Well, here we are at the end. *sniff* These stories...they grow up so fast!

Review replies;

SOLmaster: Nah, 'twas just a joke. I don't really know Tak well enough, I'm afraid. Sorry about that. Thanks for reading!

Zim'sMostLoyalServant: Yeah, I gotta be honest, I loathe angst, unless it's really well justified. Also...maybe. ;) Thanks for reviewing!


Ten Years Later...

"...the Neutron engine will provide power to hundreds of thousands of people at a fraction of the cost by using the energy of the Earth's rotation as a power conductor. Thank you."

Jimmy Neutron stepped down from the podium at Retroville University, tuning out the polite applause as he walked out the side door into his office. As soon as he was out of sight, he mopped his brow and took off the suit jacket that the university insisted he wear.

The last decade had been quite eventful, to say the least. Graduating high school at fifteen and university at nineteen, he had managed to get a job as a scholar at the local university. It wasn't particularly prestigious, but it wasn't busy either, leaving time for...extracurricular activities.

He left the office, having declined to remove his red bowtie (made him look smarter). Rubbing his moustache absently (he thought it made him look mature – Cindy had told him it made him look like a tool, but he ignored her), he walked out of the building and into the small courtyard outside. The yard was almost empty, what with classes being in session, save for one young man leaning against a wall.

"Was that fun?" grunted Timmy.

"I wish they'd stop making me repeat the same things," grumbled Jimmy, "I have a really nice thesis on quantum mechanics I wanna work on, I think it'll revolutionise..."

"Uh-huh," said Timmy, flatly, "Can we go now, Doctor Science?"

"Yeah, sure," shrugged Jimmy wryly, "Wouldn't want you to die of boredom, huh?"

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the recaller – worn and faded from a decade of use. Pressing a button, he created a portal.

"So," he asked, walking towards the portal, "What's with the tie?"

"What, this?"

Timmy glanced down at the loosely affixed pink necktie that hung around his neck.

"Well, you know, I thought I could possible fix up my image, you know, like some kind of..." he lied poorly.

"You're trying to impress Dani, aren't you?"

"You know me too well, Neutron."

They stepped through the portal and emerged in a futuristic looking room. A silver reception desk stood on one side, next to a large steel door – on the other side was a window overlooking the Planet Earth.

"I still don't think we needed a satellite," said Timmy.

"Just because we don't need it doesn't mean we don't want it," chuckled Jimmy.

He walked up to the desk.

"Any messages, Eustace?"

The receptionist turned around on his chair, revealing himself to be Eustace Strych, glad in a smart red jumpsuit and black cap.

"Ah, James!" exclaimed Eustace jovially, "The university has finally freed you, has it?"

"That it has, Eustace, that it has," replied Jimmy, smirking as he shook Eustace's hand.

"A few messages today," nodded Eustace, "RERE sent a message – a Colonel Simmerson wants access to the-"

"Tell him he cannot have access to the satellite," interrupted Jimmy, "If he complains, take it to Brigadier Atkinson. Anything else?"

"Calamitous escaped prison again this morning, but Team Three handled it," replied Eustace, "The Guys in White want us to hand over ghost captives, we told them no – oh, and Ms. Vortex sent a message. She says – I am quoting this – if you do not turn up at 6pm tonight, don't bother returning to Retroville as she will hunt you down."

"Duly noted," muttered Jimmy, ignoring Timmy snickering, "One more thing. I called a meeting today, is it..."

"Team One is behind that door, old chum," nodded Eustace, pressing a button, "Now, are you perchance free this weekend? I was wondering..."

"I'll get back to you, Eustace," replied Jimmy, "I've gotta handle this first."

He strode through the metal door and into a long grey corridor.

"You and Eustace are friends," muttered Timmy, "Who would've thought it."

Jimmy rolled his eyes but smirked all the same.

"So, where are Cosmo and Wanda?" he asked.

"I gave them a day to themselves," shrugged Timmy, "They need it, what with Poof in school these days."

Reaching the end of the corridor, Jimmy reached a door and swiped a key-card. The room they entered was small – a single round table with five chairs, three occupied.

Spongebob was to the left of them, wearing a tweed jacket over his ubiquitous shirt and tie. He was leaning over to Jenny – upgraded to a taller, sleeker frame in recent years – and showing her something in his opened wallet. Dani was to the right, leaning back on her chair. She smirked as Timmy entered.

"So," she asked, raising an eyebrow, "You guys call the meeting and then you arrive last. How's that work?"

"Held back at work," explained Jimmy as he and Timmy sat down, "I'd hate to drag you all from Spongebob's baby pictures..."

Spongebob and Jenny jumped, having not noticed the other two enter. Spongebob quickly slipped his wallet into his pocket.

"...but I have an announcement for you all."

Dani opened her mouth.

"You already know what it is," continued Jimmy, "Please don't ruin the surprise."

"Whatever you say, Neutron," replied Dani, shaking her head as she leant back again. As she did so, she grabbed Timmy's hand – Timmy blushed a little, but didn't let go.

"I've been asked to deliver a message," said Jimmy, "It was sent direct to VOX."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. He unfolded it dramatically.

"The style is slightly antiquated," admitted Jimmy, "I keep telling him to modernise, bear with me."

He cleared his throat.

"The Ghost Zone Council of Elders – that is, the government of the Ghost Zone – cordially sends invitations to the following persons to attend the union between King Daniel the First, King of the Ghost Zone, Duke of blah blah blah etcetera, and the human Samantha Manson," read Jimmy.

He let this sink in for a moment before continuing.

"The invitation is extended to Professor James Isaac Neutron, Mr. Timothy Tiberius Turner, Ms. Danielle Fenton, Ms. Jennifer Wakeman and Mr. and Mrs. Spongebob and Sandy Squarepants, plus any guests these persons deem appropriate," added Jimmy, "They will attend as guests of honour by personal request of the wedding parties. Signed by the Chief Advisor to the King, Tucker Foley."

"Okay that's way too many words for my attention span," said Timmy, "What you're basically saying is that there's a wedding and that we're invited, right?"

"Yep," nodded Jimmy.

"So, any guests we deem appropriate?" mused Spongebob, "Gotta be Patrick and Squidward."

"Are you sure Patrick's appropriate?" quizzed Jenny, "I mean, that last time we took him to a wedding, well..."

"That won't happen again," said Spongebob.

"...but he was best man, and he still..." implored Jenny.

"That'll do, Jen, he'll be fine," interrupted Dani, "I'm more worried about you, Turner."

"What about me?" pouted Timmy.

"You fell asleep last time," reminded Dani.

"I was fourteen," grunted Timmy, "It was years ago."

"When is it?" asked Jenny.

"Next Friday," replied Jimmy, "We're gonna have to get..."

The door suddenly opened. Eustace raced through, snapping to attention when he reached Jimmy.

"James!" he exclaimed, "Sorry to bother you, but there is an urgent matter we need to deal with."

"What is it, Eustace?" demanded Jimmy.

"The anti-fairies are loose on Hillwood," replied Eustace, "We have Ms. Grey and Mr. Membrane's teams on the ground presently, but they probably won't be enough. They need you, James."

Jimmy nodded.

"Well, here we go again," he shrugged, "Tell Val and Dib to hold on, we'll pick up Timmy's fairies and be right there."

He turned back to the team.

"Once more unto the breech," he said, smirking.

"That doesn't sound right," said Jenny, frowning.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure we usually say something else," mused Dani, scratching her chin, "What was that again?"

"Of course, my apologies," chuckled Jimmy, pulling out his recaller, "Refresh my memory, guys?"

"Nicktoons, Unite!" shouted the group.

And with that, they went off to what they did best.

The End

This series was started in December 2010. It is now August 2014, which means I've been at this for almost four years. This story has lasted longer then some Presidents.

I was going to go on a long screed of thanking people, but honestly, I could never single anybody out for single gratitude because you are all equally awesome, like a French Revolution of awesome except without the guillotine and stuff. So I'd like to thank you all en masse, my faithful readers who kept me motivated to finish this story and do it to the utmost of my ability. I wish you the best in all your endeavours (unless they're illegal) as your reviews, long and short, are worth more to me then the contents of Fort Knox. Thank you, madams and sirs, thank you.

Actually, there is a reviewer I'd like to single out. To the guy who kept trying to spam every chapter of this story with the same basic sentence and over and over again, even after I blocked them, I would like to say that you desperately need a hobby.

In any case, now comes the time to decide what to do next. I have no intention of stopping writing, so...watch this space. :)

Once again, I offer my sincere gratitude. Have a good day, evening, Opposite Day or whatever else you may be observing, and I will see you all on my next project. Au revouir and good night.