. "Yoosh! I'm all fired up!"

Nodding happily Layla turned her back to the children, as Lucy explained the different games they could play, and regarded Igneel once more. And while a small part of her smiled at the sight of him looking genially and father like towards Natsu, the rest of her was still bitter. So with a curt nod she said, "Three days you shall meet us back in this field." And once again she turned away from the dragon a bright smile across her face as she ushered the two children in the direction of her home.






Ahhh to finally get this one out is refreshing. This is the last chapter in Layla's journal. For obvious reasons.


So I don't want to actually spoiler things for anyone NOT done with the original FT series. So I'm going to say this as generally as possible. Layla's character always seemed LARGER then what she was made out to be for so long. And while yes we did find out her significance (past being Lucy's mother) I still feel like there should have been more for her. When I wrote out this chapter as well as the prior "Layla" chapters we had yet to learn anything on the woman past her motherhood and former mage status. We didn't know her connection to the story. Or at least her deeper connection. Keeping this in mind things never seemed right for me with her because of Lucy. See anytime something Zeref related came about Lucy always knew something. Or had a feeling about something. A simple notion of the Zeref creation, a story behind it, just something. Hence my version of Layla. A woman obsessed would explain SO damn much. Because while the woman that was depicted in the series was sweet and kind some things from Lucy's past made no sense. Also Lucy's finale standoff with her Father he seems to see Layla in the girl when she is being bold and abrasive. that is something far different from the woman we had been informed of. SO my mind created this version of her. Where she was once a bold, brass, kick ass lady that became broken with grief and sorrow. Loss is a terrible thing and it can do insane things to people. It changes people in unfathomable ways.


Now then with that all out. I've got wonderfully terrible news. My husband and I may possibly be purchasing our first home. (w00t for no more renting) Keeping that in mind I may be finding myself with less time then originally thought to write. HOWEVER... In the long run this will do wonders for my writing as I will have an office of my own to work from. So YEY!

Ok I'm done rambling...

Keep readin and reviewin
