edited on 4.3.15

When Will and Phoebe graduated, everyone was so happy.

However there was the question of where they would go.

Both had been accepted to the same school, so it made sense for them to move in together.

But they decided not to let their parents know this.

However, parents always have a way of finding things out.

Will and Phoebe were busted in their last year of college.

In the previous years, whenever their family came to see them, Phoebe would go to Isa's apartment and pretend she was living with her.

However, that year, the North/Beardsley family decided to surprise the older children.

They were at the apartment at 8 AM.

Isa opened up the door sleepily and her eyes widen when she caught sight of them.

"Mr. and Mrs. Beardsley! What are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you too, Isa. We are here to see Phoebe. Where is she?"

"Umm, we went out last night. She may have spent the night with another friend. I'm not sure. She left before I did."

"Can you give us some names?"

"Sure, but everyone is probably still asleep."

There was a pause but then Mr. Beardsley smiled. "We'll just go see William."

Isa nodded and closed the door as they left. Then she ran to her bedroom and dove for her phone.

"Pick up. Pick up. Phoebe!"

"Okay don't pick up. Phoebe, its Isa. Your mom and step dad are heading over there to see William. They came looking for you and I told them you were out somewhere else. They were just here. You need to get out unless you are ready for them to know."

Phoebe laughed.

"Will! Stop it!"

The older boy smiled and continue to tickle her. Phoebe arched her back and tried to push her boyfriend away.

Will stopped and looked down at her. She was pinned under him, her hair spilling everywhere. Her eyes were dancing.

He bent down and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

Phoebe bit his lip and he lower his lips kissing her neck.


He pulled away. "I'm going to make breakfast. You can have the shower first."

Phoebe nodded and climbed out of bed. She gave him another kiss and walked to the bathroom and jumped into the shower.

Will walked to the kitchen and began to make breakfast.

He heard the shower running and he poured the pancake batter into the pan. He fried the bacon and made the eggs and hash browns. He poured orange juice into two glasses and debated whether or not to slip into the shower with his girlfriend.

He was really close to joining her when the doorbell rang.

It was probably Isa.

He opened the door in just his boxers.

"Glad you're here Isa. You can finish breakfast while I join Phoebe for a quick shower."

He freezes as he takes in the people in front of him.

His face pales and he steps back.

The people outside step in.

The two older adults were also pale.

The teenagers were all in shock.

"Dad. Helen."


They all stood awkwardly in the living room. Will walked to the kitchen. He needed to get away. He needed to think.

He needed to warn…

Phoebe had made her appearance.

Like most weekend mornings, she had come to breakfast in a pair of shorts and one of his shirts. Her long hair was pulled into a messy bun with curls spiraling everywhere.

"Where's Isa?"


She turned and her already pale face became paler.

"Mom. Frank."

Then her cheeks flushed red as she remembered what she was wearing.

She looked away from the parents and her younger siblings.

She turned her attention to the breakfast table.

Will went to the stove and placed all the bacon on a plate. Phoebe grabbed the toast.

The two avoided looking at each other and the other people in the room.

Will grabbed chairs so everyone could have a place to sit.

He sat next to Phoebe and squeezed her hand briefly.

All the teenagers dug into the breakfast feast.

Will watched Phoebe pick at her food.

He nudged her and she sighed.

Everyone was quiet.

It was Frank who broke the ice.

"How long?"

Will faced his father. "Officially? Since freshman year. We met before you two got married and went out a couple time."

Phoebe spoke up. " When we learned we were going to be siblings, we decided to end our thing. However, it was harder than we expected."

"Is that why you try to break me and Frank up?"

Will shook his head. "I'll admit it was one of the reasons Helen, but it was mostly because the younger ones didn't get along. "

"Were you two together when we all lived together."

Phoebe looked down. "Yes. No. Not officially. We kept saying it was wrong and we would end it. We would avoid each other for a few days before we broke our promise and the cycle would start all over again. Also, we dated other people but it wasn't the same."

"Did anyone know?"

"Back then? Only Isa. Now, everyone. Since we have different names, we just said we were a young couple moving in together. When you guys gave us warning, I would go to Isa's. I have some things there so it was easy. And Isa's brother would pretend to live here. "

"Where does he live now?"

"He and his girlfriend live with Isa and her boyfriend."

Phoebe closed her eyes.

It was all going to come crashing down. All the guys she dated were jerks. William was the only one who treated her with respect and kindness. He cared about her.

Helen looked at her daughter.

"Why? Why didn't you tell me?"

Phoebe looked up.

"I did. Before your reunion. Isa had come over and she made a joke about the ' hot solider'. I told her to shut it and you asked me if I was I interested. I told you he was cute and maybe I was interested. You smiled and told me to go for it. We went out but then you announce the marriage and it all came to a halt."

Helen nodded. She remembered that.

Isa had been teasing Phoebe and Phoebe had whacked her over the head with a newspaper.

Isa made a comment about breaking the rules and Phoebe turned bright red.

Later she asked her daughter about it, all she said was that there was a new student. He was really cute but not her type. A few weeks later, her daughter was very happy. After the reunion and the marriage, when Phoebe laid eyes on William, she was pale. She became moody and angry and she began dating Nick.

During the paint war, the main targets were each other.

Helen's eyes widen. All the evidence was there. She just didn't see it.

Frank was also thinking of how his son acted around Phoebe. All the glances.

Whenever the kids argued, it was the two oldest against each other.

The way they found excuses to touch, whether it was to push or shove.

Or right before he left, when William won the school election.

He remember seeing Phoebe throwing her arms around him. He remembered her legs going around his son's waist as he spun her around once and then he remember how close they were as the other kids congratulated him. he remembered how he thought that the move seemed familiar. How close they stood when he walked out.

All the evidence was there. He was just too wrapped up in everything else to notice it.

They didn't notice that their eldest children had fallen in love with each other.

Helen and Frank exchanged glances.

Will grabbed Phoebe's hand and raised it in front of everyone.

He didn't care what anyone said. He loved Phoebe.

They exchanged looks of love and Helen and Frank saw that they loved each other.

Helen cleared her throat.

"I'm happy for you."

Phoebe looked at her mother and she began to smile.

Frank nodded in agreement and William let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in.

All their siblings began to give their congratulations.

(A few months later)

Everyone cheered. Phoebe and Will were graduating. Phoebe with a degree in music while William had a business degree.

William gave the speech and an entire wall stood up and cheered. The wall stood up again when he received his diploma , when Phoebe received hers and even when Isa got hers. The wall was made out of their families and friends and many people from the coast guard.

When William and Phoebe came down to greet everyone, it was Ethan who noticed the ring. He had always liked rings. He dove for her hand and held it up.

All the females began to cheer while Frank nodded at his son.

Everyone was happy. They were a family.

Will and Phoebe held hands and exchanged smiles.

No matter what happened they would always have each other and their families and friends support.

And here you go! I'm done! Let me know what you think.

Love you Wallflowers!