A/N: So this is the first fanfic I have written on Mary Poppins. I haven`t quite figured out the end result yet but it will concern Bert and Mary`s relationship. After watching the film and reading some of the books (I`m working my way through them at the moment) I figured the one person Jane and Michael would turn to, after Mary Poppins leaves is Bert. Anyway, that is enough from me for now. I hope that you enjoy reading this. Please let me know what you think.

Two weeks after Mary Poppins had left NO. 17 Cherry Tree Lane, things had begun to dis-improve. Mr. Banks`s promotion in the bank had meant that he was leaving the house early and arriving home late. On the days when he would return early, he was usually snippy with Jane and Michael. As a direct result of the pressure he was faced with at work, he didn't spend any time with his kids. This led to their mother being anxious and quarrels with her husband. As well as this, Jane and Michael felt so isolated and lonely. Although they had one another, they missed Mary Poppins and the adventures she and Bert took them on.

They often wondered what had happened to Bert since they had not seen him since their nanny disappeared. One idea which Michael purported was that they left together. However, Jane maintained that was nonsense since they had seen him around before Mary Poppins arrived. As well as that, Jane believed that he wouldn`t abandon them or his duties. By chance as Jane and Michael were playing in the nursery, Jane spotted Bert outside the park, kneeling down on the pavement. Once she told Michael, they ran to the closet and got their coats and hats. As soon as they were ready to go outside, they hurried from the nursery and after checking that the coast was clear, they crept out the front door to speak to Bert.

Bert was working as a Screever; painting pictures on the pavement. Many people passed by admiring his work to which he politely acknowledged. He continued drawing until he heard the sound of his name and quickened footsteps. He looked up from his work and smiled widely as he saw them.

"Well, `ello Jane and Michael. I `avn`t seen you two for a while." Bert exclaimed as Jane and Michael stood in front of him.

"We could say the same about you, Bert. Where have you been?" Michael asked excitedly.

"Oh, well I have been `ere and about. I just didn`t have much time to do some drawings for a while so I thought I may as well take the opportunity today since I didn`t have anything else on." Bert explained smiling softly as he stood up, dusting himself down.

"Bert, do you know where Mary Poppins has gone? We need her back so badly."

"No, Jane I am afraid that I don`t. Mary Poppins tends to go wherever the wind takes her. I don't know where she is but I do know she has gone to someone who needs her." Bert answered smiling softly as he glanced down at the picture he was working on.

"We need her." Michael exclaimed flatly looking at Bert`s drawings. Bert looked at him anxiously.

"Oh, we really do Bert. Everything has gone so terribly wrong and we just don't know what we are going to do." Jane cried fearfully.

"Now, now don`t take on so. Whatever, the matter is I am sure it is not as bad as you think. Why don`t we sit over `ere and talk about it." Bert offered gently as he indicated to a bench outside the park.

"Now, tell me what has got you both so upset." Bert said as he sat in between both kids.

"Father got a promotion at the bank which has changed things so much at home."Jane explained sadly.

"In what way have things changed?" Bert asked curiously.

"He no longer seems to have time for us and he and mother argue a lot." Michael replied dejectedly.

"Well, maybe it is not my place to say but perhaps his promotion has put some strain on your father. I don't doubt for a minute `ow much he loves you both. That day when Mary Poppins left, I saw you all out `ere with the kite and it was a beautiful thing to see I must say. I know `ow tough it can be to try and fit in so I would advise you both to give your dad some time to find his feet in his new job. After all, his promotion I`m sure means that he `as extra work to do."

"I still say that we need Mary Poppins to come back and help us." Michael piped up.

"Well, that maybe so and if she thinks the same, she will return to you. For now though you `ave me and if you like we can have our own little jolly `oliday when I`m not too busy working." Bert suggested smiling brightly at the children who reciprocated.

"Oh really, Bert, do you mean that?" Jane asked happily. Bert beamed widely at her.

"Yeah, I don`t see why not. We may not be able to jump through drawings or create staircases out of smoke...but I am sure we can have some fun together." Bert replied smiling fondly at his recent memories of his oldest friend.

"You know Mary Poppins a long time, don`t you Bert?" Michael asked.

"All me life; we grew up together you see."

"Jane? Michael?" They and Bert looked around to see who called their names. As they turned to the right, they saw Mr. Banks who emerged from the park.

"I guess your father is home early today." Bert exclaimed as he and the kids got off the bench and walked towards him.

"That doesn't mean it's a good thing." Michael replied flatly.

"People can surprise you, Michael." Bert whispered as he and Jane stepped over Bert`s drawings.

"Oh, father you are home early. Why don't we go get our kite from the house and we can all go into the park?" Jane asked hopefully. Her father`s expression was stern.

"No, I don't think so or not today at least. Why aren't you and Michael at home anyway?" Mr. Banks asked crossly. Jane looked to Michael as they began explaining nervously. Bert then spoke up for them.

"Beggin` your pardon sir but I believe that may be my fault. You see Jane and Michael were on their way to the park when we got talking. I guess time just slipped away during our reminiscing of Mary Poppins." Mr. Banks started at the sound of that name. He eyed Bert fiercely as he said:

"Yes, Mary Poppins indeed. Well she caused my family a lot of pain by leaving the way she did. I mean has she no thought for anybody? Well, I learned my lesson and if that woman ever has the gall to show her face around here again, well she will very much regret it. Anyway, let`s get home, come on." Mr. Banks ushered his children onwards.

"Goodbye Jane and Michael. Perhaps I`ll tell ye that story the next time we meet."

"No, you most certainly will not! I don't want my children`s heads filled with anymore ridiculous nonsense than they already are." Mr. Banks retorted angrily as Bert looked at him dejectedly.

"OI! Banks! Young Bert was only trying to help. I believe that you owe him an apology." Admiral Boom shouted from his roof. As they looked up at the Admiral, he continued.

"It`s not because you have had a stressful day or that your promotion is affecting your mood that you can take things out on people who are trying to help." Mr. Banks turned to Bert.

"I apologise Bert for snapping at you. It`s been a long day." Mr. Banks explained, feeling humiliated by his neighbour`s address of him.

"It`s alrigh` gov. Think nothing of it." Bert replied politely, tipping his cap. Mr. Banks nodded as he ushered his children home.

"Goodbye Bert." Jane and Michael said as they waved and left with their father.

"Bye Jane and Michael, see you both soon." He replied smiling softly as he winked at them.

Once they had gone, Bert thanked the Admiral for coming to his defence. He then knelt down and finished off his drawings.

"We can`t be allowing the likes of him to be exercising his authority. We all know how much happier his children were with Mary Poppins here and he was too even if he won't admit it." The Admiral boomed at Bert. Bert looked up at him from his haunches and smiled brightly.

"Mary Poppins makes all of our lives better, Admiral."

"Aye, that she does and I have a feeling that it won`t be long before the winds change and she returns to you." Bert looked up at him perplexed

"It`s the kids that need her more so." Bert replied as he picked a piece of blue chalk.

"It`s amazing what you can see from a bird`s eye view Bert. I know how much she means to you and you to her. It`s time the truth were known. That is all I am going to say. I`ll leave you to finish your drawings." He saluted Bert as he went inside. Bert reciprocated his gesture as he returned to his work.

A/N: Okay, I know it was short but I promise that the next one will a lot longer. Just so you know, I have my own ideas on how Bert and Mary left which I think is quite different to other stories which I have read so far. Bert gave you a hint when he said he has known Mary Poppins all his life. I do hope that you enjoyed reading it. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts.