And so, we've came to the end. This is the last chapter for this story. And with this I'm closing the 'MWAAF-ATLHEA' cycle.

This chapter, contains part of Role Play (the talk between Magnus and Alec), that I did with MeishPV. It was a pleasure to do this role play with you. All RP, you will be able to read in 'MWAAF-One shots'. - updated already!

This chapter, I'm dedicating to everyone, and each of you, who ever read, reviewed, followed, or favorite this story. It was a pleasure to write this for you.

And now,

Enjoy reading.


Once upon a time there was a boy, tall, handsome, with raven black hair. He was the fairest in the whole kingdom, with his golden-green cat-like eyes. He caught attention of many people in the city. He knew he was desired by them. But he held his heart in a tight grip. To give it away someday to some knight in shining armor, who will come and save him from his own fears.

One day, the Prince met another boy, his age, with black hair and the most incredible blue eyes he had ever seen. The said boy, defended Prince's honor in front of the villains, even if one of the villain was the boy's friend. From that day, the Prince took an interest in the boy. In his own knight in shining, yet black, armor.

Finally the destiny seemed to smile upon the Prince, and he got a chance to meet the said boy in person. He was charmed by him. The Prince thought that the knight was a wizard and that he put an enchantment on him. The Prince couldn't stop thinking about the knight, he wanted to have the knight close to himself.

One day, his dream came true. And then the Prince finally had learned what enchantment the knight put on him.

It was love.

The Prince and the Knight were truly happy. And he always wanted to live happily ever after with the knight. Until the very day, when their happiness was destroyed by the fate hanging over the knight. And the fate was named 'Leukemia'. But still, the Prince had never left the side of his Knight. He stood beside him in everything. He never left him. He loved his knight too much. He loved him forever until the very end.

They survived through many journeys together, side by side, in love. One day, the Knight ask the Prince to marry him. The Prince couldn't be more happier. He had dreamt about the day, he would give himself to the Knight, until the end. And he had hoped that it will stay like this until the very end.

The Knight and the Prince, were gifted with the most amazing surprise, when they met a little, beautiful Princess. She immediately grabbed their hearts into a tight grip, and returned the love they had for her. Since that day, the Prince had his own, little, perfect family. And he was the happiest Prince in the whole world. And he thought that nothing will change it.

But then, an evil Warlock came back to the Kingdom, the Warlock that the Prince once had feelings for. He was trying to separate the Prince and his Knight. But they were stronger than this. They never let him destroy the bond they've once created. So the Warlock, kept his nice acting towards the Prince, not letting him suspect that he's up to no good.

Until that night. The night, that the Prince had a terrible accident.

The Prince, after the healers had saved him, slept for a long time, leaving the Knight, and the little Princess in tears, alone. But they never gave up on him. They loved him, they took care of him, while he was in his sleep. And when he finally woke up, they were beyond happy.

Everything seemed to be fairing good, but just then the destiny decided to play with the Knight and Prince's lives. The Prince had forgotten many years from his life. He no longer remembered the Knight, nor the little Princess. And just then the destiny decided to play once again with Prince's life, as it the Prince was convinced that he loves the Warlock. With this he hurt his beloved Knight.

He was truly convinced to it, so he decided to not be away from the Warlock, and the said man took an advantage of it. The Warlock was feeding the Prince with lies of his own life, making him believe in everything. He put a spell on him, to make him stay with him.

Alas, the Warlock forgot that Prince's heart cannot be lied to. The Prince still loved his Knight, even if he hasn't remembered him. His heart ached to something that was taken away from him.

Finally, the Knight rose up from his darkened mood, and fought for his beloved Prince. He tried to once again charm him, win his heart again. He was trying his bests, and it seemed that he was succeeding. But then the evil Warlock, acted once again. He put a spell on the Prince again, drawing the Prince away from the Knight for good.

It seemed that it was over of their once beautiful fairytale.

But then, the Prince had managed to break the spell once put by the Warlock, on him. And he remembered everything...

Magnus Bane, didn't have an easy life. If anything his life was horrible. Not only he was abused by his father, but as well by the person who supposedly loved him. He thought that he never will get anything good in his life. Until he met Alec Lightwood. The boy, the man was his bright star, that shined only for him in his dark days. He was his light, his heart, even his soul, no matter how cliché it sounded. He was the one for him, and he always will be.

If someone would say to him, that he would find himself in a drama like he was in, he would have laughed at the person. He could never foresee, how difficult his life will turn out, after being a fairytale for a long time. It was like it turned from a beautiful fairytale into the worst nightmare of everyone.

But he believed that no matter what, his love for his blue eyed Angel will be enough for anything. And that the love of his Angel, will be something that will never go away.

But not everything turned out as Magnus had dreamed of.

That day, still haunted Magnus at nights, reminding him of everything.

"I remember…"

As soon as those two, particular words escaped Magnus's mouth, the said man felt as his guts were twisting. His husband was looking at him with something unreadable in his beautiful blue eyes, something odd. Magnus could feel that his whole body is barely holding itself. He had a feeling that if Alec will be quiet longer, he would simply pass out, and not only from the pain he felt from those hits that Oliver served him.

"Alec…I remember…"

"You. . . you came all the way here just to give me that crap?"

"Crap?" Magnus thought that he misheard Alec, the boy was looking at him with a frown on his face "This is not a crap Alexander…I remember all…and I came back home…To you and my family"

"Came back?" Alec scoffed. His eyes had darkened almost it became pitch black. Then he chuckled humorlessly. "What another kind of drama is this Magnus? I can bear it, if you wanted to play and hurt me. But don't! Don't you dare involved 'my' daughter! You have no right to hurt her! don't give her the false hope and then afterwards you'll break her heart!" He yelled at Magnus with an absolute rage.

"Alec…" Magnus whined, when tears built up in his tears, some of them were running his cheeks already. His husband had never looked at him with so much hate in his eyes, he had never spoke so hateful to him. "I love you. I love you and our baby. I love you. Please…please…this isn't a play…Oliver…he…I know he'd manipulated me! He drew my away from you! But I love you and our Princess…and I miss you! Please…I want to be with you guys…Please, Darling…please…"

Just then Magnus heard some voice that he hadn't know.

"Alec is everything ok?" Some black haired, tall guy with unbuttoned green shirt came to the hall of their home. Magnus was speechless. "Alec…"

Alexander has another man.

And then, Magnus, acted on an instinct, as the realization, pain and anger filled him. In one second he threw a punch on the poor man's face, making him fall to the ground, with a loud thud.

"Jake! Are you okay?" Much to his horror, Alec went to the man that was lying on the floor. Blood had started to seep from its nose. Alec grabbed his shoulder and helped him stand up and keep his balance. Alec then turned around and glare at him.

"What gives you the right to do that Magnus?! Why did you come back here and make all of this complicated! Don't you 'remember' what you said? We're DONE! We're over! The door is 'so' open for you to leave! Don't call me! Don't you freaking step your feet on this house ever again! I 'don't' want 'you' around me anymore! Nor I want 'you' to be around me!"

Tears were streaking Magnus's face, as he watched the scene in front of him, when his mind understood what Alec had said. He covered his mouth with the hand, that a second before was on the other's man face. This was not the way Magnus imagined it.

"But Alexander…I love you…I was wrong! But Oliver had manipulated me into thinking that you were abusing me!" Alec's eyes widened at that "He kept telling me that you were abusing me…please…I was wrong…but don't…don't end what we had once! I love you more than anything, please…please…"

"No! You don't love me! You never did! Because if you love me, you should have seek me in the first place! But instead you seek him! Scratch that, if you really love me you should have listen to me in the first place! I told you I never wanted you to be near that man again! But you didn't listen to me! You met up with him! Because you love him! All this time, you never loved me! You just wanted to escape his abuse so you chose to be with me! I am just your bitch that you played and hurt! But Magnus! I am not your bitch anymore! I am not your bitch that you can come back to, anytime you want!"

Alec's words cut him open. It hurt more than any of Oliver's hit. He was about to throw up from all that pain, caused by Alec's words.

"You're wrong…do you remember how I told you that I see stars in your eyes?" Alec didn't respond to it "You are my star Alexander, the one that led me out of the darkness. You were the one who picked my broken heart, who glued it so it could beat again. You were the one who showed me that love can be beautiful…that it doesn't have to hurt" Magnus's voice was breaking. The Jake man, moved himself to the door, eyeing Magnus, before he turned to Alec, and whispered something. Alec only nodded after a while, and placed a kiss on his cheek. "You're right, I should have listened to you when you told me to stay away from Oliver. You were right, and I admit it's my mistake. But I'm just a man, a man that makes mistakes. I know I hurt you, beyond anything…I know this. And I know that simple 'I'm sorry' is not enough…but I know also…that you love me. I've seen the way you looked at me, when I still had amnesia. Those eyes were filled with love. And even when my mind didn't remember you, my heart was beating faster, whenever I saw you. My legs, were all jelly, just like the very first night we kissed, on your doorstep, after our first date. At nights, when I had dreamt about you, my body was on fire, screaming for your touches, for your kisses. For you. My mind was blind, but not my heart. I loved you, even when I didn't remember you, Alexander. And I will always love you"

"Better start diverting that love to other man Magnus. Because I had moved on. Let's not hurt ourselves any longer. After all, you already have Oliver by your side who will always love you and be there for you. He must love you too much to went this far. And I . . . I have Jake. Jake won't hurt me. With him I won't have to go through with this any longer. We now have different lives, you with him. I, with Jake. Let's just all move on already."

"No! I love you! Not Oliver! I never have loved him the way I love you!" He tried to touch Alec's cheek, but the latter took a step back, brutally, drawing himself away from Magnus. This hurt Bane even more, if that was even possible "You are my heart, without you there's no me, Darling. I messed this up, I know. I take the full blame, even though I didn't know what I was doing. I know I have hurt you and our baby…but…I never loved Oliver so much as I love you. When I was with him, I felt empty inside…like my heart and soul wasn't there…" he made a long pause, followed with crying. In Alec's eyes tears danced as well. "I don't wanna hurt you anymore…so…please…look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me anymore, that you don't want to be with me, that I mean anything to you now…tell me you don't love me anymore…and…and I leave you in peace…so you could be happy with that Jake…just tell me you don't love me anymore…"

There was a long silence, and a heavy atmosphere, filled with Magnus's rigged breath and hammering heart. Alec turned his back to Magnus, and the latter could sworn that Alec was sobbing, as his well-build frame trembled. Magnus wanted nothing more than take Alec in his arms now, and shower him with kisses, and promises.

"I…can't…" a small whisper escaped Alec's mouth, before he turned to his husband again "I can't…you…you hurt me so fucking much…and I can't stop loving you! I can't! I can't!"

"I'm so sorry…" Magnus got down on his knees, his body couldn't hold up with all those emotions inside "I know those words mean anything…but I am sorry…I know I don't deserve your forgiveness…and I'm not asking for it. All I'm asking is for you to not give up on me, on us…I'm asking you to let me prove that I love you. Because Alexander, you are my one and only, and I love you, and I will always love you. Just don't give up on me entirely. That's all I'm asking. Let me prove my love to you, please, let me prove it"

From that day, Magnus was proving Alexander that he loves him insanely, every day. Him, and his daughter. It took Lily awhile, to adjust to have Magnus back in her life, as Alec let him come back home. No, he and Alec didn't make up straight away. Alec was still stubborn in his mind. Magnus did his best to gain Alec's and Lily's trust again, as well their love for him. His daughter was so scared that Magnus will abandon her again, that she demanded to sleep with him for weeks. But Bane was ok with this, he had missed his little Princess, he had missed his family.

'Daddy, you won't leave me and Papa again?' she asked one night, curled up in Magnus's arms, on her small, pink, Princess's bed.

'Never again baby girl. I love both of you too much. I won't ever leave you again. You and Papa are my everything sweetie.'

And he had hoped that one day, they could be once again, a happy family.

"So daddy? How does this story ends?" Lily asked, laying between Magnus's legs with head on his stomach. The said man, stroked her long, brown hair, before he kissed her forehead, tingling her with his slightly, weekly mustache.

"Oh Princess, the only way it can" Magnus looked at Alexander, who sat behind him with an arm on his arm, fingers intertwined. His blue eyes were filled with love and affection, that it was so hard for Magnus to gain again.

It took four months, before Alec and Magnus worked everything out. Those months were filled with tears, screams, promises, loving words. But in the end, Alec finally let himself open his heart again for Magnus, hoping to not get hurt again by him. And Magnus sworn himself to not hurt Alexander ever again.

Magnus returned the loving look to his beloved husband, and kissed him with all love he has for him. Then both of them looked at their daughter, who was smiling widely at them. Magnus smiled at her as well, and spoke softly.

"And they lived happily ever after…"

A/N: Did you like it?

Thank you once again, to everyone who invested their time to bear with me and this story. You are truly amazing, and I put you through a roller coaster once again, yet you still bear with me. THANK YOU!

There will be a few one shots added to this story, that you can find in MWAAF-one shots. I'll write down some things from the epilogue, and from earliest chapter.

Once again, THANK YOU.

And for the last time in this story: Review if you feel like to.

Lots of love
