First multi-chapter story (gah, I'm so nervous, hopefully Jason's in character...for the most part I'm just making him drink, swear a lot and shoot people...basically a terrible influence no matter how you look at it).
The thing that convinced me to actually start posting this story (in addition to SUMMER VACATION) is the fact I'll be keeping the chapters fairly short, so, theoretically, I'll finish them quicker and can keep to an update schedule of some sort (...hopefully...that's the plan anyway. I'll try updating once a week, but no promises).
Disclaimer: (applies to all chapters of this story) I do not own or make any money from this story. Batman and all things related are copyrighted and/or trademarked by DC Comics and/or affiliates.
Red Hood was in a bad mood.
'Why?' you ask?
He had been taken by surprise on a routine drug bust and had needed saving.
He would have been just fine on his own after taking some time to think up a halfway decent plan, but noooo, Daddy Bats just had to show up right then and rescue him (like some damn damsel in distress).
He really wanted to shoot someone after that. But of course since the Dark Knight himself was practically breathing over his shoulder there was no opportunity to relieve stress the best way he knew how.
So on his way home when he heard some drunks down a particularly dark alley he couldn't just walk on by. Oh no, as a concerned citizen he had to make sure they were where they were supposed to be...right where he wanted them so he could work off some stress. He probably wouldn't kill them, but they'd sure as hell have a colossal headache in the morning that no mere hangover could give.
"Hahaha~! Lookit here! Gots us a girlie goin' ta Grandma's house, wearing red!"
"Guess we should call you 'Little Red Riding Hood' then, huh toots?"
Hard laughter echoed off the walls of the alleyway as Red Hood finally got close enough to see what was happening.
A little girl, probably around ten years old, stood flanked by two much larger men. Eyes downcast, she took a tentative step forward before stepping back to where she was before. She repeated this action again, only to have one of the men fully block her path, his massive form towering over her.
Red Hood had seen enough. A wicked smile, hidden by his helmet, spread across his face at the realization he had a legitimate excuse to kill these would-be kidnappers/child molesters.
Kids were the one thing he and his estranged family could at least attempt to see eye-to-eye on. Though the method of dealing with such scumbags differed drastically.
A shot rang out that seemed to echo off the echo as two bodies dropped to the ground, never to breathe again.
Two guns were smoking, one in each hand, as Red Hood approached the child who hadn't even flinched at the loud noise.
"Go home."
Even though he went out of his way to save kids it didn't mean he was good with dealing with them.
The guns went back in their holsters as the girl finally looked up at him. He could see brown hair peaking out from under the hood of her red sweatshirt. As well as honey colored eyes that seemed to be taking everything in.
He snorted in amusement when he noticed the small suitcase she was holding. A faded and scuffed up pink color with worn out block letters that cheerfully read 'Going to Grandma's House!'
"Little Red Riding Hood huh?"
The girl continued to stare at him before dropping her suitcase. Red Hood was half expecting that; he scared grown men twice his size, of course this small child would be frightened of him. But was (pleasantly?) surprised when, instead of running away, she reached both hands towards his.
She was definitely a strange one.
He allowed her to take hold of his hands as she bowed her head to...sniff them? Red Hood stood still as he observed the strange actions of this even stranger child. She stepped back and lifted her hands toward his head. Did she want him to pick her up? Carry her home? Little brat, he wasn't a taxi service.
He decided to kneel down to her level instead, just to see what she would do. She touched the sides of his helmet where his cheeks would be and leaned in really close, smooshing her face against the glass.
Even though there was no way for her to see them, she looked directly into his eyes.
After a moment of just staring she pulled back a little and smiled, "" She then proceeded to wrap her arms around his neck, laid her head on his shoulder, and fell asleep.
Red Hood was stunned, but quickly snapped out of it, daydreaming down a dark alley wasn't a good idea in his line of work. He grabbed her suitcase off the ground before he stood up and took off in the direction of the nearest hospital.
After explaining what happened in as few words as possible to the nurse, Red Hood was on his way to his nearest, fully stocked, safe house. His good deed for the day complete, he now only wanted to find comfort at the bottom of a bottle and forget about his earlier run in with the Bat.
So, I'm obviously not the first to notice the similarities to 'Red Hood' and 'Little Red Riding Hood' as well as giving Jason a sidekick who uses that name, but I hope you'll stick around and enjoy my twist on this plot bunny.