Yeah, this is a weird scenario I came up with. The first chapter may not seem very Veggietales-ish, but hopefully it will change. There's no familiar characters in this chapter, but bear with me, it's important.

April 9, 1520

It had started out to be such a lovely day.

In the small but prosperous nation of Fructis Olus, Queen Frances had just given birth to her third son, and preparations were under way for the new prince's christening and official naming ceremony. At three o clock in the afternoon, one of King Hugh's bodyguards caught a cloaked man sneaking around the east wing, where the royal family resided.

He was found to be carrying knives.

Shortly afterwards, some scullery maids saw two men trying to climb the walls outside the kitchen window, and they (the maids) ran screaming for help. Another shadowy figure managed to creep into the very room where Crown prince Robert was having his geography lesson, but his teacher apprehended said figure with a large textbook, then grabbed the prince and ran out calling for the guards.

Before everyone knew it, the palace was under a full blown siege. The king met up with Captain Turnipus, leader of the palace guards. "First and most obvious question: Do you have any idea who our attackers are?" "Not entirely sure. We don't think they came from outside the kingdom; they couldn't get past our border patrol. Hardly anybody's crazy enough to attack the royal family in their very home, but the flu epidemic that's been going around has left many of my men incapacitated." The monarch wasted no time. "Make sure the Queen, princes, and as many people possible are safe." "Right away, Sire!" Turnipus saluted, then barked the orders to his subordinates.

Queen Frances was disturbed from her nap by a loud thump in the adjoining room where the baby was. The thump was followed by a scuffling sound. "Nettie," She called one of her ladies-in-waiting. "Yes ma'am?" "Did you hear a noise coming from the nursery?" the older woman shook her head. "No Milady. Are you sure you weren't dreaming?" The queen frowned. "Pretty sure, but could you check on Nurse and the baby, just to be on the safe side?" "Certainly ma'am." Nettie trotted in her brisk way into the other room. Frances began to settle back into her pillow. It's probably nothing, she told herself. You're worrying too much.

Suddenly there was a horrified screech that made the Queen bolt back upright. Nettie came rushing back in, eyes wide as platters. "THE BABY'S GONE!" Frances swore her heart stopped cold in her chest. "What?!" Her assistant grabbed a bedpost to steady herself, gasping like a trout in the bottom of a boat. "Nurse is tied and gagged… the cradle's empty…"before she could finish there was a hearty knock at the main door to the Queen's chambers, and then it was opened. Standing there was Lieutenant Kale, Turnupis' second in command, with at least six of the guards. "Your Highness, there are intruders in the castle…" "And they've kidnapped the baby!" Frances interrupted. Kale's mouth remained open as the words sank in. "Seriously?" The two women glared simultaneously. "You think I'd joke about a thing like this?" The Second-in-command raised his hands in defense. "Forgive me your Grace!" He then muttered to himself. "Either they're very fast, or we're really rusty."

The Queen threw back her covers. "Go get the Princes Robert and Mark right away, and someone untie Nurse!" "We areon top of that Milady, We've already got the two princes together with the Geography tutor in a safe location. We"ll commence the search for the youngest immediately." He then turned to one of the guards accompanying him. "You go and release the Nursemaid." The soldier nodded and obeyed. "You," Kale turned to another, especially strong looking guard. "Stay with the Queen and help her get to the designated area safely. The rest of you will accompany me."

The group separated. As the guard designated to watch the queen entered the room, she placed her feet on the floor. "Nettie, please go get my shawl and slippers." The lady looked at her with astonishment. "Surely your Highness isn't thinking of walking at this time?" "I have to." Frances said emphatically. The guard spoke up. "It would be no trouble to carry you, Milady." "No thank you, I'll be fine." The queen donned her shawl and shoes. "But you just had a baby." Nettie interjected." "Three days ago." The Queen specified, staggering to her feet. "And now it's has been taken from me and my family is in danger." She gave a wry grin. "No sir, I'm not sitting around while that happens." She took a few wobbly but determined steps, The guard and her companion supporting both arms.

The three of them made their way down the Halls, on their highest alert, the guard bringing up the rear with sword in hand. While Frances seemed calm on the outside, she was praying frantically on the inside.

Lord, protect my son, all my sons, my husband, and those who live in these walls. As she prayed, she began to feel calmer. I submit my family to you; please let them save my baby and bring our attackers to justice. If it isn't your will, please give us all peace, no matter what happens: don't let us become bitter…

Suddenly (she didn't know how she even noticed it), there was a sound like a moan. The guard heard it too. "Wait." He looked around the halls to find the source of the noise. They heard it again. "Who's there?" The guard demanded. At first there was silence, then a feeble voicewhimpered. "Could you help me?" It sounded like a woman. "Where are you?" The Queen asked. "Over here." "It sounds like it's coming from over there." Nettie pointed towards one of the doors. The body guard strode forward. "Let me handle this, it could be a trap." He opened the oak door, and the two women leaned forward to get a closer look.

The door opened to a stairwell, with a figure leaning heavily against the wall a few steps down. It was a maidservant, a little bit younger than the queen…

And extremely pregnant.

The guard looked to the Queen for further instruction. "Please help her." The matriarch told him. The soldier quickly ran to the girl, then lifted her into his arms as carefully as he could. "Oh, thank you!" the maid said in relief.

When she was brought into the hall, she recognized the woman in the nightgown. "You're Highness! Oh, wow, this is so embarrassing; I'm sorry or not curtseying." "No, please don't apologize!" Frances told her with a friendly smile. "This sort of thing catches us all unawares." The girl nodded. "Don't I know it? I'm not due for another two weeks, but I heard shouting and that we were being attacked, I was so frightened. The pains just came, I tried to go downstairs to get away from the noise, but I didn't even make it down five steps." "We'd better get moving." The guard said. "Oooooh!" The girl gasped. "They're already getting stronger!" "Deep breaths." Nettie told her, and she inhaled slowly.

The strange party made their way down the hall, rather slowly. The queen tried to engage the maidservant in conversation to keep her distracted, and the girl answered between breaths. "What's your name, honey?" "Rebecca… Rebecca Rhubarb." "That's a pretty name! What do you do?" "I make… beds and… clean…the rooms." She paused to catcher breath. "My husband works in the … the gardens… in the… northeast edge… but not the…corner." "I've seen those flowers: they're gorgeous."

They began to make their way down a stairway. Frances continued. "What's your husband's favorite flower?" "Same as mine: petunias." "Those are very pretty." Frances agreed, " don't remember seeing them in the castle gardens, though." "No Ma'am. They're… considered to be too… common." Frances looked indignant "But they're so colorful and cheery." She smiled. "Maybe I'll have a little talk with the master groundskeeper." Rebecca blinked in astonishment "You'd do that?" "Of course." The queen said, reaching over to pat her shoulder. "I see no reason why average garden flowers can't mingle with the rarer ones." The maid gave a small laugh. "No Ma'am."

The guard interrupted. "We're almost to the assigned room, your Grace." "Does it have a bed?" The Queen asked, motioning to Rebecca. The Girl's eyes widened. "Oh no no, Your Highness! I really shouldn't…" "I've already had my baby." The ruler interrupted. "Now It's your turn, and that's an order!" Rebecca gave her a grateful smile. "How can I ever thank you enough?"

Meanwhile, the King had received news of the infant prince's kidnapping, and was anxiously awaiting further intel. " We've heard a bunch a noise, and we've grabbed a few of the rotters: mostly men, some women, but we've seen neither hide nor hair of the prince." " But who are they?" "There have been a few," Captain Turnipus said. "Some of the individuals have surrendered, they mention an organization called S.U.N." "I've never heard such a thing." The Monarch admitted. Before Turnipus could say more, another soldier came rushing in, eyes wide and breathless. "Captain, the intruders have retreated and are gathering in front of the Main entrance! They demand an audience with the King!" "You've gotta be kidding! That is one of the stupidest things I've heard all day!" Turnipus remarked. "Why would they gather in a visible place where we can get at them? And they expect us to just do whatever they ask?" King Hugh turned to the Captain. "They have my son, this could be a hostage situation." Turnipus shifted uneasily "I don't like the sound of this, but you make the final call, My Liege."

The King stood on the parapet over the gate, flanked on either side by several archers with crossbows cocked. Clustered before him on the ground was a small group on horseback. At the distance, it was difficult to make out their faces, or any other detail. Both parties just stared at each other for a good ten minutes, the tension and hostility in the air was almost tangible.

After a tense silence, one of the horse bound men drew his horse just a little nearer then stopped, the Archers tensed. "Get me a spyglass!" The king hissed to one of the soldiers.

After someone handed him one, He focused it on the man closest, who had not moved since. He stared at the figure, seeing a familiar lean figure with hard-bitten features and a brown beard, a pair of needle gray eyes glaring directly at him, as if aware of the glass, mouth pressed into a thin line. "Good Lord!" "What is it, Sire?" Hugh was shaking now, either from fear or rage. "It's Burdock!"

As if this had been a cue, The figure drew back his cloak, and held up what it had concealed.

An unmistakable bundle.

Then turned and fled with the rest of his group, the challenge clear.

The King spun around to Turnipus. "Monster! Devil! Stop him! Save My son!" "I'm way ahead of you." Turnipus ran down the stairs, "Someone grab my horse, everyone saddle up!"

The Queen and the other three had finally made it to the designated room. No sooner was Rebecca lowered into bed then Frances began removing the girl's shoes and stockings. "Nettie, we need water and blankets." "I'm on it." The handmaid answered, running into the washroom. The Guard stood to the side, looking more and more uncomfortable with each passing minute. "Erm… I should probably keep vigil outside." "Do whatever you must." Frances told him patiently. Then Rebecca let out a yelp, and the soldier turned the color of chalk and collapsed into a chair. "I… just need to rest for a moment." "Hold her hand!" The Queen told him. "B-but my Lady…" "Hold. her. hand." The man gingerly obeyed. Frances brushed the hair from Rebecca's sweaty forehead. "Don't worry, it's almost over."

News of the attacker's retreat quickly spread, and the palace residents breathed a collective sigh of relief, only for some to resume panicking when they tried to find their loved ones. Among the more frantic ones was a young red-haired manservant, asking the same question to everyone he ran into. "Have you seen my wife? She's blonde, very pretty, and very… pregnant. Has anyone seen her?"

While he was searching the servant's dining hall, a middle aged woman wearing the olive-green dress worn by the Queen's Ladies-in-waiting waved him over. "Are you Henry Rhubarb?" He showed annoyance at being slowed in his search. "Yes." "And your wife is Rebecca?" He froze. "You've seen her?! Where is she?!" The woman gave him a calm smile, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Relax; She's safe and sound, and so is your wee one." Henry gasped again. "You mean…?" "Congratulations, you have a healthy baby girl!" "A girl." He echoed in a faraway tone. Then a huge grin broke its way across his face. He turned to the others gathered in the hall. "Did you hear that everyone? I have a girl!" everyone cheered as Nettie took his arm and led him away. "Come with me: They're with the Queen."

"Th-the Queen?!"

Sure enough, Rebecca had given birth to a girl: a lovely, rosy little thing with Henry's orange hair and bright green eyes. She was a bit on the small side, what with being a couple weeks late and all, but she cried easily and remained alert. Henry and Nettie came into the room to find the two women cooing over the baby, and the body guard slumped in a chair, recovering from a faint.

Henry ran to his wife's side. "Sweetie…" He began. Rebecca smiled, holding up the baby. "Look what I've got." The gardener looked on the verge of tears. "She's beautiful! I can't even believe how beautiful!" The little one peered at him with equal curiosity, before giving a tiny yawn. "Can I hold her?" "Of course." His wife handed over the precious bundle. He just stared in awe for a few minutes. Then the Queen asked "I know it's early, but any ideas for the name?" The young couple exchanged knowing smiles. "I think we have one settled." Henry said. Then Rebecca looked thoughtful. "The first name at least." She specified.

She turned to the ill guard. "Excuse me, good sir." The man sat up, still woozy. "Huh… What?" "What's your name?" The soldier looked surprised. "Oh… Um, Michael Collard, Miss." Rebecca turned back to her husband. "How do you like 'Michelle' for a middle name?" Henry beamed "I think that's a great idea!" Collard looked flabbergasted. "But… all I did was get sick." "You carried her to safety." The queen reminded him. "You kept all of us safe." "Yes," Rebecca affirmed. "I wouldn't have made it to this room without you." "And for that," Henry continued. "We're more than grateful." Collard blinked for a moment, then smiled.

"So, what's the child's name?" Nettie asked, unable to take the suspense. The new parents beamed. "Petunia Michelle Rhubarb." Rebecca answered. Everyone gazed at the little one whohad managed to bring joy in a harrowing situation.

Suddenlythe door opened and everyone looked to see the King himself walk in. "Hugh!" The Queen ran toward him, a million questions poised on the tip of her tongue. But they were all forgotten when she saw the forlorn, haunted look on his face. He slowly looked up at her. "I heard that Robert and Mark are safe with their tutor." He murmured in a far away voice "Yes." Frances confirmed. "Well at least they…" His voice began to waver. The Queen grasped his hands. "Honey, what happened?"

For a minute, the Monarch was silent, staring at his feet, before taking a deep breath, then looking up. "Richard Burdock was the one behind the attack." Frances' jaw dropped. "The villain!" "He wanted revenge," Hugh continued. "…and he got it." A chill went up the Queen's spine. "What did he do?" "He was just waiting for an opportunity like this…" "What did he do?!"Frances repeated. Hugh looked her in the eye. "He threw the baby into the River Shallot."

Everyone in the room; Nettie, Michael, the Rhubarbs, gasped in horror. Frances dropped his hands, taking a step back. "No…"

"We sent an ambush after him, Turnipus saw it happen, and Burdock got away." His wife stood frozen, mouth hanging open. His gaze returned to the floor. "My Love, I'm so sorry…" "Don't be." His gaze snapped up in shock to see her smiling despite the tears making their way down her face. "I was prepared for this." She took his hands again. "We will see him again, someday. I will miss him, but he is with The Lord now." She brushed a thumb across his knuckles. "I'm just grateful we had three days with him." The King managed a smile, then pulled her into an embrace.