Ta Da! So finally updated, thank you all for being patient about it. It's really hard writing a story basically from scratch and I appreciate all the support and feedback! As always, questions and comments are always welcome!

As time progressed, it seemed as though the city had a new vigilante since Spider-man had disappeared. Crime levels had begun to level out due to the female archer. Whoever she was, she was skilled and knew what she was doing. Peter had been trying to follow the archer but she always managed to slip from his grasp when he got close. He also hadn't received any more notes from her after the one she left in her arrow. It was as if she was a ghost; you see her for a brief moment but when you look again she was gone. It was this fact that had Peter seriously debating on bringing him back out from retirement.

Juliet could tell things where bothering Peter as he sat in the lecture hall, completely oblivious to everything but his own thoughts. On his desk next to him, there lay a newspaper with the headline 'New Masked Crusader saves the day!' The papers had dubbed the newest vigilante 'Silver Arrow' due to the silver mask she wore, her trusty bow and changeable arrowheads, and the trademark silver arrow that was left at each crime scene she helped. It said that she was like the female version of Hawkeye. Folding the copy of the paper, Juliet tucked it back into her bag and bit her lip. She was struggling to stop the all-knowing smile from creeping on to her face.

Taking her usual seat, Juliet slowly sipped her coffee, hoping that the caffeine would put a kick back in to her step. It had become evident that the lack of sleep was beginning to catch up with her body. Granted you could never tell that she had been pulling all-nighters the past couple days. It was if she had some form of accelerated healing, allowing her to constantly look refreshed. Her skin was still a creamy pale color, no evidence of sleep depravity on her face whatsoever. Her dark brown hair and eyes were still shiny and full of life. Juliet could get a job as a model with her looks but was more dedicated to her studies. It wasn't as if she was oblivious to how she looked, it was that her parent's put such a strong emphasis on intellect instead of beauty. Shaking her head at the mere thought of her parents, she sighed and rubbed her temples.

As she sat in class, she mulled over her own thoughts, much like Peter was doing before the lecture began. The main thought in her head was trying to maintain the balance between her daily activities and her nighttime adventures. So far, it seemed as though her nightly job had begun to overtake her life and was in dire need of something… well, normal. As the Professor finished his lecture, Juliet was pulled out from her thoughts and quickly put away her notes. Hearing her name called, she perked her head up searching for the voice calling her. The Professor was waving her to the front of the room.

"Ah, yes Juliet! Just the girl I was looking for!"

"What can I do for you, sir?" He smiled and pulled out a packet of papers for her.

"I was hoping you would be able to take a look at this set of notes for the upcoming chapters. This is your area of expertise and would love to have you give the lectures for them. Have them back by next class?" Juliet nodded, agreeing to the task she had been given.

This is how Juliet found herself immersed in material in one of the open communal labs with papers and books covering her workspace. It seemed as though she wasn't the only person trying to get work done with the materials they had access to. Across the room, Peter Parker was fiddling with some kind of device that was shooting out a thick string. It looked like a copy of whatever Spider-man used to swing around the city. Professor Wilson had mentioned that Peter could rival her intelligence and that was why she felt compelled to make copies of her notes for all the classes he missed. In her mind, Peter seemed like a good ally to have in the scientific world. Making a spur of the moment decision, Juliet jumped up from her seat, adjusting the denim that hung over her shoulders and draped over a patterned circle skirt, before heading over towards Peter.


"Ahhh!" Peter jumped off of his stool at Juliet's sudden appearance causing her to grin sheepishly at his reaction. "Hi, Juliet. How are you?"

" I'm fine." She took a step closer into his workspace. "Oh wow…" her voice breathy with awe. "That looks really intricate." Cautiously she bent down to observe the device, lightly plucking the string that stuck to the adjacent board. "Actually, when I saw you working on it, it reminded me of how Spider-man used to get around town." Juliet jumped up from her hunched position, humor flooding her face. "Maybe you're Spidey!"

Peter's eyes grew wide at the accusation. "Ha… well that's not what this is for, nope, not at all. I know nothing about Spider-man. Nada, nothing, nope." He spoke quickly, stuttering over his words; his voice indicating how flustered he was.

"It was a joke, Peter." Juliet wore an amused smile at how red Peter had gotten at her calling him Spider-man.

"Right…" He released the breath he was holding and ran a hand through his hair. The smile on Juliet's face never faltered.

"Well, I actually came over here for a reason." Taking a seat on Peter's vacated stool, she crossed her legs and smiled even more sweetly. "I need some help with my studying. I was wondering if you'd mind quizzing me for a bit?"

Peter could feel his heart skip a beat and the sweet and kind look Juliet was giving him. He hadn't felt this way in a long time, it hurt to think of the reason why. Regardless of the hurt, the sweetness of Juliet's smile filled him with warmth, coating his insides with new feelings.

"Y-yeah, anything for you." Juliet's smile seemed to brighten even more at his reply. Standing up from the stool, she clapped her hands in excitement.

"Oh great! Thank you! How about we meet here tomorrow? 3-o-clock? I'll bring the coffee." With another dazzling smile, she left before he could say no, not realizing she was leaving behind a dazed, yet happy, Peter.

Peter honestly had no idea what caused him to act that way in front of Juliet. It was like he was just learning how to talk to girls again. As he watched her walk away, skirt slightly swaying as she moved, Peter allowed a small smile to creep on to his face. Maybe hanging out with Juliet would be good for him since he had isolated himself for so long. Turning back to his webbing device, he made the final touch up before putting it back in to the pocket that held his suit. After the good afternoon he had, maybe it was time for him to take back to the sky.

Night had fallen on the city and, for once, it was a quiet night. A familiar figure was crouched on the back on a gargoyle, observing the busy streets below. The red and blue of the suit stood out against the gray of the stone. He had originally just put the suit on and climbed the building to watch the sun set but now he had an itching in his veins for flight. Peter hadn't flown through the city in a long time and missed the rush of swinging through the air. Standing up, Peter released a strand of his webbing and launched himself into the sky.

The sensation of floating and falling was familiar, comforting, as Peter glided through the night. He had found a peace within him that he hadn't had in weeks. Just him and the rush of flying through the calm sky. Landing on top of one of the taller apartment buildings, he realized this was the area where he first saw the female archer, Silver Arrow. Strange to think that it had only been a bit over a week since that sighting. He had been gone for weeks, the fact that someone had taken his role as savior was both comforting and unsettling. In a small part in the back of his mind he was convinced that she was only helping the city to lure him out and take his place, permanently. It was a crazy idea but the city had seen some pretty crazy things in the short time he'd been Spider-man. He knew nothing about the Silver Arrow but from the glimpses he'd seen, she seemed… off. For some reason, when he thought about it, Peter would be filled with sympathy. It was as if she was like him in ways but he severely doubted that a radioactive spider had bitten her and given her crazy good archery skills. Whatever it was, Peter had no idea and no clue if he ever would. With a sigh, Peter looked back up in to the night sky, wishing for the answers to all the questions running through his mind.

Unknown to Peter, the Silver Arrow was standing on a nearby roof top, arrow poised in her bow. She had been out, itching for a fight but instead found that Spider-man had come out of hiding. Stalking along the rooftops, she remained only a building or two behind him. She wondered if he ever got the note she left for him; that arrow was still embedded in the painted spider symbol. This was the night, the big confrontation with him she had been hoping for. Watching as he stopped on the roof of the adjacent building, she pressed one of the buttons on the side of her bow, rotating the different bolts inside her quiver. Once selecting the correct one, she readied the arrow, removing the small tail cap to reveal the end of a skinny black cable. Securing the end of the cable to a clip on her waist, she fired the arrow towards the building Spider-man was perched on. The bolt of the arrow broke off in to a hook, lodging itself in to the siding of the building. Tugging the cable, the Silver Arrow pressed a different button on her bow and was being pulled towards her stuck arrow.

Peter's enhanced senses prickled at the sound of an arrow hitting something nearby. Standing from his spot, he saw a black figure swing towards the building he was on and begin to ascend. Peter moved closer to the person but not close enough to be detected. Suddenly, a chill went down his spine at the sound of cracking rock. He saw the hook that was attached to the cable bringing the figure up start to creep up the wall, working itself off the ledge. The hook fully dislodged and flipped over the edge, accompanied by a terrified cry. Running off the edge of the building, Peter released his webbing towards the falling figure, grabbing them by the chest. He then launched another piece of webbing at a nearby building. Swinging himself and his current companion to the building, he swung his companion up in front of him, causing them to land with a soft groan.

Landing on his feet, he was finally able to see who was attempting to climb the other building. Standing to their feet, a shock of silver met Peter's eyes as they widened under his mask. Smoothing down her hair and adjusting the bow and quiver draped over her shoulder, she met his eyes, or well, where his mask had eyes.

"You must have all the ladies falling for you Spidey. Didn't think I would be joining that crowd so early." Her voice was light and teasing but the grateful look in her eyes was there.

Peter just stood there, watching her smile sheepishly at him, hair fluttering in the breeze. It took everything he had in that moment to commit this night to memory: the first time he met the Silver Arrow face-to-face.