NOTE: The following story you are reading now is the second series of 'Life of Spike'. For those of you who did not read the first series, I would recommend you to do so. The story is called 'The School Life of Spike'. For those who already read the first series-

"Let the readers read the story already, Mr. Note!" Pinkie cried out.

Chapter 1
New Friends, New Stories, A New Life

Spike was soundly asleep in his bed. Not the bed he own the orphan, but a new bed in a new in a new house. Spike was adopted by the Sparkles a week ago. He was not afraid. He was not in fear no more. Because he has now have a family. It's been long since Spike had a family. He still learning how to live like one. But the Sparkles didn't mind Spike. They knew how he felt without a family. For starters, Spike was laying in bed sleeping when the alarm clock went off. He flops his arm out of bed and swings it trying to hit the clock. When he swings his arms the fourth time he grabs it and flops his arm back down along with the clock. Twilight bust through the door prepared for school and saw Spike still in bed.

"Spike, it's time to get up!" Twilight said to him.

All Spike gave her was a moan. Twilight went over to him and grabs the covers removing it out of bed. Spike buries his head in the pillow. He was wearing a green T-shirt and pajama pants with purple dragons on it. Twilight chuckles and leans into his ear.

"Spike, you need to get up," Twilight politely said to him yet receiving another moan. Twilight soon gave it another try. "Have you ever had homemade pancakes before?"

Spike opens one eye and slowly looks over to her showing half of his face. Later on, Spike was running downstairs fully dressed. He ran into the kitchen and sat in a table right beside Shining Armor.

"How's my little brother doing this fine morning," Shining Armor said as he messes with Spike's hair.

"Still trying to wake up," Spike answered.

"You'll get use to it."

Twilight Velvet handed Spike a three stacked pancake with syrup already pour on.

"There you go, Sweety," Velvet said to Spike as she kissed him on the head.

"Mom!" Spike rubs the kiss off of him.

"Might as well get use to that as well," Shining Armor said.

"Did you?" Spike asked.

"Of course I did," Shining Armor said. "You see, Spike, when it comes to an age like me, you won't be treated like a kid anymore."

"And here's a waffle for my big baby boy," Velvet set a plate of waffle in front of Shining and kissed him on the cheek.

"Mom!" Shining Armor wipes the kiss of of him. "Not in front of my new brother."

Spike and Twilight laughed at him in a friendly way as he pouts.

"Morning, kids," Night Light came in sitting in the table reading the newspaper. "Ready for school already?"

"Almost. Spike is still dozing off," Twilight joked.

"Am not," Spike said.

"Don't worry, Spike, I never liked waking up early in the morning as well," Night Light said.


"Sure. Like the one time back when I was your age I never wanted to get out of bed," Night Light told his story. "It was so peaceful, it was like sleeping on a big white fluffy cloud. I could hear the lullaby in my head playing over and over and over and-"


They saw Spike with his head down sleeping in his chair.

"Perhaps I should stop telling my story," Night Light rubs the back of his head.

"I think its for the best you didn't tell him your life story, dad," Shining Armor suggested.

"Come on, Spike," Twilight shook Spike on the shoulder. "Let's go to school."

"Shining Armor, don't you go to school today?" Velvet asked.

"Nah, I have a job interview today," Shining said.

"Really, where at?" Spike asked rubbing his eyes.

"At the police department," Shining answered. "I fight crime, spy on enemies, get the lady..."

"Wow, and it only takes about a year for all that to come true," Twilight joked.

"Don't you have to take your little brother slash number one assistant to school."

"Fine. Come on, Spike," Twilight aid as the two of them left the house.

They arrive school a bit early seeing a few student sand friends. They saw Rarity standing by the flag pole. When she saw her friends she rushes over greeting them.

"Good morning, Twilight and Spike," Rarity said.

"Good morning, Rarity," Twilight and Spike said.

"How are you two doing on this fine day?" Rarity asked.

"Well, sleepy head here wanted to sleep for another while," Twilight said looking at Spike.

"Leave me alone," Spike pouted.

"Is my Spikey-Wikey cwanky-wanky today," Rarity grabs his cheek and swing his head side to side.

"Rarity!" Spike pulled over his hood hiding his blush.

"Still haven't gotten use to it I see," Rarity said.

"Not even close I'm afraid," Twilight said.

"Mornin', yall!" Applejack waves at them and walks towards them. "How's everyone doin' today?"

"Spike seems a bit cranky today," Rarity points out.

"Blabber mouth," Spike said to her.

"It's okay, Sugarcube," Applejack pulls him towards her. "You know the secret to wake up early in the mornin'? Drink caffeine every mornin'."

"Every morning?" Spike asked.

"Yep. Helps me feel wide awake everytime I do my choirs on the weekends," Applejack said as she imagines herself going through the routine. "I wake up at 4:00 a.m. and haul out to grab a couple of caffeine for me and my family. And when we drink up we become faster than a NASCAR."

"I don't get," Spike tilted his head.

"Spike doesn't need that much sugar everyday," Twilight said.

"Hi, girls!" Pinkie skips towards the group and continued to hop in place. "Did I heard that someone is tired this morning."

"I was just giving Spike some tips on staying awake this mornin'," Applejack said.

"Spike, tired? No one is tired to wake up every morning," Pinkie said continuing to hop.

"Pinkie, everyone get's tired in the morning," Rarity said.

"Not everyone. Especially me. And do you know why?" Pinkie saw them shook their heads. "I stay energetic. Every morning I get out of bed, eat lots of sugar, hop up and down, eat a yummy breakfast, hop up and down, say hello to every friend of mine, hop up and down..."

"So basically just hop and down," Spike said.

"Basically, yeah."

"That's the spirit, Pinkie," Rainbow Dash came up behind her.

"Morning, Rainbow Dash," Pinkie said as she stops bouncing.

"Rainbow Dash, you know how to stay awake every morning?" Spike asked.

"Sure do, little dude," Rainbow Dash crouch down and pulls his head to hers jointing together. "Here's what you do, lift weights, do push ups, put your breakfast in a blender and drink out of it."

"That's sounds disgusting," Spike pushes away from her. "And it seems a lot of work."

"It'll make you wide awake and strong, little dude."

"Morning everyone," Fluttershy said coming into the group.

"Morning, Fluttershy," they all said to her.

"Hey, Fluttershy, don't you get tired in the morning?" Pinkie asked.

"No, not really," Fluttershy answered.

"HA! Told you!" Pinkie yelled at Twilight.

"So how do you get up every morning?" Spike asked.

"Well, every morning the animals wake me up," Fluttershy explains. "The birds takes my covers off the bed, the bunnies and squirrels helps me fix breakfast and clean the dishes when we're finished, the deers help me pick out what to wear when I go out..."

"Does anyone else notice this sounds a lot like Snow White?" Rainbow Dash spoke.


"That's the bell, see you guys later," Twilight said.

As they all wave goodbye, they entered the school. Spike was walking down the hall when he saw his other friends. Pipsqueak, Comet Strike, and The Crusaders.

"Hey, Spike," Pipsqueak waves at him.

"Hey, Pipsqueak," Spike waves back.

"Morning, Spike," the girls all said at once.

"Spike, my man!" Comet gave him a hug.

"Morning to you to, Comet," Spike said awkwardly. "Hows school treating you?"

"Fantastic, Spike," Comet said. "I made numerous of friends, the girls checking me out, and I think I have the hots for Ms. Cheerilee."

"Doesn't every boy in school have the hots for Ms. Cheerilee?" Applebloom asked.


"Yeah, dude," Scootaloo said. "You didn't knew?"

"Who has the hots for miss Cheerilee?" Comet asked and saw Spike and Pipsqueak slowly raising their hands together. "Oh, come on!"

"Hey, here come Derpy," Sweetie Belle said pointing to a student.

Derpy is a mail-deliverer for both school and the post office in town. She wore a grey mailman outfit with a grey cap. She carries a brown satchel for mails to deliver. And her one eye was a bit lazy.

"Hi, guys," Derpy said.

"Hey, Derpy," Spike said. "Any mail for us today?"

"Just one," Derpy digs through her satchel and pulled out an envelope. She squints at it trying to read the handwriting. It was hard for her because of the lazy eye she has. "Comet... Strice... Dice... Kite... Sike..."

"Strike, Comet Strike," Comet Strike helped her out.

"Right, here you go," she handed Comet the envelope. "And one for Spike."

She handed a letter to Spike and Spike saw what it read.

Dear Spike,

After school, meet me at the flag pole. There's something I want you to do for me.

Your friend, Cadence

"Why doesn't she tell me now?" Spike said.

"Cadence wants to meet you!" Pipsqueak cried out.

"Who's Cadence?" Comet asked.

"Only the most hottest girl in school," Pipsqueak answered.

"Hotter than Ms. Cheerilee?"

"Hotter than Ms. Cheerilee."

"Boys," Applebloom shook her head rolling her eyes.

Spike and Pipsqueak was walking down the halls together heading for their class. As they did, Rover came out of nowhere blocking their way. Soon, Fido and Spot came behind guarding behind them.

"Evening, ladies," Rover said to them.

"What do you want, Rover?" Spike asked.

"If it's lunch money, putting us in lockers, you name it," Pipsqueak said.

"Don't encourage him," Spike said.

"Hmm... Spike is right," Rover said thinking. "What should we do with these two love birds?"

"Wedgies?" Fido spoke.

"Already done for the day," Rover said.

"Swirlies?" Spot suggested.

"Old school," Rover put some thought into this when he snaps his finger. "Let's throw them away."

"Didn't Garble already did that to me once?" Spike said.

"Dumpsters are far more worse, little man, trash cans are more suitable and less bullyness," Rover explained.

"But that's still bullying," Pipsqueak said.

"Did I ask you to talk when I'm talking?" Rover glared at him.

"Sorry, sir."

"Everything all right boys?" Luna spook Rover making him jump.

Luna was Vice Principal in school. She wore a blue women suit with blue high heels. Her hair was hanging over her eye hiding while the other was twinkling.

"Yeah, we're just, uh... We were just..." Rover stuttered.

"Rover, if I catch you and your friends messing with these two again, you'll have to stay after school," Luna said. "Do we understand?"

"Yes, ma'am," The Diamond Dogs all said.

"Good, now off to class," Luna points them to the direction they were heading.

As they left, Spike and Pipsqueak sighed of relief glad to see Luna.

"Thanks, Luna," Spike gave her a thumbs up.

"Ah-ah-ah! That's Vice Principal to you young man, and you're quite welcome," Luna said to him.

"You did an amazing job, Vice Principal Luna," Pipsqueak swings back and forth speaking like a toddler."

"Thank you, Pipsqueak," Luna said as she walks off.

"She said 'Thank you' to me," Pipsqueak whispered into Spike's ear.

"Congratulations," Spike said.

The two continues to walked to their next. When they enter the room the first they saw was Harshwhinny, the new teacher in school. She wasn't happy to see them. Actually she isn't glad to be here.

"Morning, Ms. Harshwhinny," Spike and Pipsqueak said.

"Morning boys, now get to class, Pipsqueak," Harshwhinny said rudely to them.

"Yes, ma'am," Pipsqueak said waving Spike goodbye.

Spike went into his class. It was history class for him and in the room with him was Applejack, Pinkie and Octavia. Spike sat in his desk as he waves at his friends.

"Today we'll be learning about Washington," Harshwhinny began as she wrote notes down on the board.

As she explains the history of Washington, Spike and the students took notes on the board. But as for Spike's friends, they goofed of a bit. Applejack took a few notes on her notebook for a while but was now doodling on the paper. Octavia was making notes of herself about Mozart and a music piece. And Pinkie was resting her chin on her hand half asleep hearing Harshwhinny's voice. She close her eyes and softly snores as she slips off her hand and head bang on the desk asleep. Spike on the other hand was taking notes and was listening every word coming out of Harshwhinny's voice. He then notice Pinkie asleep across of him. He taps his pencil on her back waking her up.

"Huh?" Pinkie softly said.

"Wake up, Pinkie," Spike whispered to her. "Or you'll get in trouble."

"Just five more minutes, daddy," Pinkie said, going back to sleep.

Spike slaps his face and let her sleep. Then he notices that Applejack was doodle right next to him.

"Applejack, you're suppose to be paying attention," Spike said.

"Don't worry, Spike, I know how this story goes about Washington," Applejack said as she continues to doodle.

"That's not the point, my point is that-" Spike notices what she was drawing. She was drawing of spike and her with a big heart around them. "Is that suppose to be me and y-"

"NO!" Applejack crumbles the paper up. When she did she sucks in her lips and looks around constantly.

Spike shook his head and continues to right his notes when a piece of paper was handed to him folded. He opens the letter up and it said: You. Me. Together Forever. XOXO. Spike looks behind him and saw Octavia winking at him as she stares into his eyes. Spike blushes a bit and puts on his hood sliding down in his chair. Applejack notices her winking at Spike. She clenches her teeth and grips her hands.

Applejack rips a piece of paper out of her notebook. She wrote something on it and crumbles it into a ball. She threw it at Octavia's head. She opens the crumble paper. It read: Hands off my Sugarcube, cowgirl! Octavia grips the paper and wrote something else on the back of it. She threw it back at Applejack reading: Over my dead body!

Applejack turn red of rage. She took a piece of paper and wrote something on it. She then handed it to Spike. Spike looks over and took the note. He opens it and was shocked of what it read. We should kiss sometimes, just to get peoples attention. Spike looks over to Applejack seeing her tip her hat and winks at him. Octavia saw what she wrote and was shocked what she wrote.

"What the hell, Applejack! I'm ten!" Spike whispered loudly.

"That doesn't mean you have to reject my offer, Sugarcube," Applejack leans in and puckered her lips.

"I'm not kissing anyone!" Spike toss the paper at Pinkie on accident causing her to wake up.

"Ooo! A note," she read the paper and slowly faded her smile.

She turns back seeing Spike awkwardly smile at her. She then grabs his collar and kisses him on the cheek without hesitating. Spike was squirming but Pinkie Pulled him in tighter. Applejack, Octavia, and the whole class was breathless. Pinkie stops kissing Spike and began to hug him.

"If you wanted a kiss that badly you could've told me so, handsome!" Pinkie hugs hims tightly leaving Spike blushing.

"Hey, That was my note I gave to Spike!" Applejack said to her.

"Do you have proof that you gave the note to Spike, Applejack?" Pinkie asked still hugging Spike. "I didn't saw you're name on it."

"You two leave Spike alone!" Octavia cried out. "You have to treat him with care!"

"I am treating Spike with care!" Pinkie yelled at her as she tugs Spike's neck gasping for air.

"Your choking him, Pinkie!" Octavia yelled back.

As the girls argues who gets Spike, Harshwhinny walks up to them furiously. They all had sudden chill running down their spine. Spike had the same feeling.

"Do I need to write detention slips for passing notes to one another?" Harshwhinny growled at them, glaring at them with rage in her eyes.

"WE'RE SORRY, MS. HARSHWHINNY!" Spike, Pinkie, Applejack, and Octavia cried their tears out begging as they got back into their seats.

"Then sit still and pay attention!"

"Yes, Ms. Harshwhinny," They all said dropping their heads down.

As Ms. Harshwhinny went back to the board, Spike was still crying with his head down thinking.

"This is crazy!" he said in his head still crying. "I get in trouble because I was in the middle of the argument!"

Suddenly another note slid on his desk. Spike snapped out of it and reads it. We're sorry for getting you into trouble. We'll never fight when you're around. Please don't hate us. Spike looks at the girls and saw them smiling at him happily. Spike sighed and gave them the same smile back at them.

After History class, Chemistry was next. Spike sat in a table with her new sister, Twilight. And to their wondrous surprise, Trixie came in sitting in a table next to them. Trixie and Twilight glared at each other leaving Spike in the middle. Their eyes were connected creating a line of sparks in mid air.

"I heard that Spike is not only your assistant, but also now he's your little brother," Trixie said to her.

"You jealous that he's living with me instead of you?" Twilight smirked.

"I should be," Trixie continued as she started to imagine what it would be like if she was Spike's brother. "If Spike was my little brother, cook him breakfast and lunch for school, tuck him in bed when he goes to sleep, and when he has a nightmare or a storm scaring him at night he can snuggle with me in bed."

"Wow, Twilight didn't did any of that when I came to live with them," Spike spoke.

"Be quiet," Twilight bonks his head.

"If I was his sister, I would take good care of him," Trixie continues to babble on.

"He's my little brother so get use to it," Twilight said.

"Can't you see I'm already am," Trixie grabs Spike and hugs him from behind. "I can go on a date with him now!"

"Spike is not interested in you or anyone else in the school!" Twilight grabs his arm and pulls him towards her.

"He has to have a date eventually!" Trixie pulls Spike's other arm.

"If I say he can go on a date, then he can go on a date! Just not with you!" Twilight Spike back to her.

"You can't decide Spike's choice! He can go on dates whoever he wants! Especially me!" Trixie pulls Spike back to her.

"Can I say something?" Spike spoke.

"STAY OUT OF IT!" Twilight and Trixie yelled at him.

"Okay," Spike shivers in fear.

Mr. Discord came in and saw the girls fighting over Spike. He walks to his desk opening a drawer taking out a squirt bottle. He walks up to them and squirts at them stopping the fight.

"Get back into your seats, please," Discord said.

"But-" Trixie and Twilight was about to say something but Discord kept squirting the two. "Okay."

"Thanks, Mr. Discord," Spike said all receiving a squirt at him. "What was that for!"

"You know why," Discord remembered him stopping his football stadium dream.

"But that-"


"You can't-"


"Will you-


"Can I-"


"I'll sit down," Spike said sitting down.

"Wise decision, Mr. Spike," Discord said to him walking back to the front room.

After school was over, Spike was waiting for Cadence at the flag pole. What could she be wanting with Spike? Spike was wondering what it could be.

"Spike!" a voice called from the distance.

It was Cadence. She wore a pink shirt with a plain white sleeve shirt underneath it. She also wore blue jeans and purple shoes. Her hair flows down with purple, pink, and yellow hair. She Shining Armor's girlfriend and is a senior like him.

"Cadence, did you need something?" Spike asked.

"Yes, I need you to come with me at the police station," Cadence said. "I wanted to see if he got the job."

"Why do I need to come?" Spike said.

"It'll be awkward if I come alone."

"Then bring Twilight, she's your favorite."

"But we never hang out together!" Cadence got down on her knees busting out tears.

"Okay! Okay! I'll go!" Spike waves his hands at her.

"Great! My car is over there," she quickly got up happy.

"Why me," Spike shook his head.

Later they headed to the police station in Cadence's car. Spike and Cadence was talking as they headed there.

"So how do you like the family so far," Cadence asked.

"It's been awhile, but I think I'm getting the hang of it," Spike said. "But what about you and Shining Armor?"

"It's going good actually, he's a great boyfriend."

"Do you think he'll make it?"

"Of course he'll make it. He's tough, big, and buff-"

"That doesn't mean they'll put him in because of that."

"You don't know that."

"Have you seen his grades lately?"



Spike and Cadence heard a siren behind them with blue and red light. It was a cop car.

"What did you do?" Spike asked.

"I don't know," Cadence said till she had a thought. "Maybe Shining Armor got the job!"

"Pull over and find out," Spike said.

Cadence pulled over to the side of the road as the cop car stops behind them. A police officer came out of the car walking slowly towards them. When reaches to Cadence's side window he knocks on it with his knuckle finger. Cadence rolled down her window and saw him bend over. It was Flash. Flash is Twilight's boyfriend. His hair was showing and wearing his police uniform.

"Is there a problem?" Cadence asked.

"Hey, Flash," Spike leans over his seat waving at him receiving a wave back.

"No problem, except you were going a little to fast," Flash answered.

"I couldn't been driving to fast, Flash," Cadence said.

Flash stood up and open the door.

"I need you to get out for a moment," Flash asked.

"Flash, this is insane," Cadence said as she steps out of the car.

"Yeah, come on, Flash, stop joking around," Spike said.

"You too, Spike, get out," Flash said to him. Spike got out of the car without questions. The two followed Flash to his car. "You two are in trouble."

"What are we in trouble for?" Cadence said.

"I'm to young to go to jail," Spike whines.

"Because you two missed something important," Flash said making a complete stop and sounded aggressive.

"What did we miss?" Cadence asked.

Flash opens the back seat door and balloons, streamers, and confetti flies out of the car. Shining Armor came out wearing a police uniform with arms spread wide open.

"Guess who got the job!" he cried out happy.

Cadence jumps excited and gave him a hug. Spike high fives him congratulating him.

"Don't ever do that again," Cadence said to Flash punching him on the shoulder multiple times.

"Hey, it was his idea, OW!" Flash pointed at Shining Armor as he kept his guard up.

"I thought for a second we were going to jail," Spike said.

"Well, Cadence might, but you'll just get grounded from mom and dad," Shining Armor said.

"Ha ha, very funny," Cadence crosses her arms.

"How was the test?" Spike asked.

"Hard for the both of us, but we manage," Shining Armor said.

"Yeah, we could've end up with the other two," Flash said.

"What other two?" Cadence asked.


Another police car came by crashing into a couple of trash cans. It left a dent on the car. Two police officers came out tumbling down. It was Snips and Snails in their police uniforms. Snips was a chubby fellow and Snails was a thin fellow wearing a cop hat.

"Nice going, Snails!" Snips cried out, rubbing his head.

"Only because you were pressuring me!" Snails yelled back at him.

"I told you to go left!"

"You said right!"





"Hey!" Flash cried out walking towards them. "It doesn't matter whose fault it was!"

"Flash is right," Shining Armor said walking up to them. "If you guys need to pass the next test, you have to work together and pay attention."

"You have to watch over these two?" Spike said.

"Only when they pass their next exam," Flash said.

"Right now they're following our shadows," Shining Armor.

"So they do what you do?" Cadence said.

"Yeah," Snips spoke. "Like how we handle our guns."

"Blow our pants up," Snails spoke.

"Hunt down bad guys."

"Caught the wrong person."

"Driving a sweet set of wheels."

"As you can see," Snails points behind at the car.

"I get your point," Cadence said.

"Don't worry you two," Shining Armor said. "I'm still learning the basics as well."

"I thought you were qualify," Spike said.

"Only if you pass the test, Spike."

"Come on, we have to scout out the area," Flash said to his police friends.

"Why?" Snips and Snails both said.

"So we can look for people who are breaking the law, now come on," Shining Armor said as he gets back into the vehicle. "I'll see you later, Cadence!"

Flash and Shining Armor drove off while Snips and Snails got in the car. Snails put the car in reverse and rams it into a lamppost. He put in drive and drove off. Spike and Cadence looks at each other.

"Can you take me home now?" Spike asked.

Later that day, nighttime arrived. Spike was at home watching a bit of TV. Spike was laying on the couch flicking every channel there was to watch. At the front door, Twilight came in and saw Spike being lazy.

"What are you doing?" Twilight said.

"I'm watching TV," Spike said. "I never seen any shows like these in my orphanage."

"It's past your bedtime, Spike," Twilight took the remote away from him and turn it off.

"But I don't wanna go to bed!" Spike plotted his head back and puts a pillow on his face.

"You skip three grades and yet you still act like a child."

"I am a child," Spike muffled onto the pillow.

"Come on, Spike," Twilight came around the couch and picks him up. She brought him up stairs and into his room. She sat him on his bed and notice him blushing. "What are you blushing for?"

"Well... No girl picked me up that way before," Spike answered looking down at his bed.

"He's embarrass over that?" Twilight said to herself in her head. "Well goodnight, Spike."

"Goodnight, Twilight," Spike said.

Later that night. Twilight was soundly asleep when a loud lighting strike woke her up. At first she was wide awake till she felt tired again. She yawn and turn away from the window. Before she went back to sleep, she saw Spike shaking. The way he looked at her made her feel uneasy.

"Spike, what's wrong?" Twilight asked.

"The storm woke me up and I got scared," Spike said afraid. Another lighting strike made Spike jump a bit. "Can I sleep with you tonight?"

Twilight looks at Spike. How could she say no to him when he is scared.

"Okay, get in bed with me," Twilight raises her blanket up as Spike quickly got in.

The two made themselves comfortable, nuzzling in bed.

"Twilight," Spike spoke looking at the ceiling.

"Mmm," she moans trying to sleep.

"Did you get scared when you were young?"

Twilight inhaled some air into her nose getting comfortable.

"No," Twilight exhaled.

"That's good," Spike continued. "Then you'll look after me when I'm scared. Just like when you stand up for me when I was fighting Garble."




"About what Trixie said-"

"Just ignore what she said and go back to sleep."

"She was wrong."

"Yeah... about what?"

"You're not my sister."

"No... You're my frie-"

"You're like a mother to me."

Twilight opens her eyes wide awake. The way he said it made her heart beating fast. She blushes a bit and turns to Spike. She saw him asleep now breathing softly as he turns. She took a moment looking at him. She smiled softly at him and wraps her arms around him. Spike grabs her hand making Twilight jump. She felt like her heart was melting, enjoying this moment.

"Oh. My. God," Twilight said in her head. "This is just to cute for Spike. Does he notice that I'm wrapping my arm around him. Of course he does, he's holding my hand. Then again, he is sound asleep. But I'm his sister now, or in any other case I'm now his mother."

Spike turn to the other side facing Twilight face to face. She jumps again while she froze with her eyes wide open in fear.

"Can... Can I do this?" Twilight continued. "I know that we're family and all, but this feels like a chance. A chance where... where I kiss him!"

Twilight gulps feeling her heart beating faster and faster. Her lips were trembling as she drew her head closer to his.

"This doesn't feel right! But he's too cute at the moment! Why does he have to be so smart and cute and why does he have to be ten!"

Twilight puts her hand onto his face cheek and was about to kiss him.

"It's just a small kiss. Nothing more. Just for two seconds and its done. Maybe longer? three seconds? Four? Five? Why am I allowing myself to do this! I have a boyfriend!"

She was a couple of inches away from touching his lips from hers.

"Just a kiss from him and that'll be-"


"Guess who got the job, Twilight!" Shining Armor cried out making Twilight jump back almost kissing Spike and out of her bed.

Spike rose back up in bed rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"Shining Armor, what are you yelling about," Spike said to him.

Shining Armor took a moment thinking. He then realizes that Spike was in Twilight bed. He saw Twilight poke her head out behind the bed angry.

"What are you two doing in bed toge-"

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" Twilight threw a pillow at her brother before he could finsh his sentence. "CAN'T YOU SEE WE'RE TRYING TO SLEEP!"

"I'm sorry! I'll wait till tomorrow!" Shining Armor said, closing the door.

Spike didn't knew what was going on. Twilight went back to bed and laid back down. Spike laid back down as well and went back to sleep. Twilight was still blushing and hugged her pillow tightly. She didn't blink through out the whole night.

"This whole brother and sister thing, is going to be harder than I thought," Twilight said to herself.