AN: Hey guys! In honor of Blood Drive coming out soon, and because I adore this ship, this is just gonna be a couple of AU one shots that kinda all connect, but are based off of the magna, anime, and game mentions I have found!

Disclaimer: SADLY I only own this keyboard:)

Gulping back as much anxiety as possible, Naomi gently hugged Seiko's waist a little bit tighter and peered over her best friend's shoulder in anticipation.

"Seiko I'm not sure this is such a good idea..."

"Aw come on Naomi, don't tell me you're chickening out now!"

"I'm not 'chickening out'! I just happen to value my life!"

Seiko playfully rolled her eyes at the taller girl's dramatics, and continued to stare at the obstacle before them with fierce determination.

"Where is your sense of adventure Naomi?"

"Somewhere between my house and here..."

Unlike the latter, Naomi's chest only proceeded to tighten at the downward view she had of the park pathway. The deep dip of the hill plus the thought of all the bumps and craters that continued through out the twisted road made her feel sick to her stomach just thinking about.

"We are gonna die, we are gonna die, we are gonna die..."

"Stop worrying so much! We will be just fine!"

It's not as though Seiko was incapable of riding a two person bike, it was just the fact that the bike that they were currently on was ONLY meant for one.

Deciding to put a little more faith in her friend's judgement though, Naomi was about to give her approval for their ride to begin, but before she could Seiko had already pushed off of the ground and sent them downhill at an alarming speed.


"Just hang on and enjoy the ride Naomi! The bakery closes in half an hour and we have to hurry!"

Not liking at all how quickly the trees and other park occupants were rushing by, Naomi slammed her eyes shut and pressed her body further into Seiko's back, praying for a miracle.

The feeling though caused the smaller girl to momentarily lose focus and almost skid straight off the road.



Snapping back into reality, the lighter haired brunette gave an innocent shrug and proceeded to shift her gears and continue on their sugar-made-baked-goods pursuit.

Not ten seconds after though a light pop was heard, catching each of the high school students' attention.

Peering down, both saw that the front tire of Seiko's bike had blow out and was beginning to cause the entire mechanism to shake violently.

Not long after, the rest of whatever force of gravity that had been keeping the two girls upright broke free and sent both sailing through the air before forcing each to land in a large opening of the park.

Thankfully the grass broke most of their fall.

"Ow ow that ow hurt! Seiko I told you-"

Rubbing the side of her head that had taken in most of the impact, Naomi spoke with a teasing yet scolding voice, despite how horrified she had been seconds ago.

However the pixie haired girl's smile was immediately wiped from her face at the sight of Seiko's knee which was scrapped up and bleeding profusely.


"Naomi? Are you alright-"

"You're bleeding!"

Peering down at herself, having not even felt the cut, Seiko looked back up with her large concerned eyes as she watched the panic on Naomi's face become worse by the second.

"It doesn't even hurt Naomi, it's no problem I-"

Once again interrupting her best friend, the taller girl raced forward and began to check Seiko gently for any more injuries, all the while apologizing like a young child who had been severely yelled at by her parents.

"I'm so sorry Seiko!"

"What why are you sorry?"

"We have to clean your knee up and oh god, I'm sorry I can pay for a new bike tire.


"I shouldn't have broken was an accident I didn't mean to."


"Does anything else hurt? I can run and get help if you have a concussion or-"


Startled by Seiko suddenly standing up with a shout, Naomi felt her rear collide back onto the ground as looked up and tried not to shutter at the down right furious look her friend had on her face.

"It was not YOUR fault, it was mine. I shouldn't have suggested we both go on at once. Tires snap all the time from distance not weight, this was just a coincidence!"

"B-But I-"

Bending down so she was squatted right before her teary eyed friend, Seiko lightly lifted Naomi's quivering chin and forced the taller girl to meet her gaze.

"No buts! You don't need to place all the burden on yourself Naomi. This is what friends are for. They make your problems their's as well. And I promise you I'm not mad at all."


Letting a few tears fall at Seiko's words, Naomi shut her eyes and began to cry softly as she continued to murmur small apologies under her breath, but this time along with some shy thank yous.

Smiling brightly, Seiko moved her hand up to pat her best friend on the head.

"Naomi's a good girl-"


Retracting her hand quickly, the smaller girl watched as Naomi moved to touch her head gently, only to draw back and cringe at the pain.

"Naomi? Did you hit your head when we landed?"

"Yeah I think so."


Having the previous roles reverse in a complete 180, Seiko began to examine Naomi completely and ask her what the date, year, home adress, and homeroom number they shared was in a flurry of panic.

The taller girl could only laugh and pull her ridiculous friend in for a hug and a light smack over the head.

"You weirdo."

Not even realizing that their little entire episode had been observed, both laughing teens were oblivious to the fact that Satoshi, Mayu, Yuka, and Yoshiki had witnessed everything from a nearby bench.

The four students had been simply enjoying their crepes, and ended up seeing the entire exchange with mixes of smug and giddy expressions.

Watching as his friends hugged out their worries and began to laugh with one another, Satoshi turned to the only blonde friend in their group and held up a 20 dollar bill.

"I'm willing to bet they are a couple by the end of the school year."

The delinquent smirked in response and held out his hand in challenge.

"Please, I give it two months."

Reviews are loved guys and I hope you enjoyed:D