Grandissons Together

Disclaimer: I own Nothing…Murphy, Falchuk, and Brennen along with Fox and others own this fandom and all the characters there in…Anything you recognize obviously belongs to them
****THANKS to everyone who has taken the time to review! Your encouragement helps more than you know!****

Rest in Peace
Maya Angelou – every black who holds a pen to attempt to express herself holds she was her inspiration.

Favorite Work – Phenomenal Woman

Ruby Dee – to most black women, she became our extra grandmother or great-grandmother as we watched her in countless roles over our lives

Favorite Role – Mother Abigail in The Stand

Take a moment and let me know what you enjoyed most about the update.

AN: This is the third story in the Learning French Universe. The New Directions begin their Senior year.
The Betas are Back, the Betas are back, oh sweet hallelujah, the Betas are back!

I am SO in LOVE! with Color Blind…I have listened to it almost constantly for the last week. AMBER RILEY thank you, and of course Emelie Sande and her fellow songwriters, so much for that AMAZING work of musical art.

Want to see the finishes and details for the Brownstone…Check out Illy's Flicker Account at

https(Semicolon)(2backslashes) N04(BackSlash)sets(BackSlash)

Remove the words and parentheses and put in the suggested key

After the Party is the Hotel Lobby

Sam Point of View

We left the club still riding a major prom night high. Puck and I probably more so than anyone else. We were there with the most amazing, most beautiful girl, and with the sexiest guy. We were truly happy and had a bright and shiny future ahead of us. I smirked to myself as I thought of how many guys had tried to cut in when Mercy was dancing with one of the other guys in the crew. Oddly enough, nobody had tried to move in on her when she was dancing with Noah or me. Guess they knew for sure she wouldn't say yes then. Really she only allowed it when it was somebody she was cool with. Otherwise she just chilled with the gang. A lot of those fools should have known better. My Baby has not one fuck to give about any of those guys who were only comfortable admitting they thought she was gorgeous after it became socially acceptable.

I had done most of the pre prom driving, so I handed Puck the keys after we left the club. While the six of us talked and laughed, we made it to the hotel in record time. With practiced ease, we had Artie and all four of the girls out of the vehicle quickly. As we made our way into the hotel, I thought back on the afternoon. After we cleaned the Tahoe and done our level best to make it look like it had just rolled out the factory, Puck and I had called Artie and the three of us decided to come over and check in as early as we could. With the first look we got of the hotel room, we knew we'd made the right decision. The rest of the afternoon was spent in one of two ways: getting ready for Prom, or making the rather stark room look more romantic for our woman. We'd packed a bag that contained all our usual needs, condoms, lube, massage oils, and toys. But we had to make a quick SprawlMart run and grab some king sized sheets and a couple of blankets. Puck bought a bunch of lavender and vanilla scented candles that he wanted to set up in the bathroom. I grabbed some ylang-ylang bath oils while we were in that section. I'd read somewhere that the plant was an aphrodisiac…and while we didn't need any help wanting our woman, it smelled great and would add to the sensuality we were hoping to create. Almost as an afterthought, we grabbed a cheapo set of bath mats too. Becah agreed to wash the sheet and blankets for us in Mercy's smell-good washing stuff so we left those with her and ran some other errands.

While the wash was going, Puck and I ran to Whole Foods and did a little special shopping. We got a ton of the electrolyte water that Moms D had gotten most of us hooked on when she was craving it. We also got a whole bunch of strawberries, cut up watermelon and cantaloupe, peeled and sliced peaches, and pineapple…everything that Mercy loved. Then we went into the back of the store and grabbed whipped cream and their special, all natural chocolate sauce and honey. We picked the sheets and stuff up from Becah and rushed back to the hotel room we had just enough time to strip the bed and make it up with our stuff. We did take a second to fold up the crappy hotel bedding and put it in the closet on the shelf next to Mercy's overnight case and Puck and my bags before we had to hot foot it over to Veronica's. I know that it was technically a black women's hair salon, but I don't think that I trusted anybody but Lamar to get my roots and Veronica to cut my hair at that point and definitely not for such an big event. As long as those two didn't mind working on me and Puck, they had our business. We dragged Artie with us and Veronica did his style too.

After we left there, we met the others at the barber shop Jake frequented. Smallwood Barbershop so made me think of the Ice Cube movie, but much like Ms. Veronica and Lamar…they only cared about the color of our money. But they did a great job. My jaw and cheeks were baby bottom smooth. We rushed back and got there just as Dad arrived. He had swung by the florist and picked up our order which included a buttload of purple rose petals and our corsages for Mercy. Since we'd run out of time to swing by ourselves, Dad had picked up the ones Artie had ordered for his girls too. Dad also had a bunch of silver bowls, a champagne bucket, and a bouquet made of the same lilies and orchids that made up Mercedes' corsages.

"Becah sent the bowls. She said to fill them with ice and sit the fruit and stuff in them to keep everything fresh." He handed us those. "Fill this with ice and leave this in it." He passed He passed us a bag we hadn't noticed that contained a large bottle of sparkling cider. "There are some flute glasses around here somewhere." He murmured. "Oh here you go." He handed us a dollar tree bag with three fluted champagne glasses inside. "Don't forget to wash those first. Did you remember to Lysol down the bathroom, especially the tub? You know how Mercy is about other people's germs."

We laughed but nodded. We'd done that as soon as we got here and then again while Puck was setting up all the candles and such in the bathroom. "Yes sir. We even put down some bathmats so Cede won't have to put her wet feet on miscellaneous floorage." Puck answered as he grabbed a couple of the bowls to go fill them with ice. The three of us made short work of that chore and we dropped off Santana and Brittany's corsages by Artie's room on the way to the ice machine.

When we got back to the room, Puck and I showered and started to get dressed. Dad finished putting the fruit and stuff on ice while he waited to see if there was anything else we needed. Since it was a special occasion, we used some of the hella expensive colognes Saul had given us for Christmas. That stuff cost so much neither Puck nor I were comfortable using it on the daily. When we came out the bathroom in our purple silk boxers, the room looked entirely different. Dad had arranged the silver bowls in a ring around the champagne bucket. The bouquet he'd brought had been divided between two vases, though I have no idea where he found the second one, and rested on the room's nightstands. He had taken some of the rose petals and made a heart on the bed. "Whoa Dad…wow." I breathed. "It looks great. I mean thanks. You didn't have to…but thanks." I babbled.

"Son…women remember their prom nights 'til they are little gray haired ladies tooling round in wheel chairs. George, Benton and I just want to make sure that you two are able to give our Mercy the best possible night she can have. Cameron Harding is helping Aidan with making sure that Tessa has a night she will never forget too, and I know that Benton drove out to Dalton and had a talk with James too." Dad gave us a funky little grin. "Besides the better you make her memories of this night, the better your memories of the night will be too. All we, your parents want for all of you is that you have better memories, and hell lives, than we've had. Now I know it will be hard for the two of you to have better prom night memories than I do…but you can try."

"Okay Dad…you are heading fast for 'way too much information' land." I teased. "It's bad enough that you knocked Mom up again…thus forcing the children you already have to confront the fact that the two of you are still…you knowing…and such." I threw a false shiver of disgust. To be honest, it kind of made me feel happy that my parents were still that in love with each other. "But for real, Dad our lives are already really, really awesome." I assured him. "Mercy and Noah and me, we're having so much good in our lives, it is almost scary. It is definitely making up for the bad stuff that came before. I never thought I would say this much less even think it, but finding them made even being homeless worth it."

"I know son, I know what you mean. I am so very proud of you and so very happy for you." He clapped me on the shoulder and then we commenced to getting Puck and I into our tuxes. It wasn't as hard as it could have been since we decided not to do the tie thing. We looked totally badass, like Samuel L. Jackson's Shaft or Keenan Ivory Wayans' Shame. We were ready. Dad gave Artie a ride back to his house where he and his girls were meeting for pictures and such. Puck and I made our way back to the house to get our own girl. The bulk of the night seemed to be a mixture of picture taking, dancing, talking, laughing, and more picture taking. Dinner was good, California Dreaming made a shrimp pasta dish that was so good it was almost sinful. The prom was awesome. Mercy serenaded Puck and I but she was just the first; by the end of the night all the gleek girls had sung love songs to their guys. We had fun at the club; the DJ was in love with our girl, as always. He constantly played songs designed to keep her on the floor. It was a blast.

I'd been so deep in my thoughts I almost didn't notice when we got into the hotel room. A quick glance around the room and I was shocked to see that the clock said it was almost one in the morning. Noah gave me a quick smirk and I took Mercedes into my arms. I distracted both of us with heavy, deep, long, slow, drugging kisses. Puck stripped out of his tux and quickly hung it up before pulling our woman into his kisses' allowing me time to do the same. By the time I was able to return to my lovers, Puck had Mercy's dress unzipped. The back had fallen open to reveal the full, beautiful expanse of soft chocolate skin, marred only by the thick band of a simple bra. Stepping up behind them, I pressed kisses to her shoulders and upper back. She smelled every bit as good as she had looked when she stepped down the stairs at her house earlier that evening. I helped her step out of the dress that Puck had allowed to puddle at her feet.

As Mercedes stood before us, clad in only some seriously sexy lingerie and some fucking dangerous high heeled sandals, my mouth actually started to water. "You are a goddess." I breathed. Her breasts were barely contained in a strapless bra that had a deep v in between the lacy cups. Her panties matched and hugged her sexy hips perfectly. My eyes slid over the thick but toned flesh of her thighs, down slightly dimpled knees, and perfect strong calves to her slender ankle and satin and jet encased feet to the mirror covered nails of her pretty little toes.

While Noah and I had been taking in the beauty before us, Mercy finally had a chance to look at the room. "Oh my God, you guys shouldn't have gone to all this trouble." She whispered. "It's so beautiful."

"You're beautiful." Puck told her. "The room is just nice."

I agreed quickly. "We just wanted to make your night perfect…like you make our days." I stooped down and picked up her dress. Puck took it from me and quickly hung it up in the closet. In turn, I led Mercy to the bed, grabbing the strawberries on the way. I fed her a bite of one of the plump, juicy berries, then dragged it down the swell of her plump, juicy breast. I licked up the mess I had made on her pretty skin and we played like that until we were both panting with anticipation. Puck had joined us grabbing the watermelon. He played a similar game, even going so far as to rest a chunk of the red treat in her belly button and devour it gently licking the juices off her belly. Soon we changed the game up a little. We carefully removed Mercy's bra and soaking wet panties. Then we decorated her skin with chocolate and honey, topping her titties, navel, and mound of Venus with whipped cream. Puck and I kissed and nibbled and licked and sucked until she was clean of all of it. The fact that she had cum several times as we feasted was just a delectable coincidence.

I passed Noah a condom and sat back and watched as he made love to our woman. His strokes were gentle and his words full of love, desire and passion. Mercy reached out her hand and grabbed mine, making sure to include me in their shared love. I love watching her cum, even a little more when it is Noah bringing her to her peak. Something in their love making called to me and I donned a rubber and a lot of lube and moved behind Puck. I slid into his muscular ass, making all three of us one. Our voices rang out in climax very soon thereafter. We rested for a long minute then Puck and I went to the bathroom to dispose of our latex coverings. As Puck lit the candles, I started the tub to filling with very warm water and added the bath oil and several handfuls of the purple rose petals. While I was setting our body wash and sponges on the edge of the whirlpool tub, Mercy came in having finally taken off her heels and carrying a black piece of nothing with her toiletry bag.

"You guys…you went above and beyond. I think you might just have to go in the record books as the best boyfriends in the history of the world." She said as she came over and gave us deep kisses.

I thanked her for the compliment. "We had some help…we kind of ran out of time so Dad had to go and get our stuff from the florist."

Mercedes laughed. "I love the two of you so much." She told us as she brought her loofa and body wash over. "But only in our family would one of the dads help set a seduction scene."

"They wanted to make sure that we only have good memories of tonight." Puck replied climbing into the tub. Since the tub was technically meant for two, we'd figured out that if Puck sat against one end, I could help Mercedes rest against his chest, and then get in at the other end. When we were all in the tub and the water was at a comfortable level, we stopped the faucet and turned on the jets. It was soothing and felt great. I grabbed Mercy's loofa and wash and started gently cleaning any and all of the sticky residue from our food play from her skin. She grabbed my green sponge. Since we'd all pretty much moved in together, Puck and I had needed a way to make sure that our stuff didn't get confused.

We'd come up with a good system, the primary colors; blue, red, yellow, those were Puck's. The secondary colors; purple, orange, and green were mine. Of course, Mercy got the pastels, though I kind of avoided purples for the most part to make sure that there wasn't any confusion. She lathered me up and then we both attacked Puck with his red loofa. Soon though, I guess all the touching and teasing as we washed got us hot and bothered. Puck grabbed a towel off the rack nearby and spread it over the back of the tub. We sat Mercedes on it and I licked and sucked her nipples while Puck ate her pussy until she was a puddle of sated goo. While she rested in the cooling water, she watched as Puck fucked my ass. I came all over her hand as she jerked me off when I reached the pentacle of pleasure.

We helped her out the tub when we finally felt like moving again. The bathroom's toilet was in a separate water closet…thankfully, because I had to use it and I knew Mercy would need to lotion. I did what I had to do and grabbed a quick shower as Mercedes groomed. I stepped back into the bedroom of the suite and found Puck reclining against the headboard with three flutes of 'champagne' on the nightstand beside him. I realized that I was thirsty as hell. Grabbing one of the electrolyte waters from the fridge, I drained half of it in one go. A startling feat considering how big those bottles were. I put the rest on my nightstand and joined Puck against the pillows.

Mercedes came out the bathroom and I think my jaw hit the floor. I mean she was so fucking sexy and beautiful I didn't have the words to describe it. She had brushed her curls back into order, and donned a nightgown that really hid nothing, and yet it covered her from neck to knees. It was completely sheer black silk with licks of actual black silk on the front that drew attention to the fact that we could clearly see every bit of her through and around them. We made love to her in that naughty bit of nothing, nipping her nipples through it and bunching it around her waist as she rode me and Puck slid his cock into her awe inspiring ass. We fell asleep still joined together and woke to make love again as the sun shined into the room. We made the fruit our breakfast and cleaned the evidence of our presence from the room, returning the lesser sheets and comforter to the bed while we put ours into the big bags we'd gotten the day before. We gathered our candles and bathmats and put the room back into the condition we'd found it. We also made sure to take home all the mom's silver bowls and buckets and everything.

On the way home we stopped and had a real breakfast at Jake's mother's diner. He was there with Megan and some of her friends, all of them still in their finery, though one could tell that they'd recently put it back on. If the looks Megan was giving Jake were anything to go by, he had taken Santana's advice to heart. He waved us over to join him. Come to find out Megan was a freak and a half. She and her friends had pretty much planned to have a prom night orgy. However Jake had had the primary benefit since the other girl's dates didn't want to get down with another naked dude in the room. Though Jake figured they just didn't want to find out that a freshman was bigger than them. Long story short, Jake Puckerman was going to be a McKinley legend for a long ass time. After breakfast, we swung through SprawlMart and grabbed a cheap pullable suitcase. When we got home we washed all the linens we'd used at the hotel and packed them in the new suitcase. We added the candles, and bath oils and other things we'd used to make the hotel room ours. Since we had quite a few more hotel stays in front of us during the course of the summer, it seemed like a good idea to keep the bag ready to take with us to make each hotel room less anonymous.

As we got our stuff together for school the next day, we talked and decided that we'd definitely had the best prom night ever.

Leave a review and tell me which couple/thruple had the best night to you.
