edited on 4.2.15

Okay, so I saw this movie and I loved it. I don't normally write sibling incest (is it considered incest if they are steps?) but they would make a cute couple so I figured why not?

So here it is.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own.

You, Me, Them

It was his first day again. Will was used to it. The moving, the staring, the sadness, the teasing, the shock, and the moving. The cycle went on. He knew they would be moving again. The Admiral could never stick around long enough in one place.

He grabbed one of the twins, Ely, and Christina grabbed the other, Otter. They walked towards the Pre-K room.

They dropped them off and Christina walked away to make new friends but the teacher stopped to talk to him. Then something caught his eye.

A girl had just walked in holding hands with twin girls.

She knelt down in front of them and gave them a hug.

"Have a good day, Risa, Bina. I will be back at three."

The teacher smiled at them.

"Bina. Marisa. Did you bring something for show and tell?"

The girls exclaimed yes and he heard the teacher laugh.

He looked at the girl and she looked at him. Something passed between them.

He looked at her. She had gorgeous red curls and beautiful brown eyes. Her skin was pale but her cheeks were flushed. He looked at her lips and felt the urge to kiss her.

He was stunned. Never had he felt this way. He was unable to control himself around her. That made her dangerous. He lived on rules.

He looked at her to see her looking him up and down.

Phoebe was surprised that this boy was staring at her. She got a few looks but never by a guy like him. A guy who lived on rules. She could tell by his shirt that he lived by rules.

He had serious brown eyes and a smile. He looked strong, his shoulders broad. He was tall. Her eyes drifted lower and then she snapped them back, blushing.

They looked at each and then a voice called out.


They turned to see to see a pretty Hispanic girl coming their way. She had a little boy and girl. The two rushed off to class and the girl grabbed Phoebe's hand.

"It's an emergency!"

The two girls rushed away leaving Will smiling wistfully at them. He had always wanted the type of friendship they had with someone He walked towards his locker and went to his homeroom.

He looked around and found a seat.

The two girls were sitting on top of a table talking to some kids.

Will gritted his teeth as one boy kissed Phoebe's check and walked out.

"Miss Collins, you have a minute to get to homeroom. We will see you in 10 for class."

The Hispanic girl was already running.

The bell rang and a cell phone rang exactly at the same time one minute later.

"Isa made it!"

The teacher shook his head and chuckled.

"How she does it, is a mystery."

He called out role call, and smiled at Will.

"William Beardsley."

"Present sir."

Giggles erupted and he felt himself turning red.

Phoebe sent Will a glance and smiled.

He was definitely a rule follower. It was a shame. He was smoking hot.

The bell rang and the kids left to their class, except for Phoebe, Will, and two others. She had English first block and wasn't required to leave the room.

Her best friend Isa came running in.

She pulled herself on top of the desk and began giggling. She had a letter in her hand.

"I got accepted!"

She held out her letter. Phoebe hugged her friend tightly. Her friend loved to write and had applied to an advanced creative writing class. The teacher urged her to try to publish her work and Isa had sent some stuff out. The letter stated that they wanted to publish her book.

Will looked at the two girls. Isa looked at him and noticed the way he was checking out her friend. She smiled and gave him a wink and leaned over to whisper to Phoebe.

"Hottie checking you out."

Phoebe gave her a look.

"I don't do relationships."

"Neither did I, but look at me now."

The two laughed and Isa called out to him.

"New boy! What's your name?"

Phoebe gasped and Will smiled.


"I'm Isa and this is Phoebe."

Phoebe blushed but waved and he waved back.

Then the teacher cleared his throat. "Miss Collins, please sit down."

"I am sitting." She sent him a smirk.

"In a chair."

Isa pouted but slid into her chair. "You are no fun, Freddy."

"That's Mr. Rogers to you Miss Collins."

Will watched the two confused as they continued to tease and laugh.

Isa saw that he was confused and apologized.

"Sorry, Will. I'm dating his cousin. So we have this fun banter."

Will frowned. He didn't think it was proper.

Mr. Rogers nodded and told them to pull out their books and they got into a discussion about William Shakespeare.

Well, more of a debate. Will had a fun time arguing with Phoebe and her friend. He enjoyed seeing Phoebe's eyes dance with fury as they heavily debated. He was sad that class was over. He followed the two to their next class, chemistry.

Isa sits next to a blonde and Will is told to sit next to Phoebe.

They look at each other from the corner of their eyes and fumble through the text book when they have to share.

The day continues on like that. They have most of their classes together.

When they go home that night, back to their different worlds, they can't help but think.

No chance in hell.

They are too different.

She's a free spirited musician.

He's a solider in training.

Weeks pass as they try to not think of each other that way.

It falls apart one fall day. The sun is shining and the wind is blowing. She is sitting outside on a stone, with her friends. She is strumming on her guitar. Isa is scribbling in her notebook. Her other friends are playing their instruments.

Will walks by a window and hears music. He peeks out to see Phoebe playing with her friends. The wind is blowing her hair and she looked gorgeous.

He's not sure how much time passes, but when he checks his phone, he sees 8 missed calls from his sister.

He looks up to see everyone leaving and Phoebe packing her guitar up.

He is moving towards her without realizing it. Phoebe grabs her case and starts walking until she trips and her stuff tumbles to the ground. Will is on the ground is seconds helping her gather her things.

Will offers to walk her home and sends his sister a text telling her he will be late.

Phoebe can't help but blush but allows him to walk her home.

However, it begins to pour and they make a mad dash to her home.

She is surprised that no one is home. She finds a note saying that her mother took everyone grocery shopping.

They both realize they are alone.

They carry the stuff to her room and Will admires it. It fits her perfectly. It full of paper and drawings and instruments and posters and writing. It's a messy but an artistic mess.

They stare at each other awkwardly. They have been aware of each other since school started. Then Phoebe decides to walk out of her room but as she does she trips over a toy her one of her little sisters left. She crashes into Will who catches her.

Next thing they know, they are kissing.

Its hot and quick. Cause they both know that they will stop if one of them loses contact. They know its wrong but they don't care.

Will lifts her up onto her desk and Phoebe locks her kegs around his waist. He stops kissing her and begins to kiss her neck. She moans and then they are pulling each other shirts and jeans off.

Then they are on Phoebe's bed. They are kissing and touching.

Moans fill the room and Phoebe has to bit his shoulder to keep her screams.

Will is surprised but please to know she is a virgin. So he is more gentle.

But nonetheless, its passionate. Much more than a simple hook up or lust. It's something they never felt before.

He rolls off her and they look at each other. He kisses her and she smiles. They are savoring the moment, because they both know that they can't date. They were too different.

Phoebe closes her eyes and rests her head on his chest. Will wraps and arm around her and plays with a few strands of her hair. Faraway, it looks to be red but now he can see strands of light red and dark red. It is quite seductive.


Phoebe could feel him studying her.

"You are like a fairy. Red fiery hair. Pale skin. You are tiny and delicate but full of trouble."

"Phoebe means shining one."

"It's also another name for Artemis , the Greek goddess of hunting and the moon."

"I was born under a full moon."

Will kissed her head.

"My little fairy."

Phoebe pushed herself up to look at him. He studied her- her face, her lips, and her naked body.

"You're my solider. Demanding and rule follower."

Will laughed and kissed her hard.

And they were having sex again.

They were getting dressed. Will needed to get home before his dad freaked out and he needed to leave before Phoebe's mom came home.

Phoebe's phone rang and she answered. Her face turned pale and her eyes widen. She hung up.

"My mom is like five minutes away!"

Will swore and kissed Phoebe one last time and then climbed out the window and went through the alley, just in time to hear the car park.

When he got home, he made up an excuse and went to his room. Laying down on his bed, he smiled and though of his fairy.

Phoebe stripped her sheets and threw them into the washer. She laid out new sheets and thought of her soldier.

Neither one of them expected it to happen again. It was a onetime thing.

School was normal for them. They simply avoided each other and only talked in class.

However, this all changed one day, when they both found out that their parents had remarried.

To each other.

Making them stepsiblings.

Hooking up with your stepsiblings wasn't that frowned upon but in their household with a solider in the family, it was probably forbidden.

Living in the lighthouse, near each other was torture to them.

It didn't help, they walked in on each other in awkward situations.

Will for example walked in on her in the shower. He went in late at night to find Phoebe standing in the shower. She would have screamed if he didn't slap his hand over her mouth.

They looked at each other.

Her in her naked glory and him in boxers.

It didn't take long for them to the forbidden in the shower.

After that, they pretend to hate each other. Both were more than happy to separate their families.

They hoped once the two had split, all the attraction would go away.

It was just hormones.

But they both realized that their parents loved each other and their siblings needed each other, so they laid the plans to rest.

However, their feelings didn't go away.

They got stronger.

So as their family lived happily ever after, the two teens broke the rules.

They did want people considered forbidden.

They hooked up with each other.

Step siblings aren't blood related so technically it was okay.

They made excuses to be with each other and no one suspected a thing.

So tell me what you think. I'm going to make a second part to this, making it a two shot. It will be about when everyone finds out about Will and Phoebe's 'relationship. '

I hope to have it up sometime this week.

Umm, its like 2 AM here so I'm keeping this short.


Love you Wallflowers!s