
Disclaimer; I don't own Highschool DxD or elements as it belongs to the respective owners, I only own my Oc.

Makoto P.O.V

Hmmm, school today. Aniki, I have to wake him up or else he can't get up. I open my closed eyes and look around my room as I brush my a few strands of my golden blond hair out of my eyes. Aah, my anime and manga! I will have to enjoy you later. Right now, I have to get my idiot brother out of bed.

I get out of my own bed, put my glasses on and head to Aniki's room, hmph...I knock lightly on his door, to get no reply. Oh damn, its going to be one of those days huh. He sure is lazy. I open the door and see...that he is still asleep.

"Aniki wake up!"

No reply, of course...


I sigh to myself. He is dreaming about girls oppai again. He is such a pervert. Good thing I don't come from the same gene pool as him. But, Aniki is kind, when he isn't acting like a huge mega pervert.

"Aniki, there are lots of oppai downstairs~"

He shoots up and looks in my direction with a nose bleed...good thing I'm not a girl or he might try and grope me.


"Yes, Aniki?"

"Girls oppai!?"

I shake my head, he becomes depressed, poor Aniki. Forever got girls on his mind because of that pervy old man.

"Sorry. But its time to wake up and get some breakfast."

"Uwah! You ruin everything!"

"I don't ruin everything. How can you say that Aniki?"

I feel sad that he says I ruin everything. I don't ruin anything, except his chances at peaking on girls. He shouldn't do it the little pervy pervert. I like girls, but Aniki is obsessed with girls oppai. Silly pervy Aniki.

"Because I can! Shorty!"

I gain a tick mark! He knows I'm sensitive about my height! Little perverted bastard!

"I hate you Aniki! You know I don't like people calling me short!"

"But you are! You are...what height are you again?"

"I'm 5 ft you idiot! You know I can't stand it when people call me short! Hmph, I'm telling Kaa-chan and Tou-chan on you!"

I storm out the room and slam the door! I hate Aniki! I wont defend him from the kendo girls now. If he wants to be mean then, he can face the consequences! I go into my room to ready myself for the day. This is embarrassing since I'm forced to wear like a middle schooler's size for the uniform. Even though I'm 15, people think I'm like 12 or something. Its very upsetting and it doesn't help when pervy Aniki talks about my height!

I finish getting dressed and head down to the breakfast table. Getting to the breakfast table half a minute later...I see my parents, adoptive parents that is. I don't remember my real family, because I was young when Kaa-chan and Tou-chan adopted me. My adoptive Kaa-chan and Tou-chan are the best! Even when I got sick, they was there for me, even though I'm not their real child. Because of that, I have a weak constitution. But I never let that stop me! It doesn't effect me much anymore, I actually got over the worst last year, but it flares up every now and then.

"Good morning Makoto. Breakfast is on the table, did you wake your brother?"

"I certainly did Kaa-chan! And good morning to you! But Aniki, he called me shorty again."

"I see...wait until I get my hands on him."

I chuckle as I go towards the dinner/breakfast table and start eating the normal breakfast. Sometime later Aniki comes down and Kaa-chan reads him the riot act, he glares at me all the way through it.

"Got any lunch plans Makoto?"

Aniki starts off a conversation with me like this after five minutes of eating in silence.

"I...actually do, unfortunately."

"Really? Who do you have plans with?"


I whisper out, he gains a pervy grin. I wish he wouldn't do that in my presence. Its creepy and scares the hell out of me.

"Aah so, you have a girlfriend!?"

"...No. Kusaka-senpai is...well she is...someone...who...I don't know! She scares tremendously!"

"How are you scared of a beauty like her?"

He has no idea what she is really like...

"Because I am. You don't know what she is like. spying on girls again?"

"Of course! Oppai is justice!"

I feel like crying. Whatever I don't care today. I've still not forgiven him about the shorty comment. Besides, I have a crazy senpai to deal with today.

"Hurry up boys! You will be late."

We both nod to Kaa-chan and eat our meals. While eating the meal quickly, Aniki keeps talking about how he will get a girlfriend with huge oppai one day. Maybe, he will. I have no idea. He would have to find a girl who looks past his pervy tendencies and sees his...kind nature. Not many people see it as he is usually pervy, but I remember once when I was sick, he spent the entire day by my bedside. Even if he is pervy, I'm glad I have an Aniki like Aniki!

Once we finish breakfast, we head out the door after saying goodbye to our parents.

While walking to school, Aniki's perverted friends come and greet Aniki and I. Even though I don't like them, I make the effort to talk to them, if only for Aniki. After they make some pervy comments, we continue to school. Matsuda-san and Motohama-san really are a bit weird. I will just still to talking with Yuuto-senpai as we get along quite well.

But, Aniki doesn't like Yuuto-senpai. I like him as he is a good friend but because he is a Bishounen, Aniki doesn't like him. I'm considered a cross between a Bishounen and a Shota on account of my height. Some call me a Bishota. That's a cross between those two, I don't really understand it but that's what the girls call me.


...A shiver goes down my spine. No go away!

"G...Good morning...Kusaka-senpai."

I turn to her smirking face. She comes off as a polite and nice girl, but when we are alone which somehow happens more often than I would like, she becomes like a...yandere! Well, she isn't that bad, but she does like hugging me quite a lot and other things like that.

"How is my cute sweet kohai today?"

"...I'm ok. How...are you...senpai?"

I question as she comes over and hugs my arm inbetween her oppai! I hear Aniki and his pervy friends say I'm a lucky bastard. I don't consider myself lucky at all. She really does scare me.

"Much better now kohai. Your senpai tried to call her sweet kohai last night, but she got no answer."

Why does she refer to herself and me like that? I then notice Aniki walking away! Aah don't leave me! Before I could protest, he was gone with his friends. I feel like crying again! He is a bastard! I hate him and his pervy friends! Don't leave me alone with her! She might rape me!

"S...Sorry senpai. I...had homework to do...and I had to help...Aniki with his homework...even though he is a second year."

"Aha, I see. Well come on cute kohai, lets get to school."

"O...Ok, can I have my arm back?"

I ask her gentle, she shakes her head in defiance. Uwah!

"Nope. Your senpai needs to soak up the goodness of her cute kohai."

Oh my god...this is strange!

"O...Ok. Lets go to school."

We then set forth to school. Along the way, my senpai keeps doing pervy to me out in public! I can't do stuff like this as I am a shy person. Maybe Aniki could do stuff like this with a girl, but I couldn't as I would get embarrassed and I am embarrassed right now.

Making it too school about ten minutes later, lots of people look in our direction. I don't like this kind of attention. Kusaka-senpai then sees someone and bows...ooh its Shitori-senpai.

"Good morning Kaichou."

"And good morning to you Reya. And Hyoudou-kun, a good morning to you also."

I feel myself blushing a little as she knows who I am. I respect Shitori-senpai for her intelligence and her position as Kaichou. It must be hard to run the student council, I would like to join but Kusaka-senpai is on the council and well...I wouldn't want to be with her for that amount of time, but it might be fun if she wasn't so...clingy is the word I would use.

"G...Good morning senpai."

I bow as I say this. She smiles a little, I like senpai's smiles.

"Have you both been keeping up with studies?"

Shitori-senpai questions, we both nod with a smile directed at her.

"If you will excuse me, I have some duties I have to attend to."

Kusaka-senpai and I bow to her a little before she leaves to do...whatever Shitori-senpai does.

"Aah Hyoudou-kun, is that a blush I see developing on your face?"

Kusaka-senpai is teasing me!

"W...Well Kusaka-senpai...I need to...go to...class."

"Of course. See you at lunch."

I nod and she leaves but not before waving and winking at me...hehehe...

In any case, I head to my class which isn't far and besides, I'm in the same class as Koneko-chan! The schools mascot who also happens to be a good friend! But knowing Aniki, he would just call me a lolicon or something. Not my fault Koneko-chan is super cute and even though she doesn't say much, we do get along quite well.

I make to the class and it so happens that the mascot herself is there! I go over and sit next to her, which is a stroke of luck as I was placed next to her!

"Good morning Koneko-chan!"

"...Perverts younger brother."

I face fault at that! Don't judge me on Aniki Koneko-chan! Its not my fault he is a pervert!

"Uwah! Don't be like that!"

She gives me a cold, emotionless stare...hehe, Koneko-chan is...acting emotionless again. She still is cute though!

"Koneko-chan, do you want to hang out after school today?"


She one word answered me! Ooh Koneko-chan don't be cruel!

"O...Oh ok."



I sort of ask her to see if I heard her correctly, she looks into my green eyes and nods ever so slightly.

"...Sunday. We, can hang out on Sunday...its the...weekend...lets have fun."

"Like a date!?"

I ask quickly, she shakes her head at me. I didn't think she would go on a date with me anyway. She can have pretty much anyone she wanted anyway.

"...Just friends."

"Ok Koneko-chan. Its better than nothing I suppose."

Instead of saying anything else, she turns away from me as the sensei walks in. Good thing too as lessons are about to start. I'm so lucky to be in Koneko-chan's class, we get along quite well...or I would like to hope so. She doesn't call me a pervert, she just judges me off of Aniki.

As the lesson starts, I pay little attention. I don't really need to listen as its stuff we have covered before. Yes, that's all it is. We have done this lesson before but he never listens to us when we say this to him.

Soon lunch comes, I look for my bento...ooh no! I left it at home this morning! I will go hungry or something, maybe I could go and steal some of Aniki's food, hehe. After all, I'm his little Otouto!

"Hyoudou-kun, your senpai is here."

Uwah! Leave me alone senpai! She even comes to my class to get me. I think its sweet but also a little scary as she walks me home also. And somehow she got my phone number. I don't know how she did that, but she did it.

"H...Hey senpai. Koneko-chan do you..."

As I was about to ask her to join us for my own safety, she takes off. I don't want to be alone with senpai! Hmmmm, well as long as she doesn't try anything then I might survive the lunch period.

Kusaka-senpai comes over and hugs me as I stand up!

"Where is your lunch Hyoudou-kun?"

"I left it at home."

I reply with a sigh. However as I'm wallowing in self pity, she shoves something into my hands...a bento?

"I made this for you. I hope you like it."

"T...Thank you senpai. Its really sweet of you."

"Anything for my cute kohai..." she wraps her arms around my arm, "Now lets go to our love nest!"

...Love nest? As I'm thinking this, she drags me out of the classroom!

"Where are we going!?"

I frantically ask! She smirks at me as I'm being dragged to her love nest! I keep asking her but she doesn't give anything away! Kusaka-senpai's love nest!

I'm dragged up a flight of stairs and then she opens the door...its the roof? We are eating on the roof?

"This is your, love nest?"

"Not my love nest, our love nest. My Bishota."

...Bishota, that's what I am, apparently.

"Ok, if you say so."

"I do say so. Now sit down my Bishota."

I wish she wouldn't call me that. But nonetheless, I follow her advice and sit down, she also takes a seat next to me. Since there are no benches up here, we sit on the floor.

"Hyoudou-kun, you got any plans after school?"

Kusaka-senpai asks me out of the blue as I'm eating...but to ask me if I have any plans? I wouldn't of expected that.

"Nothing in particular, why do you ask?"

"Hmmm, so you are free?"

I nod, not knowing where this is going. I just hope she doesn't invite me back to her love dungeon.

"Then, would you like to come to the student council with me?"

"The student council? Why there exactly?"

"I just have some work to do for the council, and if you aren't busy then I would like to spend some time with you. But if you don't want to then, I guess its fine."

Even though saying that in a neutral voice, she looks a little sad. Oh damn it, I don't like upsetting girls and I've just upset senpai a little, I think.

"I will go, if you want."

She instantly brightens up and hugs me tight!

"Now its time to take a selfie!"

"Another one? We took one yesterday!"

"I have to take the selfie. Its what...we do."

I sweatdrop as she gets out her phone and brings me close! She takes the picture and shows me it. I look frightened in the picture, even though I was trying to be happy, well I tried.

"You know, I love your eyes! They make you look cool. Your bright green eyes that matches your shoulder length golden blonde hair along with your glasses, the ultimate Bishota."

"You know, a Bishota is usually someone who is a prepubescent pretty boy?"

"I do know that. But it also means a childlike male pretty boy also, like you. Not small enough to be a Shota but not tall enough to be a Bishounen so that makes you a Bishota!"

Damn, she is smarter than I gave her credit for. That's sounds a little bad. I didn't think she was stupid, but maybe a little obsessive.

"I suppose so. Anyway Kusaka-senpai, you know you don't have to use my last name? We have been friends now for a month or so. I would like it if you use my given name, not my family name."

"I...Is it really alright?"

She asks...with nervousness? I've never seen senpai talk nervously before.

"Of course Kusaka-senpai."

"...I will only call you by your given name, if you call me by mine."

"W...Well that is ummm, to call senpai by her first name is a little...senpai I couldn't do it. It would be know...senpai...Reya-senpai."

She adopts a grin and hugs me again! Haha, Aniki's dream this is.

"Aah Makoto-kun!"

"A...Anyway, its time to eat the rest of the lunch, right?"

"Yeah, it is."

So like that, senpai and I eat the rest of the lunch she made, which I must say is quite nice. Better than anything I could ever cook. I put Aniki in the hospital once because I cooked something the wrong way, doesn't matter what it was mind you, haha.

After lunch...I hear a little screaming coming from below senpai and I take a look...Aniki is getting beaten up by the kendo club. Whatever he did, I'm sure he deserved it.

"How is it you and your brother are so different?"

"By different you mean, not perverted?"

I quiz her a little, she moves her head in an up and down fashion.

"Yes that but, its like you are more...calm and timid. He is brash and well, you know."

"That's because, Aniki is more forward than myself. I'm shy and nervous, even if I don't want to be like this. I can say that he does have a good side. Its just everyone sees his pervy side. He is a good person."

She doesn't look convinced in the slightest.

"If you say so. Now let me walk you to class! As a senpai, I should look out for my cute kohai."

I chuckle as she links arms with me and we set out to go back to class. I guess I don't mind this. Reya-senpai can be nice, when she isn't trying to be pervy with me. We get back to my class and after giving me a little hug, senpai leaves, so I go and sit down in my usual seat.

When I'm sat down, I notice eyes on me...I turn to see...Koneko-chan looking at me with a questioning gaze.

"Is something wrong Koneko-chan?"


"Why are looking at me with that kind of gaze?"

I question yet again, she just continues to stare at me...ok this is a little weird but ok.

"...No reason."

A two word answer this time, better than one.

"Well Koneko-chan, are we still on for Sunday?"


And its back to one. I can never understand Koneko-chan. She always acts without emotion, I've never seen her show much emotion.

"Great! Say, where are we meeting anyway?"

"...I will let you know."

"Ok! Can't wait Koneko-chan!"

The sensei then comes in. And once again, lessons commence. This time I have to listen to classes as the sensei is actually teaching something that we haven't learned yet. By the end of the day, I feel tired but I still need to go to the student council room, better let Aniki know. After letting Aniki know via text, I make my way out of the classroom and head towards the student council room.


I'm hugged from behind by Kusa...Reya-senpai! Hehe, Reya-senpai is pressing her oppai into my back!

"Ready to come with me?"

She questions, I turn around and smile at her.

"Ok! Lets go to the student council!"

"Yep! Lets get going cute kohai!"

So Reya-senpai and I head towards the student council room. But then a question comes to my mind.

"Say, is it alright if I go to the student council? You know, since I'm not on it."

"It should be fine. Yes, if I ask Kaichou then I'm sure its fine. Although, do you know how to play chess?"

What? Why is she asking me about chess?

"W...Well yes I know how to play it. But why ask me about that?"

"No reason really. Kaichou might ask you about chess, so I thought that I might prepare you for it."

"Oh right. Is Shitori-senpai into chess?"

She nods her head at me while smirking a little.

"She is heavily into chess."

I don't feel like questioning why. I will just nod and go along with whatever happens.

Getting to the student council, Reya-senpai just enters without knocking or anything.

"Sorry for the intrusion."

I speak as I enter the room on Reya-senpai's suggestion. Once inside, I take a look around. The only people inside the room are myself, Reya-senpai, Shitori-senpai and...ummmm...I want to say Meguri-senpai...But I don't know her personally, I think its Meguri-senpai.

"Reya, why is Hyoudou-kun here?"

Shitori-senpai directly asks senpai this, I knew I shouldn't of come.

"Sorry Kaichou. Is it alright if Makoto-kun hangs out here? He wont be a bother and I invited him."

Shitori-senpai seems to be mulling it over in her mind while...I notice...Meguri-senpai's eyes on my form. This is a little unnerving.

"I suppose its fine. We aren't doing anything too much today. That's why only you two are here."

Shitori-senpai pointed at Meguri-senpai and then Reya-senpai.

"Thank you Kaichou."

"Its not a problem. Just for today though."

Reya-senpai nods strongly and I nod as thanks.

"Come on Makoto-kun!"

She drags me to a chair and makes me sit on it, she then takes the seat next to me.

"I know this might be a little boring for you, but I'm glad you came."

"D...Don't worry senpai. Its better than listening to Aniki and his pervy comments."


Shitori-senpai hands Reya-senpai some documents and she starts, filling them out. While that is going on, I notice Meguri-senpai's eyes hasn't looked away from my direction since I came into the room...

"I...Is something wrong?"

I decide to question Meguri-senpai directly.

"Nothing Hyoudou-kun. Why do you ask?"

"W...Well you have been looking in my direction for awhile now and...well I was just wondering why."

"Aah its nothing really. I was just lost in thought."

I don't want to know what kind of thoughts. Her face is really red and she has a small nose bleed.

"Tomoe, do your work."

Shitori-senpai ordered, Meguri-senpai nodded reluctantly. Shitori-senpai comes over and sits directly opposite of me and begins a conversation.

"I've seen you in the library a few times before."

What a weird way to start off a conversation.

"Y...Yes I have also seen you there. Its where I usually do my homework, or to just read in peace and quiet."

"I can relate. Hmmm, can I ask you something?"

Shitori-senpai wants to ask me something?

"S...Sure. Ask away."

"I will just ask straight out. Would you like to play some chess?"

My eyes briefly go to Reya-senpai who sends me a little smirk, I then look at Meguri-senpai who is smirking also.

"O...Ok. I've not played much...but I will try my best."


She then pulls out a chess board...from I don't know where and lays it on the table. Shitori-senpai then hands me some chess pieces and we set the board.

Once the board is set, she looks to me.

"I shall let you make the first move."


So like that, the game began! Even though I know that I will most likely lose, I will still try my best against Shitori-senpai.

...As expected I lost against senpai. It was close, but she won in the end. I didn't think I would win, so I'm happy enough to get this far.

"Well, it seems I won. However, it was very close Hyoudou-kun."

"Y...Yes. It was fun senpai."

"Yes, I've not had such a challenge in a long time. Please play with me again sometime."

I nod vigorously.

"Of course! Shitori-senpai, thank you for the great match!"

"Yes, I should thank you for the game any case, Reya and Tomoe, how is it coming along."

They just smile as a response to senpai...I check my phone...Aniki sent me a message. I read the message and it says I should get home as fast as I can as he has some exciting news. Ugh, I hope it isn't something perverted. But exciting to Aniki is usually girls or girls oppai.

"Ummm...I'm sorry but...I have to...go home now. Thank you for letting me sit in here."

I stand up and bow. Reya-senpai tries to stand also but Shitori-senpai stops her.

"Reya, you still need to complete the work I assigned you."

Reya-senpai releases a breath and nods her head sadly.

"Ok Kaichou. Goodbye Makoto-kun."

"Goodbye senpai. And goodbye Meguri-senpai and Shitori-senpai."

They said their goodbyes and with one last bow, I exit the room and head down the corridor to find the exit. Along the way, I keep thinking about this big news of Aniki's. Its not something I find interesting, just something to occupy myself with as I'm walking to the exit...hmmmm, isn't hair...Gremory-senpai? It is, senpai is just standing or rather leaning against the door...she is deep in thought it seems. She is really beautiful, but she is one of the Onee-sama's of the school so of course she is beautiful.

I guess it isn't my problem what she does, so I continue forth.

As I walk past her, I feel her eyes drift to my direction. I don't know why she is looking at me like that, but her gaze makes me feel a little uncomfortable. Aniki would like this gaze, but I don't think I do as its like a judging kind of gaze.

I just leave the school and go through its gates, but as I left I took one last look, and still her eyes are on me. Hehe, its a little unnerving.

Hmmm, I shrug that off and continue going in the direction of my home. As I'm walking, a familiar sight comes into my vision...I've seen that girl quite a number of times during these past few weeks.

Whoever she is, she is really cute and always has a cute face on. But, whenever I see her, she smiles in my direction, kind of like now. She is also waving at me? I look around to make sure she isn't waving at someone else but, no one is I give a little wave back. She is dressed in...a weird type of outfit. Is she like a cosplayer or something? I think its pretty cool that she isn't embarrassed to wear such an outfit but, I couldn't do it...unless I go to an anime convention.

The mysterious girl then comes over to me! I...don't know what to do. She doesn't seem threatening to me. As she makes it to me, the mysterious girl then hugs me!

"E...Excuse me...what are you doing!?"

She shoves something into my hands...its a piece of paper...with a weird occult type symbol on it.

"Whenever you need me, I will be there for you, ok? Keep that paper with you, always. Wish for me...and I will appear to help you."

Before I could reply, she quickly runs off...that's strange. Well whatever, I shove the mysterious piece of paper inside my pocket and journey home again. But while walking home, my mind drifts to that mysterious beautiful girl. What did she mean by be there for me? And why did she hug me? And what's this mysterious piece of paper anyway? And the symbol on it, what is it? She said wish for her? How can I? I don't know who she is. This doesn't make sense, well I'm going to go home now.

I make it home in under twenty minutes and once I'm inside, I don't even have a chance to say hello to anyone as Aniki drags me upstairs! I'm practically thrown into his room and onto the bed...Aniki is acting really weird, and not his kind of weird.

"Aniki...what's going on?"

"Aah something amazing happened today!"

I raise an eyebrow.

"The girls didn't beat you as hard as usual?"

"Funny, no. I got a girlfriend!"

"I've told you before Aniki, your left hand isn't your girlfriend."

He face faults as I snicker to myself.

"Shut up Makoto! But I'm being serious! I have gotten a girlfriend with amazing oppai!"

"Ok, I'm going to ask you a serious question and I want the truthful answer." he nods for me to continue, "How much are you paying this girl?"

He face faults again! Haha, its apart of my duties as a younger brother to tease Aniki. He doesn't look happy with me, then again its hard to believe that he actually has a girlfriend. Not that he isn't a good person, but he is...well he is Aniki.

"Shut up Makoto! But its the strangest thing, she came and actually asked me out! I never thought this would happen but it did! Her name is Yuuma Amano."

"I see. Well, as long as she is a good person then, I'm happy for you."

"And we have a date for Sunday!"

So Aniki is going out on Sunday huh...

"A date on Sunday. Good luck on your date. Be a gentleman Aniki. Don't be a pervert now."

"I'm not going to be one! I will treat her like a proper lady and do everything I can to make it a success. Then she might give me a reward..."

Yes the reward is oppai, I can see it on his face. Aniki and his pervy wild imagination.

"Sorry little bro but it seems I got the girlfriend first, despite you being the Shy Prince."

Oh that nickname. I don't really like it but I guess it does make a little sense as I do come off as shy.

"So? I will get a girlfriend one day. And I have a date on Sunday also."

"Really!? Who with!? Kusaka-san!?"

I shake my head at him.

"No, not senpai. Well, I say date when its just a friend thing. Its Koneko-chan."

"I see, yes you're a lolicon after all."



"I knew you was going to call me a lolicon! And I'm not one! Koneko-chan and I are going as friends, she said so herself. But we both have dates, sort of. Strange, isn't it Aniki?"

"I guess a little. But it works out for the best! Me with Yuuma-chan! And you with your loli!"

I ball my hand into a fist and he backs away a little.

"Ok I'm sorry!"

"You should be. Now if, you will excuse me. I'm going to get some dinner."

"I'll come with ya."

So like that, Aniki and I head down to dinner, when getting down there Kaa-chan and Tou-chan talk about their day and asks us about our day. When Aniki mentions his girlfriend...

"Aah Issei! You better not mess this up!"

"I'm not going to mess it up Otou-san!"

Kaa-chan and I sweatdrop at their antics. As they are talking about Aniki messing up his date, Kaa-chan has a conversation with me.

"So Makoto, what did you do today?"

"The usual. Oh, I'm going out with a friend on Sunday."

"Ooh, a date?"

I blush and shake my head. If Koneko-chan heard this then, she would hit me or something.

"N...Not a date. Just friends hanging out together."

"Its his loli girlfriend Okaa-san."

I glare at Aniki as he smiles back at me.

"At least I'm not a huge pervert like you!"

"No, you are just a small one!"

"Did you just mention my height!?"

I ask in anger! If he did I'm going to kick him right between the legs! Stupid Aniki. I feel sorry for this girlfriend of his. Having to deal with Aniki, biggest pervert alive.

"No, I didn't! I'm just saying, you can be perverted!"

"When am I ever perverted? And why are we having this conversation?"

Shrugging his shoulders at me, I sigh.

"I don't know anymore. Anyway, eat up!"

"Yes Aniki."

I eye roll and continue eating the food Kaa-chan made. Kaa-chan always makes the best food! She is such a good cook and I'm happy about that. Aniki also likes Kaa-chan's super amazing food.

After eating the food, Aniki and I do our homework, of course he asks me about his homework, even though I'm a first year and he is a second year. If anything, he should be helping me with my homework.

After doing that, Aniki and I play on a game which I win some and he wins some. He suggested watching some, close to porn DVD's with me, however I said no as that would be weird. Watching things that are close to porn with Aniki would be a little strange. He can watch them with Motohama-san and Matsuda-san.

...Its been a few hours now that I've been having fun with Aniki. However it is getting late and I'm really tired.

"I'm going to bed Aniki."

"Yeah, me too. Night, Makoto."

"Goodnight Aniki."

I get up and exit the room. I go towards my room and go into my pocket to fish out that strange piece of paper. I go into my room and look at this piece of paper again. The girl said I should keep this with me at all times. But, I don't even know what this is. Is something to do with the occult? Well I'm not into the occult thank you.

But...I think I will keep this. You never know, I might need that girl one day and she said she would be there for me. I don't really understand the situation. Well whatever, I take my glasses off and get ready for bed.

Once getting ready, I get into my bed. Today has been strange. Reya-senpai being...well she hasn't been too bad today. Aniki getting a girlfriend, I didn't expect that. And this strange piece of paper. Its been a strange day and I'm tired so I'm going to go to sleep. I close my eyes and wait for sleep to take over...

"Makoto! Today's the day!"

...Aniki...go away...I open my closed eyes...Aniki is standing in my doorway with a happy expression. Oh right, its Sunday today. So, that means its his date with Amano-san. I met her on Friday. She seemed nice enough. But I couldn't shake the feeling, something wasn't quite right. I don't know what that was but, something felt strange.

"I know Aniki. You have been going on about it forever and ever anyway."

"Well yes but you have your date also."

"I'm not going on a date with Koneko-chan! We are just very good friends! Since we can relate when people call us short."

I send a little look to Aniki but he ignores it. He annoys me tremendously.

"Well get ready for your date that isn't a date!"

"Y...Yes. You also Aniki. You get ready for your date with...Amano-san."

"I certainly will!"

Aniki then leaves the room looking happier than ever. I am happy for Aniki, even if I think something is off about Amano-san. Its not like she acted strangely or anything. But something is telling me that there is something more than meets the eye with her.

I decide to get dressed once putting on my glasses, but since I laid my clothes out yesterday, it only takes a minute or so for me too get dressed.

Once dressed, I grab my wallet and I head downstairs to see...I see Tou-chan has gone to work already...Kaa-chan on the other hand is in the kitchen and has set the table. Kaa-chan is as good as always. Her food is the best!

"Aah Makoto, good morning."

"Good morning Kaa-chan. Thank you for the meal."

"Always so polite, unlike your lazy pervy older brother."

We share a laugh and I start eating.

"So, today is your date Makoto?"

"It isn't a date Kaa-chan! Its just friends hanging out together, that's all. Koneko-chan and are just friends, that's all, I swear!"

"No need to be embarrassed about it~"

Kaa-chan is teasing me! I don't like it when Kaa-chan teases me! Kaa-chan don't tease me!

"I'm not embarrassed about anything! I don't need to be embarrassed! I'm not dating Koneko-chan!"

"If you say so dear. Now eat up."

"...Y-Yes Kaa-chan."

I then resume eating my breakfast, as I'm eating Aniki comes down and starts eating his own breakfast.

"Aniki, have a fun date with your girlfriend."

"You too. Say, where are you going on your date?"

"How many times do I have to say that it isn't a date!?"

He chuckles softly at me! Damn bastard likes to pick on me!

"Hmph! You enjoy your date!"

"I will, thanks little bro!"

Uwah! Why couldn't I have a normal big brother? A normal Aniki!

"Nothing fazes you, does it?"

He shakes his head a little.

"Not really. Anyway, I'm going!"

Before I could say anything, Aniki left for his date with Amano-san. I guess I should go for my...meeting with Koneko-chan. I'm glad she wants to spend time with me as she is usually busy in that club of hers. The one...Gremory-senpai is the...Buchou of. I think its the...Occult Research club. I don't understand why Koneko-chan would be in that club and also Yuuto-senpai but, to each their own I suppose.

I stand up and head for the door. I put my shoes on and turn to Kaa-chan.

"I'm going now Kaa-chan. See you later."

"Have fun on your date~"

I sweatdrop and head out. Koneko-chan told me yesterday that I should meet her by the ice cream parlor, I know which one as we've been to it plenty of times along with Yuuto-senpai, however its just Koneko-chan and I. Hehe, alone with Koneko-chan...

I make it to said ice cream parlor within half an hour. And I start playing a waiting game to wait for Koneko-chan. While waiting, I get a message from Aniki saying that he is having the best time with Amano-san. I guess even Aniki can have a good date without being pervy. I bet that must be killing him, if only that pervy old man never told Aniki about oppai.

"...Perverts younger brother."

I hear a small voice behind me and I know that it belongs to Koneko-chan as she is the only one to call me perverts younger brother. I wish she wouldn't call me perverts younger brother! How cruel!

"Don't call me that Koneko-chan!"

"...Sorry. are...his younger brother."

I sigh a little at her. I'm forever going to be associated with Aniki and his pervy ways. But I then look at Koneko-chan and see she is looking really cute today in her frilly white skirt and her top that has a kitten on it...hehe, funny since her name means kitten. Although looking at Koneko-chan today, she just looks so cute! It makes me blush as I look at her...she gives me a stern look.

"Even if I am, I'm nothing like Aniki!"

"...If you say so. What...are we"

She questions me as she looks at the ice cream parlor...

"Do you want an ice cream?"

"...You offering?"

I nod with a smile.

"Sure! Order any you want!"

"...Thank you."

"Aah its no problem! Since we are friends after all!"

So to start off this date that isn't a date, we go inside to get some ice cream...but we have to wait in line. Uwah! Waiting in line for some ice cream isn't how I wanted to start the date...the day with Koneko-chan.

"So Koneko-chan, what ice cream would you like?"


Wow, she knows what she wants straight off the bat huh. Well I suppose that's a good thing, I think I will get the same! But now thinking about it, being alone with Koneko-chan makes me feel a little nervous. I've been alone with her before but to actually be alone with her the whole day...well it is like a date after all.

We make it to the front of the line and I order two chocolate ice creams. While waiting for the guy to get the chocolate ice cream I have a one sided conversation with Koneko-chan, she does contribute sometimes. However mostly its just me talking. But that's Koneko-chan and she is just like this I guess.

Getting the ice cream, I pay the guy and we head outside.

"Should we sit on a bench while eating the ice cream?"

I suggest, she wordlessly nods. So we head over to a bench that isn't that far away from us. Sitting down, I turn to Koneko-chan who is eating her ice cream quietly.

"So Koneko-chan, is there anything you would like to do?"

"...Not that I can thing of...lets walk around the shopping district..."

Shopping district huh...might run into Aniki...but that's fine.

"Ok, lets eat this ice cream then!"

So like that, we start eating our ice cream quietly while people give us little looks...they are thinking something like...its sweet that middle schooler's are on a date or something. Everytime Koneko-chan and I are together, people presume that we are middle schooler's on a date or something similar. I know that look by now.

"...How are you Mako-kun?"

Sometime later Koneko-chan speaks up. Aah she called me by a nickname! I like it when Koneko-chan calls me by a nickname like Mako-kun! But she asked how I am?

"I...I'm fine. Thank you for asking. Are you ok?"

"...Yes...I'm fine...I've finished the ice cream...lets go and...get some clothes..."

Other words, come on Mako-kun, you can buy me lots and lots of things. Well, I was the one to ask Koneko-chan to go out today. So, treating Koneko-chan to clothes is a given right?

"Yes! Lets go to the shopping district. But, to warn you now...Aniki is there also with his date."

She looks at me with surprise.

"...He got...a girlfriend?"

I smirk and nod.

"I was caught by surprise also. But, I've met this girl and she is legit, and real. He didn't make her up, which was very surprising. I even asked if he had paid her."

...Is that a hint of a smile on Koneko-chan's face!? If it is then I'm very proud of myself!

"...Does he pay her?"

"He said no, although I wouldn't be shocked if he did. Then again, she might see something that very few people see. Aniki's good side which does exist, in someway, shape or form. But even Aniki has a girlfriend now...I wouldn't of thought that he would get one."

"...I wouldn't feel aren' that."

Koneko-chan's nice words makes me feel better. Its not like I'm desperate for a girlfriend or anything like Aniki is, or rather was. But it would be nice to have one someday.

"Y...Yes I guess you are right. I will have a girlfriend one day and you will have one too!...I mean you will have a boyfriend one day!"

Her glares go into my very soul! Koneko-chan's glares are too much to bare!

"I'm sorry Koneko-chan! I wasn't implying you was that way but if you was then I would still be your friend and everything!"

Her glaring intensifies! Aah! Koneko-chan is going to kill me! Please spare me Koneko-chan!

"...Just stop talking."

I nod vigorously. If I utter another word, she might attack me. I mean I just did imply that she was a lesbian and I tried to take it back, poorly. She doesn't look happy with me. Which is understandable really.

"I really am sorry Koneko-chan. Please forgive me."

...Is that...a hint of a smirk I see gracing her face? She is smirking at me! Ooh god, what is she going to make me do?

"...For me...sweets."

Sweets? She really has an addiction to sweets, however I will do as she asks so she doesn't hate me anymore.

"Ok Koneko-chan. I'm so sorry."

"...Lets go."

Mutter that, she stands up and so do I. I don't really want to anger her again, I accidentally called her short one by mistake and she punched me someplace that is only supposed to be treated nicely. In any case, I stand up also as I've finished eating my own ice cream, we head out to the shopping district!

While walking towards the shopping district, I make light conversation with Koneko-chan to pass the time.

"Koneko-chan, have you done the homework?"


"Of course. Got it done yesterday."

So like that, the conversation ended, and we just go in silence to the shopping district.

Making it to the shopping district, we walk around one of the shops. Its a clothing store. I usually come here with Aniki. Although he always make a comment about me shopping in the junior section. I honestly don't find it funny, however I would rather be small than a mega pervert.

"...This...looks good."

I hear Koneko-chan comment. I take a look and see her holding up...a shirt with a cat on it, similar to the one she is wearing actually. She really likes kitten shirts and things like cat accessories.

"I will get it for you if you want. I mean, I did say I would, didn't I?"

"...You did."

Koneko-chan then thrusts the shirt into my hands and some other items also...aah that's a lot Koneko-chan!

"I...Is that all?"

I question her with a strained smile. She shakes her head at me. Uwah! How many more Koneko-chan!?

She starts going around the shop and keeps piling stuff onto me as she ordered me to follow her around. At the end of the shopping, I'm pretty sure she bought half the stores clothing, perhaps more.

"Done with the shopping spree Koneko-chan?"

I ask hoping she says yes, however she shakes her head.

"...The sweets."

Aah yes, her addiction. I did promise to get her sweets huh.

"I remember Koneko-chan. Now lets pay for these then go to the sweet shop."


So like that, Koneko-chan and I get into another line. Yes, another damn line. I'm sure we've done this a lot today. Even though its still the morning...I hope Aniki is having a good time on his date. I wish him luck on his date with Amano-san.

"So after getting sweets Koneko-chan, what would you like to do?"

"...Walk around."

"Ok! Sounds great to me! Say, how's Yuuto-senpai? I've not seen him in a few days."

She looks directly into my eyes as we get to the front of the line.

"...He's fine."

I hand the guy the items and he starts scanning them.

"That's good. Yuuto-senpai is a funny guy, I'm shocked he hasn't got a girlfriend."

"...As am I."

I chuckle a little at her. It is a little strange, but he might be like me. Girls aren't on top of my priority list. Of course I think about girls sometimes, not like Aniki. But I prefer to concentrate my efforts on other things like school work. Yuuto-senpai might be the same.

"Koneko-chan, do you want to date Yuuto-senpai?"

She stares in my direction as I hand the guy the money for the clothes and such. He then hands me the bags...looks like I'm carrying them, then.

"...No, I don't."

"Hmmm, I see. I thought you might since you are in the same club and all."

"...Just friends. Nothing more."

Even though this might cause me pain, I have to tease her a little.

"So, would you date Aniki?"

...Ehehe, she has that punchy look in her eyes. If she doesn't punch me then I would be extremely shocked.

"...Take that"

Her voice is laced with extreme annoyance! Ehehe, Koneko-chan, please don't kill me!

"I'm sorry! Please forgive me!"

"...More sweets."


I reply quickly! Even though I knew this would happen, I just like seeing the look on her face when I mentioned that. I've done it before as a joke and she punched me for it.

We then journey to the sweets shop. While going to said shop, I tried making conversation with her, however she gave me the cold shoulder. Its my own fault, but sweets will hopefully make everything better! They always do!

...Its been several hours since then. Koneko-chan did forgive me after buying her like, two weeks supply of sweets. I'm nearly poor now, good thing I save my money up from allowance.

I just hope Aniki is doing well on his date. Its not everyday a girl asks him out and a cute girl like Amano-san. But, I know I've thought this before, but something is telling me she is hiding something. But, I can't think what that something is.

But back to Koneko-chan and I. We have been looking around for awhile now and its been fun. I like hanging out with Koneko-chan, although I did get a message off Reya-senpai...saying dirty things to me. I wouldn't mind but she sends a image of herself smirking, it really creeps me out.

Koneko-chan and I have just currently finished eating at a fast food place and now we resume our looking around. Its a nice day so we just walk around. But then, I notice Aniki and his date walking around.

"Hey, its Aniki. See, Koneko-chan, that's his date..."

Aniki notices us but as I look at Koneko-chan, she stiffens and grabs the bags from me.

"...Have to go...see you at school."

Before I could protest, Koneko-chan rushes off...did I do something to upset her? Whatever it is, I will apologize...but I don't think I did anything. Its when she saw Amano-san, that she began acting a little strange...and then left.

Aniki comes over with his girlfriend who smiles in my direction...I feel a little weirded out right now. Its not the smile that's making me feel weirded out, its just her presence. Maybe I shouldn't think like this, but I can't help but think like this.

"Hey little bro...where's your date?"


That's all I can say. I feel a little sad that she just left so abruptly although she said she has to go, so she must have things to do. I shouldn't take it personally.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize Aniki. Its not like we was on a date anyway. Well, I'm going to go. Enjoy your day Aniki, Amano-san."

As I was about to leave, Aniki puts a hand on my shoulder. What is he doing?

"Come around with us, I'm sure Yuuma-chan wouldn't mind."

Aniki is asking me to come around with him? I briefly look to Amano-san again who shakes her head.

"I wouldn't mind. Since you are Ise-kun's little brother."

"W...Well its really nice but...I wouldn't want to intrude. Its your first date after all. See you at home, Aniki."

As I was about to leave again, he pulls me into a side hug...I blush in embarrassment. Aniki doing this in public is embarrassing, and in private actually. But its showing he cares about me like a real brother.

"W...What are you doing?"

"I'm being a good big brother and looking after you of course! Now follow your Aniki's orders and come along with Yuuma-chan and I."

I sigh and nod. I will follow then, reluctantly. I don't really feel comfortable on this situation. I'm like the third wheel, well I am the third wheel.

"If you both are sure."

They both nod and we start walking around together. As expected, I feel like the third wheel, but since they invited me, I should do as they ask or it would be rude to just leave.

Amano-san keeps smiling in my direction, however the best I can offer her is a weak smile. Aniki is having the time of his life as Amano-san is complementing him and other things like that.

...And now its been quite a number of hours since then. We have been all over the place, I'm tired. I'm not like Aniki, I can't do things like this all day. I hate my frail body, but Aniki did let us sit down every now and again. I feel horrible about ruining his date like this and I just wish he would've let me leave.

Currently we are at a park with a big water fountain. Aniki and I come here quite often. Aniki and Amano-san have been holding hands all day, but she then lets go of his hand and walks towards the fountain.

"Hey Ise-kun."

"What is it, Yuuma-chan?"

Aniki questions her with a look of confusion.

"There is something I want to do to celebrate out first date. Can you listen to my wish?"

Her wish...Aniki gains a huge blush...I know for a fact he is thinking something hugely perverted...hmmmm, why did he just breathe into his hand? Oh, he is checking his breath. Is she seriously going to kiss him? Good for Aniki if she is.

"W-What is the w-wish you want?"

Aniki questions Amano-san with nervousness...aah this is Aniki's first kiss after all, even I've not kissed anyone yet. Although I don't mind, it will happen one day, after all...older brothers always do the things first in life. Amano-san smiles at Aniki...but something doesn't feel right...

"Will you die for me?"

...What did she say? Did she actually just say...?

"...Eh? This is...huh, sorry, can you repeat that again? I think there's something wrong with my ears."

Aniki questions Amano-san...something is very wrong with this situation...

"Will you die for me?"

...She is serious!? She is...insane! She just actually said that to Aniki!? She is going to kill...huh? W...Wings are coming out of her back!

...They look like black...Angels she some kind of Angel? Or a dark Angel perhaps? This is unreal! This Angel girl is threatening to kill Aniki! Her eyes turned from what I've normally seen her as to a cold scary looking eyes...

"It was fun. The short time I spent with you. It was like a play house with a little child."

...I'm shocked...I knew something was wrong about her...she isn't a human! She is some dark Angel sent to kill Aniki! I don't think so!

"You bitch! How dare you say things like this to Aniki!?"

She turns in my direction with a cold, evil smile that goes into my very soul.

"And the little bro speaks does he? Hehe, if you hadn't of said anything, I would've left you for today. I would have let you live a little longer before taking you out. But, I've decided to take your life, along with Ise-kun's."

...Something is gathering in her hand...I don't know what that is but it must be something forms into the shape of a...spear? Why is it glowing like that? Its supernatural...I'm going to be Aniki's date...

"Makoto! Run now!"

...Aniki wants me I can't leave him here...alone with her...

"I...I can't...she will kill you..."

"I don't care about my life! Just get out of here! Now! Listen to me!"

...I can't move...I'm frozen in...fear. This this dark Angel is going to Aniki and I...all because he wanted a girlfriend...this isn't right.

"Now, to start with Ise-kun. One second little bro. I will be right with you."

She takes aim at! I desperately run in his direction! I'm not going to let him die! She throws the spear!

...I feel it pierce my torso...she stabbed me by throwing the spear...I managed to save Aniki...before I realized it...I had fallen to the head is dizzy, my eyes are burning...lots of blood is escaping from me...

"Makoto...why did you do that? I told you to run...not save my pathetic life...why?"

Aniki's tears...are falling on my face...silly...he's crying for me...

"'re...Aniki...I do...something a...change. things...for me...I't cry. Run...please."

"I'm not leaving you here. This is all my fault. This bitch is going down."

He faces Amano-san with a look I've rarely seen on Aniki's face before. His face is a rage face, Aniki doesn't show this face often...I wish he would be safe...

"You fucking bitch! You stabbed him! What the fuck did he ever do to you!? He is going to die because of you! I will kill you!"

Aniki charged at this dark Angel...but she...made another spear...and threw it at stabs him through the torso...and falls down next to me...I hear footsteps coming towards us...

"Sorry. You were a threat to us, so we decided to get rid of you early. If you want to hold a grudge, then hate the God who put the Sacred Gear inside you."

...Who is she speaking too...Aniki...or me...or both? W...Whats a Sacred...Gear? She then I hear her footsteps getting away from our location.

"...Makoto...I'm shouldn't die...this is my...fault...I said you should...come with us...I failed as a...big brother."

"Y...You didn't fail. so...happy care...about me...too risk...your life I'm...sorry turned...out like this..."

He chuckles painfully...I feel him grab my I grab his back.

"...Lets go...together...I will...look out end...up...I you...always...I just wish...I could've...groped...Yuuma-chan's...oppai."

Even in death...that's my Aniki...after all...

" heaven..."

"...Yeah...that sounds...good...join me..."

"...I will...Aniki..."

Aniki and I...together in...heaven...I wonder what that's like? I wonder what...Kaa-chan and Tou-chan...will feel? What...will happen in school now? Reya-senpai will be sad...I think...Koneko-chan...Yuuto-senpai...Shitori-senpai...everyone...I hope they...don't cry.

...Something comes to my mind...that piece of paper...she said...that girl said...she would...come if...I needed her...I need Aniki and I...if she is...supernatural...I hope my wish comes true...she us...both...

If she is really a supernatural thing...please respond to my wish and save us...

"So you was the one who called me."

...I heard a see red...I can't well tell anymore...I don't know...what's going on...the isn't...its the voice I've...heard...before.

"You boys are unfortunate huh. To be in this predicament, together. Hmmm, it looks like your dying. Then maybe I will, yes I will..."

"I knew I would be seeing you again."

...That voice...its different to the first interrupted the first voice...two people are here now...for I...don't know going on.

"W...What are you doing here?"

I hear the first voice surprise.

"I'm here to pick up this boys life. Like you are...but this boy is mine."

"Y...You are going to make...this boy your..."

"I am. This boy is in my protection now."

I feel Aniki tighten his grip on my hand so I do the same. I then feel someone kneel besides me.

"Don't worry, I will keep you safe now. You will just have to live for me, ok?"

Before I lost consciousness...I saw the hair...

AN; Well this is the first chapter of The Younger Brother. This story is obviously a harem, for both Issei and my oc. For harems of both, I have yet to decide but anyone can suggest. Although, Rias is going with Issei and Makoto's master will be in his harem. And the King of Makoto's will be revealed next chapter, but I guess you can venture a guess already. I will be posting of current harem list as of next chapter, thank you for reading!