It's been about two years since the Vatican opened up a giant Gehenna Gate in an attempt to destroy Gehenna forever. Even before that, the Vatican arrested me after my sword broke and my power consumed me. Once I thought back, I noticed that there were warning signs foretelling that my sword would break. Now, I am seeing them again.


Rin's POV

"Yukio, I think I have a problem," I ran up to my brother, who was engaged in his work. He started to mumble something, but the look on my face must have convinced him that my problem was worth interrupting him, "Rin, what happened?"

In response, I held up my sheathed sword and surround myself in flames. Not only that, but I also willed myself into my full demon form. He gasped, "But your sword..?"

I let go of my power. "Remember that one time in the forest? You know when Amaimon attacked us?" His expression told me he did. Of course he did, how could anyone forget? Not only was the entire forest engulfed in blue flames, but..No, not now Rin. Focus! I took a deep breath, "I think that it's happening again."

"How do you know?" Yukio's voice grew sharp, "Rin, you're just paranoid." Oh no, I thought he would listen. However, as I examined his expression, I realized he believed me. He was just as much trying to convince himself that it wasn't true as he was trying to convince me. "Yukio, we have to do something about it." My voice seemed resigned.

"How do you know?" His voice cracked.

"Before the…sword broke last time, I could use my powers without the sword. I could change to a demon even when the sword was sheathed and across the room." I took another deep breath, "But before that, and since, I haven't be able to."

"What can we do?" Yukio asked, "Here let me see it," and he reached for the sword. I gave it to him and stepped back. He slowly swung the sword out of the sheath, and at the same time I felt demonic power hit me full force. Sometimes, the power came out of the sword pretty quickly but it's never hit me that hard before. I sunk to the floor, crosslegged and holding my head. "Rin!" I heard Yukio shout my name, but I couldn't respond. Then, I felt him tug my tail, hard. It hurt but all my power went out of me, almost as quickly as it had come.

With my mind still muddled, it took me a second to realize he was still holding my tail. "I'm okay now, could you please let go?" I asked, weakly.

"Sorry!" He let go immediately, and almost instantly a weight lifted off my chest. I hate having a weak point like my tail. I shook my head, still trying to think clearly. "Are you okay?" Yukio was sitting directly in front of me. now.

"Think so. That was really odd." I mumbled.

"What happened?" now my brother sounded like a interrogator.

"That also happened a couple times before the sword broke. When you unsheathed the sword, my power hit me all at once." I looked up and gave him a stupid grin, "I am quite powerful, dear brother." My smile faded, "When that happens, I can't control it. Too many flames and not enough warning, I guess. Thanks for stopping it." I regained my smile.

"How do we stop that from happening?" Yukio was not smiling.

I shrugged, "Beats me." My expression turned gloomy, "Thank goodness that happened right now and not later. That could have been really bad."

Yukio nodded, "Yes, it could have. We have to ask for help, Rin. Until we figure this out, do NOT draw Kurikara. We don't want your flames to get out of control."

I nodded, "I don't need the sword, I can summon most of my power on my own."

Yukio paused in thought, "Try not to do that either. It might be damaging the sword."

"I never thought about that. Yukio, who do you plan to ask for help? The only ones I can think of who might know of this sort of thing are ah… not anyone or anything I would ask for help."

Yukio smiled, "Actually, I do know someone. Mephisto."

"How could he help?"

Yukio was surprised, "Seriously Rin, I don't know how you can be so dense sometimes. He's not only the headmaster of a college for exorcists, but…" Yukio gave a rare reckless grin, "he's also our older brother."
