I've always wanted to write Toothcup and I've finally done it! Yay! Anywho, Toothless has feelings for Hiccup and the other dragons try to help him win Hiccup over. That's pretty much it. I don't own this awesome franchise. Oh, this isn't going to be a 'M' story so turn back now if that's what you're looking for.

Toothless crouched low to the ground. He was depressed.

Stormfly looked down at him curiously. "What's the matter with you?"

"It's my human." He met her gaze. "I hate it when he goes places I can't follow."

Even though Hiccup had only been gone for half an hour to the forge, Toothless still missed him. He usually sat outside the building, but there was so many people today, there wasn't a spot for Toothless. Everybody in town seemed to want their weapons looked at at the same time.

So, Toothless had wondered to the training academy. Where else was he to go?

Hookfang rolled his eyes. "Seriously? You're moppy because your human is away for more than five seconds?" He carried for his rider, Snotlout, but spending every waking second with him would be too much.

"It's not just that." Toothless growled. "It's all those females too."

"What females?" Barf and Belch exchanged glances. He couldn't be talking about their female, Ruffnut, she was too busy getting into trouble to do anything else.

"They flock around Hiccup like sheep. It's only getting worse too." Toothless shook his head. "I don't like it. He's my human, they should go find their own."

Hookfang cocked his head. "Are we talking about female dragons or female humans or female sheep? Because I'm getting a little confused."

"Humans!" Toothless and Stormfly snapped at the same time.

"Even I knew that one." Belch smirked the best a dragon could.

"You lier." Barf head butted his second head. "Because if I didn't know, you didn't know."

"I so knew!"

"Anyway!" Stormfly spoke loudly to prevent an argument. "What exactly are you so jealous for? It's not like they're stealing your life mate."

"I don't really know." Toothless sighed. "I just know I get really angry when I see them hanging around him or when they talk to him or when they touch him." His ears bent back. He really hated it when they touched him.

"Oh, oh." Meatlug hopped up and down. "I know what's wrong."

All dragon heads turned to her.

"Toothless is in love!"