A/N: Hey guys! I'm back! I hope you missed me? *winks*

So this short Author's Note was mainly set so I could inform you about the sequel. Well, it's posted and you may check it out on my account. It's titled 'Setting Dusk'. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. The path I have laid for it is less messed up and all over the place than this story but there will be a lot more plot twists.

Quick tease: New supernatural creatures, romance overload, so much humor that your guts will burst, there's drama, angst moments that will make you cringe and cry, the Quileute wolves will be more prominent on this one and I'll focus more on the Native American mythology and customs, friendships and relationships will be torn apart, new developments, pain, and the one that never gets old! …death.

Oh and there will be a twin takeover!

But there's so much more in store for you guys! All you have to do is stick around and enjoy the ride.

There's a catch though for this story. It's Rated M, so I'm sure some of you get the idea of what that means. I'll have to warn you, it's not for the faint of heart I mean I'll be dealing with real, personal, human issues and things may be graphic like you know...hardships, death, violence and um...other things but no need to worry, it's nothing that will scar a person... I hope. XD

So a quick tease!

Renesmee and Jacob's relationship will be taking on new highs (and possibly lows). Occurrences will attempt to tear them apart –as you saw in the previous chapter – but will their love be strong enough to prevail? That's the main theme of the story. I would compare their relationship to New Moon and Eclipse Bella and Edward but it will be different in some sort of way. It's going to be heart wrenching but the cute –and spicy – moments will make up for them.

Also, Nahuel will be playing a huge role in the story as well. Some of you will love him , some of you will hate him, some will want to kill him with a carrot but it's all in the beauty of writing :). I'll also be tackling new, concrete characters that are so close to my heart, I literally fell in love with these characters when I was brainstorming and I'm sure you'll love them too.

God, I could tease all day about what to expect but I'd just be ruining the story for you so maybe I should spare you the rant and say, why don't you go check it out and be your own judge :)!

PS: You're all going to hate me, I'm sure.

I want to send out my sincerest gratitude to all my fanfiction supporters. I could make a whole list but that would be crazy long! I may be an amateur writer but it's nice to know people took the time to read my story.

But for the people who haven't reviewed (I see you, even though I can't really see you! *cocks eyebrow*) this is your last chance! Take it! Rant along! Fight! Critique! I don't care! Feel free!

Until next time my cinnamon toast crunches!

Renesmee's Theory has left the building!